The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 345 345. New Warriors Set Out

After the class ended the next afternoon, Scott and the others came to the "Joke Prop Studio" located in the secret passage again.

The eagle sent by Scott has returned long ago.

Fred quickly picked up the stuffed rabbit and took out the panoramic telescope.

"let me see."

He raised the panoramic telescope in front of his eyes and expertly turned the wheel with his fingers.

"Forget it Fred." George said with a smile, "Can you find out where Little Hangleton is from the images you look back at?"

"Who said I couldn't find it? I studied the map." Fred said unconvinced.

George didn't believe in his ability and said in a mocking tone: "Then you take your time to find it."

Scott ignored the quarrel between the two brothers, but reached out and touched the feathers of the eagle, using magic perception to detect its status.

"I didn't expect that after the past day, its condition is still quite stable." He said to Eddie.

"I can't do this."

Eddie looked at the eagle with some envy as he stood even more majestic under Scott's touch.

"If I use transformation to create an animal, I can only maintain it for one hour at most. Once I leave the magic control range, I can't move on my own."

Scott shrugged, "I told you how to advance the transformation technique."

"Although I know the method, I still can't do it." Eddie said helplessly.

At this point, Fred finally gave up.

"Well I really can't find it." He handed the panoramic telescope to Scott.

"Let Eddie do it," Scott said with a smile. "That's his strength."

Gossip also requires talent, and requires keen observation and memory.

"You really need me to come." Eddie proudly took over the panoramic telescope and started operating it.

Scott started chatting with the twins.

He asked Fred and George, "What else have you invented lately?"

"We have been studying fireworks recently." Fred took out a notebook from his old desk and opened it. "Of course, our plan also includes portable swamps."

George Interface said: "We believe that there are still many areas for improvement in Lipu fireworks, and sooner or later we will make products that surpass it."

As they spoke, the two couldn't help but take out tools and materials and start tinkering together.

Scott watched for a while. They were testing the pyrotechnic formula, and small explosions occurred from time to time in an old crucible.

"Oh, that won't work." Fred said as he picked up the quill and wrote down in his notebook.

"Continue the experiment." George took out a bottle of unknown mineral powder.

Scott withdrew his gaze, picked up a new panoramic telescope, and tried to use magic perception to break through the blockade and figure out the internal magic circuit.

"Oh, I found it!" Eddie, who had been holding the panoramic telescope to watch, suddenly said, "This is Little Hangleton, a dilapidated small village."

Fred and George immediately stopped studying and leaned in front of Eddie.

"Have you found the old Gaunt house?" Fred asked. "I heard that they have been in poverty for a long time and live in a broken house."

George said nonchalantly, "Is it worse than our home?"

"Maybe, or almost? I rarely see wizard houses that are worse than ours." Fred said with a smile.

"But the Burrow is more interesting." George said proudly.

Fred agreed and said, "I think so too."

"I can't tell," Eddie said. "The angle of view is from the air, and the camera is not very stable, but there are very few people in this village."

"Look for abandoned houses," Scott reminded him.

"Okay, yes." Eddie turned the wheel with his finger and adjusted the playback speed. "I need to take a closer look, looks like there are two abandoned houses..."

Scott immediately understood that according to the description in the "original book", the two abandoned houses should be the old Gunter House and the Riddle House.

"Come and take a look." Eddie handed over the panoramic telescope, "I have fixed the lens."

Fred took the panoramic telescope and looked at it for a while, "Oh, I think it's the shabby house in the woods. The Gunter family shouldn't be able to live in the other big house on the hillside."

George took the panoramic telescope from his hand and took a look, "Your judgment is right, there is a snake staring at the door of that shabby house."

"You have such good eyesight. There are obviously trees at the door of that house." Fred took another look and confirmed what George saw.

"Give it to me." Scott stretched out his hand, "I need to draw a map."

"Okay." George handed the panoramic telescope to Scott.

