The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 337 337. The Power of Prophecy

"The Ministry of Magic is not taking over Gringotts directly."

Across the long table, Dylan, who had finished reading the newspaper, said.

"Gringotts is all over the world." Keira, who was sitting next to Dylan, said, "The British Ministry of Magic just decided to supervise the safety of Gringotts."

"Oh, damn Daily Prophet, always lying with headlines!" Eddie finished reading the report angrily.

"Let me see." Scott reached out and took the newspaper and took a few glances.

The specific content of the report was just as Dylan and Keira said.

[...In order to ensure the safety of the property of British wizards, the Ministry of Magic sent a team of Aurors to the Gringotts Bank in the UK.

These experienced and senior Aurors will be responsible for supervising the security of Gringotts Bank...]

"Even so, the goblins are still not happy." Eddie said, "The goblins are greedy guys, I'm afraid they have regarded everything in Gringotts as their own property."

"This has happened more than once, and there will probably be fewer wizards who are confident to hand over their property to Gringotts Bank in the future." Roger said with a smile.

"What was stolen yesterday? They still haven't published it in the newspaper." Scott put down the newspaper.

"Yesterday's newspaper said that what was opened was the underground vault of the Lestrange family." Milton said, "The Lestrange family members are now imprisoned in Azkaban."

"No wonder." Eddie shrugged his shoulders, "They don't have to be responsible for the underground vault being robbed for the time being."

For the students of Hogwarts, even the big news that Gringotts Bank was breached head-on was just some after-dinner talk.

Apart from the news published in the newspaper, they could not get more information.

But Scott wanted to know more.

After the morning class, he met with Rimbaud in the Forbidden Forest and asked Rimbaud to send crows to obtain more intelligence.

"Whether it is Gringotts Bank or the Ministry of Magic, both should be included in the scope of monitoring." He said to Rimbaud, "I have a hunch that some major changes may happen in the British magic world."

Rimbaud asked curiously, "What is it?"

Scott just shook his head, "I don't know, but there will definitely be changes."

"Okay, I'll let the crows work hard." Rimbaud agreed to Scott's request.

As Rimbaud began to gather information with the crows, it traveled back and forth between London and Hogwarts almost every day, and Scott met with it more often.

Thanks to its efforts, Scott successfully obtained a lot of information hidden from the public.

First of all, the lost items in the Lestrange family's underground vault have actually been confirmed, and it is indeed the Hufflepuff gold cup.

In order to verify the lost items, the Ministry of Magic not only checked the vault item list kept in Gringotts, but also sent people to Azkaban to ask the brothers Rodolphus Lestrange and Rabastan Lestrange in prison, as well as Rodolphus' wife Bellatrix Lestrange.

Because the crazy Bellatrix Lestrange shouted after hearing the news, the Ministry of Magic now knows that the lost gold cup was given to Lestrange by the Dark Lord for safekeeping.

At the Ministry of Magic, Rimbaud also observed a strange phenomenon.

As a minister, Fudge became more and more taciturn.

And some members of the secretariat of the Minister's Office would hold secret meetings with some people from other departments behind the back of Fudge, the Minister.

Fudge was very angry about this.

Rumple said, "His face will become like a dark cloud."

But he did not explicitly prohibit such behavior.

"Minister's Office Secretariat?"

Scott felt as if it was expected when he heard the news.

"Milton's father, Mr. Graves, is the head of the Secretariat." He asked softly.

"Mr. Graves?" Rumple tilted his head, "I don't know Milton's father, but there is indeed a Mr. Graves there."

"Keep working hard."

Scott reached out and touched Rumple's feathers.

"Medea will digest the Horcrux she got as soon as possible, and she can't take care of the Ministry of Magic for the time being." He ordered, "Take advantage of now, try to give me a list of people who will attend the secret meeting, they should all be Medea's people."

"No problem." Rumple agreed.

The days that followed were uneventful, and Scott carried out the same high-intensity study as last semester.

Even on weekends, his time was full, except for the days when Ravenclaw College participated in the Quidditch competition.

The news of the robbery of Gringotts Bank gradually cooled down with the passage of time.

In the first week of February, Professor Black suddenly began to miss the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, and the only teacher left in the class was the assistant Lupin.

Lupin did not clearly explain where Black was, and the students began to talk about it.

But Scott had already guessed the reason.

At noon the day after Black disappeared, Scott received a letter from Dumbledore.

In the letter, the old headmaster asked Scott to go to his office.

