The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 332 332. They are so bad

"Help Savannah?"

Scott only felt strange when he heard such a request.

He asked curiously, "What happened? Why do you think I can help?"

More importantly, he has made it clear that he is not Savannah's boyfriend, so why does Aaron still think he will help Savannah?

The gray wolf squatting not far from Scott said: "Savanna participated in the priest's trial."

Scott smiled, "Druid's priest trial, the 'triple death' test?"

When Gray Wolf heard this, his eyes immediately widened, "How do you know? Did Savannah tell you?"

Scott said calmly: "Savanna didn't tell me anything. Of course, I only know so much."

The eyes of the gray wolf that carried Aaron's consciousness were very human, and it was looking at Scott with suspicion at the moment.

Scott stared at the huge gray wolf with interest.

"Savanna once asked me to do an arithmetic divination for you, and the final number obtained from that arithmetic divination was [3]. This number told me your state at that time. Your body was sleeping, your consciousness was half asleep, and your spirit was not. Very active.”

Hearing Scott say this, Gray Wolf's eyes were very surprised.

"It seems now that your consciousness has awakened at some point." Scott said again.

Aaron said nonchalantly: "It's obvious."

A smile slowly appeared on Scott's face, "What makes me curious is that since your spirit is not damaged and your consciousness has awakened, why can you only rely on this method to meet me?"

He stared into Gray Wolf's eyes and asked, "Is there something wrong with your body?"

"What needs to be discussed now is not my problem!" Aaron's voice was a little anxious, "Savannah may be in danger!"

Scott was not as anxious as he was. Instead, he asked in a calm tone, "Does the so-called 'triple death' trial refer to three tests for the body, spirit, and consciousness? Your current situation is also for Caused by trials?”

Gray Wolf nodded, "Your guess is correct. My trial was successful, but it can also be said to have failed."

Scott understood what he meant and asked directly, "How long will it take for you to get back to normal?"

"I don't know." Gray Wolf shook his head slightly, "But I can feel that it will take some time for me to return to my own body."

"How long exactly?" Scott asked.

Aaron replied, "It will take at least 3 years."

Scott asked, "In your family, is the so-called priestly trial something that everyone must participate in?"

Gray Wolf shook his head.

Scott asked again, "Since you can already be considered successful, why does Savannah still need to participate in the trial?"

Aaron's voice was a little angry, "They are not willing to wait another three years. They need a qualified priest to be born as soon as possible."

Scott still doesn't quite understand his motives, "If you want to prevent Savannah from participating in the trial, then it should be too late now. Do you think I can help her pass the trial?"

Aaron explained, "It's not what you think. Savannah's trial hasn't really started yet, and it's still too late to stop it now."

Scott shook his head, "This is an internal matter within your family and your Druids' matter. And you also said that they need a qualified priest to be born as soon as possible. I'm afraid I can't help."

"You can," Aaron said, "You can take Savannah away."

Scott's calm expression finally changed, "Take away? I said..."

"I know!" Aaron said quickly, "I already know that you are not Savannah's boyfriend yet, but you can be her boyfriend."


Scott looked at the gray wolf speechlessly.

Why did the topic come back again?

Scott didn't speak, and Aaron continued to talk to himself: "Savanna can break away from her identity as a druid if she gets engaged. You can take her away and keep her away from all this."

Scott asked in surprise, "The matter is so important, the 'they' you mentioned would let her go so easily?"

"Of course, this must go through some tests. As long as you pass the test, you can take Savanna away, and they can't violate the rules they have set long ago." Aaron looked at Scott, "You have passed most of them. There is only one final step left in the test!”


At this moment, Scott regretted that he had come all the way. He should have gone back immediately after being brought over by the portkey.

"This is all your wishful thinking." He frowned and said to Aaron.

Since the "they" he refers to are not willing to wait three years for a 12-year-old girl to pass the trial, why would they care about the rule that they can leave after getting engaged.

What's more, why would he get involved in other people's family affairs?

Aaron seemed to turn a deaf ear to Scott's words, and his tone became a little anxious, "Go, as long as you successfully enter the temple, you will be considered to have completely passed the test, and then you can take Savanna away."

"Sorry, I can't help." Scott refused.

"Why? You don't want to?" Aaron asked angrily, "Isn't my sister still good enough for you? She is a genius!"

