The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 359 359. Terrible Prophecy and Chaotic Situation

"Ho, ho ho..."

Trelawney made a series of strange noises from her throat, and her body began to twitch violently.

Her eyes were so wide behind the lenses that they looked like they were about to burst out of their sockets.

Her hands, with knuckles as thin as tree branches, clawed at her head, turning her messy hair into a bird's nest.

A total of more than a dozen strange-shaped necklaces hanging on her slender neck collided with each other, making crackling sounds.


Scott blurted out.

It seems to be instinctive.

At this time, only these two words that had been deeply rooted in his bones in his previous life could fully and profoundly express his feelings.

At this moment when his heart was full of "fuck", and for some unknown reason, he took out the panoramic telescope from the deformed lizard skin bag on his waist as quickly as possible, and activated the eagle-shaped telescope on his chest. brooch.

At this moment, it seemed that something was affecting Scott and Trelawney.

After Scott prepared the "recording equipment," Trelawney shuddered and stopped twitching.

Her round eyes rolled up, with almost only white remaining in the eye sockets. Her expression was dull, and her hands were curled up on her chest and shaking.

"The scroll of history opens, and the resurrected witch stirs up a storm, distorting the sight of the Thousand Mile Eye!"

She began to speak, and her voice was very ugly, with a tone that was both roaring and wailing. It sounded like a hundred female ghosts shouting in her ears at the same time.

"The great one who sleeps will awaken and seize the legacy of the Eternal King!"

The sound became sharper and shriller, like countless nails scraping against a blackboard at the same time, which made Scott grit his teeth and frown.

"He wants to devour those who are no longer alive to escape the shackles of fate!"

Scott felt the hairs all over his body stand up.

"He will eventually fail, defeated at the hands of the non-existent!"

Just when Scott thought his hair was about to stand on end, Trelawney finally shut her mouth.

Next, a series of strange sounds came out of her throat again, and her body twitched violently several times.

Finally, her slender neck seemed to hang down feebly, and her whole body became completely quiet.

Scott continued to record the scene with a panoramic telescope.

After a while, he heard Trelawney purring.

She seemed to fall asleep standing like that.


Scott twitched the corners of his mouth fiercely.

"Professor Trelawney," he called softly.

Trelawney's voice remained the same.

"Professor Trelawney!" Scott raised his voice.

Trelawney woke up with a start, staggered two steps, and almost fell.

But she held on tenaciously.


She raised her head and used her slender fingers to separate the messy hair covering her face, her expression was like waking up from a big dream.

After a while, her out-of-focus eyes regained their clarity.

But she soon started pretending again.

"Oh, my poor boy."

She took over her last scene as if instinctively, looking at Scott's eyes with deep compassion.


A sudden wine burp disrupted her rhythm.

"Oh, where did we talk, my child." She asked Scott nonchalantly.

Scott calmly put away the panoramic telescope, and reminded her in a calm tone, "You seem to have drunk too much, Professor Trelawney."

"No." Trelawney denied, "I...I just need some alcohol to relax..."

She became more fluent as she spoke.

"You wouldn't understand. Wine is a necessity for me. My third eye always sees too much, which makes me a little overwhelmed."

But at this moment, Scott had no intention of talking nonsense with her.

In his mind, he kept reviewing the prophecies that Trelawny had just spoken in a special state, and he felt that the fake smile on his face was stiffer than ever before.

Trelawney seemed to have noticed something, and the pretentious expression on her face also became a little stiff.

Judging from her expression, she had no idea that she had just made another real prediction. She probably thought that she had made a fool of herself in front of the students because of her drinking.

But she still managed to master her prophetic temperament.

"What can I say?" She sighed faintly, "It's a pity, kid... It's a pity that your closed third eye can't guide you in the right direction, so you didn't choose my class."

She started to walk forward, but stopped when she reached Scott, then turned her head slightly and looked at him out of the corner of her eyes.

"Poor child, if you want to break through the fog and know some truth about fate, come to me in the divination classroom in the North Tower."

After saying that, she sobbed loudly, as if she couldn't bear to look at Scott anymore, and left in a hurry.

