The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 241 241. Welcome to Salamanca

On the way back from the airport, my cousin Ramiro was in charge of driving.

Emilia drove Michael to the passenger seat, and she sat in the back seat with Scott, talking all the way.

She was busy and happy while talking about her and Michael's life after coming to Spain, and occasionally asked Scott about his life in school this semester.

Scott also listened to her story carefully and answered her questions patiently.

Listening to Emilia talking about her and Michael's life in Spain, and looking at her unforced smile on her face, Scott finally felt relieved.

Both his parents had to leave their favorite town in England because of him, and had to live in a foreign country.

Although there were reasons, it made Scott feel guilty about it.

But now he heard that Michael and Emilia had completely adapted to life here, especially Emilia, who was obviously very happy after reuniting with her family.

In this way, Scott felt less guilty.

Scott glanced at the street scene passing by outside the car window and asked Emilia, "Millie, did you buy a house in Madrid?"

"Oh Scott!"

Ramiro, who was driving, laughed loudly.

He said in broken English: "Aunt Millie doesn't need to buy a house in Madrid. The Hill family has many houses in Madrid, and Aunt Millie has more than one house under her name."

Scott raised his eyebrows at Emilia.

He knew nothing about his maternal grandfather's family.

He only knew that his great-grandfather was once the controller of the London underground gang.

Emilia said a little embarrassedly, "I once gave up those things, but I didn't expect Caleb to keep them for me...Oh, Caleb is your uncle."

Scott was a little incredible, "Have you not been in touch for all these years?"

Emilia shook her head.

Ramiro interrupted and said, "My father and Aunt Millie seemed to have a bad relationship in the past. They were unwilling to bow to each other first, so they were deadlocked for more than ten years."


Scott looked at Emilia in surprise, and then deliberately looked at Michael through the rearview mirror.

"Oh? What's the reason?"

Although he asked this, Scott already had the answer in his heart.

Before Michael inherited the family business, he was just a high school dropout. Who would be willing to marry their good girl to him?

In addition, all the Hill family members returned to Spain, while Emilia stayed in England alone and gave birth to Scott at the age of 18...

All signs indicate that this is why Emilia and her family had a complete falling out at that time.

This may also be the main reason why Emilia never mentioned the situation of her maternal grandparents to Scott.

Faced with Scott's question, Emilia was vague.

And Michael, who was looking at Scott through the rearview mirror, just blinked at him.

But Ramiro, who was in charge of driving, couldn't help laughing again.

Scott asked him, "Do you know anything, Ramiro?"

Ramiro shook his head directly, as if he didn't dare to tell him directly.

As they talked and laughed, the car drove into a neighborhood full of the temperament of "rich area".

"We're almost there!" Ramiro shouted, "Welcome to Salamanca!"

"Thank you." Scott joked, "It's a pity that I'm just a boy from a small town in England, and I don't fit in with the atmosphere here."

Ramiro laughed, "You have to adapt to this, Scott! Aunt Millie and Uncle Mike have already moved here, and this will be your home from now on!"

"I'll try my best." Scott said in a serious tone.

"Of course." Ramiro gave him a look through the rearview mirror, "I'll help you, as long as you get to know a few more girls, you'll fall in love with this place!"

Scott raised his eyebrows.

Before he answered, Emilia couldn't wait to say, "Then I'll leave it to you, Ramiro! Scott is about to turn 15, but as far as I know, he hasn't been in love yet!"

"Oh..." Ramiro opened his mouth and exclaimed with a long drawl.

"Hey!" Scott looked at Emilia with dissatisfaction.

Isn't it normal not to have been in love at the age of 15?

Emilia ignored his look and continued to say to Ramiro: "You have a whole summer vacation, take Scott with you to play, football, concerts, parties, beaches, surfing, in short, just let Scott follow you!"

"No problem! Aunt Millie! I will take Scott with me and introduce him to some good girls."

Ramiro laughed for a while and agreed.

But Scott didn't want to agree.

The activities Emilia mentioned sounded like a lifetime ago, and he was already away from them for a whole lifetime.

He himself was a little strange.

Obviously, he also liked this kind of lively activities in his last life, but now he felt a little resistant just thinking about it.

Maybe it's because he has been living in a certain state for too long.

He thought.

It feels very strenuous to switch.

However, when Scott saw the contemptuous look from Michael, he was blocked from saying no and didn't say it.

Forget it.

Scott opened the car window and let the warm wind mess up his hair.

In Hogwarts, his mental state has always been a little tense, and studying also squeezes his energy.

This is not a good thing in the long run.

Forget about that for a while, it's not bad to relax occasionally?

Not long after, the car drove into a residential area where single-family villas gathered and stopped in front of a villa covering a large area.

"Aunt Millie, you guys go down first, I'll go park the car." Ramiro said.

Scott's family of three got out of the car first.

After getting off the car, Emilia tidied Scott's hair with her hands and took him into the garden in front of the villa.

"Millie, Mike, you're back!"

The door of the villa opened, and a lady who looked to be in her 40s came out.

She spoke English with a heavier accent than Ramiro, but smiled very warmly.

"You must be Scott!"

She rushed over and hugged Scott.

"I'm your Aunt Flora!"

"Hello, Aunt Flora."

As soon as Scott opened his mouth to say hello, Flora pulled his arm and walked into the house.

"Come in, dear, your uncle must want to see you too!"

She turned around and blinked at Scott.

"You must forgive him for not welcoming you at the door. Old men like him are more concerned about their reputation."

"Cough! Cough!"

A few heavy coughs sounded in time.

Scott looked in the direction of the sound and saw a man who looked about 50 years old sitting on the sofa.

He also had reddish-brown hair, which was combed back meticulously.

There was no smile on his angular face, and the beard on his lips and chin was very stylish, and his pursed mouth looked a little serious.

It seems that this is Uncle Caleb.

Sorry, I was lazy today.

Tomorrow I will make up for it.

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