The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 355 355. Career, Fame, Collapse

That night in the dormitory, Scott and his roommates were lying on the bed chatting.

"There are a total of 52 people who have reserved [Magic Crystal Player] tonight." Eddie said happily, "I think if we take the promotional video to the auditorium and show it, maybe there will be other people interested."

Roger expressed doubt, "Will people from other houses buy Ravenclaw House's promotional videos?"

Eddie said with great confidence: "But a player that can play videos is interesting, isn't it? This is something that has never appeared in the magical world."

Having said this, he sat up directly from the bed and said to Scott: "Scott, let's put that big mirror in the auditorium tomorrow!"

"Whatever you want." Scott said, "That big mirror only has a playback function, it can't be edited, and nothing can happen."

"Then I'm going to take action." Eddie said, "Not just to sell promotional videos, but also to make everyone familiar with this form of entertainment."

Roger asked him, "What do you want to do?"

"This may be a way to make money in the long term." Eddie said enthusiastically, "As long as we continue to shoot interesting content, we can make money continuously. Of course, this is only the current practice. "

Scott asked him, "You want to start Magic Entertainment?"

"There is indeed such an idea." Eddie said in a more excited tone, "With your technology and creativity, we can even create cinemas in the magical world in the future. Of course, if we can find a way to connect the screens, the TV station can also do it. "

Roger smiled and said: "If you can start a wizard TV station, you can control the public opinion in the wizarding world."

"The idea is very good." Milton praised.

Scott also said in an encouraging tone: "Go for it, I support you."

"Why don't you come with me?" Eddie asked in surprise.

However, Scott was not interested in such things.

He smiled and said, "As I said, I made promotional videos just for fun. Of course, I can provide you with technical support."

"Well, then I'll assume that your technical skills will make you a shareholder." Eddie muttered, then asked Milton and Roger, "What about you?"

Milton said: "Sorry, Eddie, I have already thought about what I want to do in the future. Remember what I said last Halloween?"

"Oh, I remember." Eddie sighed and said, "You are going to the Muggle world to pursue a career in music."

"Yes." Milton's tone was firm.

Eddie sighed again and did not persuade him.

Roger said, "It's too early now. Let's wait until after graduation."

"Okay." Eddie smacked his lips, "Speaking of which, you don't think you can become a professional Quidditch player, do you?"

Roger quit immediately after hearing what he said, "Why can't I become a professional player?"

"What do you think?" Eddie laughed twice, "Your technical level doesn't have much room for growth, but it's still worse than a real professional player."

Roger had nothing to say, but he wasn't really angry either. He said, "I haven't decided what I want to do in the future."

Milton asked, "Are Eddie and I the only ones who have figured out what we want to do after graduation? Scott, what about you?"

"Are you discussing future career plans?" Scott said lazily, "My profession is a wizard."

Eddie lay down again and smirked several times, "Oh, that joke isn't funny at all."

Milton said softly: "I think what Scott means is that he wants to continue on the path of magic."

Roger said to Scott: "If you want to delve deeper into magic, maybe you could join the Department of Mysteries at the Ministry of Magic."

"No, I don't want to be the so-called silent person." Scott yawned, "Anyway, after graduation, I will travel around and experience different magics around the world."

Hearing what he said, the other three were silent for a while.

After a while, Eddie said: "It's very dangerous. If you want to travel to various places, you will inevitably have to deal with many dangerous people."

Scott chuckled, "I think I'm a dangerous person myself."

Roger's tone was full of longing and regret, "It sounds good, but if it were me, I might not be able to do it."

Milton said seriously: "Scott, you are the most talented in magic among us. Maybe you can really become a powerful wizard like Dumbledore."

"Who knows." Scott's tone was very casual, but his eyes were firm, "But I will try my best."

The next morning, when Scott got up, he found that Eddie was no longer in the dormitory.

"Morning." Roger, who also just woke up, said hello.

He saw Scott looking towards Eddie's bed, so he said, "That kid must have moved the big mirror to the auditorium."

Scott smiled helplessly. "He will only be so active when it comes to making money."

When they came to the auditorium for breakfast, they saw Eddie playing with the big mirror in front of the auditorium.

He even made a floor-standing stand for the mirror out of wood.

