The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 389 389. A Trial That Wasn’t Going Well

"Patronus Charm."

Scott answered Rimbaud's questions.

"Its shape is beyond my control."

He waved his wand again, and the patron saint turned into silver smoke and slowly drifted away.

Rimbaud didn't know what the Patronus Charm was. After watching the peregrine disappear, it flew to the desk next to Scott and landed.

"Well, since you didn't take the initiative to conjure it up," it said, "then I can't blame you."

Scott nodded seriously.

"Why are you here suddenly?" Rimbaud added, "But I also happen to want to go to Hogwarts to find you."

Scott sat back on the chair, "It seems you already know about Carlo."

Rimbaud said: "Of course, the staff of the Ministry of Magic have been talking about Carlo and Roll for the past two days. It is said that Carlo has been on the run after killing Roll."

"By the way." It flapped its wings, "They said Carlo was arrested because he sneaked into Hogwarts and attacked a student. Is that you?"

"It's me," Scott said.

He recounted everything that had happened recently.

After hearing this, Rimbaud looked up at Scott with surprise in his tone, "I don't know since when, the accidents you encountered have become more and more frequent. Is it really because of that prophecy?"

Scott himself was a little unsure when it came to this topic.

He sighed, "No matter what the reason is, you have to face what you have to face."

Then, he asked in detail about the current attitude of everyone in the Ministry of Magic towards the Carlo case.

After Rimbaud's explanation, he understood that going to the trial court to testify next week was just a formality.

Even if he hadn't been attacked, Carlo would have been hopeless.

The death of Caitlin Rolle has left the Rolle family and their in-laws, the Carlo family, completely torn apart.

The family members are all from the Carrow family of Slytherin College, and have always been loyal supporters of Voldemort.

A considerable number of members of the Rohr family will enter Ravenclaw College to study, which makes their position relatively vague and they do not directly side with Voldemort.

It can only be said that they were close to Voldemort in the past, and it is difficult to judge whether there was any influence from the Carrow family.

But since the death of Caitlin Rolle at the hands of Elijah Carrow, the Rolle family has been rapidly joining the ranks of Medea in recent times.

In this way, in this situation where the power of the plaintiff and the defendant is almost equal, coupled with the third party who will enforce the law impartially, mainly the Department of Legal Enforcement, the trial of the Wizengamot of the Ministry of Magic can still be carried out in strict accordance with the provisions of the law. of.

"Don't go to the Ministry of Magic for a while." Scott said to Rimbaud. "I'm always worried that you will be discovered by Medea who doesn't know where she is hiding."

Rimbaud also shuddered when he heard Scott mention Medea.

It had once been under Medea's confusion spell without knowing it, and that incident had left a deep shadow on it.

Scott said to it again: "After Carlo is sent to Azkaban, you may need to go there."

Rimbaud tilted his head, "Are you going to let him die in Azkaban? Just like Travers."

"There are still two members of the Yaxley family in Azkaban." Scott said, "Maybe we have to attack them as soon as possible, otherwise..."

Rimbaud, who was now much smarter, immediately understood what he meant.

It asked, "Are you worried that Voldemort will suddenly regain strength and invade Azkaban to rescue his loyal servants?"

Scott nodded in agreement.

"Okay, I will go to Azkaban after Carlo is imprisoned." Rimbaud said, "It is most appropriate for me to go there. Those dementors will just ignore me."

Scott stayed at the Oak Lodge all day and was sent to the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest by Rimbaud just before dinner.

He walked alone through the Forbidden Forest, and after leaving the Forbidden Forest met Graplan again.

This time, Grapeland didn't take the initiative to speak. She just smiled meaningfully at Scott.

"good afternoon."

Scott glanced at Grapeland, said hello lightly, passed by her with a calm face, and walked towards the castle without looking back.

"Scott." Grapeland called him.

Scott stopped and turned around to give her a confused look.

"Mr. B has contacted you, right?" Graplan said with a smile, "I just want to remind you that Mr. B can help you beyond your imagination."

Scott didn't show any emotion because of her words, he still looked uninterested.

"Mr. B?" he said, "Doesn't that gentleman have a formal name?"

Grapeland wasn't offended by Scott's sarcasm either.

"You will know." She still had a meaningful smile on her face.

Scott also smiled, "Let's wait until the gentleman has a formal name."

He ignored Grapland, turned around and went straight back to the castle and walked into the lively auditorium.


Milton, who was sitting at the Ravenclaw table, immediately stood up and came to greet Scott when he saw him.

"Scott, my father wrote me back." Milton said softly.

Scott took advantage of the situation and changed the direction of his steps, and the two of them came to a deserted place at the edge of the auditorium.

"My father said in the letter that he didn't need to help at all, and Carrow would definitely be imprisoned in Azkaban." Milton looked a little disappointed when he spoke, "Sorry, I don't know if he said that because he didn't want to help..."

"I think he is right." Scott said.

