The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 368 368. How many doors are there in the principal's office?

"What do you think he should do?"

In the painting, Ravenclaw turned his head and asked Helena, as if he wanted to test her.

"He should……"

Helena rolled her eyes several times, unable to come up with any ideas in her panic.

Under the gaze of Ravenclaw, she said nervously: "Maybe he should continue to have a good talk with Medea. Medea was not willing to marry Gaunt at first. This should not be her idea... …”

As she spoke, her voice became smaller and smaller.

Scott watched this scene quietly.

He thought to himself that Helena was really a pure fool when she was a girl.

Also listening to Helena's answer, Ravenclaw just smiled slightly, patted her hand, and turned to look at Scott who was standing in front of the portrait.

"And you, my apprentice," she asked, "what are you going to do?"

Scott said helplessly: "I have no other choice, respected mentor."

Ravenclaw's face showed an expression of relief, "It seems that you do not lack the courage to face it directly, even if the final opponent is likely to be Salazar."

"You know, I have no choice." Scott said even more helplessly, "If there are other choices, of course I am willing to take an easier path."

Ravenclaw praised him again, "Although there is no other choice, you are not panicked because of this. This is your courage."

Scott said extraordinarily calmly: "I'm just sober. I have no other choice but to go all out, so extra emotions are unnecessary."

There is no need for us two Ravenclaws to talk about courage.

"Don't worry, child, you still have time to grow up." Ravenclaw said in a soothing tone, "Didn't Medea once tell you to help her after graduation?"

Helena, who was leaning next to her, her eyes lit up when she heard this, "Yes, this shows that until Scott graduated, the changes and twists Medea pursued were still unable to achieve the degree she wanted."

Scott nodded and smiled at the girl in the painting, thanking her for pointing out this obvious conclusion.

"You're just my apprentice. You don't have time to learn and grow step by step."

Ravenclaw said to Scott somewhat seriously.

"I mean, I can't let you decide your own learning progress like before. I will change the teaching mode of passively answering questions and actively instill more knowledge in you in the future study time."

"Thank you, mentor." Of course Scott had no objection.

He bowed slightly to the portrait and solemnly thanked Ravenclaw.

The Ravenclaw in the painting added: "This is not the teaching model I like. This model is just me instilling knowledge into you, and you will lack your own thinking process, which is not good for you."

Scott nodded to express his understanding, "I understand, mentor, I will try to think more about what you teach at other times."

Ravenclaw was also a little helpless, "Although it will be very hard for you, there is nothing you can do about it."

At this time, Helena showed an expression of empathy for Scott, as if she was wearing a mask of pain.

She asked Ravenclaw, "Mother, if this continues, will it be possible for Scott to defeat Professor Slytherin?"

"How is that possible?" Ravenclaw glanced at her, "Salazar, his fighting ability is second only to Godric. In short, he is stronger than Helga and I."

She said to Scott: "Growth does not happen overnight. The four of us only reached our peak after the age of 35. At that time, we were completely qualitatively different from other wizards. You are still too young."

"What should we do?" Helena was dumbfounded.

"We can only enhance this child's self-protection ability as much as possible." Ravenclaw said.

"How about..." Helena came up with an idea, "Let Scott go and hide abroad immediately after graduation. How about going to the farthest place, the East?"

"It makes no sense." Ravenclaw commented.

Scott had some small fluctuations in his heart when he heard the word "East", but it quickly subsided.

Going to the East is meaningless as Ravenclaw said, and no one in the East will protect him now.

He might as well stay in England, where at least he still has Dumbledore to hug him.

"Then..." Helena asked a question that Scott also wanted to know, "Can the current President Dumbledore defeat Professor Slytherin?"

Ravenclaw smiled and said: "I don't know. Of course, what I am sure of is that Dumbledore was a wizard of the same level as us during his lifetime."

Very good, this sentence strengthened Scott's idea of ​​hugging his thigh.

With such thick thighs, I wouldn’t be human if I didn’t hug them.

Of course, this is just Scott's own entertainment at the moment.

Dumbledore said he would help him after learning about the prophecy.

Scott also understands that even so, he cannot hide by Dumbledore's side all the time. In the end, he still needs to rely on himself.

When Scott left the Room of Requirement, it was already past curfew and the lights in the castle had been extinguished.

When he walked out of the corridor where the Room of Requirement was located, he found that a door was open in the distance in the corridor on the left, and warm light was shining on the floor of the corridor.

Scott stopped.

As he was about to leave quietly, a shadow appeared in the light shining on the floor.

Soon, Dumbledore, wearing pajamas and a nightcap, appeared at the door and waved to Scott.

Scott walked up to Dumbledore and bowed his head to say hello, "Good evening, Professor Dumbledore."

"Good evening, Scott." Dumbledore turned and walked into the room, "Come in and chat with me, an old man."

Scott looked up at his pajamas covered with star patterns and followed him into the door.

He found that the room was still the familiar principal's office.

For a moment, he wanted to ask Dumbledore how many doors there were in the principal's office.

"Come and sit down."

Dumbledore, who had already sat down, waved to Scott again.

This time he did not sit behind his desk, but sat on the sofa in front of the window.

His phoenix was standing on the perch next to the sofa, burying its head in its wings and sleeping soundly.

Scott walked to the sofa opposite Dumbledore and sat down, with a small coffee table between them.

He looked up at the portraits of the former principals on the wall not far away, and the portraits also looked like they were sleeping.

This time, Dumbledore did not ask Scott what he wanted to drink, but shared a cup of hot cocoa with him.

"It seems that you went to seek help from the portrait of Ms. Ravenclaw?" Dumbledore asked kindly.

"Yes." Scott nodded, picked up the cup and took a sip.

