The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 421 421. Death of the Carlo siblings

That night, Rimbaud returned to the crow territory in the forest.

After seeing the picture in the [magic mirror], it was very proud.

"It seems that the lizard has successfully entered the manor. I am still very smart."

As for finding the whereabouts of Carlo brothers and sisters, it is obviously more optimistic than Scott.

"Crows will fly over every inch of land in Britain. As long as they show up, they will be found soon."

It is rare that Rimbaud, the crow "lord", does not seem to have a crow's mouth. They got the news of Carlo brothers and sisters at noon the next day.

"The child saw those two people yesterday." Rimbaud pointed to a crow with his wings and said to Scott, "They appeared on the Isle of Arran."

Scott squinted his eyes and looked at the portrait of Carlo brothers and sisters hanging on the wooden wall.

This is what he drew to make it easier for crows to recognize people.

"Very good." He stood up, put on a light black cloak and a hood that covered half of his face, "Let's go now."

Rampo hesitated, "Are you really going? You know, I remember you said that those Death Eaters can call for reinforcements through the Dark Mark. Of course, they can also escape by Apparition."

"Then make it impossible for them to call for reinforcements or escape." Scott smiled confidently, "You should believe me, after all, I have learned theory from Ravenclaw tutors for so long, and practiced duels with Professor Flitwick so many times."

Rampo looked up at Scott, and finally nodded, "Okay, that's it."

Scott took out his wand and swung it twice casually.

The two portraits of the Carrow brothers and sisters on the wall suddenly shattered into pieces, and all the fragments were blown out of the wooden house by a gust of wind.

"Let's go, let the crow lead the way."

Scott put away his wand and turned into a peregrine falcon at the fastest speed.

Rambo glanced at him and turned his head away, "I still can't stand you like this."

After Scott turned into a peregrine falcon, he couldn't speak, so he could only call to urge it to move faster.

Rambo cackled, and the crow that had reported to him earlier flew up from the tree, and Scott and Rambo followed behind it.

Since ordinary crows don't fly very fast, Scott and Rambo could only slow down and follow behind it, which resulted in them not reaching their destination until night.

The Isle of Arran is located in the west of Scotland, in the Firth of Clyde on the Atlantic coast. It is the largest island in the North Ayrshire Council District and the Historic County of Bitshire.

Scott and his team came to a rocky wilderness in the uninhabited area of ​​the island late at night. In the center of the wilderness was a very dilapidated stone fort on the verge of collapse, and on one side was a cliff that went vertically into the sea.

"Cack... cackle..."

At this time, a group of crows gathered in the pile of rocks to avoid the turbulent sea breeze.

Scott and Rambo followed the leading crow and joined them.

As a bird of prey, Scott's arrival caused panic among the crows, and they even began to flee in panic.

"Cack, cack, cack..."

Rampo shouted loudly for a long time before they calmed down.

"Cack, cack, cack..."

After a while of communication, Rampo lowered his voice and told Scott, "Those two guys live in that stone castle, and they set up a tent inside."

Scott nodded after hearing this and turned back into human form.

"I have to make some preparations first."

He reached out and held Rampo, leaned close and whispered a few words.

Rampo nodded.

Scott consciously let his own magic fluctuations become quiet, and then took out [Severed Arm Bone] to activate it.

He slowly pulled out his wand and used the Disillusionment Charm on himself.

Next, he slowly moved his feet and moved lightly among the rocks.

He stopped only when he reached the periphery of the warning magic set up by the Carlo brothers and sisters that he could sense.

He covered the hand holding the [Severed Arm Bone] with his cloak, and then fully activated this magical item that could cut off the contract.

Looking at the bone emitting a bright white light, Scott squatted down and thrust it into the soil under his feet.

Then he turned the wand upside down, chanted a spell, and thrust the tip of the wand into the ground again.

Sensing the nearly invisible magic fluctuations spreading rapidly with the wand in his hand as the center, covering the entire area, but there was no movement in the stone fort in front, Scott silently breathed a sigh of relief.

He slowly stood up, transformed into a peregrine falcon again, and spread his wings to fly towards the stone fort.


Rampo led the group of crows behind him.

The broken stone fort was overgrown with weeds, and only one intact wall could block the whistling sea breeze.


With the sound of flapping wings, a peregrine falcon and a raven flew over with a group of crows, landed on the broken walls, and looked at the tent below.


The rough cries of the crows echoed in the dark stone fortress.

"Damn it!"

Not long after, a dishevelled wizard holding a magic lamp walked out of the tent.

"Fly away, you damned things!"

He raised his head and shouted.