"It's fine when it's played in the Ravenclaw common room," Scott said to Roger and Milton, "but if it's in front of the whole school... I suddenly feel a little ashamed."

"Me too," Milton said.

"A little," said Roger.

But Eddie and the other Ravenclaws obviously didn't think so. There were several Ravenclaw students helping Eddie, and even many students were showing off to students from other colleges they were familiar with.

Eddie turned around and saw his three roommates and waved happily, but Scott and the other two ignored him and sat directly at the long table, waiting for breakfast to arrive.

After a while, Scott heard the Weasley twins shouting.

"Oh! George! Look! The Ravenclaw guys are going to be so proud!"

"Oh! Fred! Don't worry! We won't let them be proud for too long!"

The two guys deliberately stood behind Scott and talked loudly.

"What are you doing? What's so fun about this big mirror?" Their brother Ron asked curiously.

"Wait and see, Ron." Fred said in an unconvinced tone, "This is the Ravenclaws showing off their college, but we won't lose to them."

George also said, "We will make better!"

Since Scott has never been shy about them, the twins have seen the finished film of the promotional video.

However, the answers of the two made Ron even more confused.

He said to Harry: "I don't understand what they are talking about either."

At this moment, Eddie had put the mirror away and returned to the long table with several Ravenclaws.

The music started.

Harry exclaimed, "Oh! There is a picture in the mirror! Just like a TV!"

Scott turned around, "Excuse me, do you guys need to stand behind me all the time when talking?"

"Of course."

"We'll stand here!"

Fred and George made faces at him.

The trailer played in the big mirror attracted the attention of everyone in the hall.

"Ravenclaw College promotional film "Extraordinary Wisdom", produced by Scott Trollope..." Harry read a few sentences and looked at Scott, "Scott, is it you? You invented magic TV?"

"How did you do this?" Hermione squeezed next to Harry and looked at Scott with burning eyes, "What magic did you use?"

"Panopticon." Scott said, "Ron knows it, right?"

Hermione and Harry stared at Ron quickly.

"I know about the panoramic telescope." Ron frowned, "but what does this mirror have to do with the panoramic telescope?"

"Of course, use the panoramic telescope to shoot the picture."

"Then put it in the mirror."

Fred and George said with a smug smile.

"Of course, Ron is a fool."

"It's normal that he can't think of it."

Ron said unconvincedly: "Of course I can think of it, but how can an ordinary mirror have this function!"

The twins made a face at him again and ran back to the Gryffindor table with a laugh.

And Harry and Hermione were still curiously asking Ron what the panoramic telescope was.

Just then, a sumptuous breakfast appeared on the long table, and the official promotional video began to play.

The voices in the hall became much quieter until it was quiet.

No one started to eat, and everyone was watching the switching pictures in the mirror.

The Ravenclaws didn't start to eat either, and they all sat with their heads held high and their faces proud smiles.

Scott looked around and picked up the milk jug to pour himself a glass of milk.

The sound of running water pouring milk sounded, and many Ravenclaws looked at him with unfriendly eyes.


Scott smiled helplessly and gently put down the milk jug.

It was not until many people began to discuss in whispers that he began to eat with peace of mind.

He drank milk and ate bread while looking at the big mirror. The appearance of the Ravenclaw portrait in the promotional video unexpectedly caused a lot of exclamations.

He heard many people express dissatisfaction.

"Impossible, it must be fake!"

"Hogwarts does not have any portraits of the founders at all!"

Of course, there are also believers.

"Maybe it's true, after all, Ravenclaw's crown has been found."

"Could it be that the portrait is in the common room of Ravenclaw, and the Ravenclaws have been hiding this from the outside world?"

Scott's eyes turned around.

Hearing these discussions, all the Ravenclaw students put on a reserved smile on their faces, which meant that they were not surprised by praise or criticism.

He couldn't help thinking that these guys were also very dramatic.

When the promotional video came to an end, Ravenclaw appeared again at the end and said a few words of greeting to the Ravenclaw students in a gentle manner, and the Ravenclaws present began to applaud again.

They didn't cheer as enthusiastically as they did in the common room last night, but smiled and clapped modestly, and kept winking at Scott who was eating.

In order not to look out of place, Scott had to put down his knife and fork, clapped with them, and greeted the envious eyes of students from other colleges.

