The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 373 273. Advice from the Principal and Dean

Dumbledore put down the knife and fork in his hand, picked up the silver teaspoon and stirred the black tea in the cup.

"My advice is..." He picked up the teacup and took a sip, then looked at Scott, "Your decision depends on your heart."

Scott returned the look with confusion.

Dumbledore put down his tea cup and said with a smile, "I mean, you can join the League of Scholars."

In Scott's surprised eyes, he continued: "But please remember, you'd better just use their [Knowledge Bank] as a trading platform, make necessary transactions in a measured way, and of course, pay attention to always maintain Keep your own reason and do not be tempted by the greed in your heart.”

He said in a serious tone: "If you can do this, then joining the so-called Scholars Alliance will not have any bad impact on you."

Scott nodded and wanted to inquire more, so he said: "It seems that this organization is not as completely harmless as Miss Grapeland said."

"The League of Scholars is led by seven wizards who have earned the title of [Grand Scholar], and Nico was once one of them." Dumbledore said, "Since Nico's death, I can no longer obtain their information."

Scott listened to him quietly.

Dumbledore told him some useful information.

"I can tell you two things."

"First, Nico once hinted that there are also conceptual differences among the [big scholars] who lead the Scholar Alliance."

"Second, Nico once showed me some things that could be exchanged for credits in that organization. After seeing it, I was very glad that I didn't join them."

"Can you please elaborate?" Scott requested. He was not satisfied with such general-sounding information.

Dumbledore did not refuse Scott's request and explained some situations to him in detail.

"Nico once joined the League of Scholars just to communicate with others about alchemy, but as he lived longer and longer, his fame grew, and finally he won the title of [Great Scholar]."

"More than a hundred years ago, under the initiative of another [great scholar], seven [great scholars] at that time worked together to create what they called the highest masterpiece that combined magic rituals and alchemy - [Knowledge Bank] ”

"The emergence of [Knowledge Bank] was initially a good thing for the Scholars Alliance. That magical device, which can be called a great magic device, promoted communication among members of the association and closely connected members of the association that were originally too loose."

"More importantly, its existence allows the Scholars Alliance to better preserve the wisdom of wizard civilization, and also makes it easier for this magic association to achieve its purpose of inheriting wizard civilization."

There must be a but next, Scott thought.

As he thought, Dumbledore immediately said but.

“However, in the decades after [knowledge banks] emerged, two different currents of thought emerged among members of the Scholars Alliance.”

"Some wizards believe that they only need to maintain their original status of obscurity, gather the wisdom of everyone and concentrate on research. When they have new knowledge that is beneficial to wizard civilization as a whole, they will secretly promote it and subtly promote the development of wizard civilization."

"Other wizards believe that the forward development of a civilization requires the best people to stand up and guide the ordinary people. They believe that the Alliance of Scholars, which brings together the wisdom of everyone and has a profound foundation, should stand up and become the leaders of wizards."

Sure enough, wherever there are people, there will be strife.

Scott thought.

Even if they are the same organization, it is unlikely that they will have absolutely unified ideas, especially an ancient magic association like the Scholars Alliance.

Dumbledore stopped here.

He took a few bites of the cream cake and drank half a cup of black tea before speaking again.

He asked Scott with great interest, "I want to hear your thoughts. Scott, which of these two trends of thought do you think is more correct?"

Scott thought for a while and replied: "Their ideas are both right and they are all wrong."

"Oh?" Dumbledore looked at him curiously.

Scott explained: "If what they say can be realized smoothly, it is indeed possible to promote the development of wizard civilization. Their differences are just different ways of achieving their goals, so I would say that their ideas are all right."

Dumbledore nodded slightly when he heard this, and asked him again, "Then why do you say they are all wrong?"

Scott said without hesitation: “Because they naturally place themselves in a higher position than everyone else, look at everything with a condescending gaze, and decide without authorization how to promote the development of civilization. This is absolute arrogance. "

Dumbledore had a surprised expression on his face, as if he didn't expect Scott to say that.

He asked, "Do you think wizards who have the first idea are also arrogant? Even if they just want to do academic research in obscurity and subtly promote the progress of wizard civilization."

Scott smiled and said: "If their research results that bring together the wisdom of everyone can really promote the progress of civilization, wouldn't it be better to publish them openly and then be respected by others?"

He was really confused about this, "I think this is an honor, not something that needs to be hidden from the public."

Obscurity...subtly...he always felt that this statement was an awkward pretentiousness.

as well as……

"In the past historical period, what contributions did they make to the development and progress of wizard civilization? Without them, would our civilization be unable to make progress?"

"No." Dumbledore blinked lightly, "Ever since the members of the Scholars Union had differences in their ideas, they have been busy convincing each other, which has delayed other things."

"..." Scott was speechless.

Why is this scholar's alliance even more powerful than he imagined?

Although Dumbledore's statement sounds slightly exaggerated, it is enough to show that this organization has now deviated from its original intention.

Dumbledore sighed, "In the past ten years or so, Nico has no longer participated in the internal affairs of the Scholars Union. He believes that once scholars' attitudes towards academics become no longer pure, organizations established in the name of scholars will It has completely deteriorated.”

Scott got it.

He said to Dumbledore; "It seems that you do not think highly of this ancient magical society, even though they have a great [bank of knowledge]."

"Yes." Dumbledore admitted, "Nico is not worried that they will cause a big mess that is beyond control, because it is the magic device he participated in constructing that holds the crystallization of everyone's wisdom, not a wizard."

Scott understood again.

"Master Nicoléme is not worried that the knowledge stored in the [Knowledge Bank] will be stolen by a wizard."

