The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 292 292. The first week of November

"Yes, the Thestrals are gone."

Facing the oppressive feeling of Hagrid, Scott quietly took two steps back.

He had no doubt that if Hagrid got excited and pinched him unconsciously, he would definitely break his bones.

"It's like this." Scott explained, "Luna Lovegood and I went to the Forbidden Forest to visit the little Thestrals that had just been born, and found that the other Thestrals were gone, and only the little Thestrals were left there."

"Merlin!" Hearing Scott's words, Hagrid sighed unconsciously.

Scott continued, "Luna said this is not normal, so let me ask you if you know what happened."

"Oh Merlin! This is certainly not normal!"

Hagrid shouted and crushed the door frame with one hand.

"Something must have happened, otherwise those guys wouldn't leave suddenly. I know them, and no one knows them better than me."

While muttering, he turned into the house and put on his fur coat.

"The Thestrals are loyal magical animals. Once tamed, they will never leave their masters!"

In a few seconds, he rushed out of the house, not even caring about Scott, and ran towards the Forbidden Forest.

"Sorry, I have to go and take a look!" he said loudly.

"Woof woof woof..."

His hound Fang also ran into the Forbidden Forest after him.

Scott also turned around and followed them.

The Thestrals seemed to have really disappeared.

Hagrid searched around the habitat of the Thestrals, but found nothing.

He was very sad and cried while holding the little Thestral.

It was almost time for class, and Scott and Luna had to leave first.

"Sorry, Professor Hagrid," Scott said, "We have to go to class."

"Go ahead, go to class." Hagrid stood up and said with a sob, "I have to keep looking. The Forbidden Forest is so big, maybe they ran to somewhere else..."

Luna asked worriedly, "Run to somewhere else, is that possible? Under what circumstances would they abandon the little guy and leave?"

"Oh, there is only one possibility," Hagrid said with a sob, "They will be attracted by the smell of blood, and the smell of fresh blood will make them too excited."

Scott raised his eyebrows, "So, maybe someone has targeted the Hogwarts group of Thestrals and lured them away with fresh blood?"

"I said, the Thestrals are loyal, they will only be attracted temporarily, and will not really leave here." Hagrid said angrily, "Some bad guys must have taken them away!"

He took out a handkerchief the size of a tablecloth from his arms and blew his nose loudly.


Scott couldn't help but lean back tactically.

Hagrid stuffed the dirty handkerchief into his arms, squatted down and hugged the little Thestral again.

He looked at the little guy in his arms lovingly, and said with tears in his eyes: "Oh, poor little guy, I swear, I will help you find your parents."

"Let's go first." Scott said to Luna.

Luna nodded, "Let's go, we can't help much here."

The two said goodbye to Hagrid again and turned to leave.

On the way back, Scott said to Luna: "Maybe what you saw last night was the scene of them leaving."

He sighed, it seems that the curse that something must happen on Halloween Eve has not been broken after all.

But it is really strange that the Thestrals belonging to Hogwarts were stolen.

After this day, the news that the Thestrals disappeared did not spread.

Not many students in Hogwarts knew about the existence of the Thestrals. Many students always thought that the carriage that took them from the Hogsmeade village platform to the Hogwarts Castle at the beginning of each school year was self-driving.

Scott did not participate in this matter again, but Luna kept an eye on the progress of the incident.

According to Luna, Hagrid and several professors searched the huge Forbidden Forest in the next few days.

They even called on the centaurs in the Forbidden Forest for help, but they still didn't find any clues.

After that, although Hagrid still insisted on teaching students, his state was visibly haggard.

Fortunately, Hagrid still had an assistant, the "magical Grubbly-Plank", who could take over when he was not in good shape.

Thanks to Grubbly-Plank's efforts, the teaching progress of the course of protecting magical creatures was not affected.

After entering November, the temperature in the Scottish Highlands dropped sharply, and it had entered winter.

But in contrast to the cold climate, with the upcoming round of Quidditch games, the atmosphere on the Hogwarts campus was very hot.

The Quidditch teams belonging to the four colleges have started high-intensity training, and Quidditch fans other than the players have begun to oppose, quarrel, and even fight because of their support for their respective colleges.

The Ravenclaw College team is also undergoing devil training.

After the previous captain Benjamin Bruce graduated, Scott's roommate Roger Davis has officially taken over the position of captain.