This Sunday morning, Ravenclaw College made a big splash in the whole school.

As a producer, Scott was of course also in the spotlight. Many students were staring at him with curious eyes, as if they wanted to ask him how he did it all.

So Scott, who had finished breakfast early, quickly slipped away.

With the help of magic induction, he avoided other people all the way and went directly to the eighth floor and entered Helena's study.

"Good morning, Scott."

The girl Helena in the painting saw Scott coming in and immediately took the initiative to greet him, her attitude was much more enthusiastic than before.

"Good morning, Helena."

Scott leaned against the door to catch his breath.

"How's it going?" Helena in the painting walked to a painting next to the door and couldn't wait to ask him, "That... promotional video, do you like it?"

"Ravenclaws like it all, but others don't know." Scott said with a smile, "You can go to the Ravenclaw common room to see it last night."

Helena sat on the chair in the painting, propped her chin on her hand and looked at Scott, and said very reservedly: "You know, I'm just asking, I don't want to join in the fun."

In fact, since the ghost Helena entered the painting, the girl Helena in the painting has been able to leave the study and freely shuttle among all the paintings in the castle, but she has rarely gone out, and even if she does, she has never left the study. Let no one discover her.

Of course, even if Helena didn't say anything, Scott wouldn't know why.

He knew what she wanted to ask, so he answered again, "When Master Ravenclaw appeared, everyone was very excited and asked me where the portrait of Master was."

"Then did you tell them?" Helena asked curiously.

"I told them that the mentor's portrait is hidden in the principal's office." Scott said with a smile, "This study is a secret, isn't it?"

"Then let them go to the principal's office to find it." Helena smiled happily.

Scott chatted with her for a while, then entered the inner room and started studying.

In the afternoon, when Scott left the Room of Requirement, he was immediately "caught" by the Weasley twins and Eddie.

"Oh, you appeared out of thin air from that corridor." Fred held the Marauder's Map in his hand and looked at Scott playfully.

George also stared with curiosity, "Is there a secret room hidden there?"

As he said that, the two of them started to move together, holding Scott's shoulders at the same time.

"Scott, we have shared a lot of secrets with you!"

"And you hid it from us after discovering the new secret room!"

Both men spoke to Scott in falsely accusatory tones.

After saying that, the two of them let go at the same time and hugged each other pretending to be disappointed.

"George, it seems that the geniuses of Ravenclaw do not regard us as true friends."

"You're right, Fred, we've got the wrong guy."

As they spoke, they patted each other's backs in a comforting manner.


Scott twitched his lips, ignored the two of them, and turned to look at Eddie.

"Oh, I want to say that the number of player pre-orders has increased again." Eddie shook the small notebook in his hand, "I need you to make them quickly."

Scott frowned.

“We have to think of a better way,” he said. “It would be too troublesome to make them one by one.”

This is all mechanical labor for him, and the key is that it will waste a lot of time.

At this time, Fred pretended to cry loudly, "Look, he doesn't care about us anymore!"

"Let's go!" George hugged him and cried, "The proud Ravenclaws look down on us!"

"This image is so disgusting."

Scott turned to look at the twins hugging each other.

"It's a little disgusting."

Eddie nodded vigorously.

After hearing this, Fred and George immediately separated and ran quickly to the corridor where the Room of Requirement was located.

"Damn it Scott! Stop being so proud!"

"We will find him ourselves!"

The two took out their wands and tapped on the wall of the corridor.

Scott laughed immediately and walked over to watch their actions.

"Look, look," he said to the two of them, "I dare say you will never find it."

After hearing this, Fred and George snorted in dissatisfaction and searched even more energetically.

The two of them knocked with their wands, touched with their hands, and muttered something to each other. Finally, they studied the tapestry that Silly Barna had created for a long time, but still found nothing.

Then, Eddie also curiously searched for it with them, but the three of them went back and forth for a while, but still couldn't find any secret room.

"There must be a special secret order here!" Fred stared at Scott again.

Scott smiled provocatively at him.

Fred wrinkled his face and said solemnly to George: "I will not allow secrets that we don't know to appear in Hogwarts!"

"This is absolutely not allowed." George also nodded solemnly.

The two looked at each other and rushed towards Scott at the same time.