Dumbledore also picked up the steaming cup and asked curiously, "What does the portrait of Ms. Ravenclaw say?"

Scott answered honestly, "The Ravenclaw tutor said that she would change her teaching mode from passively answering questions to actively imparting knowledge."

Dumbledore was not surprised by Scott's words.

As Scott guessed, he had expected Scott to accept the teaching of the portrait of Ravenclaw.

But judging from his reaction when he heard Scott call Ravenclaw a tutor, the old headmaster and the portrait of the Ravenclaw tutor should have communicated.

Hearing Scott's answer, he just smiled and said, "In this way, there may be no more diligent students in Hogwarts now than you."

"No." Scott still has self-knowledge, "Those guys who usually use the time converter to study in class and get all 12 certificates in the junior wizard level exam are much more diligent than me."

"Although I am the principal of this school, I don't advocate that kind of behavior." Dumbledore winked playfully, "Getting 12 certificates is certainly excellent, but the kind of transcript exchanged for youth time is not so cost-effective in my opinion."

The old principal put on a posture of chatting.

He continued: "Rather than overdrawing time with dangerous props like the time converter, I hope my students can find what they are really interested in to study."

It must be said that Scott also thinks so.

He plans to give up several advanced classes in the second half of the sixth grade, such as astronomy, history of magic, herbal medicine, and care of magical creatures.

In this way, he needs to take Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, and Defense Against the Dark Arts.

He told Dumbledore his thoughts.

Dumbledore nodded in agreement.

"We don't require students to take all classes. The professors also have some requirements for students' grades in the advanced classes starting in the sixth grade."

He nags.

"Of course you should make some choices. A smart and well-planned student like you needs more time for yourself."

Scott thanked him for the compliment, but still wondered in his heart why Dumbledore wanted to chat with him.

He thought there was something important just now.

But Dumbledore seemed to ask him to come into the office just to chat. In the following time, he never talked about the topic of prophecy.

After drinking a cup of hot cocoa, Scott said goodbye.

"Go, you should go back to the dormitory and have a good sleep." Dumbledore waved his hand, "In the future, growth cannot rely on staying up late."

Scott was stunned after hearing this.

Dumbledore was advising him not to squeeze his rest time too much because he was too anxious to become stronger.

Scott thanked him again, bowed lightly, and turned to walk out of the principal's office.

When he walked to the corridor and turned back, the door with warm light had disappeared, and the place where the door was originally had become a rough stone wall.

Smiling silently, Scott walked towards the direction of the spiral staircase.

Still relying on magic perception to avoid the night watchman Filch and his cat, he successfully returned to the dormitory.

"I wonder what Scott is doing again..."

Pushing open the door of the dormitory, he heard Eddie talking about his whereabouts.

"Good evening." Scott stood at the door and stretched, "Are you still awake?"

"Oh, Scott, we were just discussing you." His voice came from Eddie's bed curtain.

"I heard it." Scott walked to his bed, took off his robe and shook it, raised his hand and hung it on the hanger.

"Are you in love?" Roger asked.

"No." Scott said helplessly, "You should take care of yourself and look at your ex-girlfriend."

As soon as he finished speaking, laughter came from the bed curtains of Eddie and Milton.

Recently, the changes of Roger's ex-girlfriend Caccini are really getting more and more interesting.

Some time ago, although Roger was slapped by Caccini, he was not angry. Instead, he paid more attention to Caccini because he was curious about Caccini's completely different changes.

As a result, he was ridiculed again by Caccini in front of many people.

Playboy Roger loses face.

Now, the former weak piano girl has become the eldest sister of Hufflepuff House. She is very popular among girls. She not only surpassed Cedric in the limelight, but also gained a group of fans.

Roger's ex-girlfriend, Miss Mill, who once looked at Roger and Caccini with a look of resentment, has now fallen into Caccini's arms.

"Oh..." Roger wailed in pain, "Stop talking, I don't dare to provoke her anymore, I will stay away when I see her now."

"Oh poor Roger, you also have a girl you can't handle." Eddie laughed happily.

Roger made a stubborn voice, "At least I have dealt with her once."

Hearing his forced face-saving words, Scott and the three of them laughed at the same time, and the dormitory was filled with happy air.

When Scott returned to the dormitory after taking a shower, the other three were still talking about Caccini.

"Caccini has become a reserve member of the Weird Sisters," Milton said. "She may become the first real female member of the Weird Sisters."

"But she is becoming more and more like a boy now." Eddie pretended to be cheerful. "Some time ago, her hair was just colorful short hair. Recently, her hair has been so short that her scalp can be seen."

But Roger remained silent.

It wasn't until Scott pulled up the bed curtains and lay down on his quilt that he heard him mutter: "There must be a reason. A person cannot change like that for no reason."

Of course Scott and the others knew that Roger's words were correct.

But it’s also nonsense.

"Everyone can see there's a reason," Eddie said, "but no one knows why."

His tone was full of regret, and he was sighing because his desire for gossip was not satisfied.

"You said..." Roger asked hesitantly, "Is it because of me that she..."

"No." Scott said firmly.

"No." Milton said calmly.

"No." Eddie said coldly.

Scott was sure it wasn't.

After all, when Caccini changed, it had been several months since she and Roger broke up, and it had been a long time since Scott stared at Roger's face and met her.

After hearing the negative answers from the three roommates one after another, Roger fell completely silent.

After a while, some deliberate snoring came from his bed curtains.

"Don't worry, brother." Eddie vowed, "I, Edica Mitchell, will figure out the reason. There are no secrets in Hogwarts that I, Edica Mitchell, can't dig out!"


Scott went to sleep smiling.

After returning to the dormitory and joking for a while, his nervousness was relieved and his mood improved a lot.

Asking for monthly ticket

Second update.

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