The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 330 330. Stonehenge in the Oak Forest

A dark flock of crows shuttled through the dense forest. They flew in front of Scott and Rimbaud and landed on the branches of several oak trees.

The oak trees were motionless.

The crows started chirping in all directions, and Rimbaud listened for a while before saying to Scott: "They said they saw us from a distance as soon as they flew out of the passage."

Scott raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Let's go to where they left the passage just now."

Rimbaud nodded and called a few times to the crows, who immediately flew in the direction they came from.

Scott asked the gray wolf to stay where he was, and he led Rimbaud to follow the crows at a short distance.

Not long after, he saw the crows stopping again and landing in the trees.

Scott quickly walked to the location of the crows, but surprisingly did not see any place that could lead to the underground passage.

"Now the crows don't know where they came from," Rimbaud said.

Scott used magic perception to explore and then searched carefully everywhere, but still found nothing.

"Go back." He turned and walked back.

At this moment, a wolf howl came from far away from another direction, and Scott's expression changed.

"Why did the gray wolf run over there?" Rimbaud asked in surprise.

"No, it's not that the gray wolf ran over there. It won't move without my order." Scott said, "It's just that we lost our way just now."

"How is that possible? We clearly didn't go too far just now!" Lan Bo flew up and looked left and right.

Scott turned around again and walked in the direction of the howling of the gray wolf, "Although I don't know how it was done, the sudden appearance of the crows was to make us lose our way."

Rimbaud landed on Scott's shoulder and said loudly: "Damn it, who is it? We'd better go back directly."

"Don't worry." Scott still had no intention of going back directly, "We'll wait and let the crows follow us first."

Returning to where the gray wolf was, Scott asked the gray wolf to continue walking in the original direction.

"Wait!" Rimbaud shouted again, "How do you know this is the right direction? Maybe we were lost before!"

Scott smiled and said: "This direction should be right. If I was not sure before, I am more confident about it now."

"Because of the appearance of the crows?" Rimbaud asked, "Because someone tried to disorient us, so you think the previous direction was correct?"

Scott nodded, "I think so, maybe we have stepped into a certain range and are getting closer and closer to the person behind the scenes, so he wants to release the crows to give us wrong guidance."

"That's true," Rimbaud muttered.

Scott was unmoved. He continued: "Let's keep walking. To be on the safe side, let the crows fly in a line about one meter apart so that we can draw a long straight line."

"This is very difficult, there are many obstacles ahead." Rimbaud reminded.

The oak trees in the jungle are so dense that it is impossible for the crows to form a single file. They are bound to turn, and as long as they turn, they may lose their way.

Scott said: "When the leading crow goes around the obstacle, the crows behind it stop, and wait for the leading crow to go around the obstacle and confirm each other's direction before continuing."

"It's so troublesome, but it's the only thing we can do."

Rimbaud chirped several times to the crows, and the crows immediately flew forward in a straight line according to Scott's instructions.

Just because they had to confirm their direction every time they went around an obstacle, the speed of the crows' flight was slowed down a lot, but Scott didn't care.

With the crows leading the way, he called the gray wolf back and rode on its back.

"Just take a break and save energy." Scott, who was riding a wolf, said with a smile.

It's just that this time he couldn't rest long, as the crows of crows soon came from ahead.

After hearing this, Rimbaud quickly told Scott excitedly, "Oh! The leading crow saw the huge oak tree and human buildings. The huge oak tree was several times bigger than the one we built our nest in!"

Scott laughed, "The crows landed in formation, and we walked forward along their formation."

Rimbaud screamed loudly, and the crows lined up in front immediately landed on the ground obediently.

Scott let the gray wolf carry him forward along the line of crows.

The dense forest here has become more and more dense, and gray wolves are burrowing between the oak trees. If it were not for the formation of crows as a sign, it would be extremely easy to lose the direction.

Not long after walking, the gray wolf finally carried Scott to the front of the crow group.

He saw that the oak forest in front of him became sparse again, and became sparser as he went forward, until that one giant tree occupied a huge area.

Looking from a distance, the huge oak tree gives people a strong sense of oppression. It stands there like a castle.

As for the human buildings that the crow mentioned, they were the huge stones arranged randomly under the shade of the oak trees, as well as the rough buildings at the roots of the trees that were also made of huge stones.

"Stonehenge?" Scott blurted out.

The seemingly staggered arrangement of boulders is very similar to Stonehenge on Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, England.

