The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 193 193. Flying Car and Giant Monster

While Scott and others were talking and laughing, Wood, standing in front of the crowd, raised the wand in his hand.

"Quiet!" he shouted.

Everyone was quiet for a while.

"To be honest, I don't know why we would come here to do something like this."

Wood's expression was a little helpless.

"Anyway, Fred and George asked everyone to help and use the flying spell to summon their flying car."

Having said this, he turned his attention to Harry and Ron standing in the crowd.

"The same one that Harry and Ron drove to school last term."

So everyone present looked at the two boys.

Facing the attention of everyone, both Harry and Ron shrank their necks.

"Well, I don't know if it will succeed."

Wood turned around and looked at the Forbidden Forest, which was already dark.

"Let's try it."

As he spoke, he raised his wand and turned to look at everyone.

"Now, the juniors who have not learned the Flying Charm should stand aside first, and the rest will take out their wands."

At Hogwarts, the Flying Curse is a spell that is only learned in the fourth year.

After hearing Wood's words, all the students below the fourth grade walked to the other side, and the remaining ten people took out their wands and raised them.

"The lower grades..."

Wood turned his head and looked at the lower grade students.

"You also need to get ready." He warned, "If we really summon a car, all of you will be responsible for casting a levitating spell on the car in time!"

His eyes went to Harry.


"Yes?" Harry waved his hand.

"It's up to you," Wood said. "If a car shows up, you're responsible for directing the younger students to cast the levitating spell together."


Harry nodded nervously.

"I see."

He took out his wand.

"very good."

Wood looked at Scott and the senior students again.

"Now everyone concentrate, listen to my command, and prepare to cast the spell!"

With that said, he turned to look at the Forbidden Forest again.

"Very good, one! Two! Three!"

"The flying car is coming!"

Everyone chanted incantations and waved their wands at the same time.

"Did you make it?"

Scott looked up at the sky above the Forbidden Forest.

After a while.


George was already standing on tiptoes.

He shouted, "Do it again, Wood!"

"All right."

Wood raised his wand again.



At this time, several crashing sounds came from the depths of the Forbidden Forest.

"come yet?"

Everyone was talking and stretching their necks.


Damn it!

Can this be successful?

Scott felt a little weird.

At this moment, a huge thing rose staggeringly from the forbidden forest in the distance, rolled and flew towards the place where everyone was.

"Is our flying car that big?"

Fred said in surprise.


The students present cheered.

However, as the behemoth got closer and closer, Scott suddenly frowned.

"Get out of the way!"

he shouted.

"You too!"

he said to the group of junior students.

"Don't worry about the floating spell, just get out of the way!"

Wood also shouted at the top of his lungs: "Get away, go!"

Everyone hurriedly separated to escape, and the scene was chaotic.

"That does not work."

Scott glanced at the students who were not running very fast, and then looked up into the air.

"George, your cars are a little too popular." He said to George next to him.

At this time, the behemoth had almost reached everyone's head.

Everyone finally sees clearly...

It was that flying car.

After entering the Forbidden Forest for so long, the car has changed beyond recognition.

The glass on its windows was shattered and vines were wrapped around its body.

But the most surprising thing is not these.

At this time, a giant monster was lying on the roof of the car, holding the window firmly with its hands, rolling with the car.

The car's headlights flickered on and off, and the engine roared, making a sound like a roaring beast.

"What's this!"

George was a little dumbfounded.

"It's a troll!"

Some students present screamed.

Yes, troll.

That's why Scott told everyone to disperse.

The troll is lying on the car and rolling with the car. In this way, even if the floating spell is used, it is possible to hit the troll.

The troll's skin makes them difficult to be affected by spells.

"Spread out! Spread out!"

Scott heard Fred shout.

This was the first time he heard Fred sound so panicked.


Scott knew that he couldn't do anything anymore. It would be terrible if he let the car fall down.

Even if no one is killed directly, the flying objects will hurt surrounding students under the violent impact.

Speaking of which, it was his idea to use the flying spell to summon a car.

Scott waved his wand decisively, and two rays of light from the Transformation Spell flew out one after another, hitting two unusually tall trees in front of him.

Amid the panicked shouts of everyone, two tall trees suddenly twisted like snakes.

Countless branches twisted and twisted, turning into the shape of two giant hands at an extremely fast speed.

At this time, the fleeing students stopped, and the screams and calls stopped abruptly.

Everyone looked at this scene stupidly.

As if poking out from the ground, the two giant hands made of trees quickly held the monsters and cars that fell from the sky in their hands.

The two giant hands immediately tightened their grip on the car and the troll, trapping them inside.

"Oh! Oh my God!"

Boom! Boom! Boom...

With the sound of heavy footsteps, Hagrid ran all the way over.

"What are you doing, you naughty little things!"

he roared loudly.

"I've seen it all! It's too dangerous! It was too dangerous just now!"


The trapped giant roared and struggled hard.

"Shut up! You monster!"

Hagrid also raised his head and roared at the troll.

The sound was deafening, not much worse than the roar of a giant monster.

"It's okay, we're okay, Hagrid."

Harry walked up to Hagrid with a pale face.

"Harry! You're here too! Just hope you're okay!"

Hagrid happily patted Harry on the back, making him stagger a few steps.


Harry's eyes widened, his expression pained.

"It's okay..." he said weakly, "Scott saved us."

At this moment, everyone looked away from the two giant hands as if waking up from a dream, and looked at Scott one after another.

"Thank you so much, Scott!"

George's excited voice sounded.

He looked very nervous and patted Scott hard on the back.

"So cool! Man!"


Scott received several heavy blows, his expression changed, and he quickly dodged his subsequent "attacks".

"It's incredible!"

Fred also ran over as fast as he could.


His eyes were bright, and the panic he felt just now seemed to have been forgotten.

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