The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 320 320. Lucky Spirit Dream Taming

Faced with Harry's inquiry, Scott could only tell him, "Hagrid should be fine."

As for Buckbeak, the Hippogriff will most likely not be able to escape guilt.

Otherwise, wouldn't old Malfoy have spent all his hard work in vain? Scott didn't think the cunning old Malfoy could be so useless.

But he couldn't tell because he hadn't paid any attention to this matter during this period.

After understanding what Scott meant, Harry said with an ugly expression: "In other words, is it really possible that Buckbeak will be executed? It was obviously Malfoy who provoked him first!"

Scott said helplessly: "For whatever reason, Buckbeak hurt someone after all. Compared to wizards, the Wizengamot trial will be more harsh on animals."

While talking, Scott established a connection with the Harry doll hanging on Harry's schoolbag and began to listen to its "report."

"Is there nothing we can do?" Ron asked with a frown.

Scott was distracted, listening to the "report" while answering Ron's question, "I don't know, it just depends on whether William can think of a way."

"I really hope William can help Buckbeak escape smoothly, otherwise Malfoy will be very proud." At this point, Ron's face wrinkled up, as if he remembered Malfoy's proud look.

Harry clenched his fists and said, "We can't do anything now, we can only wait for the results."

"That's all." Ron shrugged.

He seemed to suddenly think of something, so he lowered his voice and said, "Seriously, do you think Hagrid is a little unlucky? No, it should be said that he has always been unlucky."

"What do you mean?" Harry asked.

"Something always happens to the magical animals he raises." Ron said mysteriously, "The eight-eyed spiders in the Forbidden Forest last school year were all dead, and this school year the Night Vernon was stolen again, and now Buckbeak may also be..." Something happened."

Hearing him say this, Harry's expression immediately changed.

"This...this has nothing to do with whether Hagrid is unlucky, right?" He seemed a little unsure when he said this.

"I think it's related." Ron said firmly.

The two looked at each other for a few seconds, and Harry immediately changed his mind.

"What should we do?" he asked worriedly, "Is there any way to help Hagrid change his bad luck?"

The corners of Scott's mouth twitched slightly.

Even he was wondering just now whether Hagrid was really unlucky.

At this time, Neville said with some uncertainty: "Elixir of Fortune?"

"What is that?" Harry was confused.

"It's a magic potion, also called a lucky potion." Neville said, "It is said that drinking this potion will bring good luck."

"Oh!" Harry's eyes widened in surprise, "And there's this kind of potion?"

He turned to look at Scott, "Is it true?"

"There is such a magic potion," Scott said.

"Where can I buy it?" Harry was eager to try. "Sometimes I feel that I am lacking a little luck."

Scott smiled, "Magic potions are time-sensitive, and lucky potions can't give people real luck."

"Isn't it true luck? Is it giving people the illusion of luck?"

Harry immediately lost interest in the Elixir, and Ron and Neville also looked disappointed.

Scott explained, "Taking the Fortune Potion will greatly improve your abilities in all aspects, such as magic ability, reaction ability, thinking ability, etc. This is why the Fortune Potion is called a lucky potion. Take it It makes everything go smoothly.”

Harry, Ron and Neville's eyes lit up again.

Scott smiled again, "Formula is very expensive, very expensive. Its preparation process is extremely complicated and takes half a year. Moreover, taking too much Felixir can cause dizziness, recklessness and arrogance."

His words succeeded in dispelling the three boys' longing for the elixir.

Harry said disappointedly: "It seems that this potion can't help Hagrid get rid of bad luck."

He seemed convinced by Ron's words.

At this time, the Harry doll has completed its "report", and Scott has also received important information.

Harry had a dream about Voldemort last night.

Maybe it was because the boy-who-lived didn't pay much attention to this dream and didn't want to scare his friends, so he just briefly mentioned it to Ron and didn't even tell Hermione.

While chatting with Harry, Scott carefully felt the scar on his forehead.

Perhaps it was because Voldemort's soul fragment was not active at this time, so he could only perceive a little magic wave that did not belong to Harry, and that wave was very weak.

But Scott knew that as Voldemort gradually became stronger, his soul fragments would have an increasing impact on Harry.

Since Harry is not a real Horcrux, the fragment of Voldemort's soul in his body will instinctively want to leave Harry and return to the main soul after sensing the recovery of the main soul through the invisible connection between souls.

This is also the reason why Harry often has headaches after Voldemort's resurrection in the "original book".

When he couldn't find out anything and couldn't ask Harry directly, Scott said goodbye to the three Gryffindors and returned to Ravenclaw Tower.

He found Luna and Savannah in the common room and gave the two girls what Graplan had told him to bring.

"Um...find her first?" Luna was a little surprised, "Do we need to do this?"

Savannah shook her head.

"I'm just bringing you a message." Scott said with a smile. "It's up to you to decide how to do it."

Luna suddenly looked at Scott and asked him, "What's your advice, Scott?"

"My advice?" Scott walked to the sofa opposite the two and sat down, "I suggest that you don't go to the Forbidden Forest."

"Then don't go." Luna nodded.

Savana nodded.

Scott looked at Luna in surprise. This girl didn't look like such an obedient person.

Luna didn't pay attention to his gaze, or rather, she was still flipping through the book in her hand freely under his gaze.

Scott decided to ask directly, "Why did you decide not to go after hearing what I said?"

" should have a reason for saying that." Savanna said, "I think it's better to listen to your advice."

Maybe because they became more familiar with each other, the girl finally acted more comfortable in front of Scott.

At this time, Luna raised her head from the book.

"I wasn't planning to go again." She said, "The little guy is almost tamed by her."

"She?" Scott asked in surprise, "Grubplan? Not Hagrid?"

Luna nodded affirmatively, "She will take good care of it."

After that, she lowered her head and started reading again.

"Did you figure this out?" Scott asked Savannah.

Druids should be able to communicate with animals, right?

Savanah shook her head in confusion.

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