The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 311 311. Dumbledore's Inquiry

Snape took Scott to the principal's office as quickly as possible.

They entered from the entrance on the third floor and took the automatically ascending stone steps to the eighth floor.

"Wait here obediently!"

Snape turned his head and glanced at Scott, opened the door and walked in, then quickly closed the door.

Scott looked at the closed wooden door in front of him, turned around and leaned on the railing beside the stone steps, looking out of the castle through the glass window.

He guessed that Snape should be reporting to Dumbledore about the strange movement of the Dark Mark.

As for why Scott was brought here?

Scott himself felt that Snape probably couldn't do anything to him - Snape couldn't really give Scott a forgetting spell, and he didn't want to explain the anomaly of the Dark Mark.

So he chose to leave Scott's problem to Dumbledore.

The truth was pretty much what he thought.

The office door quickly opened again and Snape walked out.

"Come in, Mr. Trollope."

His expression was no longer as angry as before, and he even gave Scott a very fake smile.

But after saying this, the Potions Professor climbed directly onto the sunken stone steps and left without looking back.

Scott sighed silently, took another deep breath, and then turned and walked into the principal's office.

Dumbledore was sitting behind his large desk at this time, with a kind smile on his face when he saw Scott.

"Good afternoon, Professor Dumbledore." Scott greeted him proactively.

"Good afternoon, Scott." Dumbledore waved to him, "Come and sit down, maybe we need to have a good talk."

Scott nodded and sat down on the stool in front of his desk.

"Want something to drink?"

Dumbledore reached out and snapped his fingers, and an empty porcelain cup appeared in front of Scott.

"Just tea, no need to add sugar, thank you." Scott said.

"Oh, well, don't you like sugar?" Dumbledore said regretfully.

He snapped his fingers again, and steaming black tea appeared in the porcelain cup in front of Scott.

"Thank you." Scott picked up the tea cup and took a sip, "Yes, I don't like sweets very much."

"What a pity." Dumbledore also took a sip from his cup and smacked his lips, "I was going to share the delicious pile of cockroaches with you."

Scott smiled and said, "You'd better keep it for yourself."

"That's fine." Dumbledore nodded slightly.

Scott buried his head in his tea.

After a while, Dumbledore said with great interest: "It seems that you are not too curious about what happened to Severus."

Scott nodded, "Yes, Professor, I usually don't have much curiosity about other people's affairs."

"This is normal." Dumbledore said with a smile, "There are many Ravenclaw students just like you."

Scott did not deny this, "Yes, we are not as enthusiastic as Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. When it comes to relationships between people, we prefer to keep a distance."

"So do you think this is good or bad?" Dumbledore asked curiously, as if he was really curious about this.

Scott thought for a while and replied: "It doesn't matter to me whether it's good or bad. Everyone has their own way of survival. Just choose the way that is most comfortable for you."

"You are right, everyone is different." Dumbledore said with a smile, "Yes, everyone can choose their own way of survival, of course, the premise is not to hurt others, right?"

Scott nodded again, "You're right."

Dumbledore seemed to be in a good mood and was always cheerful.

He picked up the cup again and took a sip of the black tea in his cup that was extra thick probably because of too much sugar.

Then he said softly: "It seems that Severus' worry is unnecessary, and I don't need to say anything more to you, right?"

Scott nodded again, "Of course, I will keep it a secret."

He paused and then said: "Although in my perception, the sudden magic power on Professor Snape's arm is very evil, but since you trust him, it naturally means that Professor Snape has no problem."

"Thank you for trusting me, Scott." Dumbledore said in a happy tone.

Scott laughed, "Most people in Hogwarts trust you, you are Dumbledore."

"You used the word 'most'." Dumbledore's tone became a little regretful, "It seems that I, as the principal, have not done enough."

Regarding his pretending to be stupid, Scott just shrugged, "After all, education is a responsibility that needs to be shared by both the school and the family."

"Oh! I feel so much better when I hear you say that." Dumbledore became happy again.

Scott was about to say goodbye and leave when he suddenly asked, "So do you know what the abnormality on Severus' arm means?"

Scott was about to put down the tea cup, but paused when he heard this.

He really didn't expect that the old principal would suddenly talk to him about this again.

But pretending to be stupid in front of the old principal was not a good choice, so he answered directly, "It probably means that the Dark Lord... Voldemort has regained some strength, I guess."

"Yes, we all know that Voldemort did not really disappear. He made Horcruxes." Dumbledore murmured, "He may come back at any time."

Scott gently put down the teacup and listened to what he was saying almost to himself.

Dumbledore did not ask Scott how he connected the abnormality of Snape's arm with Voldemort.

He asked Scott again in a curious tone, "I want to ask you, Scott, what do you think about this?"

Scott looked at the old headmaster with some surprise.

Dumbledore looked at him with encouragement, "As an old man, I want to hear the ideas of young people, especially smart young people like you."

Scott still chose to tell the truth: "Although Voldemort has recovered some strength, what he should worry about most now is Medea's covetousness of his soul."

"Oh? Ms. Slytherin?" Dumbledore seemed surprised that he mentioned this name.

But Scott can be sure that Dumbledore, as the headmaster of Hogwarts, knows Medea's need for Voldemort's soul.

Everything originated from the oath that Medea signed with Hogwarts Castle.

Before the real Ravenclaw disappeared, she had communicated with Dumbledore, the current headmaster. The oath was signed by Ravenclaw on behalf of Hogwarts. At least she will give an explanation to future generations.

Scott didn't know why Dumbledore would discuss this with him, but he didn't object.

It just so happened that the news that Voldemort had regained some strength could also be passed on to Medea.

He glanced at the wall next to him with the corner of his eye and answered Dumbledore, "Yes, Ms. Ravenclaw told me about the oath signed by Medea and Hogwarts Castle."

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