The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 335 335. Gringotts invaded again

When the train arrived at Hogsmeade Village Station, it was completely dark.

On the platform, Eddie said, "We don't know how to get back to the castle. After all, the Thestrals have been stolen. Who will help us pull the carriage?"

"We'll know if we go and take a look." Roger walked out of the platform first.

They came to the platform and saw the row of carriages.

There was still nothing in front of the carriage.

"Oh, is it the Thestrals that have returned?" Eddie hurried to a carriage and reached out to feel in front of the carriage.

"No, there's nothing there." Luna reminded him.

"It seems that these carriages have really become automatic." Scott said with a smile.

Several people climbed onto the carriage with curiosity.

Not long after, after all the students got on their carriages, all the carriages started moving together and drove steadily towards Hogwarts.

"How are the carriages moving now?" Eddie looked left and right, "Is it a kind of alchemy?"

"Maybe Dumbledore is using magic." Roger guessed.

"Using magic to move so many carriages at the same time?" Eddie first questioned, then nodded, "If it was Dumbledore, it would be possible to do this."

Scott laughed, "Not Dumbledore, but Professor Flitwick."

"Really?" The others in the carriage looked at him in surprise.

Scott nodded, "I can sense it, it's Professor Flitwick's magic."

"Oh! Great! It's Professor Flitwick!" Eddie raised his hand excitedly.

"Not just Professor Flitwick." Scott's magic perception range expanded a little, and he got more information, "It turns out that almost all professors are involved."

"Is that so." Eddie's excitement was a little less.

Roger said, "This is not a solution. They should get all the Thestrals back as soon as possible."

"The Thestrals will come back." Luna said firmly.

Scott turned his head and looked at her.

Luna smiled, "When the Ministry of Magic changes the new Minister, the Thestrals will return to Hogwarts."

She seemed to believe in Professor Trelawney's prediction and her own guess.

"Why do you say that?" Milton asked curiously.

Luna said Professor Trelawney's prophecy, "Those dark stars will eventually return, and at the time of the transition from the old to the new, the revived witches will be in crisis!"

Except for Scott, everyone looked at her in confusion.

"This is Professor Trelawney's prophecy." Scott said.

"Professor Trelawney? Is this credible?" Eddie asked questioningly, "What does the dark star refer to?"

Luna didn't care about his doubts, "This prophecy is credible, the dark star is another name for the Thestrals."

"But what does this prophecy have to do with the Minister of Magic?" Milton was even more confused.

Scott said: "Luna believes that the transition from the old to the new in the prophecy refers to the replacement of the Minister of Magic."

Luna nodded solemnly, "Savana believes that this sentence refers to the arrival of 1994. But now it is 1994, and the Thestrals have not returned. Obviously she is wrong."

"Maybe the prophecy is nonsense?" Eddie muttered.

"It's normal that you don't believe it." Scott laughed, "Professor Trelawney does often talk nonsense."

Luna emphasized, "But the predictions she made occasionally are true. I saw that she opened her third eye when she made this prediction."

"Third eye?"

Hearing this, Eddie's fat face wrinkled.

Scott was sure that he must be thinking that Luna would talk more nonsense than Trelawney.

The carriage soon arrived at the gate of Hogwarts Castle.

Scott and his party jumped off the carriage and walked towards the hall.

On the way, Eddie complained, "Today's "Evening Prophet" is a little late."

Unfortunately, he was the only one who subscribed to this newspaper among the people present, and no one agreed with his complaint.

When they entered the hall and sat at the long table, a few sporadic owls finally delivered newspapers.

"It seems that the sales of "Evening Prophet" are not very good." Roger said with a smile.

"Oh! Look!" At this time, Eddie, who unfolded the newspaper, exclaimed, "Gringotts has been invaded again!"

As he exclaimed, the newspaper in his hand immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Especially Scott, at this moment he reflexively thought of the lost locket.

"What's going on?" He looked at the newspaper in Eddie's hand.

Eddie quickly put the newspaper on the table.

The front page headline of this newspaper had two huge lines of fonts - "Gringotts was invaded head-on, the goblins betrayed our trust!"

"Oh those damn goblins!"

"Except for casting gold galleons, they are simply useless!"

"Those damn greedy things!"

At this time, many people in the hall saw this newspaper, and for a while, curses came one after another.

Scott quickly looked at the detailed report.

"Oh Merlin, it's the resurrected witch again!" Eddie exclaimed again, "They are riding the Hogwarts Thestrals again!"