Last school year, Roger complained more than once in the dormitory that Bruce arranged too much training tasks, but now that it is his turn to be captain, his performance is even crazier than Bruce.

Getting up early and going to bed late, rain or shine, is not enough to describe his training schedule.

On Thursday, he once again led the team to train overnight, and returned to the dormitory exhausted before curfew.

"Although we won the college cup last school year, we missed the Quidditch trophy."

Roger said to his roommates.

"Bruce originally wanted to win a trophy before graduation, but unfortunately he still failed to do so."

The fact that Ravenclaw didn't win the Quidditch trophy last school year has always bothered him.

"I think that's a crime outside of combat." Eddie said unconvinced, "All members of Slytherin own Nimbus 2001. The equipment gap between our team and theirs is too big."

Roger wiped his wet hair with a towel, "The equipment of Gryffindor and Hufflepuff is similar to ours. Everyone is working hard. No one will give up the championship to us because of equipment problems." Slytherins."

"Only you and Cedric are the new captains this school year." Eddie said. "Wood, the captain of the Gryffindor team, and Flint, the captain of the Slytherin team, will graduate next year. They don't need to be too busy." More grinding.”

"Yes, the Hufflepuff team is also training like crazy." Roger said with a smile, "Cedric and I are both new captains, and we both want to get good results in the new year."

"Is this why you've been single since you broke up with Caccini?" Scott teased him.

After hearing what he said, Eddie immediately laughed exaggeratedly, "I think so. Since breaking up with Caccini, Roger has been single for more than five months. This is a record that has never been recorded since 1989." !”

After saying this series of words that were similar to an award speech, he pretended to applaud.

"Hey! I'm fighting for the honor of Ravenclaw!" Roger was so angry that he threw the wet towel with the smell of sweat on Eddie's head.

"You bastard! I've already taken a shower!" Eddie grabbed the wet towel and threw it back.

Seeing this scene, Scott couldn't help but make another tactical retreat.

Although he was a little far away from Roger and Eddie, the smell was really strong.

He waited until Roger and Eddie stopped fighting before he asked: "I remember this week's opening match should be Slytherin versus Hufflepuff?"

"That's right! Our competition is on the third Saturday in November, so there is still time!" Roger showed a thankful expression when talking about this.

"By the way." He said, "If you have any good suggestions for the team, remember to tell me."

"Suggestions?" Scott shook his head, "I don't have any good suggestions."

One of his strengths is that he never expresses his opinions on things he is not good at.

"What about this year's newcomers?" Eddie asked, "Are there any more talented new players joining the team this year?"

"Unfortunately, no." Roger shook his head. "To be honest, our team's lineup this year is a bit weak. The new players can barely fill the vacancies of the two graduated players."

Scott immediately understood that this was why he had started asking for advice from his roommates who were not good at Quidditch at all.

Of course, Scott and Eddie couldn't give any good advice, so Roger turned to the other roommate who had been silent and asked, "Milton, what about you? Do you have any good advice?"

Eddie walked up to Scott and whispered: "Look, it's better now. He started to get sick and went to the hospital."

"What? What's wrong?" Milton, who had been reading just now, raised his head and looked at Roger with a confused look on his face.

"Nothing." Roger forced a smile.

He scratched his hair irritably, "I'm probably crazy."

Scott smiled and said, "Hey, Roger, if you really need some advice, you should look a little wider."

Roger quickly asked, "What do you mean?"

"There are always smart people among Ravenclaw students who are willing to contribute to the team and can really give some useful help."

Scott offers his own advice.

"Perhaps you can bring them together to form a coaching team, or a tactical advisory team?"

Scott's suggestion is also a no-brainer.

Maybe there is someone in Ravenclaw who doesn't have Quidditch talent, but has coaching talent?

Eddie immediately agreed and said: "Oh, I think this is a good idea! Just like the coaches of those Muggle football clubs, the coach does not necessarily need to be good at football, he just needs to understand the game."

Scott added, "Of course, as the captain of the team, you can selectively only listen to some correct suggestions, which requires you to have corresponding judgment."

"Maybe this is indeed a good idea." Roger clapped his hands, "I will ask tomorrow to see if anyone is willing to contribute to the team."

Thanks to Roger's efforts, Ravenclaw House soon officially established the Quidditch Tactical Advisory Group on Friday.

Eddie also joined in the fun.

Of course, he only serves as an intelligence officer, responsible for detecting intelligence on opponents in each match.

This can be regarded as people making the best use of it.

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