The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 308 308. Friday night make-up class

Scott performed arithmetic for Savannah, but due to the serious lack of known conditions, he predictably came up with an ambiguous answer.

"The result of the divination is good, and you will return to Hogwarts." Scott said to Savannah.

Just take it as encouragement, he thought, since he didn't calculate any results anyway.

"Thank you." Savannah smiled immediately after hearing this, looking very happy.

She stood up, placed two gold galleons on the desk in front of Scott, turned around and ran out of the classroom quickly before Scott could speak.

That night, Scott came to the Room of Requirement after dinner.

Since the next day was Saturday and there was a Ravenclaw Quidditch match in the morning, he chose to make up for his study time on Friday night.


Out of curiosity, Scott told Ravenclaw about Savannah.

Ravenclaw in the painting said to Scott: "Druids were founded by the Celts in Britain. According to tradition, they would let people drift on the sea for many days, and if anyone survived, they would bury them alive. , only if you pass both tests can you officially join the Druid religion."

"Is this the test that Savannah is talking about?" Scott said, "If magic can be used during the process, it is not too difficult."

Ravenclaw shook his head slightly, "This is a test for entering the church. The child must have experienced it before entering the church. After all, you once said that her magic power is different and she can transform into a wolf, isn't it? ."

"I thought this inherited magic was their family's inheritance," Scott said.

He really didn't expect, "I didn't expect that today, at the end of the 20th century, there is still such a tradition in the Druid heritage."

Compared with them, the magic of wizards has been very advanced with the times.

"In order to become an official Druid Priest, you must go through the test called 'Triple Death'." Ravenclaw added.

"Triple death?" Scott widened his eyes slightly and looked at Ravenclaw in the painting.

He remembered that he had used arithmetic to predict Savannah's brother Aaron, and the result was exactly the number [3].

This number told him that Aaron's body was sleeping, his consciousness was between half-dream and half-awake, but his spirit was very active.

Could this be the result of the so-called "triple death" trial?

However, Savannah said at that time that her brother had disappeared earlier...

Of course, it's also possible that Savannah lied on this point.

"Mentor, do you know the specific content of the 'Triple Death' trial?" Scott asked again curiously.

"Even I don't know the specific content of the trial." Ravenclaw said, "I once told you that there were very few Druids left a thousand years ago. They are a very exclusive group, but I didn't expect... "

At this point, she sighed, "I thought they had perished long ago."

Ravenclaws know little about druids.

Scott also asked her about the Druid's Transfiguration. Why can a Druid transform into more than one animal?

In this regard, Ravenclaw only knew that it was related to the special magic of the druids, but she did not know how they made their magic extremely pure.

Because Ravenclaw didn't know anything more about druids, the discussion between the two of Savannah and druids ended here.

Although Scott's curiosity was not satisfied, he could only let it go.

Regarding Savannah, the little girl who obviously had a crush on him, although Scott felt that it would be a pity if the child fell into the same predicament of separation of body, consciousness, and spirit like her brother, that was all.

After the evening study, the Ravenclaw in the painting, perhaps out of concern, talked to Scott about his situation.

As she said, as a mentor she cannot and will not give direct help to Scott, but she can still give her some advice.

"Perhaps you can talk to Dumbledore. He is the principal and you are a student. He should protect you and will protect you. Of course, he is also capable of protecting you." Ravenclaw said, "And you can put more Put your energy into learning.”

Scott looked at the wise eyes of Ravenclaw in the painting, not believing that she really gave such advice.

Of course, in front of Ravenclaw, he could ask directly, "Mentor, you said that if you have the ability to protect me, you will not provide me with protection. Why would you advise me to pray for protection from others?"

Ravenclaw smiled slightly, "If you can let Dumbledore protect you and grow up under his protection, that is a skill that I will recognize."

Scott looked at her with reverence and sighed at the same time, he is indeed our ancestor of the eagle, there is no one who can say "hugging the thigh" so fresh and refined.

But he shook his head.

"You know what I've done," he said to the tutor in the painting, "and Professor Dumbledore is a Gryffindor."

Scott is self-aware, and the old principal's moral bottom line is much higher than him.

At the very least, Dumbledore would never help Voldemort just to deal with Medea.

In short, it is not a good thing for people with different views to get together.

"Gryffindor? What are you worried about?" Ravenclaw didn't care, "Godric Gryffindor himself is not that rigid."

That's because Godric Gryffindor is your best friend ever.

Scott complained in his heart.

Moreover, the social environment a thousand years ago was completely different from today. In that chaotic era, it was normal for wizards to fight and kill each other.

He said to Ravenclaw boldly: "You can imagine that if Godric Gryffindor was your elder..."

"Oh..." Ravenclaw in the painting changed his face slightly.

But she soon smiled again.

"Forget it, maybe your behavior will not be recognized by Dumbledore." She said kindly to Scott.

Scott bowed lightly.

"I hope you will be more cautious and don't play with fire and burn yourself."

Ravenclaw warned him and waved him away.

Because he had to make up for most of the day's study time, Scott left the Room of Requirement very late.

In order to avoid Peeves running around in the castle, as well as Filch and Mrs. Norris who were patrolling, he had to take a few more detours on his way back.

When he returned to the dormitory, his three roommates were already asleep.

Scott walked in and out of the dormitory quietly, and immediately fell asleep on the bed after washing up.

He was awakened by a strange cry early on Saturday morning.

"Ravenclaw, come on! Ravenclaw, come on!"

He opened his eyes and looked at Eddie, who was waving a small flag excitedly and screaming in the dormitory with colorful patterns on his face. Scott silently took out his wand from under the pillow and cast a petrification spell on him.

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