The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 275 275. The excitement at the opening dinner

In the brightly lit Great Hall of Hogwarts, countless candles hung burning in the air.

The sorting ceremony for the new freshmen has ended.

Different from previous years, the old students from various colleges in the auditorium only applauded perfunctorily when the new students arrived.

Almost everyone's attention was attracted by the figure strutting towards the teacher's desk.

Almost all the students recognized the man immediately.

Due to the extensive coverage of the Daily Prophet during the summer vacation and the legendary nature of his own experience, this wizard who had been unjustly imprisoned for 12 years has become a household name in the British wizarding world.

Sirius Black.

Scott, who was sitting at the Ravenclaw table, also turned his head and looked at the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

Blake was wearing a brand-new robe, and the black fabric reflected a little silver light under the bright light of the auditorium.

He has medium-long black hair, and it can be seen that he has carefully styled his hair. Even the beard on his lips is neatly trimmed.

Compared to the miserable look in the photo published in the newspaper two months ago, he now looks in good condition and full of energy, with a somewhat confident smile on his face.

If it weren't for the fact that his cheeks were so thin and sunken, everyone would hardly be able to tell that this was a man who had been tortured in Azkaban for 12 years.

Under the gaze of all the students, Black walked to the teacher's chair with a calm expression, saluted Elegantly to Principal Dumbledore and other professors, and then sat next to Professor McGonagall.

"That's Blake!"

The students immediately started discussing among themselves.

"I didn't expect to see him at Hogwarts!"

"He's going to be our new professor? I wonder what subject."

"You still have to ask, it must be Defense Against the Dark Arts class!"

"You think... can he break the curse of that course?"

"Maybe...after all, everyone says he's a hero."

Everyone seems to have taken a keen interest in this new professor with a strange experience.

At this moment, Snape, who was belatedly arriving, strode over from the other side of the auditorium.

The broad black robe on his body fluttered as he walked, floating over like a dark cloud.

Many students noticed that Black's expression changed after Snape appeared.

He looked at Snape with disgust and disdain.

Snape raised his chin and nodded imperceptibly to several professors, deliberately ignoring Black and sitting next to Professor Flitwick.

Black grinned, then turned his head and said something to Hagrid, who was sitting on the other side of him.

Scott guessed that he was speaking ill of Snape loudly, because not only Hagrid, but also Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore looked a little embarrassed.

"Look Snape," Eddie said softly to Scott.

Snape's expression at this time was terrifyingly gloomy.

Although Professor Flitwick, Principal Dumbledore, and Professor McGonagall were separated between him and Black, he still moved his chair towards Professor Sprout.

It's like running away from some kind of plague.

Eddie said in amazement: "Oh, I bet, Snape and Black must be enemies, maybe they want each other to die immediately."

"I think we can all see that," Roger said angrily.

Milton sighed, "Gryffindor and Slytherin..."

"Please be quiet."

Just then, Professor McGonagall tapped the cup with her wand.

Dumbledore stood up.

"Welcome, welcome everyone back to Hogwarts."

He was talking cheerfully.

"First of all, welcome another new class of students to join us."

As if to make amends to the freshmen who didn't get the right treatment this year, he led the applause.

Everyone followed him and applauded enthusiastically. Scott noticed that the freshmen's cheeks were all red with excitement.

Dumbledore lowered his hands and the applause stopped.

He smiled and said to the students: "Next, I would like to solemnly introduce the two new professors..."

He looked at Hagrid.

"Professor Hagrid, our gamekeeper has promised me to take up the post of Professor of Care of Magical Creatures starting from this school year!"

Applause broke out again, and even Gryffindor students cheered.

Of course, the Slytherin table was very quiet.

Hagrid, who was sitting on the teacher's chair, stood up unsteadily and bowed awkwardly.

But he was so big that when he bowed, his belly almost knocked over the dining table in front of him.

Seeing that the goblet on the table was about to fall, Professor McGonagall quickly waved her wand to save everything.

Hagrid sat down angrily, and the laughter coming from the Slytherin table made him lower his head in frustration.

Dumbledore didn't pay attention to the accident caused by Hagrid. He calmly began to introduce the next new professor, "There is another one. Let us welcome the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Professor Black."

This time all the students applauded Mianzi.

"That's my godfather!"

Scott also heard Harry's excited yell from the Gryffindor table.

But this is just the beginning.

Soon, the Slytherins' applause became lower and lower, and finally disappeared suddenly.

Of course, this was all because their dean was acting out of his own way when other professors applauded Black.

In the applause of the whole audience, only Snape was indifferent.

Professor Flitwick and Professor Sprout, who were sitting next to him, couldn't help but look at him several times, but he turned a blind eye.

The Potions Professor turned a deaf ear to the applause, holding a glass in his hand, lowering his head and carefully observing the wine in the glass, as if he was studying a rare potion.

The warm atmosphere in the hall suddenly became a little awkward.

For a moment, even the students outside Slytherin stopped clapping for no reason.

In the teacher's seat, Black leaned forward, his eyes passed over the three professors in the middle, and glared at Snape fiercely.

Snape took a sip of the wine in the glass, and a triumphant smile appeared on his face.

Dumbledore coughed a few times before Black's anger exploded.

He waved his wand with a kind smile on his face.

"Now, let's enjoy the food happily!"

With his movements, piles of tempting food appeared on the long table, and the students immediately cheered.

Everyone's attention was attracted by the food, and no one noticed the undercurrent between Snape and Black.

Scott also retracted his gaze and started eating.

"Hogwarts will definitely be lively this year, won't it?" He said to his roommates.

Eddie grinned, "Oh, I'm already looking forward to it."

Milton said: "Hogwarts may have a professor who specializes in deducting points from Slytherin College."

"Let Black and Snape deduct points from Slytherin and Gryffindor!" Roger was very gloating, "We Ravenclaw can win the college cup again."

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