The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 393 393. Target one and kill three

After listening to Scott's narration, Milton was in a daze all afternoon. He even made frequent mistakes in Potions class and was deducted 5 points by Snape when he took the opportunity.

Scott didn't know how to comfort or persuade.

At dinner time, Roger saw that he was still out of sorts, so he said to him: "Maybe you should have a talk with your dad."

But Milton just shook his head.

"My father told me personally that he hoped I would try not to go back." He said softly, "Maybe there is a reason I don't know, but since it is what he wants, I will do what he says. "

Scott looked at his expression and found that he was not speaking angrily.

Milton smiled slightly, seeming to have finally recovered.

"If he really still cares about me, then it might be a better choice for me to listen to him," he said.

"You're right." Scott agreed.

Milton's family is a so-called emerging wizard family, and his character is originally somewhat incompatible with those of his relatives.

Now with the addition of a more complicated Mrs. Zabini and Medea who is hiding behind the scenes, it becomes even more complicated.

Maybe it's a good thing that he can escape from such family constraints.

Perhaps Mr. Graves asked Milton not to go home again because of this idea.

After dinner, Scott said goodbye to his roommates and went to Professor Flitwick's office to continue his dueling training.

Professor Flitwick already knew the details of the trial that morning. He first comforted Scott kindly.

He said to Scott: "I hope you will not be affected by other people's slander and malice. In my heart, you have always been a very good student. Of course, I also hope you will not be disappointed with the future of the magical world. We should believe that most of Wizards have a right heart."

Faced with Professor Flitwick's kind comfort, Scott could only show his gratitude and suppress those guilty emotions in his heart.

This made him feel a little uncomfortable.

But despite this, he will not confess to anyone that he is really a secret wizard.

After the duel training began, Scott was finally able to fully release the Patronus Charm, which gave Professor Flitwick a surprise.

In this regard, Professor Flitwick said happily: "You can ask Albus for more advanced instructions on how to use the Patronus Charm. After all, he has promised you."

Scott thought of Dumbledore's Patronus Curse that could speak and even block the Cruciatus Curse, and he nodded repeatedly.

Then, Professor Flitwick also told him a lot about the Patronus Charm.

"The most common Patronus Charm has only one effect, and that is to expel dementors."

"But the Patronus Charm is one of the oldest and most famous defensive spells in the wizarding world, and it certainly does more than that."

"Although the patron saint summoned by the patron saint spell has no entity and cannot defend against physical attacks, it has the function of protecting your heart and even your soul."

"However, only Albus can use the Patronus Curse to defend against the Cruciatus Curse. Generally speaking, the Unforgivable Curse cannot be resisted."

"Of course, this is also because Carlo's mastery of the Cruciatus Curse is not deep and its power is too low."

Scott asked curiously, "Is it possible for Professor Dumbledore to successfully defend against the Death Curse?"

Professor Flitwick shook his head directly, "That's impossible. There has never been such a thing, unless the magic power of the wizard who uses the Death Curse is very weak."

Scott understood.

Professor Flitwick added: "In addition, I think you can prepare for the Animagus transformation. This will take some time and luck. Of course, it is best to do it under the guidance of Professor McGonagall."

Scott nodded in agreement.

The prerequisites for learning Animagus transformation are somewhat complicated and cumbersome, and it also requires some luck to encounter the right weather. This is not an easy task.

The first step to take is very troublesome——

A single mandrake leaf must be held continuously in the mouth for an entire month, from full moon to full moon.

At no time should the leaves be swallowed or taken out of the mouth; if the leaves leave the mouth, the whole process must start over.

Not to mention the impact that holding a leaf in one's mouth would have on daily life such as speaking, eating, and washing, Scott could not imagine what a leaf would look like after being held in the mouth for a month.

After finishing the duel training that night, Scott returned to the dormitory and went to bed early.

He got up at 5 o'clock the next morning, washed and dressed, and entered the crow territory through the door key in the unoccupied bathroom.

He rode a broomstick to the oak hut, and Rimbaud also flew out of the nest nearby.

