The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 222 222. The front page headlines of a new day

《The last Travers dies, and another of the 28 Saints is gone!》

At breakfast time, owls delivered the new day's Daily Prophet to the teachers and students of Hogwarts.

The news of Travers' death made the front page of today's headlines.

"28 Saints?" Eddie whispered, "There are not many left now."

Roger said dissatisfiedly: "The death of a sinful Death Eater, but the newspaper said it was worth regretting."

"The newspaper is just regretting that another pure-blood family has lost." A girl sitting opposite them said.

Scott looked up.

"Marietta Edgemore, in the same grade as me." Eddie whispered in his ear, "Her mother is an employee of the Floo Network Office of the Ministry of Magic's Transportation Department."

Roger also looked up at Edgemore at this time, "I don't understand what's worth regretting?"

Eckmore glared at Roger unconvinced, "The 28 Saints are all ancient pure-blood families in the magic world, they..."


Roger raised his hand to stop her long speech.

He curled his lips, "I only know that Travers is a notorious Death Eater, and his death is not worth anyone's regret."

"Individuals and families are not the same concept!" said Edgemore angrily.

Roger glanced at her again and began to eat with his head down.

Edgemore was so angry at his attitude that he seemed to disdain to argue with her that he took deep breaths repeatedly.

"Marietta." Qiu Zhang, who was sitting next to Edgemore, pulled her sleeves and shook his head to stop her from talking.

After breakfast, Scott and the others returned to the dormitory.

The end-of-year exams were over, and they no longer had to attend classes during the days of waiting for the results.

After returning to the dormitory, Eddie walked up to Roger and looked him up and down.

"What's wrong with you, Roger?" he asked curiously.

Roger, who was sitting on the bed, raised his eyelids and looked at him, "Why do you ask that?"

"Well..." Eddie touched his fleshy chin with his hand and continued to look at him, "You used to be so rude to girls."

He sat on Roger's bed rudely and asked with great interest, "Tell me quickly, what happened?"

"Go away!" Roger kicked him away impatiently.

Eddie covered his butt and continued to ask, "Have you and Caccini officially broken up?"

Roger was moved by his persistent gossip spirit, so he stretched out his legs and kicked him again.

Scott sat on his bed, playing with a white bone with carved patterns in his hand.

[Severed arm bone], from Jasmine Travers, a strange magical item.

In the eyes of others, this is just an ordinary and weird work of art.

But under Scott's magical perception, this small arm bone now contains very restrained magic.

After several months of contact, the arm bone no longer resists his magic injection.

As long as he increases the frequency of his magic fluctuations, this magic item that can cut off the magic contract will immediately take effect.

This is also a guarantee for his actions before he reaches adulthood at the age of 17.

With the [broken arm bone] shielding thread and the special door key that is not tracked, it will greatly facilitate his actions.

"Scott! Milton!"

At this time, Eddie still did not give up, he called the names of Scott and Milton.

"Don't you want to know? Roger's business."

Scott turned his head and looked at him, shook his head, "Sorry, not interested."

Milton also said: "This is Roger's private matter."


Eddie lay on his bed helplessly.

"You are really boring."

The dormitory became quiet.

Scott was playing with the arm bone, Milton was packing things, and Roger and Eddie were lying on the bed.

At this time, Roger couldn't hold it back, "Well, I did break up with Caccini."

Instantly, the other three turned their heads to look at him.

"Aren't you not interested?" Roger asked Scott.

Scott said confidently: "Since you want to talk about this, as a friend, I will certainly listen to you."

Roger looked at Milton.

Milton spread his hands, "Your private affairs, it's up to you to decide whether to tell us."

At this time, Eddie had already sat up from the bed again.

In fact, Scott was just teasing Roger. He was really not interested in Roger's love affairs.

Of course, Milton was not very interested either.

Soon, he began to lower his eyes and think about his own things.

Milton also turned around and continued to pack up.

Only Eddie looked at Roger expectantly.

Roger instantly lost the desire to talk.

"Let's discuss the headlines of today's Daily Prophet!" He decisively changed the subject.

After hearing this, Scott and Milton turned their heads to look at him again.

Roger continued, "The Travers family has no one left. What do you think the Ministry of Magic will do with the property left behind by their family?"

"Property?" Eddie's eyes lit up. "The Travers family has no heirs. Will their property be confiscated?"

"It's possible." Milton nodded.

He thought for a moment and said, "According to convention, the Ministry of Magic has the right to deal with the property left behind by such criminals."


Eddie was envious.

"It's decided!" He said loudly, "I want to be the Minister of Magic!"

Milton shook his head, "But it's not that easy."

After all, Milton was born in a wizard family, and he had some understanding of this.

Seeing that several roommates were interested in this, he explained to them, "The Ministry of Magic wants to get the Travers family's property, and the biggest obstacle is other pure-blood families that are related to the Travers family by marriage."

"Other pure-blood families?" Roger raised his eyebrows, "Relatives with different surnames have no inheritance rights."

Milton said, "But they can pick a child with Travers family blood, change his or her surname, and make him or her the new heir. This is not difficult for them."

Eddie asked excitedly, "So next we can see the struggle between the Ministry of Magic and the pure-blood families over the Travers family's property?"

"I think it's more complicated than this." Scott said, "Those families that are related to Travers are not iron buckets. In this kind of thing, everyone wants to get the biggest share."

"This is true! Such a plot must be more exciting than novels and movies!" Eddie's eyes lit up.

"This has nothing to do with us." Milton said, "Even if these fights happen, they will only take place quietly under the water."

"Is that so?" Eddie smacked his lips regretfully.

Scott said unhappily: "You'd better not ask about this matter, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble."


Eddie sighed with some regret.

"Do I have to rely on the Daily Prophet? God knows, they rarely publish the truth!"

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