Scott was startled and quickly dodged, but the twins were in hot pursuit.

"Okay, okay, I'll tell you."

Scott raised his hands in surrender, and the twins stopped.

"There are not many people who know about this magical secret room," Scott said.

This is a fact, otherwise why would there be so many things piled up in that hiding room?

"Say it quickly," Eddie urged.

"The name of this secret room is called the Room of Requirement, also called the Room of Coming and Going." Scott introduced, "When you think about what kind of room you need, walk back and forth in this corridor three times at the same time..."

"I understand!" Fred's eyes lit up, "I'll try it!"

As he spoke, he strode back and forth in the corridor.

Soon, a door appeared on the wall on one side.

"It's true!" George quickly ran out and opened the door, "Oh..."

Eddie and Fred also squeezed over and looked inside.


The three of them let out long exclamations at the same time and squeezed in the door.

Scott walked over and was speechless.

This was a super luxurious bathroom. Dumbledore had mentioned that this should be the one he accidentally entered.

"Close the door!" Fred shouted, "I just need to pee."


Scott left the bathroom and closed the door.

Two seconds later, the door suddenly disappeared, and only a stone wall was left in front of him.

After a while, the door reappeared, and the twins and Eddie walked out while discussing the gold-plated chamber pot in the bathroom.

"Try the hidden room." Scott said to them with a smile, "You will find the treasure."

Eddie tried it happily when he heard it.

When the new door appeared, they couldn't wait to push it open again.


The three people squeezed at the door exclaimed even longer.

"We're rich!"

Eddie couldn't wait to rush in first, and the twins followed closely.

Scott followed them into the room and closed the door.

At this time, the three people had disappeared, like mice falling into a rice jar.

"Is this a wolf-tooth flying saucer? It's a pity that it's broken."

"Oh, if we had found this place earlier, our family wouldn't have to go to the second-hand bookstore to buy textbooks."

"Look, there's a specimen of a giant monster here!"

Scott shuttled through the piles of debris without reaching out to touch the things around him.

The debris here was piled too high, and he doubted that if he touched it randomly, they would fall down.

With the help of magic induction, he came to the location of the three people with a clear goal.

At this time, Eddie and the twins both looked up, pinching their noses with their hands and looking at the huge giant monster specimen.

"Who did this?" Fred said in a muffled voice, "Using a giant monster to make a specimen? It's so weird!"

George said, "Maybe it was done by the old monkey in Slytherin."

"Makes sense." Fred nodded in agreement.

Scott retracted his gaze and looked at the five-legged monster skeleton in the corner.

The five-legged monster is a highly dangerous carnivore that has a special hobby for humans.

This magical animal is also accompanied by a terrifying legend, in which they are the product of human transformation.

At this time, the other three people also gathered around Scott and looked at the horrible corpse.

"Is this a five-legged monster?" Fred said in surprise, "Remember, when we were young, our grandfather told us stories about them."

George deliberately lowered his voice and said, "The wizards of the McLever family used the Transfiguration Spell to turn all the members of the McBoone family into five-legged monsters, and then they themselves were eaten by the five-legged monsters."

"This legend has no basis." Eddie said, "Maybe people just think that their feet are a bit like humans."

"Who knows." Fred shrugged his shoulders, "It is not uncommon for wizards to be transformed into beasts by Transfiguration."

He turned around and looked around again.

"Oh, there is a magic wand here!"

He reached out and pulled out a magic wand that looked a little long from the pile of debris on the side, and waved it in his hand.

But this was like pulling out a key piece from a pile of building blocks. Scott keenly noticed that the pile of debris as high as the ceiling suddenly began to shake.

Without time to remind, Scott quickly pulled out the magic wand, "Armor protection!"

An invisible magic barrier appeared beside Fred.

"Hurry up!"

George dragged Fred over.

The others hurriedly ran towards the door.


A loud noise came from behind, and the pile of debris collapsed, and the sound of various items falling and colliding was endless.

Just like a domino, a pile of fallen debris quickly affected the stability of other piles of debris, and all kinds of debris rushed towards them like waves.

"Oh no! It's too late!" Eddie began to scream.

Seeing that it was too late to run out, Scott simply stopped and pointed his wand at a few old desks.

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