Scott walked into the cabin and took out a picture frame, and used the transformation technique to manipulate the changes in paint, and "printed" three portraits as quickly as possible.

"Remember these three people." He pointed and introduced to Rimbaud, "Amycus Carlo and Alecto Carlo, twins from the Carlo family, both Death Eaters, and Broderick Bode , a staff member of the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic.”

Rimbaud looked at the three portraits and tilted his head, "What do you want to do?"

Scott pondered for a moment and then said: "Don't worry about the Carlo brothers and sisters for now, they will be Voldemort's helpers in the prison robbery. I want to know if Mr. Bode is the one who wrote a letter threatening me in [The Book of Prometheus] Mr. B.”

"Mr. Bode? Do you need me to keep an eye on him?" Rimbaud asked again.

"Hold on."

Scott walked to the small desk and sat down.

He took out a piece of ebony wood from the shapeshifting lizard skin bag and placed it on the table.

Then he composed himself, and after a few seconds, he waved his wand and turned the block of wood into a gray-looking gecko.

Rimbaud flew to the table and looked at the gecko, and asked Scott curiously, "Why didn't you take out the bone before you used magic?"

Scott put the little gecko in his hand and replied: "Because the Oak Cottage has been completely hidden by the Loyalty Curse, for me, this is an absolutely safe safe house, even the Ministry of Magic's Trace Contract It’s impossible to tell whether minors are using magic illegally.”

Rimbaud nodded in understanding, and then asked, "What is the use of this little thing?"


Scott smiled and took out his [Magic Mirror], used his wand to pull out a silver thread from the gecko's body and put it into the [Magic Mirror].

He stretched out his finger and tapped on the [Magic Mirror], and a picture quickly appeared in the mirror, and at the same time, a sound came out.

Scott and Rimbaud appeared in the picture, which was exactly the picture and sound heard just now from the perspective of the gecko.

"This is a gecko that can 'record' images and sounds." Scott said, "Unfortunately, I can't connect it to my [magic mirror] in real time. Only by successfully recovering it in the future can I take it out and watch it." What you see and hear.”

Although this gecko is inconspicuous, it represents Scott's huge progress in the art of transformation.

In the past, if Scott wanted to successfully use transformation to create such a tool animal, it would have been impossible to do it in one step.

Just like when he made listening bats in the past, he needed to engrave the magic text circuit on the bat wood carving first, and then use the transformation spell again after activating the magic text circuit.

Now that Scott can do it in one step, his abilities in all aspects have undoubtedly improved a lot.

This represents the result of his learning and progress after squeezing out time and energy despite the tremendous pressure brought by the prophecy.

Unfortunately, Rimbaud did not understand how difficult it was for Scott to achieve this step.

It just nodded to show its understanding, "Do you want me to put it near Mr. Bode?"

"The ninth floor underground, Department of Mysteries." Scott said, "In addition to various halls used for research, there is also an office there."

Scott took out a piece of parchment, recalled the route he had memorized when he passed through the ninth underground floor yesterday, and drew it on the parchment with a pen.

He said seriously: "That means venturing into the Ministry of Magic and placing the gecko in that office."

"It doesn't matter." Rimbaud said confidently, "This is not the first time I have entered the Ministry of Magic. It is very chaotic there, and my flying speed is very fast."

"But you have never entered the ninth floor underground." Scott hesitated, "People can only go down to that floor through the elevator, and there is only one department on that floor, the Department of Mysteries, with very few staff."

He thought for a while and said: "To be on the safe side, let a smarter crow go. I can cast a disembodiment spell on it in advance. With the size of the crow, my disillusionment spell can last for at least three Hour."

Rimbaud shook his head, "The smartest crow is not that smart. I won't encounter any danger if I go."

Scott thought for a while and agreed.

Rimbaud has the ability to fly silently and quickly. When flying at extremely high speeds, he looks like a shadow, which is indeed the most suitable thing for him to do.

He warned, "Be careful. If Mr. Bode is the Mr. B who threatened me, he might be a dangerous person."

"I know." Rimbaud flew up and grabbed the gecko in Scott's hand with his claws.