Scott turned to look at her back, only the slightly messy steps revealed her inner unrest.

But Scott's mood at the moment was even more messy than the divination class professor. He was just using his reason to suppress the violent undercurrent in his heart.

When Trelawney left, the complicated thoughts that Scott had just suppressed completely burst out.

He shook his head and once again carefully reviewed the prophecy Trelawney had said——

[The scroll of history is opened, and the resurrected witch stirs up a storm, distorting the sight of the Thousand Mile Eye!

The sleeping great will awaken to seize the legacy of the Eternal King!

He wants to devour the dead to escape the shackles of fate!

He will eventually fail, and be defeated by the dead! ]

What does this mean?

Scott pondered over and over in his heart.

He had thought about these words over and over again, but he still didn't quite understand.

In his mind, [The Witch of Resurrection] refers to Medea, [The King of Eternity] should refer to the legendary King Arthur, and [The Dead] is likely to refer to him, Scott.

But who can tell him...

What is [The Book of History]? Does it refer to history itself, or a book?

What is [The Eye of Thousand Miles]? Whose eyes are they, or some kind of magic item?

Who is [The Great Man]? Does he refer to the legendary Merlin or one of the four giants of Hogwarts?

[Legacy], [Devouring], [Shackles of Fate], he couldn't interpret these words!

Scott felt a splitting headache.

For a moment, he even wanted to cast a forgetfulness spell on himself to make himself completely forget this prophecy.

From a rational point of view, Voldemort's behavior and the results after he learned the prophecy told people a truth -

Pursuing the prophecy is equivalent to actively choosing the fate revealed by the prophecy.

That seems to be a loss-making approach.

But Scott hesitated.

While thinking that he should not give up the clues he knew in advance, he was worried that this was the effect of the prophecy starting to work.

He even began to worry about gains and losses, and his mind was completely confused.

"Scott! Scott! Scott!"

The familiar call made Scott come back to his senses.

"Scott, what's wrong with you?"

Scott turned his head and stared blankly at the raven standing on a kapok tree in the flower bed.

Rumple tilted his head and flapped his wings slightly with some uneasiness, and his two round black eyes were staring at him.

"What's wrong with you?" It lowered its voice and asked worriedly, "I've never seen you like this."

"I'm fine." Scott said.

He raised his hand and pinched his brows with his thumb and index finger, forcing himself to calm down again.

"What happened?" Rimbaud asked again, "I waited for you for a long time in the Forbidden Forest just now."

Scott forced a smile, "Sorry, I just met Professor Trelawney here and talked to her for a while."

Rmbaud tilted his head again, "Trelawney? Is she a crazy witch with messy hair?"

"Do you know her?" Scott was a little surprised.

Rmbaud shook his head gently, "I don't know who Trelawney is, but I saw a crazy witch in the Forbidden Forest. She secretly threw a whole box of empty wine bottles into the lake in the Forbidden Forest."

"So that's it." Scott laughed dumbly.

Just now he thought that Professor Trelawney really came here and met him by chance according to her intuition.

It turned out that she was throwing wine bottles secretly.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but pinch his eyebrows again.

But wouldn't this be more of a coincidence?

You know, Scott and this divination professor who has been living in the North Tower for a long time have never met.

In the past, he had only seen her from a distance at the beginning of the school year or the end of the school year dinner. She had even missed several beginning of the school year or the end of the school year dinners. She had never appeared at the Halloween dinner every year.

"Scott." Rambo called him again, "Are you really okay?"

Scott was about to say that he was okay, but suddenly realized that he was in front of Rambo and didn't need to pretend at all.

"I don't know if I'm okay." He showed a distressed expression on his face.

However, Rambo was ultimately just a product that obeyed Scott's orders. It was very smart and becoming more and more humane, but it was still not very sensitive to human emotions, and its concern for Scott was not in the right place.

It looked around, flew up and looked around, and after confirming that there was no one else in the whole garden, it landed on the kapok again and spoke with confidence in a normal voice.

"It seems that you are in a bad mood." It said, "Then let me tell you some good news."

At this time, Scott also reacted and quickly took out his wand to set up a soundproof spell.

He took several deep breaths, then smiled and said, "Now, tell me, what's the good news?"