Scott's frown deepened.

"Of course, there are many people in the world who are worthy of me." He said in an incomprehensible tone.

"Sorry." Gray Wolf stared at Scott with sharp eyes, "It's too late. Although it was a misunderstanding, since I have chosen you..."

The gray wolf squatted within the confines of "Stonehenge" and did not move, but its body suddenly transformed, from a real wolf to a wolf shape made of tree roots.

Two tree roots as thick as arms sprang out from its shoulders and wrapped around Scott's left and right sides.

"Armor protection!"

Scott raised the wand in his hand lightly, and a transparent magic barrier blocked him.


Two tree roots hit the magic barrier, making a fierce collision sound.

Scott took this opportunity to quickly retreat a distance.

Although he had been talking to Aaron just now, he did not relax his vigilance and was even ready to take action at any time.

Just like what he said at the beginning, the brother of a student in the same school is just a stranger to him, and he cannot trust strangers.

The two tree roots quickly retracted, and in a blink of an eye, the wolf-shaped tree roots turned into real gray wolves again.

"You really don't want to?" Aaron asked Scott again.

"Of course not." Scott smiled, "These things have nothing to do with me at all, don't they? What's more..."

He stared at the huge gray wolf, "There is no way to verify whether what you said is true or false, and there are many loopholes. How could I listen to you and walk into your territory unprepared?"

Wouldn't it be possible to get cheated if you go in?

"It seems I underestimated your caution." Gray Wolf looked a little annoyed.

Scott smiled and said nothing.

"But you are the most suitable candidate." Gray Wolf grinned, showing his sharp white teeth. "I will not let you leave. Now you can't leave even if you have the door key."

As soon as he finished speaking, all the boulders in "Stonehenge" began to buzz, and an extremely powerful wave of magic swept across the vast surrounding space.

At this moment, both the huge oak tree with enough shade to cover Stonehenge and other oak trees in the dense forest behind Scott began to move.

The branches that were blocking out the sky and the sun were all baring their teeth and claws. This scene was like a natural disaster.

Scott stood there and smiled sarcastically at the gray wolf, "Although you made up a bunch of reasons, your real purpose is probably not to save your sister."

"Come on, Scott!" Rambo on Scott's shoulder shouted at him.

Scott raised his left hand to let Rimbaud touch the silver snake-shaped necklace in his hand, and decisively activated the door key.

"You can't leave." Aaron watched his movements and did not stop him.

But soon he was dumbfounded.

"If it were an ordinary door key, it really wouldn't be able to break through the space in such a storm-like magic wave." Scott smiled again.

"How could it be!" Aaron shouted, "Your door key..."

"Stop! Aaron! Don't hurt..."

While leaving, Scott heard Savannah's voice coming from the so-called temple, and saw a gray wolf cub rushing out of the temple.

Immediately afterwards, he felt his navel being hooked, and the scene in his eyes turned into a spinning illusion.

Not long after, Scott emerged from the space travel and landed on the ground in the forest of the crow's territory.

"It's so dangerous!" Rimbaud flew around Scott, "It was so dangerous just now!"

"It's indeed a bit dangerous," Scott said with a smile.

"You are still laughing. We almost couldn't come back. You should have listened to me a long time ago!" Rimbaud shouted loudly.

"Okay." Scott nodded, "I will definitely listen to you next time."

"That's pretty much it!" Rimbaud said, landing on Scott's shoulder again.

"Do you know what that guy wants to do?" it asked curiously.

Scott shook his head, "I don't know what he wants to do, but I know he has ill intentions towards me."

He thought about the oak forest, those magical oak trees that stood out from the rest.

Druids? It seems that this group is in deep water.

"You better not accept random gifts from others in the future!" Lan Bo said with lingering fear, "People nowadays are so bad! Letters are deceiving! Gifts are also deceiving!"

Scott nodded in agreement, "Yes, they are simply too bad."

Although he was unconscious, Rimbaud suddenly stopped talking.

Its eyes stared blankly at him, obviously thinking of the letter sent to Carlo.

"Let's go." Scott stretched, "Let's go back to Hastings."

When they arrived at the small town of Hastings again, it was already evening.

"It would be nice if I could learn to apparate in advance."

Scott finally returned home feeling physically and mentally exhausted.

He glanced at the unopened gifts piled in the room and lost interest in them.

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