The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 266 266. Ritual Potion Reading the Newspaper

The next day, Scott's first potion-making failed.

He processed a new batch of materials without changing his expression and started the second potion-making.

The finely crushed moonstone powder will continue to cool down after contacting with the cold invisible beast blood, and it needs to be stirred constantly to prevent them from freezing together.

In this process, fire must not be used to heat it, otherwise the invisible beast's blood will turn black and lose its effectiveness.

Scott successfully completed this step.

The original blue blood will change color after mixing with the white moonstone powder. The color will become lighter if it succeeds and darker if it fails.

Scott held the stirring stick in his right hand and stirred it quickly without stopping. He held the magic wand in his left and right hands and evenly input magic power into it until the moonstone powder in the crystal cup gradually dissolved and the blood turned into the water color of moonlight.

He looked at the crucible on the table.

At this time, the water of the Forgotten River was boiling in the crucible. The crucible was covered with gauze and three roses were wrapped inside.

Scott put the stabilized water-colored blood aside and started the next production process.

Scott calmed down and put on a new pair of dragon leather gloves.

He first took off the gauze on the crucible, squeezed the roses in the gauze together with his hands, and finally squeezed out a small bottle of light red liquid.

The rose fragrance spread, with a faint power that made people's heads empty.

Scott took off his gloves and slowly poured the light red liquid in the small bottle into the water-colored blood.

The hot light red liquid came into contact with the cold water-colored blood, making a "hiss" sound and producing a violent reaction.

The light red rolled in the water color, and a bubble appeared on the surface of the liquid.

Scott picked up the stirring rod and magic wand again, stirring rapidly, and continuously inputting stable magic power to let this reaction slowly subside.

Until the liquid in the crystal cup became calm again and the color became transparent, Scott put down the stirring rod and magic wand in his hand and breathed a sigh of relief.

He failed at this step in his first attempt before.

Because the violent reaction between the two materials could not be reconciled in time, the result was that they all evaporated and disappeared under the violent reaction.

As long as this step is completed, the next step will not be difficult.

Just pour the mixed liquid into the water of the River Lethe in the crucible and boil it for 24 hours. During this process, stir it clockwise for 7 times every 3 hours, and the potion will be ready.

Compared with other precious potions, the preparation of this ritual potion is not difficult, and the materials are not precious, but the real difficulty of casting the Fidelius Charm lies in the ritual of the new moon night.

Scott thinks that the reason why this ancient ritual magic can be passed down to this day is that the potion materials are not precious.

He slowly poured the transparent liquid in the crystal cup into the crucible and completed the first stirring.

After that, he sat on the floor at the door and began to read the Daily Prophet of the previous day and this day.

He went to London early in the morning the day before, and after returning, he was busy dealing with the potion materials and did not have time to read the newspaper.

However, as he expected, the front-page headline of this newspaper was "Shocked the whole Knockturn Alley, Borgin and Burke died of strange poisoning!"

[Reported by our reporter Bashir Hollingworth.

At around 11:40 am on June 17, Mr. Borgin and Burke, the owner of Borgin and Burke's in Knockturn Alley, was found dead inside the store.

...According to the investigation by the Ministry of Magic Aurors, Mr. Burke died of poisoning.

"This is a poison that is enough to kill a wizard in a short time!" An investigative assistant from St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries told the author.

After the therapist's examination, the poison entered the mouth of the deceased Mr. Burke...

After investigation, the Aurors have confirmed that no one else entered or left the store at the door at that time, and there were no signs of fighting inside the store...

...The Aurors ruled out the suspicion of the wizards who had entered Borgin and Burke's in the morning, but they were suspected of trading in dark magic items and had to pay a fine to the Law Enforcement Department.

A senior Auror from the Ministry of Magic said in an interview, "Although it looks like Burke committed suicide by taking poison, it is obvious that the cunning old dog would never do such a stupid thing!"

The author interviewed many people about their views on this incident.

The most popular guess is that someone entered the store through the fireplace, used dark magic such as the Imperius Curse to control Mr. Burke to eat poison, and then left through the fireplace.

But an employee from the Floo Network Management Bureau of the Ministry of Magic's Transportation Department denied this statement.

"Of course we have checked the operation records of the Floo Network! The fireplace in Mr. Burke's store has not been activated for the whole morning!"

The employee said that only a fool would believe that the murderer killed people through the fireplace...

"It must be a curse, a curse that makes people eat poison consciously!" said a resident from Diagon Alley.

"That old thing Burke has this day? He must have done too many bad things and suffered retribution!" said a resident from Knockturn Alley.

Next, the author will visit more...]

Scott shook his head, flipped through other pages, and moved the newspaper away.

Although it was strange for him to say this, he still couldn't help but want to complain.

It is indeed the virtue of the Daily Prophet.

The event report inevitably turned to entertainment in the end, with a sense of serious nonsense.

Daily Prophet, Rita Skeeter per capita!

Scott picked up the day's new paper.

"Hurrah! British wizards! The host of next year's Quidditch World Cup has been confirmed! 》

The headline was full of elation.

But this was hardly a surprise to Scott.

He just glanced at it briefly. As he thought, the report was full of praise for the British Ministry of Magic, especially Minister Fudge.

Scott glanced at the front page headlines without interest and browsed other pages.

But the majority of the newspaper's coverage was celebrating the 1994 Quidditch World Cup being held in the UK.

British wizards' enthusiasm for the Quidditch World Cup seems to have been unleashed a year in advance.

There are speculations about the Quidditch national team winning the championship, introductions about World Cup venue confirmations, and more discussions about the strength of other countries' national teams.

With this attitude, those who didn’t know would have thought that the World Cup will be held next week!

Scott curled his lips and finally threw away the newspaper.


Rimbaud flew down from the sky and still stopped on the window sill.

"Latest news, people from the Bok family have appeared." It said to Scott.

"Did you show up?" Scott raised his eyebrows, "Sure enough, there is more than one person with this surname: Bojinbok."

"But don't worry," Rimbaud said. "The other members of the Bork family are not close to Borgin Bork himself. They seem to feel that Borkin Bork who runs a dark magic shop in Knockturn Alley is a bit embarrassed."

Sorry, I woke up early in the morning to type, but I was still a few minutes late.

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