"Remember to come to Hogwarts to find me after you finish this thing." Scott warned again and cast a disillusionment spell on it.

Then, Rimbaud, who became one with the environment, immediately said: "This won't work."

"It really doesn't work." Scott looked at the gecko that seemed to be flying and twisting in the air, "But I can't cast a spell on it, otherwise it will explode."

Scott can only do 1+1, not 1+1+1. This gecko has integrated two kinds of magic: transformation and magic circuit. Applying a magic spell will completely destroy its stability.

"I have a solution."

Rimbaud threw the gecko onto the table, and then the gecko disappeared piece by piece.

"I'll spit it out when the time comes," Rimbaud said.

Although Scott was a little doubtful whether it would still work after spitting it out, he still smiled encouragingly.

After Rimbaud left the Oak Cottage, he also rode his broomstick back to Hogwarts Castle, just in time for breakfast.

At noon, Scott came out of the Response Room to have lunch, and Rimbaud happened to be back from London and flew in front of him smoothly.

Scott couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that Rimbaud was safe and sound.

It whispered to Scott, "Everything went well. Today is the weekend. There are very few people on duty at the Ministry of Magic. Mr. Bode, who you want to observe, is not here either. The gecko successfully climbed in through the crack in the door."

"Good job." Scott also whispered, "There is another task next."

He walked deliberately to the window at the end of a corridor.

"You have to go to Azkaban." He ordered, "Kill Elijah Carrow, the old man of the Yaxley family and his son for me."

"Still using the same method?" Rimbaud asked.

Scott shook his head, "For safety reasons, we can't use poison anymore."

He was worried that if the same method was used too many times, there would always be some clues that he didn't know about.

What's more, the threat of Mr. B was still vivid in his mind.

Scott took out a pocket bird cage from his pocket and put it in his palm.

This black bird cage was only as big as a thumb, and what was even more peculiar was that there was a group of black crows as big as midges in the cage.

"This is a new weapon." He said in an inaudible voice, "The product of Transfiguration and Shrinking Spell, and the raw material of the transformation is hard steel."

Rampo took a closer look and asked Scott, "What should I do? If I do it directly, my claws are also very sharp, and I can also scratch the wizard's throat."

Scott certainly knew that Rampo's claws and beak were very sharp, after all, it was made of a piece of titanium alloy.

But he didn't mean to let Rampo do it directly, although the wizards in Azkaban had almost no power to resist.

"Once it's done, it will leave traces. Maybe someone can see something from the wound. I have to do everything possible to avoid suspicion." Scott said.

He told Rimbaud his plan.

Rimbaud only needs to put the crows that have been shrunk by the shrinking spell into the target's prison, and the little crows will drill into their bodies through the target's mouth and nose.

When the shrinking spell fails, they will return to their original size, and then directly break the target's stomach and drill out.

"... I have estimated the time when the shrinking spell and the transformation spell will fail. After killing the target, they will fly away from Azkaban on their own, and finally turn back into steel blocks and fall into the sea."

Scott had a cold expression on his face.

Rimbaud nodded first, and then said: "Do you want to consider not turning them into crows? After all, you have summoned crows to fight in front of many people."

"It doesn't matter, crows are too common."

Scott is not worried about this.

"And you told me that there are only crows in Azkaban besides Dementors and prisoners."

Only crows entering and leaving will not arouse suspicion.

Due to the existence of Dementors, the guards sent by the Ministry of Magic only guarded the perimeter of Azkaban. By the time they found someone dead, Scott's crows would have flown away long ago.

Accepting Scott's mission, Rimbaud flew out of the window with the birdcage in his claws.

Scott looked up and watched its figure disappear into the sky.

Next, he just had to wait for the news in the newspaper tomorrow.

Scott thought.

It's not that he can't wait to kill his enemy, but the opportunity is fleeting, and Azkaban will become lively.

Just like he and Dumbledore said, Voldemort must have a plan to break out of prison.

Under this premise, the longer the time drags on, the more people are likely to be watching Azkaban, and it will definitely not be as convenient as it is now if you want to do something at that time.

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