He looked at the "Stonehenge" built around the roots of the giant oak tree from a distance, but he still didn't let the gray wolf take a step forward.

"What's wrong with you?" Rimbaud couldn't help but ask him.

"Although we have seen this scene, in my magic perception, there is still an endless oak forest ahead, without giant oak trees or Stonehenge." Scott murmured.

"What?" Rimbaud exclaimed.

"You said..." Scott asked it, "Should I trust my own eyes or my own magical perception?"

Rimbaud answered without thinking, "Of course..."

Halfway through the words, it started to hesitate again.

"I don't know," it said. "Let the crows try."

Scott agreed.

Rimbaud chirped loudly.

The crows immediately started flying again after hearing its voice. They no longer maintained their formation, but flew forward in a swarm.

Soon, they flew into "Stonehenge" and scattered on the boulders.

"Gah! Gah!"

Their chirping sounded far away.

"It's true! Those big rocks they said are real!" Rimbaud flew up excitedly.

"Wait." Scott waved it back, "Let them fly to the middle to see the building built on the roots of the tree."

Rambo obediently flew back to Scott's shoulder and chirped loudly.

The crows in Stonehenge in the distance obeyed and flew up again.

They flew through "Stonehenge" and flew to the building at the base of the giant oak tree.

Soon, they flew out from inside the building again, chirping again to convey the message.

"They said it was empty and there was only one stone statue." Rimbaud told Scott the news conveyed by the crows.

Scott nodded, and the gray wolf carrying him began to run forward.

The vigorous gray wolf ran very fast, and soon arrived outside "Stonehenge".

The strange thing is that the "illusion" in Scott's magic perception has not been eliminated after reaching this distance.

In his magic perception, "Stonehenge" is still an oak forest.

Making the gray wolf stop, Scott climbed off its back and landed.

Rimbaud asked, "Why did you stop?"

Scott didn't speak, but the gray wolf had moved again.

This beast walked into "Stonehenge" under Scott's order. It did not run anymore, but walked towards the giant oak tree in the center at an unhurried speed.

"Are you worried that there are traps?" Rimbaud understood Scott's concerns, "Yes, after all, crows fly through the air."

Scott did not answer, but carefully watched the gray wolf move forward, taking note of the path it took.

Rimbaud added: "Don't worry, my friend, if there is a trap under your feet, then I will take you to fly over."

Scott still didn't speak, but his eyes had changed.

"If you want me to say..." Rimbaud's words also stopped abruptly, and it also discovered something was wrong.

At this time, the gray wolf had gone astray.

Scott kept watching the gray wolf move forward. He watched helplessly as it started to stray after passing a few boulders. Until now, the beast had completely lost its way.

The product of Scott's transformation technique has the ability to move independently. At this time, the gray wolf seemed to have noticed something was wrong. After a few anxious roars, it began to run quickly.

But in the eyes of Scott and Rimbaud, the gray wolf was running around like a headless fly at the moment.

It circled around among the boulders, but could never find the right direction.

"What's going on?" Rimbaud was extremely surprised.

Scott took a few steps back without saying a word and raised the wand in his hand.

"Thunderbolt explosion!"

The dazzling light of the curse shot out and hit the boulder closest to him.

But the expected explosion did not occur.

The air on the surface of the boulder rippled like water waves, swallowing up the light of the curse.

Scott frowned and didn't try any more.

He placed an Iron Armor Charm in front of him, and then pointed his wand at the ground in the distance.

"The house collapsed!"

"Thunderbolt explosion!"


A violent explosion sounded, and a pit immediately collapsed on the ground.

The dust cleared, and Scott walked to the hole he had blasted.

It's a pity that all that exploded was soil, not rocks.

Scott waved his wand to gather the exploded soil, and added some water with a water control spell.

Not long after, a giant eagle flew up, over Scott's head, and flew towards "Stonehenge".

However, after the eagle flew over "Stonehenge", its speed slowed down, and the flapping of its wings became more and more difficult.

After it flew half the distance, it fell from the air, hit a boulder hard, and turned into a puddle of soil again.

Seeing this scene, Rimbaud said proudly: "It seems that I have to take action!"

Scott shook his head and said to Rimbaud, who was eager to try: "Now it seems that only small birds or creatures without magic power can pass through without hindrance."

Rimbaud immediately stopped talking.

In order to achieve better balance, starting from today, the chapters will be changed to one chapter with 3000+ words.

There are still 6,000+ guaranteed updates every day, but it’s just split into two chapters.

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