Sco began to look carefully at the telescope lens.

He watched it several times and memorized the topographic distribution of the entire Little Hangleton Village.

"Give me a piece of parchment," he said.

Eddie helped unfold a piece of parchment and placed it on the desk in front of Scott. Scott held the panoramic telescope in one hand, took out the wand with the other, and pressed the tip of the wand against the parchment.

As his finger on the panoramic telescope continued to move the image backward and forward, black lines sprang out from under the tip of his wand and quickly spread across the entire parchment.

After mapping out the general topography of Little Hangleton, Scott's magic didn't stop.

On the parchment, ink lines continued to spread with the tip of his wand as the center, depicting a more detailed aerial view based on the terrain.

Finally, the lines form words that serve as identifiers.

"It should be almost done."

Scott put down the panoramic telescope and looked at the map he had "drawn".

He reached out and pushed the map forward, "Now let's discuss where the best and most hidden place is to place our camera."

"Here, here, here..." Eddie reached out and pointed at several places near Gunter's old house on the map.

Fred also stretched out his hand, "Here, we can put the telescope on the tree."

"It's okay here." George pointed with his finger, "Although it's a bit far, it's safe."

Scott pointed at Riddle House, "This abandoned mansion is also nearby. Because it is abandoned, there may be someone hiding here."

The four discussed it for a long time and finally decided on the plan.

Fred marked the map in red.

"A total of 7 panoramic telescopes are needed." He said to Scott, "Luckily you bought 10 of them at once."

Scott nodded and took out the remaining panoramic telescopes and placed them on the table.

"I need to think about it again," he said. "If you see seven eagles flying through the sky holding seven rabbits at one time, anyone will notice something is wrong."

The other three people couldn't help laughing after thinking about that scene.

"Wait until nighttime," Eddie said. "No one will see it after dark."

Scott took out his pocket watch and looked at it, "Let's go have dinner first, and then go to the Forbidden Forest to operate. Otherwise, the scene of 7 eagles grabbing 7 rabbits leaving Hogwarts Castle will definitely attract onlookers."

He put all seven panoramic telescopes into his deformed lizard skin bag, "Put the rest here, including the one that has been used."

As he spoke, he took out his wand and turned the eagle back into an ebony block.

Fred also waved his wand and extinguished all the candles on the table.


Several people raised their wands with illuminating spells and left the studio.

After closing the door, they walked to the slide and found an old broomstick and started flying up the long slide.

"I haven't asked yet," Eddie said. "What if we get the live footage? Those footage can't be transferred, edited, or played elsewhere."

He exclaimed as if he suddenly realized something, "Isn't there no way to make money in this way?"

"Did you just find out?" Scott couldn't help laughing.

"Making money is not what we're about in this case," Fred said.

George answered, "We just want to know whether the Witch and the Demon King will appear and whether they will fight."

"You haven't thought about making money?" Eddie was obviously surprised.

He turned to look at Scott flying behind him, "What about you, Scott?"

"I don't have any good ideas." Scott said, "Should we sell all the telescopes that recorded the footage? That won't make much money."

Eddie obviously couldn't accept it, "Why do you do these things if you can't make money?"

Only Eddie had the purest purpose in this matter. He came here to make money from the beginning.

Although both Scott and the Weasley twins knew it, they didn't remind him.

"Of course it's because it's fun!" Fred and George said in unison.

Scott gave a different answer, "For intelligence purposes."

"If you can't make money, there's no point in doing this!" Eddie said, "Not to mention the risks involved!"

Eddie was still chattering until several people returned to the third floor corridor of the castle through the one-eyed hunchback witch statue.

He persuaded Scott and the Weasley twins to abandon this plan.

"The risk of this matter is not small. If someone discovers it, it may bring us huge trouble." He said, "This matter is not interesting, and we do not need information on this matter... "

Both Scott and the twins couldn't stand it.