It seems that Medea's new nickname is the only thing he understands from the prophecy.

Roger said, "It was this afternoon, when we were still on the train."

At this time, Scott had finished reading the report.

That afternoon, Medea and her "green robed man" rode down from the sky on the Thestral, and attacked Gringotts's defense head-on at an extremely fast speed.

Then, Medea used the Imperius Curse to force a goblin to open an underground vault. When the Aurors from the Ministry of Magic arrived, she had already flown away with her men on the Thestrals.

As expected, the underground vault that was opened belonged to the Lestrange family.

"The goblins actually claimed that Gringotts had no losses in this incident?" Eddie shouted, "They must be lying!"

"Do they think they can escape compensation this way?" Roger said dissatisfied.

Scott had sat down again.

Obviously, during this operation, Medea easily obtained one of Voldemort's Horcruxes, Hufflepuff's Gold Cup.

This led Scott to suspect that the locket hidden in Blake's house had also fallen into her hands.

If this is true, Harry is the only one left of Voldemort's seven Horcruxes.

Scott secretly complained about the uselessness of Voldemort, the Dark Lord, and began to speculate on Medea's next actions.

What is certain is that in order to sacrifice the Horcrux to speed up her recovery, Medea must once again use a powerful source of magic power to complete the sacrifice.

Such places are rare. Where will she focus on this time?

Scott thought for a while and then gave up.

If Medea's gaze is not limited to the British Isles, but looks to the whole world, she will actually have many choices, and Scott has no way of guessing.

However, the one who is most anxious about this matter should be Voldemort.

Voldemort, who had faced Medea's pursuit, knew Medea's purpose.

It is conceivable that the Dark Lord will definitely try his best to prevent Medea from sacrificing his Horcrux unless he is powerless.

"It's happened more than once. Now it seems that Gringotts is not a safe place." Eddie's voice was still loud, "I will not choose to save money there in the future."

"You make it sound like you have a lot of money." Roger sneered.

"Of course, I will have a lot of money." Eddie said confidently, "There is no need to doubt this."

Scott looked up.

At this time, Principal Dumbledore and other professors had already entered the auditorium and sat on the teachers' bench.

However, the students were shocked by the bombshell news in the Evening Prophet. Many people did not notice their arrival, and the auditorium was still noisy.

Ding, ding ding!

Professor McGonagall tapped the goblet with her wand.

"Please be quiet."

Her voice spread throughout the room, and the students stopped their discussion one after another.

"It seems that everyone had a happy holiday." Dumbledore stood up and said with a smile, "Welcome back to Hogwarts. The new semester has begun. Before filling your minds with new knowledge, first Let’s fill our bellies with delicious food! ”

He stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, and mountains of various delicacies immediately appeared on the long table.

On the Ravenclaw table, Eddie quickly picked up a chicken leg and started to chew on it. At the same time, he said vaguely: "Oh, doesn't Dumbledore know about the news just now?"

"Even if he knew, he wouldn't discuss it with us."

Scott first filled a bowl of colorful soup and drank a few mouthfuls to warm his stomach, and then reached out to the meat.

Eddie couldn't help but guess again, "Does that prophecy mean that Dumbledore will become the new Minister of Magic and then lead the Ministry of Magic to defeat the resurrected Witch? In this case, the Thestral will really come back."

Luna, who was sitting next to Scott, looked up at Dumbledore on the teacher's bench and shook her head.

"Dumbledore will not be Minister of Magic," she said to Eddie.

"How do you know?" Eddie curled his greasy lips.

"If he wanted to be a minister, he would already be a minister," Roger said.

The argument was so strong that even Eddie couldn't argue with it.

The opening dinner passed peacefully, and Dumbledore did not speak again for the rest of the day.

Although Eddie claimed several times that the professors whispering among each other at the teacher's desk must also be discussing the invasion of Gringotts, they never told the students about it.

After dinner, the students headed to their common rooms.

Since he no longer needed to guide the new students, Scott walked slowly around the castle with his three roommates and Luna.

When they passed by a corridor, Scott saw Harry running up to Blake and saying something excitedly, and then Blake looked at Scott in the crowd.

Scott smiled politely, but Blake began to wave at him.

"Looks like I have to go."

Scott said to his roommates and Luna and walked over to Blake and Harry.

"Good evening, Professor Black." Scott greeted him proactively.

"Hello, Scott." Blake said with a smile, "Come on, you and Harry come to my office together."

Scott nodded.

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