The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 236 236. Snape provides a seat for watching the show

"It's okay, Minerva."

Seeing that Peter fell into a dazed state, Snape turned to look at Professor McGonagall.

"I just want to ask why our hero Pettigrew is willing to be a mouse for 12 years."

"What are you suspecting?" Professor McGonagall asked angrily.

She really had a big problem with Snape's behavior.

Before she could explode, Snape looked down at Peter again.

He asked him directly, "Tell me, Peter Pettigrew, tell me why you didn't die and why you hid."

Professor McGonagall said loudly: "I said..."

At this moment, Peter spoke in an erratic tone.

"At that time, Sirius had me cornered and I screamed so loud that the whole street heard him."

"I said he betrayed James and Lily."

Professor McGonagall suddenly became excited, "Listen, Peter has always been a good boy!"

Snape smiled disapprovingly.

Peter's words continued.

"Then, before he could do anything, I used the wand hidden behind my back to blow up the entire street, killing everyone within twenty feet of him."

"Then I turned into a mouse and ran away into the gutter with the other mice..."

Professor McGonagall froze.

Her eyes widened and she touched her heart with her hand.

And Peter hasn't finished answering his questions yet, and no one will bother him this time.

"I've been hiding from Voldemort's former supporters."

"They all thought I was dead, otherwise I would have to give them an explanation..."

"They thought I had lied to them. The mysterious man went to the Potter's house based on the information I provided, and then missed it there."

"They think You-Know-Who's failure was my fault."

"Those people won't let me go if they find me alive."

At this time, the principal's office was quiet, and you could hear a needle drop.


Professor McGonagall couldn't accept this result and fell down on her seat, covering her heart.

"The Potters."

Snape's tone was extremely complicated when he said this.

He took a deep breath and asked Peter again, "Why did you provide the information? Why did you betray them?"

"Yes, I became their secret keeper, Lily and James."

Peter answered calmly.

"Sirius convinced Lily and James to replace him with me at the last minute, convincing them to use me as Secret Keeper instead of him."

"Why?" Snape asked in a cold tone.

"He thinks I'm the inconspicuous one," Peter replied. "He's very famous. When people think of Lily and James' secret keeper, he is the first person who thinks of him, not me and Lupin."

"Pettigrew." Snape's questioning voice became colder and colder, "Tell me, why did you side with the mysterious man?"

Peter spoke his truest thoughts in confusion, "One year before that incident happened, the mysterious man found me. He threatened me, and I obeyed him and became his servant."

He muttered, "The Dark Lord is too powerful, what's the point of rejecting him?"

"I can't believe it!" Professor McGonagall exclaimed, "I can't believe it!"

She took off her square-rimmed glasses with trembling hands and took out a handkerchief to wipe her tears.

"Dumbledore..." She looked at the principal, "This thing is incredible, poor Sirius, he doesn't know what happened..."

She seemed a little unable to speak, and for a moment she didn't know how to face Peter, her former student.

So she turned around, sat facing the other side, and cried silently.

At this time, Snape, who was closest to Peter, had already taken out his wand.

"Oh it's you."

He raised his wand and pointed it at Peter.

"Let me, let me end this shameful traitor's life, right here!"

His tone was urgent, as if he couldn't wait any longer.

At this time, Dumbledore finally spoke, "Wait, Severus!"

But Snape still waved his wand and began to chant the Death Curse.

At the critical moment, a ray of red light passed by and hit Snape.

Snape stumbled and his wand came out of his hand.

"Forgive me, Severus."

In desperation, Dumbledore raised his hand to catch Snape's wand.

"Albus!" Snape turned around with a gloomy face and a fierce expression, "Do you want to cover this shameful traitor?"

Dumbledore sighed, "You clearly know that's not what you said."

"I know! Of course I know!"

Snape walked back and forth vigorously, his leather shoes making a thumping sound on the floor.

"You want to rescue Black, the murderer, from Azkaban?" he said viciously.

Dumbledore did not deny it, "Don't say that. Now that we all know that Sirius is innocent, he should not continue to be tortured in Azkaban."

"He deserves it!" Snape waved his arms excitedly, "That kind of villain! A brutal murderer! An arrogant maniac! He deserves to stay in Azkaban with the Dementors for the rest of his life!"

"You are too prejudiced against him." Dumbledore said helplessly.

"That's not called stereotyping!"

Snape stepped forward and roughly took his wand from Dumbledore's hand.

"I have seen through their true nature a long time ago!"

He was obviously very angry, breathing heavily through his huge nose.

"Ever since they were in school, they have never considered other people's lives, so I won't be surprised no matter what they do later!"

Dumbledore sighed again, "Calm down, Severus. Sirius and James were indeed not very sensible when they were young, but later they also risked their lives to fight against the mysterious man."

"That's just them being pushy!" Snape sneered, "They want to be high-ranking heroes and be praised by others!"

"They fought to save most wizards!" Professor McGonagall suddenly stood up and seriously retorted to Snape, "They saved many people!"

Snape frowned, "Whatever you say..."

He suddenly smiled.

"I'm just glad that I saw what happened to them. All four of them were not very good!"

After he said this, he turned around and walked towards the office door with his head held high.

"You can do whatever you want, Dumbledore, I won't interfere anymore." He said with a sneer, "But you should understand that it is not that easy to get the Ministry of Magic to overturn the case!"

He walked to the door and glanced at Scott who was posted on the wall beside the door.

Then he pushed open the door with one hand, grabbed Scott's collar with the other, and dragged him outside.

Scott, who had just eaten a lot, let him pull him and walked out according to his strength without resisting at all.

He silently thanked Professor Snape for providing him with a seat.

Although he can't continue to eat melon if he leaves now, Scott also feels that leaving here with the Potions Professor now is the best choice.

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