The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 294 294. Big News on Monday

"Oh Merlin!"

"Big news!"

"This is really..."

"There is no doubt that it is indeed big news!"

"Merlin's beard!"

On Monday morning, the auditorium became lively during breakfast time as a flock of messenger owls flew over the long table, leaving behind countless letters and feathers.

All the students who got the Daily Prophet were shocked to see the news reported on the front page of the newspaper.

For a while, voices of exclamation came and went.


On the Ravenclaw table, Eddie spread the newspaper out on the table.

"Oh my God, Edinburgh Castle has been occupied!"

Scott quickly stood up and took a look.

"Ms. Slytherin appears again and conquers Edin Castle!" 》

He hurriedly glanced at the content of the report, and then said to Luna, who was sitting across the long table: "Maybe the Thestrals at Hogwarts have been found."

"Oh, I'm afraid so."

Luna was lying on the table reading the newspaper.


She began to read the contents of the report, "On the evening of November 7, Ms. Slytherin descended from the sky in a self-driving flying carriage, with a group of green-robed masked men guarding her."

"That was last night! Unbelievable!" Eddie said, "Edinburgh is Muggle territory,"

Roger frowned and said, "It seems that many Muggles witnessed magic last night."

Luna continued reading, "But a wizard living near Edinburgh claimed that the gorgeous carriage was actually pulled by four Thestrals, and her green-robed guards also rode Thestrals..."

"Oh!" She raised her head and looked at Scott, "Maybe it's Wu Wu and his tribe, she enslaved them!"

"If those are really the Thestrals from Hogwarts, aren't they a little too unscrupulous?" Roger frowned.

At this time, Eddie exclaimed, "They used magic to drive away the Muggles from Edin Castle? They actually didn't kill anyone... Oh maybe I shouldn't say this, but the Wizarding Secrecy Act was broken!" "

"Why did that lady capture Edin Castle?" Roger asked in confusion, "I mean... that's a Muggle castle, there's no magic there!"

Scott smiled, "Who knows, maybe it's just that the Muggles didn't discover the magic hidden in the castle."

"Edin Castle was built in the 6th century AD, hundreds of years earlier than Hogwarts was founded!" Milton said in surprise.

He looked down at the newspaper, "Muggles think it's the oldest castle in Europe... Oh, it really is magical!"

"Let me see!"

Eddie quickly lowered his head to read what was coming next.

"After the incident, the Aurors from the Ministry of Magic rushed to Edinburgh as soon as possible, but the castle was enveloped by the sudden awakening of magic, and no one was allowed in?"

He raised his head and looked at Scott with a silly expression.

"Your wild guess turned out to be right, Scott."

"Well..." Scott was also speechless.

Milton pointed to the bottom of the newspaper, "There is also a report dedicated to Edinburgh Castle."

"In the 6th century AD, Scotland was still a country in a state of dispute. A country in the north called Northumbria occupied the land where Edinburgh is located."

Milton read the article.

"The king built a fortress on an extinct volcano with three cliffs and a steep slope on one side. People called the fortress 'Edinburgh' after the king."

"I know all this."

Eddie quickly leaned over and took a look.

"But what I don't know is..." he said in surprise, "The author of this article speculates that although Edin Castle has been renovated and expanded many times in history, it may have served the king when it was first built. of wizards involved.”

"Merlin, shouldn't what we need to worry about now be the broken Wizarding Secrecy?" Keira, who had been sitting aside and listening to their discussion, suddenly said loudly.

"That's right!" Her boyfriend Dylan nodded in agreement.

"Oh, don't worry." Scott turned to them and said, "The Ministry of Magic has the situation under control."

"That's right." Eddie interjected, "In addition to those Aurors, the Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters was also fully mobilized. The Incident Reversal Team, the Memory Cancellation Command, and the Muggle Issues Mediation Committee were busy all night."

Scott nodded, "In short, they erased the memories of Muggle witnesses and cast a Muggle dispelling spell around the castle. The Muggle government will also temporarily refuse to visit the castle on the grounds that it needs repairs."

At this moment, Principal Dumbledore and a group of professors hurried into the auditorium.

With their arrival, the originally noisy auditorium gradually became quiet, and the students subconsciously lowered the sound of the discussion.

The principal and professors took their seats one after another, and Scott and the others also sat down again.

"No one knows what the ambitious Ms. Slytherin wants to do." Milton said worriedly.

Eddie asked in a low voice, "Do you think she will drain the magic from the castle like she did when she attacked Sir Merlin's residence last time, or will she take over it completely?"

Ding! Ding ding!

At the teacher's desk, Professor McGonagall tapped the cup with her wand.

