The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 272 272. More lively than expected

In Scott's judgment, Rita Skeeter is undoubtedly a pro-Ministry of Magic reporter.

This can be seen from her previous articles.

Anyone who is good at summarizing will find that this reporter, who has no taboos, dares to write about anyone, and is never afraid of offending anyone, rarely writes articles criticizing the Ministry of Magic.

Even if there are some, the intensity of the criticism is only mild and inconsistent with her level of performance on other topics.

With such a premise, the reporter has frequently published articles about the conspiracy theory of the Travers inheritance in the past two days, and her real purpose is very intriguing.

Although the competition for the inheritance of the Travers family by the three pure-blood families of Yaxley, Bulstrode, and Fry has always been hidden underwater and has never been reported by any media, this matter is not really a secret.

In the magic world, wizards with certain backgrounds should know that this matter is the most eye-catching major event in the British magic world recently.

A pure-blood family that has lost its heir and ranks among the 28 holy families, its inheritance is of course particularly enviable.

Even other pure-blood families belonging to the 28 Holy Clans would be jealous of this.

Not to mention the industries that belong to the property scope, what is more enviable is of course the magical heritage of the Travers family.

The so-called 28 Holy Clans refer to the 28 British wizard families that were recognized by Cantankerus Nott, the author of the book "Pure Blood List", and remained "true pure blood" until the 1930s.

But this book is not generally recognized in the British wizarding world.

Some wizards believe that the so-called "true pure blood" does not actually exist. For a long time, wizard families have more or less mixed with Muggle blood.

But British wizards generally recognize that any family included in the book "Pure Blood List" by Cantankerus Nott must have a long history and inherit a deep magical heritage.

The so-called magical heritage refers to the inheritance of magical skills and powerful magical items owned by the family.

In terms of magical items, Scott can only know part of the inheritance of the Travers family.

In his hand, there is the [severed arm bone] that can cut off the contract, and the cursed item that Jasmine Travers mentioned before she died.

According to her, as long as Scott admitted that he killed her, the cursed item would take effect and kill Scott.

Needless to say, these two items are already very powerful magic items.

In terms of skills, the magic skills inherited by these families can also be traced.

Of course, the most famous one is the wand making craftsmanship inherited by the Ollivander family.

The skills inherited by other families may not be as famous as Ollivander, but they also have their own unique features.

For example, the Weasley family, Scott guessed that they might have a unique set of magic item making and modification techniques that are different from traditional alchemy.

Scott knew very well that the prank props that Fred and George tinkered with could not be easily realized with the knowledge learned in school, not to mention that these two guys did not study seriously in school.

There is also the flying car that their father Arthur modified. Let's not talk about the functionality of that car, but the fact that it has simple self-thinking is enough to amaze people.

Scott once talked about this topic with Professor Flitwick, and Professor Flitwick briefly introduced him to some of the traditional strengths of the family.

For example, the Black family has a relatively simple way of Animagus transformation, the Slughorn family can always keenly identify whether a little wizard can achieve success in the future, the Greengrass family has been secretly conducting blood research for a long time, and the Nott family was once an authority on British magic history...

Of course, there are also many pure-blood families who are good at black magic, which leads to their own inheritance being always concealed and never easily revealed.

Because the Yaxley family has frequently talked about Travers recently, Scott, who has ordered crows to monitor them, has already known the magic skills inherited by the Travers family.

In fact, their inheritance is reflected in Jasmine Travers-

Travers is good at a kind of magic that subtly manipulates people's hearts without making any noise.

Unlike the direct and brutal Imperius Curse, this kind of magic is even without any trace. The manipulated person will identify with the caster from the bottom of his heart, and even voluntarily dedicate everything to it.

This also explains why Jasmine Travers can single-handedly control a large group of girls of the same age.

Some of those girls still miss her.

At Jasmine Travers' age, she should have only learned the basics of this kind of magic, but she has already achieved this level, so you can imagine how terrible this kind of magic is.

Of course, this kind of magic is not unsolvable, and wizards who have learned the brain block can easily resist it.

Its real horror lies in that it can target unprepared people without any trace.

A few crows' cries interrupted Scott's divergent thoughts. He glanced at the black crows flying in the green shade outside the window and drew his attention back to the newspaper in his hand.

The articles published by Rita Skeeter in the past two days seem to be eye-catching as always, and they are written as exaggerated as possible, but in Scott's eyes, her purpose is actually very clear.

At this time, Rita Skeeter's article on the invisible accusations against the Bulstrode and Foley families came at the perfect time.

After Gacko Yaxley had passed away, the Yaxley family could no longer provide a new candidate for the successor to the Travers family while ensuring their own inheritance.

And as long as they threw some dirty water on the Bulstrode and Foley families and put the pot of shit on them, the Ministry of Magic could openly deprive them of the right to compete for the inheritance of the Travers family.

Once that happened, the Travers family, which had no blood inheritance at all, would be in the hands of the Ministry of Magic.

Of course, the Ministry of Magic that Scott was thinking of was not simply referring to a certain person, such as Minister Fudge.

The Ministry of Magic here represents the interests of a large group of people.

Even including other pure-blood families that had no marriage relationship with the Travers family in modern times and were unable to compete for the Travers inheritance, as well as their allies.

"This is really wonderful."

Scott's eyes were full of brilliance.

As an unknown little promoter, he had never expected that things would develop to this point.

This is much more lively than he had originally imagined.

Scott, who originally planned to return to Madrid early, was afraid of being exposed by making too many mistakes, and no longer wanted to leave the UK so soon.

He wanted to watch the excitement up close and hoped that some people would break each other's brains.

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