The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 323 323. A request that cannot be refused

As Christmas is approaching, Hogwarts Castle is gradually getting into a festive atmosphere, and students are generally becoming happy because the holiday is approaching.

Hermione is probably a classic exception.

Within a few days, Scott met her several times, and every time he saw her sullen, not even staying with Harry and Ron during meals.

Scott understood that it was the suggestion he gave to rescue Buckbeak that made the "little personality" who liked to emphasize discipline very entangled and angry.

Of course, the two boys, Harry and Ron, didn't look happy either.

It seemed they still couldn't get Hermione to relent.

What people didn't expect was that Hermione took the initiative to find Scott at noon one day.

She asked directly with a bad look, "Do you think I should do that?"

At this time, Scott had just come out of the arithmetic and divination classroom, and the students around him looked at Hermione curiously after hearing this.

"follow me."

Scott did not answer Hermione's question, but motioned for her to follow him. The two left the corridor outside the Arithmetic Divination classroom and came to a deserted place.

He ignored the curious gazes of others without any burden, but Hermione, who took the initiative to find him, looked uncomfortable.

Scott didn't pay attention to Hermione's discomfort, but asked her directly, "Are you asking for my advice?"

Hermione raised her eyes and glared at him, "Those two idiots, Harry and Ron, don't know the seriousness of the matter at all. They think I am a cold-blooded person. All this is because of your suggestion."

At this point, she felt so wronged that her eyes were red, and she quickly lowered her head to cover it up.

It seems that maybe that stupid boy Ron said some unpleasant things again.

Scott skipped her complaint and asked her, "So have you figured out how to choose?"

"I don't know." Hermione was obviously very embarrassed. "Of course Buckbeak is innocent, and I don't want him to die, but..."

She raised her head again and stared, "Am I going to betray Professor McGonagall's trust, or even violate school rules and laws?"

"Sorry." Scott smiled slightly, "Even so, I can't help you make a decision."

Hermione frowned, "Oh, of course you can't help me make a decision, but you got me into big trouble!"

"Sorry." Scott said without sincerity.

Hermione obviously felt Scott's lack of sincerity, so she became even more angry.

"This is all because of you..."

Maybe she was too angry, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

"Well, you don't know how to choose? This question is actually very simple." Scott said.

Hermione said sarcastically, "Then please teach me, Mr. Trollope."

"It's a matter of choosing between two." Scott also felt that it was a little uncomfortable to stand and talk, but he still said, "It depends on whether you want to abide by the law or save Buckbeak." Life."

Saying this is probably the same as not saying it.

Hermione immediately rolled her eyes after hearing this and still looked at him with a mocking face.

"Actually, you have already made your decision, haven't you?" Scott turned a blind eye to her expression, "If you didn't want to save Buckbeak, you wouldn't be confused."

Hermione pursed her lips tightly.

Scott added: "Of course, if you can think of another better way..."

"That's enough, thank you for your advice!"

Hermione suddenly interrupted Scott's words, gritted her teeth and said something, then turned around and left angrily.

Watching her leaving back, Scott couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

"...If I had known better, I wouldn't have said anything." He murmured.

By the next day, he began to regret his talk even more.

At noon the next day, Harry and Ron found him and strongly invited him to participate in the rescue of Buckbeak.

If it was just Harry and Ron, Scott would have refused, but traveling with them were the Weasley twins.

"You can't say no to this," Fred told him.

George added, "Last school year you invited us to search for the 'Slytherin' heir, and we immediately agreed."

"Yes." Harry said quickly, "You also told Dumbledore that I could hear the monster's voice."

Scott ignored Harry and said to the twins: "That incident saved your sister."

Ron flinched when he heard Scott say this, but the twins were not affected.

"Of course, you're right." Fred smiled, "But it still can't cover up our beautiful qualities."

George emphasized, "We agreed as soon as you said it. Obviously, we value our friends enough."

Scott asked Harry with a headache, "Why are Fred and George involved?"

"Oh..." Harry was a little embarrassed, "because last night... they heard our conversation in the common room."

"Obviously everyone was already asleep at that time!" Ron complained with a frown on his face.

Scott was actually not surprised.

"Got it," he said. "I know you three are always plotting loudly."

Harry and Ron felt a little uncomfortable hearing this, but Fred and George smiled proudly.

Scott thought for a while and asked them, "So, you all know what kind of magical item Hermione has in her hand?"

The four of them nodded at the same time, their eyes shining.

"It's amazing!" said Fred. "I can't believe what we missed because we didn't take all the courses!"

"Of course, our brothers never told us about that thing. I bet Percy must have one too." George said with some dissatisfaction.

"Forget Percy." Ron curled his lips, "but Bill didn't tell us either."

"What's the specific plan?" Scott asked again, "What are you going to do?"

"Of course..."

Fred and George looked at each other and laughed together.

"Watch the execution openly."

"Go back to the past afterwards."

"Secretly save Buckbeak."

"That's it?" Scott raised his eyebrows. "Saving the Hippogriff in public? Don't you think it's too difficult? Even if it succeeds, how can it escape the Ministry of Magic?"

"Buckbeak can fly." Harry said, "Besides, I have an invisibility cloak."

Scott said, "So this plan doesn't need so many people at all. On the contrary, the fewer people the better."

"Of course, it's Hermione and I who will take action." Harry said, "You stand in the crowd and act according to circumstances, and provide us with some help in secret."

Hearing him say this, Scott finally nodded, "If that's all, I agree."

He thought about it, but couldn't help but say, "But your plan needs to be improved."

Sorry, there are some things that need to be dealt with in the past two days, so the update is a bit unstable.

Fortunately, it was finally dealt with tonight, and normal updates will resume tomorrow.

To compensate, I will try to update more tomorrow.

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