He patted Milton on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Professor Dumbledore told me about this. Don't worry, Carrow will definitely not escape the punishment he deserves. Your father really doesn't need to make any extra efforts."

"That's good!" Milton was happy.

Time soon came to the Friday of Carrow's trial.

After breakfast that day, Scott came to the principal's office with the blessings of his friends.

Dumbledore was already waiting for him.

"Good morning, Scott, we should set off."

He stood up, walked to the fireplace in the office and asked Scott, "Do you know how to use the Floo Network?"

"I know, professor." Scott said.

"Very good, I'll wait for you on the other side."

Dumbledore grabbed a handful of Floo powder and walked into the fireplace. While sprinkling the Floo powder, he said, "Ministry of Magic."


In the fireplace, green flames rose, and Dumbledore's figure disappeared.

Then, Scott also grabbed a handful of Floo powder and walked into the fireplace.

"Ministry of Magic."

When he sprinkled the Floo powder, countless blurry scenes passed by his eyes as if he was watching a flower in a hurry.

Soon, the picture in front of him was fixed again, and at the same time, his body staggered two steps due to inertia.

"Are you okay?" Dumbledore asked, standing outside the fireplace.

"I'm fine, professor." Scott walked out of the fireplace.

At this time, he was already at one end of a magnificent hall, his feet on the polished dark wooden floor.

The peacock blue ceiling was inlaid with glittering golden symbols, constantly moving and changing, like a huge high-altitude bulletin board.

The walls on all four sides were inlaid with dark wooden boards with shiny black oil, and many gilded fireplaces were embedded in the wooden boards.

Every few seconds, with a light puff, a wizard suddenly appeared from a fireplace on the left.

On the right, there were several people waiting in line in front of each fireplace to leave.

"This is the lobby of the atrium on the eighth floor underground."

Dumbledore led him forward and introduced.

"This is the Fountain of Magical Brothers."

At this time, they passed by the circular pool in the center of the hall.

Scott looked at it curiously for several times.

In the middle of the pool stood a group of pure gold statues composed of wizards, witches, centaurs, goblins, and house-elves.

The tallest of them was a noble wizard with a wand in his hand pointing straight to the sky.

Surrounding him was a beautiful witch, a centaur, a goblin, and a house-elf.

The centaurs, goblins, and house-elves all looked at the two wizards with infinite admiration.

A series of shining water jets spurted out from the top of the wizard's wand, the centaur's arrow, and the two ears of the house-elf.

Of course, centaurs and goblins do not worship wizards like this in real life. This statue only represents the wizards' wishful thinking.

Dumbledore whispered to Scott: "The relationship between us wizards and these creatures is not that good. I always feel that the 'Magic Brotherhood Fountain' is not a 'Brotherhood Fountain', but a 'Hypocritical Fountain'".

Scott smiled and looked at the glittering silver Sickles and copper Knuts in the pool again.

Next to it, a small stained sign read [All proceeds from the Magical Brotherhood Fountain are donated to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries].

Then, he followed Dumbledore to the security counter.

With Dumbledore present, the staff responsible for security checks and visitor registration completed their work as quickly as possible.

Dumbledore responded to other people's greetings from time to time and took Scott into another smaller hall.

There are at least twenty elevators here, blocked by exquisite golden fence doors.

"We are going to the courtroom on the ninth floor underground." Dumbledore said to Scott, "It has been abandoned for a long time. I heard that it has been reopened recently."

With a series of ding-ding-dang-dang and clacking sounds, an elevator landed in front of them.

They took the elevator down one floor.

When the elevator door opened again, Scott followed Dumbledore out of the elevator.

Then they came to a corridor with empty walls, no doors or windows.

At the end of the corridor was a simple black door, but Dumbledore led Scott to the left, where there was a gap leading to a staircase.

They walked down the stairs and walked along another corridor.

This place was very similar to the basement of Hogwarts -

Rough stone walls, torches stuck on brackets, and all the doors were heavy wooden doors with iron bolts and keyholes.

"I remember... it's the tenth courtroom."

Dumbledore muttered, and led Scott to a gloomy black door with a large iron lock.

He turned the heavy iron handle on the door and walked into the courtroom, followed by Scott.

This was a deep dark room, the walls around were made of dark stone, and the light from the torches on the wall did not illuminate much area, the whole space seemed dim and gloomy.

On both sides of the room were rows of benches that gradually rose, and now there were a few people sitting sparsely.

In front of him, the highest benches were almost full of people, and they seemed to be whispering and talking to each other.

Scott looked up and saw that there were about forty or fifty people there, all wearing purple robes with an exquisite silver [W] embroidered on the left chest.

Scott and Dumbledore entering the courtroom did not seem to attract anyone's attention. Everyone looked down at the center of the courtroom where the floor was sinking.

On the chair in the center of the room, Carlo, who was about to be judged, was sitting with his head down, and a series of thorny chains were wrapped around his body.

"I have to go to the front." Dumbledore whispered to Scott again, "Find a place to sit by yourself."

