The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 252 252. Hill and Spot

In the morning, Scott got up and breathed fresh air on the balcony on the second floor.

He sat on a chair and listened to the laughter coming from afar.

Ramiro was playing football with several children on the lawn in front of the manor.

Scott smiled and watched for a while, and Emilia came over and put the breakfast on the table.

"Thank you, Mom." Scott thanked her quickly.

Then, while eating breakfast, he asked, "Has everything been arranged for uncle?"

Emilia sat down on another chair and rolled her eyes at him.

She said unhappily, "Don't worry about it, my dear son, your uncle has more experience in this kind of thing than you."

Scott thought so too.

He knew that under the current circumstances, it was enough for him to protect his family here.

Being in a foreign country, he couldn't do anything for the time being, let alone run out rashly.

Waiting here with peace of mind and keeping vigilant at the same time became the only thing he could do at this time.

The first day of "vacation" in this manor was spent peacefully.

Until the evening, Caleb did not say any new news.

This means that the people he sent out did not lure the mastermind behind the scenes.

In this way, two more days passed.

During these two days, the people sent by Caleb were still wandering around and were not found by the mastermind behind the scenes.

In addition to leisurely writing summer homework during these two days, Scott called Roger in London every day to inquire about the progress of the retrial of the Black case.

Unfortunately, the efficiency of the British Ministry of Magic still seems to be slow, and no new progress has been announced to the public.

Until the evening of the fourth day when Scott and his friends moved into the manor, Caleb finally received the call they were waiting for.

Scott was talking to his uncle at the time and happened to hear some of it.

In the life in the manor, Ramiro became the king of children, and Ramos kept handling his own work over the phone, busy as hell, but Scott and Caleb spent more time together.

At first, Scott only found that Caleb's face was very cold after answering the phone.

He said in a flat tone, "Finally appeared."

Scott immediately cheered up when he heard this.

After a few seconds, Caleb smiled faintly again.

"Well done, Jaime." He said appreciatively.

The other end of the phone seemed to say something again.

Scott saw the fierceness on Caleb's face flash again.

He told the other end of the phone, "Treat that gentleman well for me. I want to know all the ins and outs."

After that, he hung up the phone.

Scott asked curiously, "Uncle, is there only one person behind the scenes?"

Caleb said, "It's not clear yet, but there is only one person who has contact with the two people pretending to be gangsters. Don't worry, no matter how many people there are, Jaime will help us find out."

Scott heard the name Jaime again, and couldn't help asking in surprise: "Jaime... is it the driver that day?"

Caleb nodded affirmatively, "Jaime is a reliable guy, so I sent him to protect your date, but unfortunately he was careless that day."

"I asked Jaime to wait for us in the car." Scott made up for Jaime.

But he also heard that Jaime was probably his uncle's right-hand man.

Caleb was able to send such an important person to protect Scott, which shows that he is very good to his nephew Scott.

The uncle and nephew chatted for a while, and Caleb's phone rang again.

Listening to Jaime's report on the other end of the phone, Caleb showed surprise on his face.

"It turned out to be Spot." His tone was no longer calm, and he sneered, "You know what to do. It is a tradition for the Spot family to lose to the Hill family."


Could it be the descendant of Jack Spot, who once competed with his great-grandfather Billy Hill for the power of the London underground gang?

Scott's eyes lit up and he was very curious.

After Caleb hung up the phone again, Scott asked the question.

"Yes, that's Spot." Caleb sneered again, "Back then, Spotted Jack Spot was driven out of London by my grandfather."

Scott asked again, "How did Mr. Spot know that the original Reis map was taken away by my great-grandfather?"

Caleb frowned, "When I was a child, I heard from my grandfather that Spot had also fought for that map... But he should not know that the map was finally in my grandfather's hands..."

"Maybe he didn't know it before, but now he knows it." Scott said, "Copies of the Reis map are everywhere in the world, and Spot should know some of the secrets of the map."

Caleb nodded in agreement, "It seems that there may be someone behind Spot."

He glanced at the phone in his hand, "Jaime is still entertaining that man, I think we still have a chance to get more information."

We can only wait.

Scott thought.

At this moment, a crow flew into the room from the window.

Caw...Caw, Caw...Caw.

It called a few times in a very rhythmic manner, and finally landed on the windowsill.

Scott stood up in a flash.

The sound of one long and two short beeps repeated twice indicated that a wizard was approaching the manor.

"A wizard is approaching."

He said to Caleb quickly and walked quickly to the window.

While Caleb was using the intercom to tell the bodyguards to be on alert, Scott took out the [Severed Arm Bone] from the pocket of the Transfiguration Lizard and activated it, and then took out a wooden sculpture of an eavesdropping bat and "awakened" it with Transfiguration.

The black bat flew up.

"Go, take the bat and hide near the intruder."

The crow nodded wisely and flew out of the window, with the eavesdropping bat following closely behind it.

Scott then strode out of the gate of the villa and walked towards the edge of the manor.

He was only glad that it was almost dark and Ramiro did not take the children to play outside.

The eavesdropping bat had quickly arrived at the location, and Scott heard the sound of the other bat.

It seemed that there was only one person from the footsteps.

Scott listened for a while and basically concluded that the uninvited wizard seemed to be setting up a Muggle-repelling spell around the manor.

Listening to the other party's seemingly leisurely tone, Scott thought that the other party might not know that there was another wizard in the manor.

The intruder acted with an arrogant attitude that didn't take all the Muggles seriously. He seemed to think that as long as he showed up, he could easily deal with everyone in the manor.

Scott waited for a while and finally confirmed that there was only one wizard nearby besides himself, the intruder.

After learning this, Scott also quickened his pace and walked towards the area where the other party was.

While moving forward, he cast a Whispering Charm and a Disillusionment Charm on himself at the same time.

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