Scott rushed to the headmaster's office and found Harry inside.

"Good afternoon, Scott." Dumbledore, who was sitting behind the desk, waved to Scott, "Come and sit down, what would you like to drink?"

"Black tea, no sugar, thank you."

Scott, who was already familiar with the headmaster's office, sat on the stool next to Harry.


Dumbledore snapped his fingers with a smile, and a steaming cup of black tea appeared in front of Scott.

"Scott, my guess was right!"

At this time, Harry said to Scott with some excitement: "Kreacher really knows the truth about Regulus's disappearance!"

Scott lowered his head and took a sip of tea, "Professor Black's missing brother, is he still alive?"

"I don't know," Harry said. "Sirius didn't tell me the result. He just said he asked something and he was very excited at the time."

"So now, where is Professor Black?" Scott asked again.

"Let me tell you." Dumbledore began, "Sirius contacted me. It was indeed a major discovery."

He said with a sigh: "Who would have thought that a great secret could be kept in the mind of a house elf."

Scott put down the tea cup in his hand and looked at Dumbledore with some confusion, "Professor, it seems that I don't need to listen to this matter?"

"I need your help, Scott." Dumbledore smiled kindly at him, "Please listen to the end."

Scott looked hesitant, but nodded.

"It's about Voldemort's Horcruxes," Dumbledore said softly.

"Horcrux?" Harry didn't know why.

Since he didn't destroy Riddle's diary like in the "original", he didn't quite understand the concept of Horcruxes.

Dumbledore patiently explained to him the evil principles and functions of Horcruxes.

Harry quickly reacted, "The diary that controlled Ginny..."

Dumbledore nodded, "That is also one of the Horcruxes."

As he spoke, he looked at Scott, "Scott did arithmetic on this. The results of that arithmetic told us that Voldemort created a total of 7 Horcruxes, either actively or accidentally."

Harry frowned tightly when he heard this, "So, we have to destroy all his Horcruxes to defeat him?"

"That's the theory."

Dumbledore murmured and ignored the topic.

"Is the relic left by Regulus a Horcrux?" Harry asked again.

"I'm afraid that's it." Dumbledore nodded slightly, "It's a pity that it has been stolen."

Harry said loudly: "Is it Voldemort? I dreamed of him..."


When Dumbledore heard this, he immediately looked at Harry, his blue eyes flashing with wisdom.

"Tell me, what did you dream about?" he asked softly.

"That's just a dream." Harry showed some resistance, "It doesn't mean anything."

Dumbledore said meaningfully: "No, actually wizard dreams can represent many things, especially you, Harry."

"Me?" Harry was completely confused.

Dumbledore did not explain, but at his request, Harry recounted his dream.

While Harry was describing the dream, Scott's eyes began to look at the portrait of the former principal on the wall of the office from time to time.

The former principals in the portraits still seemed to be napping, but the eyes that opened slightly from time to time gave them away.

Especially Phineas Black, Scott's suspect, has some obvious moves.

Scott frowned.

If the news that Harry could see Voldemort's actions through dreams reached Medea's ears, would she think that Harry was a "horcrux"?

Even if she didn't expect this, it didn't stop her from treating Harry as a Voldemort detector.

At this moment, Dumbledore, who had listened to Harry's story, said to him: "Harry, what you saw in your dream really happened."

"How is it possible?" Harry couldn't believe it, "It was just a could it be possible?"

Before Dumbledore could answer, Scott suddenly spoke, "Is it because of the prophecy? The power of the prophecy created a connection between Harry and Voldemort."

Dumbledore glanced at Scott in surprise, but did not refute his words.

The lesser of two powers, Scott thought.

"This angle seems to make sense." Dumbledore said with a smile.

"What prophecy?" Harry asked confused, "Why don't I know about it?"

Dumbledore still smiled and looked at Scott with kind eyes.

Scott could only explain, "A prophecy made more than ten years ago about you and Voldemort. Voldemort decided to get rid of you only after hearing the prophecy. Of course, this action led to his failure."

"Just because of the prophecy?" Harry found it difficult to accept.

He glanced at Dumbledore and immediately understood that Scott's words were true.

"Why do you know this?" he couldn't help asking Scott.

"Some of the portraits and ghosts in this castle know about it." Scott replied, "Of course, they usually don't tell others."

Of course what he said was true. He and Helena had talked about this topic before.

"Is the prophecy so powerful? I mean, connecting me to Voldemort?"

Harry still had difficulty accepting the fact that he was connected to Voldemort.

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