"Okay, I will find a way to make you money." Scott said helplessly, "I am studying the magic text circuit in the panoramic telescope."

This was his original plan. If he could figure out the magic circuit in the panoramic telescope, he might be able to extract and sell the images stored in it in other forms.

It's just that I didn't say it because I wasn't completely sure yet. I didn't expect that Eddie would talk about it so much.

When Eddie heard Scott's words, he immediately understood what he meant and was very happy. "Then I'll leave it to you! You must study it!"

Fred said to Scott, "We are also very interested in the runic circuits in the telescope!"

"But we have no way to dismantle that thing." George said, "If we insist on dismantling it, the magic text circuit inside it will definitely self-destruct."

Scott nodded, "I understand, I'm using magic perception to try to bypass the restrictions, and I already have some ideas."

Fred and George also became excited after hearing this. They both put their hands on Scott's shoulders and looked at him with burning eyes.

Scott quickly broke away from them, "Okay, I understand. If I can get this set of magic text circuits, I will share it with you."

"Very good!"


Fred and George high-fived each other.

“I already have so much inspiration!”

"Me too!"

"With this set of magic text circuits, we can invent many interesting things."

"I can not wait any more!"

Their eyes were all shining, and they couldn't wait to get together to discuss.

After having dinner in the auditorium, the four of them came to the edge of the Forbidden Forest.


Scott suddenly stopped and looked up at the darkening sky.

"Hagrid and Miss Grapeland are in the forest. Let's go in later."

Eddie asked curiously, "What are they doing?"

"Are you dating?" Fred asked.

"I feel like throwing up," George said.

"It's not a date, they are not together." Scott said, he closed his eyes, "What magical animal is Hagrid with? It should be a centaur? Miss Grapeland is with the little Thestral, it should be a walk ?”

He was just guessing. Logically speaking, neither the centaurs nor the Thestrals would come to the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

"Let's get out of here first."

Scott turned and walked toward the other side.

"I'll take you around them. Whether it's Hagrid or Miss Grapeplan, it will be troublesome if they see us entering the Forbidden Forest."

Fred said nonchalantly: "Hagrid will stop us, but Miss Grapeland won't."

"We met her several times and she never criticized us," George said.

"If you can avoid it, just avoid it. After all, they are all teachers." Scott led them into the Forbidden Forest and began to circle.

In his opinion, he would rather meet Hagrid than knock down the unpredictable witch in Graplan.

Although Grapeland was easy to talk to, Scott tried to avoid interacting with her, perhaps out of instinct.

He led the three of them around the locations of Hagrid and Graplan, gradually deeper into the Forbidden Forest, and came to a small lake.

"Just right here."

He took out the panoramic telescope and placed it on the ground, and then began to dig out the ebony wood block used for deformation.

He began to conceive of a new "persona" in his mind.

There will be 7 "character designs" to be made this time. Although they can be roughly the same, due to the different tasks of each individual, some small differences are still needed.

And the "personality" this time is more complicated than the last time.

The hawk that had been in charge of the previous reconnaissance only had to memorize the route and fly over Little Hangleton.

The eagle responsible for this mission not only needs to remember the observation point they set to place and hide the panoramic telescope, but also needs to turn on the panoramic telescope when the day comes.

This kind of "personality" that is only for completing tasks certainly looks much simpler than Rimbaud, but at least it needs to be logically consistent.

All in all, this cost Scott a lot of time.

The other three people knew what he was doing and did not disturb him. They just stood by and held up their wands to illuminate him.

Scott made sure the "personality" in his memory was correct several times before he started taking action.

He waved the wand in his hand repeatedly, and the light of the transformation spell enveloped each wooden block, and the wooden blocks began to deform one after another.

Soon, seven almost identical eagles appeared in front of him.

"Go, warriors, and complete your mission."

Scott smiled and waved.

The seven eagles chirped a few times, then grabbed a panoramic telescope and flew up.

Soon, they flew out of the forest and merged into the night.

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