"The people you hate are locked up in Azkaban, is that good news?" Rumple flapped his wings and asked expectantly.

"Oh?" Scott raised his eyebrows, "Are they the Death Eaters and Green Robes who were captured by the Aurors? Who are they?"

"I don't know many of them, and most of them have used their connections to escape." Rumple said, "But, the two people from the Yaxley family are in!"

"What's going on?" Scott's eyes lit up.

"You'd never guess it!" Rumple saw Scott looking a little happy, and it was happy too, "The oldest guy in the Yaxley family is a Green Robe, and his son is a Death Eater! The father and son were so unlucky that they were both arrested that night!"

"Bet on both sides, wavering left and right? They dare to do such a thing?" Scott opened his eyes wide in surprise.

Rumple nodded repeatedly.

After being influenced by Scott, Rumple has learned more and more.

Apart from being somewhat insensitive to human emotions, it can already see the ins and outs of some events very clearly.

So at this moment, it can explain it to Scott more clearly.

It told Scott, "Those men in green robes had Medea's hidden power in the Ministry of Magic to help them escape their crimes. The Death Eaters were all purebloods and were very powerful in their own right, but both sides gave up on Yaxley in unison. Father and son!"

Scott couldn't help but wonder, wasn't it a bit silly that he spent so much effort dealing with the Yaxley family in the past?

Look at it now, even though he didn't do anything, they were already trying to fool themselves to death.

However, right now he was curious about another thing.

"Is the Ministry of Magic now in complete chaos?" he asked, "Those guys attacked Aurors, and they can actually let those guys off the hook?"

He always felt that things were a bit strange.

"I remember Dumbledore was also a member of the Wizengamot."

"There is no doubt." Rimbaud said very humanely, "The Ministry of Magic is in a complete mess. Now even Minister Fudge has joined the Green Robe organization, and now his relationship with Milton's father, Mr. Graves, has become closer. Woke up."

Scott felt that things were developing a little too fast, "What do you call this? If you can't beat it, then you join?"

He just had fun for two weeks by making a promotional video for the academy. Why did he feel like he was skipping to watch a TV series and accidentally missed several important episodes?

"Now the magic section is divided into three factions."

Rambo continued to introduce Scott, and it seemed that he had really eaten a lot of melons recently.

"The first faction is the Green Robe organization under Medea. The members of this force include all kinds of people, including some pure-blood families who are close to her."

"Since Fudge joined them, they have become the most powerful faction in the Ministry of Magic."

"The second faction is a coalition of other pure-blood families. Most of them are related to Death Eaters, and they are all staunch pure-bloods, which makes them unable to accept Medea's idea of ​​treating Muggles and half-bloods equally. "

"Speaking of which, the members of this group are the most powerful, but they are not united and have trouble with each other, so the overall effect is not as good as the first faction."

"The third faction is mainly composed of some officials of the Department of Law Enforcement and Aurors, including some wizards who follow Dumbledore as their leader. Most of them just hug together in helplessness to keep warm."

"Most of these people have low-level official positions and have no power. They don't have much say in the Ministry of Magic. They can only rely on Dumbledore's prestige to support them."

"In short, this faction is mixed in with the struggle between the other two factions and is almost marginalized."

Rimbaud's long narration was in clear language and vivid expression. It was very successful in letting Scott understand the current situation of the Ministry of Magic, which simply made Scott admirable.

"You..." He looked at Rimbaud with some surprise, "I haven't seen you in just two weeks. You have made a lot of progress."

Rimbaud raised his head proudly and flapped his wings happily.

"I have found the joy of observing humans." it said with some excitement. "Every day I watch those people fighting each other, I feel like I understand more and more."

Scott almost blurted out "fuck" again.

So, is this the right path to evolution?

Is the relationship the environment it was exposed to before was too simple, and the samples it was exposed to were too few?

After bidding farewell to Rimbaud, Scott walked towards the castle with a heavy head.

Another prophecy that sounds terrible, and another chaotic situation in the Ministry of Magic.

His brain received too much information in a short period of time, and it was almost overwhelming.

Second update.

There is another update today, please vote.

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