"Please be quiet," she said sternly.

"Good morning."

After the auditorium became completely silent, Dumbledore stood up and began to speak.

"I think everyone already knows today's big news. Let me just say one thing..."

His eyes roamed the auditorium for a week.

"For the safety of students, your Hogsmeade weekend is canceled starting this week."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was an uproar in the auditorium.

Many bold students began to protest, such as the Gryffindor Weasley twins.

Scott even heard Fred say loudly: "Isn't it no longer popular to give prisoners some time to relax?"

"Shut up!" Percy had to stand up to stop them, "If you make trouble again..."

Scott could see from a distance that Percy's face was red with anger.

Dumbledore was not angry. He smiled and said, "Yes, you must stay in the castle until the Christmas holidays."

Having said this, he glanced at the Weasley twins specifically, "Of course, I will instruct Mr. Filch to guard the secret passage in the castle."

"Oh shit." Eddie complained to Scott in a low voice, "Our purchasing business!"

Scott glanced at him and said casually: "Then cancel it for now."

Eddie scratched his hair in distress.

Scott didn't tell him that the Weasley twins also had secret passages that Filch didn't know about either.

After breakfast, Luna said to Scott, "Hagrid didn't come just now, we should go see him."

"Let's do it at noon," Scott said.

He wanted to confirm whether the Thestrals at Hogwarts were the ones mentioned in the news.

After the morning class ended, Scott and Luna had a quick lunch, and then went to Hagrid's hut on the edge of the Forbidden Forest together.

"Oh, it's you."

Hagrid's eyes were red as he opened the door.

"Come in, Harry and the others are here too."

Scott glanced into the room. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were sitting at a huge round table.

After several people greeted each other, Scott and Luna also sat down at the round table.

"Are you okay, Hagrid?" Luna turned to look at Hagrid, "We read today's newspaper this morning and suspected that the group of Thestrals in Edinburgh were Wuwu and them."

"It's them!"

Hagrid said with a choked voice. He walked to the round table and sat down decadently, making the stool creak under his butt.

He sobbed loudly and took out his dirty tablecloth-sized handkerchief from his arms to wipe his tears.

"I went to see... this morning... to Edinburgh. Although I couldn't get close to the castle, I saw them from a distance above the castle. Oh, I rode Sirius' flying motorcycle..."

He spoke angrily and loudly, and his words were a little confusing.

"Oh, I saw them right there... Wu Wu, and his companions..."

At this time, the three Harrys all showed blank expressions. It seemed that they still didn't know about the disappearance of the Thestrals.

Hagrid continued to cry, "Wuwu is my favorite... He was the first one born in the Forbidden Forest. He later became the leader of the group... In the beginning, I only had one stallion and five mares... Oh ! I can't save them those damn thieves..."

"What's going on, Hagrid?" Hermione couldn't help but ask, "Did you raise those Thestrals mentioned in the newspaper?"

She pointed to a letter on the round table. "I thought it was bad enough that you were about to face a lawsuit!"

"Oh! I don't have time to deal with any lawsuits now. If Lucius Malfoy wants to sue me, just let him sue me." Hagrid said excitedly, "I'm just worried about Wuwu and the others now..."

Hermione looked at him disapprovingly, "No, Hagrid, you have to prepare a defense for yourself! You have to prove that the main responsibility for that teaching accident lies with Malfoy himself!"

"Does this need proof?" Ron said disapprovingly, "Everyone knows that Malfoy was injured because he was disobedient in class!"

Harry nodded again and again, "Everyone knows that is Malfoy's responsibility!"

Hermione raised her chin and glanced at them, "I can't believe it, why would you say such stupid things? Yes, we know, but that doesn't mean the Department of Education and the Wizengamot also know!"

"Hermione, I don't have time to pay attention to damn Malfoy!" Hagrid said loudly, "Do you know how they treat Wuwu and them? They have completely lost their freedom!"

At this point, he cried again and covered his face with a dirty handkerchief, "Those bastards... even put saddles, bridles and reins on them..."

At this moment, Harry suddenly asked: "So, what is the Thestral?"

Scott found that the expressions on both his and Ron's faces had become more confused.

Hermione immediately turned to glare at them.

Seeing that she took a deep breath and was about to start preaching, Scott quickly said: "Wait, this is a bit messy!"

He raised his hand to stop what Hermione was about to blurt out.

"We need to explain clearly what we each know first." He glanced at Luna again, "Hermione will talk about the lawsuit first, and then Luna will talk about the Thestral."

Hermione nodded upon hearing this and began to talk about the notification letter from the Wizengamot on the table.

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