Dumbledore smiled slightly, "Indeed, that is Nico's most proud work. He used alchemy to construct the core part of the [Knowledge Bank], which means that the great magic device is impeccable."

"That is to say, even [big scholars] who are leading scholar alliances today must exchange credits for knowledge in the [knowledge bank] through formal channels," Scott said.

Dumbledore nodded again, and then said, "Even if Nico has lived for more than six hundred years, the knowledge he possesses is far from enough to redeem all the knowledge in the [Knowledge Bank]."

Scott totally got it.

"It seems that I can indeed join the Scholars Alliance." He said, "At least the knowledge transactions in [Knowledge Bank] are equal and harmless."

At this time, Dumbledore warned him again, "Remember, don't be blinded by greed."

Scott responded solemnly.

Dumbledore instead talked about the past, "When I was young, I used to have different ideas than I do now. I even proposed creating a new order in the world dominated by wizards for the greatest benefit."

Scott closed his mouth without interrupting, and listened quietly to his story again.


Dumbledore's voice became a little deeper and hoarse.

"After experiencing some things, I began to recognize my arrogance, and at the same time I began to admit one thing, that is, the world never needs anyone to dominate. So I made a new choice and embarked on a different path from when I was young. "

He told his past events very briefly, but his tone contained a different kind of emotion and power.

After that, he quickly smiled again, "What's interesting is that only after I completely woke up, Nico showed me some things that can be exchanged for credits in the Scholar Alliance."

At this point, he showed an expression of wonder.

“Some of the stuff is pretty amazing,” he said. “I can’t help but be glad I didn’t join them when Nico first asked.”

He does not shy away from the mistakes he made when he was young, and is even glad that he did not cause more serious consequences.

“The younger me at that time might have been blinded by greed, driven by the so-called ‘greatest interests’, and used the existence of [the knowledge bank] to do something irreparable.”

Scott was touched.

Dumbledore was glad that his young self did not join the League of Scholars, but he did not stop Scott from joining now.

This shows that he did not trust himself when he was young, but he is willing to trust Scott, who is also young now.

Of course, from another perspective, it can also be thought that he was fully aware of his destructive power when he was young, but did not think that Scott could make any waves.

But Scott decided to look at the old principal from a brighter perspective.

Then they started chatting, talking about light topics while enjoying the food.

After watching Dumbledore, who was over a hundred years old, eating five sweet-looking cream cakes without changing his expression, Scott said goodbye.

After thanking and saying goodbye to Dumbledore, he walked directly out of the principal's office through the side door on the eighth floor and walked through several corridors to Professor Flitwick's office.

Perhaps because he had a meat-scented burp when he first entered, Professor Flitwick did not greet him with a snack as usual.

Scott sat down, holding his bloated belly, and told Professor Flitwick the reason for his visit - also explaining to the professor Graplan's invitation and asking about the Scholars Union.

After listening to Scott's story, Professor Flitwick first expressed some concern for Milton.

"Is Mr. Graves okay?" the professor said worriedly, "It seems that the child has always regretted losing his musical talent."

Professor Flitwick, who has always been emotional, also has strong empathy, and he seems to understand Milton's feelings very well.

"I'll talk to him," he said.

He was not surprised by Graplan's true identity, and it seemed that he had known about it for a long time.

"Oh, Scholars Alliance." He said to Scott, "I have also received invitations from this organization, but I rejected them."

Scott asked curiously, "Can you tell me the reason why you refused to join them?"

"I don't approve of them." Professor Flitwick said with a frown.

He didn't seem to have a good impression of the Scholars' Union at all.

"I don't agree with their system of quantifying all knowledge and using it as a bargaining chip to trade at any time." The professor said, "I don't think there is any need for any organization for academic research. I think I can find more, better and more like-minded wizards to communicate with on my own."

He then looked at Scott again.

"Of course, I don't object to you joining them." He said, "Everyone can make their own choice."

He lowered his head and took a sip of hot tea, then continued to talk.

"When I was young, I had a hot temper. I often gave a hard lesson to those who laughed at me."

He said in a nostalgic tone.

"The wizard who wanted to recruit me into the Scholars' Union was a German wizard who participated in the duel competition with me. His attitude was too arrogant."

He began to calmly talk about the things that had made him angry.

"I still remember his eyes and his tone. He almost invited me to join them with a charity attitude, as if it was the greatest honor since I was born. Of course, I firmly rejected him and gave him a hard lesson in the competition."

At this point, Professor Flitwick laughed.

"I also came into contact with some other people from the Scholars' Union in the days that followed." He lowered his voice, "I even felt that the people in this organization were a little abnormal."

He looked at Scott again, "Just like Miss Grubbly-Plank you encountered, she actually thought of threatening you with Mr. Graves's matter. This was undoubtedly an extremely failed invitation.!"

Professor Flitwick shook his head with a disapproving expression.

"The wizards of the Scholars' Union are always like this. They are almost driven crazy by the remaining credits in their cards."

Seeing that Scott didn't understand, Professor Flitwick explained to him, "In the Scholars' Union, credits are everything. Their credits are like the deposits of ordinary wizards in Gringotts. The size of the value always causes them anxiety."

Scott nodded repeatedly, indicating that he understood.

He did understand.

In his previous life, he had also been anxious about the deposits in his bank card. He understood that feeling.

In addition, Grubbly-Plank's invitation method was indeed not normal, but a little crazy.

Afterwards, Scott left after chatting with Professor Flitwick for half an hour and went to the Room of Requirement.

He planned to talk to his Ravenclaw tutor about this matter as well.

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