The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 239 239. End of the school year Leaving school

In the evening, the farewell dinner began.

All the teachers and students of Hogwarts gathered in the hall.

Scott saw Professor Flitwick sitting in the teacher's seat and was very happy.

The atmosphere at the long table of Ravenclaw House was also unusually warm.

Everyone was sure that there would be no more temporary bonus points like last school year.

At this moment, the house score numbers of the four houses would no longer change.

Ravenclaw was about to hold the house cup for the first time in a long time.

On the Gryffindor side, although Harry and the twins received a large amount of bonus points in the last semester, Scott also added a lot of points for Ravenclaw.

In addition, the other people in Gryffindor usually had fewer bonus points and more deductions, and they were already behind Ravenclaw.

As for another rival, Slytherin, because Snape personally deducted points from Slytherin, they temporarily fell behind at that time.

Afterwards, although Slytherin tried hard to catch up and Snape also tried hard to grab points, the Ravenclaws were also working hard.

This year's house points gave many Ravenclaws hope, so they never relaxed and didn't give Slytherin a chance to overtake.

As for Hufflepuff, they didn't seem to have much pursuit of the house cup.

Finally, the Ravenclaws got what they wanted.

When Dumbledore announced the ownership of the house cup, the Ravenclaw flag flew over the hall, applause was thunderous, and all the Ravenclaws cheered loudly.

Especially the seventh-year Ravenclaw students threw their wizard hats high into the sky.

This was the first and last house cup they won at Hogwarts.

Professor Flitwick was even more proud and kept toasting to other professors.

The dinner ended with laughter.

The food that day was particularly rich, and Scott was full in the end.

Early the next morning, Scott and his roommates boarded the express train leaving Hogwarts.

During the journey, Milton was very excited and kept asking his roommates about everything in the Muggle world.

Seeing his cheerful look, Scott suddenly thought of something and couldn't help but confirm, "Has Mr. Graves agreed to your living alone in London?"

"I've written a letter." Milton said.

Eddie asked curiously, "You wrote to your father and told him that you were going to live alone in London. What did he say?"

Milton nodded, "He didn't reply, so he must have agreed."

"Milton," Roger said seriously, "Is it possible... Mr. Graves doesn't agree, but is waiting at Platform 9 3/4 to take you back."

"Will it?" Milton asked uncertainly.

He suddenly became nervous.

Scott and the other two looked at each other.

Roger shook his head, "How do we know? Of course, you know your father better."

"It's really possible, what should we do?" Milton looked at his three roommates for help.

Eddie suggested, "You can pretend to be someone else."

Scott sighed and took out a bottle of Polyjuice Potion from the deformed lizard skin bag around his waist.

"Here you go, Polyjuice Potion."

"Thank you, this is exactly what I need!" Milton took it happily.

"This polyjuice potion has not been added with hair yet." Scott reminded.

Milton immediately set his sights on the three roommates.

"Mr. Graves knows us!" Eddie shouted, covering his hair.

Roger nodded, "You need a hair from someone Mr. Graves doesn't know."

Scott suggested, "We will go separately later. If we meet Mr. Graves, we will say that we were sitting separately on the train and didn't see Milton."

"Milton's luggage must also be disguised." Roger added, "After leaving the train station, you can get in my father's car, and I will let him drive you to your destination."

Several people quickly discussed the action plan,

Eddie ran out of the compartment and brought back a hair soon.

"Whose is this?" Milton took the brown hair and looked up to ask Eddie.

"Don't worry about it." Eddie waved his hand, "You don't know it anyway."

"Okay." Milton wrapped the hair in a piece of paper.

Next, several people began to talk about their summer vacation life.

At noon, the train was about to arrive at King's Cross Station in London.

Scott and the others took off their wizard robes and changed into their own Muggle clothes.

Milton took out the hair and put it into the Polyjuice Potion.

"I drank it."

He said, tilting his head and pouring the potion into his mouth.

The taste of the Polyjuice Potion was very bad, and his face wrinkled.

Then, his body began to shrink slowly, his soft long hair became curly, and his chest slowly bulged.

"Damn it! Eddie!" A sharp female voice sounded.

"Puff!" Eddie covered his mouth and laughed.

Scott and Roger couldn't help laughing.

"This is terrible!" Milton, who turned into a girl, glared at Eddie angrily, but unfortunately there was no killing power at all.

"Don't worry, Milton, this kind of change is thorough, Mr. Graves would never expect it!" Eddie said with a smile.

"I really can't expect it."

Scott and Roger nodded.

"Okay, that's it!"

Milton seemed to have given up. He scratched his hair irritably and picked up his luggage.

His luggage was also disguised by Scott using Transfiguration.

As soon as the train arrived at the station, Milton got off the train first and walked quickly towards the platform exit.

"Oh, Mr. Graves is really there!" Eddie glanced through the window.

"Don't look!" Roger pulled him away. "Don't let him notice that we are sitting together."

"Let's go too." Scott stood up, "Let's go separately, get off from different carriages, and meet outside the station."

With that said, he turned around and walked through several carriages.

After getting off the bus, he walked quickly toward the platform exit without looking back.

At this time, Milton had successfully left the platform.

Out of the corner of his eye, Scott saw Roger being stopped by Mr. Graves, presumably questioning him about Milton's whereabouts.

Scott didn't pause and quickly walked out of the platform.

He found Milton waiting outside the station entrance.

At this time, Milton was hiding in a deserted corner with an awkward look on his face.

"Are you okay?" Scott asked him, holding back a smile.

"It's okay." Milton didn't want to say more.

"Oh, Scott, you're here!"

At this moment, Professor Flitwick walked out of the crowd.

"Professor Flitwick!" Scott waved to him.

"Who is this?" Professor Flitwick glanced at Milton, "Oh, Miss Pat from Hufflepuff? Why are you together?"

"I..." Milton froze completely.

At this moment, Eddie also squeezed out of the crowd.

He didn't seem to see the little Professor Flitwick and ran directly over to Scott and the others and said, "Scott! Milton! Roger was stopped by Mr. Graves!"

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