"Okay, professor." Scott responded.

Dumbledore continued to walk forward, and his wizard robes with star patterns on them suddenly turned into purple robes exactly the same as those on the people above.

Scott watched him walk up the stairs in front of him, then turned around and walked up the stairs next to him. After passing a few wizards who looked at him coldly, he walked to the edge of a row of empty seats and sat down.

At this moment, a short and fat figure stood up from the seat in the center above the courtroom.

It was Fudge, the Minister of Magic.

"Very good," Fudge said in a loud voice, "Everyone is here, let's get started."

Of course, no one raised any objections.

Fudge continued to speak.

"The trial on April 15th will be the trial of Elijah Jaden Carrow's serious violation of multiple laws."


"Minister of Magic Cornelius Oswald Fudge."

"Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement Amelia Susan Bones."

"Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Chief Wizard of the Wizengamot."

"Trial recorder: Jeremiah Oliver Graves, Chief Secretary of the Minister's Office."

Scott, who was sitting in the corner of the courtroom, followed Fudge's line of sight to the front side of the courtroom, where Milton's father, Mr. Graves, was sitting as the recorder.

Although he was just a recorder, he was dressed very stylishly and looked very high-spirited.

As if sensing Scott's gaze, he raised his head and looked at Scott from a distance, and nodded slightly at him.

But before Scott could respond, he retracted his gaze.

At this moment, Fudge, who was in the center of the front of the courtroom, sat down again and picked up a stack of documents in his hand.

"The trial begins." He read the contents of the document loudly, "The defendant is accused of the following crimes-"

"At 9 o'clock in the evening on April 1, the defendant killed Caitlin Rowe in Durmstrang School of Magic, and then secretly fled back to the UK."

At this time, Scott heard a woman's sad sobbing in the seats in front of him.

Fudge continued: "At 10 o'clock in the evening on April 8, the defendant illegally sneaked into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and attacked an innocent student."

For a moment, many eyes were focused on Scott intentionally or unintentionally.

Scott kept his eyes on Fudge in front of him.

The Minister of Magic was staring at Rowe below with a stern stare.

"Are you Elijah Jaden Carrow?" he asked.

"Yes." Carlo's voice sounded a little weak.

Fudge asked again, "Do you admit the charges against you by this court?"

"No." Carlo said, "I didn't do it."

His answer immediately triggered a discussion among the people in the courtroom.

Everyone knew that the crime he was accused of was the truth.

Although everyone knew that the defendant was likely to struggle not to plead guilty during the trial, when Carlo really denied it at this time, it was enough to make many people feel uncomfortable.

"You lied!" A sharp female voice suddenly sounded.

Scott looked in the direction of the voice, and a middle-aged witch in a simple black robe had stood up excitedly.

"It's you! You are a demon!" She cried, "You killed my daughter!"

It turned out to be Rawl's mother.

Almost everyone was startled by her shrill voice.

Then, another sturdy young witch stood up.

"You can't say that without evidence, my dear cousin." She had an awkward smile on her ugly face.

"Alecto!" Roll's mother turned around and roared at the young witch with hatred, "You damn..."

"Silence!" Fudge's angry voice sounded, "Sit down! Do not disturb the trial process without reason!"

The two witches stared at each other and sat down slowly and obediently. Roll's mother leaned on her husband's shoulder and continued to sob.

When the courtroom became quiet again, Fudge spoke again, "Call the plaintiff's witness Leonie Zimmerman!"

Scott looked around, but didn't see anyone standing up, so he looked at the door of the courtroom again.

"Call the plaintiff's witness Leonie Zimmerman!" Fudge spoke again.

But there was no movement at the door of the courtroom.

Scott heard someone sneer softly.

At this time, his magic perception spread throughout the courtroom and accurately found the person who laughed.

It was the sturdy young witch who stood up to excuse Carlo just now.

"What's going on? Where's Leonie?"

Rol's mother noticed something was wrong and stood up again.

She was very anxious and wanted to turn around to find the witness named Leonie, but her husband quickly stopped her.

"presiding judge."

At this moment, Carlo, who had been sitting quietly in the center of the courtroom, raised his head.

He said: “Since the plaintiff’s witnesses are not present, can we invite the defendant’s witnesses?”

Above, Fudge obviously didn't expect this to happen.

"Oh, you, the defendant, what witnesses do you have?" he asked.

"Of course a witness who can prove that I didn't kill Caitlin Rolle," Carlo said with a smile.

When Fudge heard what he said, he quickly looked at Amelia Bones, Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, on his left, and then at Dumbledore on his right.

"Announce the defendant's witness," Ms. Bones said decisively.

Dumbledore also nodded.

"Announce the defendant!" Fudge's voice was obviously unhappy.

Scott turned to look at the door of the courtroom again, eager to know who the witness would be who could prove that Carlo did not commit murder.

He really didn't expect that this trial, which was already without any suspense, would have such changes as now.

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