The crows flew up, but did not leave. They just circled around the stone fortress, cawing non-stop.

"Break the bones!"

The wizard took out his wand, and the red magic spell shot towards the crows.


The crows nimbly avoided it.

At this moment, the wizard didn't even have time to cast the next spell. A black shadow flew over his head like lightning and turned into a human form at the fastest speed.

Scott looked down and pointed the wand in his hand at the top of Amycus Carrow's head.


Amycus Carrow's body gradually stiffened.

Then, the cloak behind Scott unfolded automatically, carrying him horizontally.

And he waved the wand in his hand again.

"Smash to pieces!"

"Stop the spell!"

A golden spell flew out of the tent.

However, before it arrived, Scott's crushing spell had hit Amycus Carrow's stiff body firmly, blowing him into pieces.


A shrill howl came from the tent.

Witnessing the death of his brother, Alecto Carrow's voice was full of grief and resentment.

The witch ran out of the tent.

"Avada Kedavra!"

The green light of the death curse illuminated the gloomy stone castle.

Scott, fluttering in his cloak, transformed into a peregrine falcon again, spread his wings and flew high, narrowly avoiding the attack of the death curse.

"I will kill you!"

Alecto Carrow's roar resounded through the wilderness.

Several different colored spells soared into the sky.

At this time, Scott had already flown high into the sky, out of her attack range.

The peregrine falcon flew very fast, and Scott once again flew outside the stone castle like a flash of lightning.

Before landing, he turned back into a human form again, and the cloak spread behind him carried him floating in the wind.

Before the angry Alecto Carrow ran out of the stone castle, the light of the transformation spell kept flying from the tip of Scott's wand, landing on large and small stones in the wilderness.

"Avada Kedavra!"

The green light came again, and Scott had once again transformed into a peregrine falcon and flew into the sky.

The stones on the ground lit up with balls of fire.

"Cack... Cack..."

Each ball of fire wrapped a crow.

The fire crows spread their wings and flew up, surrounding Alecto Carrow.

"Armor protection!"

Alecto Carlo cast an armor spell in front of him.

The fire crows dispersed flexibly and bypassed the transparent magic barrier.

Then, the flames on their bodies went out.


The fire crows cried together and spit out hot lines of fire from their mouths.


Alecto Carlo tried to dodge by Apparition, but her body just turned around in place and was then submerged by several lines of fire.


Alecto Carlo in the fire let out a sharp howl.

" me..."

Her shrill screams gradually faded, and her body, which was burned beyond recognition, collapsed.

Scott landed from the sky, but did not rush to the place where Alecto Carlo was.

He stood far behind a huge stone and used magic perception to detect Alecto Carlo's condition.

After sensing the weak magic fluctuations, he would not get close.

The light of the Transfiguration Spell lit up again, and the stone beside it turned into a giant wolf with interlaced fire patterns all over its body, and it stretched out its limbs and pounced towards the place where Alecto Carrow was.

The wolf howled and screamed again, and accompanied by a burst of fire, the magic fluctuations belonging to Alecto Carrow completely disappeared.

Scott then walked out from behind the stone.

"Killed it."

Rimbaud flew down from the sky and landed on his shoulder.

Scott nodded and began to clean up.

He walked to the place where he had arranged it before and took out the [severed arm bone] from the soil.

Then, he squatted again and turned the wand upside down.

"All spells are closed."

He chanted the spell in his mouth, and inserted the wand flashing with golden light into the soil again, breaking the anti-apparition spell that had been arranged before.

After that, he used the movement spell to throw the bodies of the Carrow brothers and sisters and all the stones that he had cast the Transfiguration Spell on off the cliff, watching them fall into the sea.

"The flames are blazing!"

Finally, he used the fire spell to ignite the magic tent of the Carrow brothers and sisters.

"Let's go."

Scott watched the magic tent turn into ashes, then activated the door key and took Rimbaud back to the crow territory in the forest.

"I think I can have a good sleep now."

In the oak cabin, Scott stretched himself.

He had been busy for a long time to kill the Carrow brothers and sisters. Now that his goal was achieved, the suppressed fatigue suddenly surged up.

But Scott still didn't fall asleep.

After taking a shower, he lay on the bed and began to check the real-time images in the [magic mirror].

The lizards were still wandering on the walls and gardens of Malfoy Manor.

Scott stared for a while, and then replayed the previous surveillance footage, but still didn't see Voldemort appear.

It stands to reason that Voldemort, who carved the Dark Mark for the Carrow brothers and sisters, should be able to sense the death of the two people after Scott removed the [broken arm bone].

But Scott didn't find any reaction from him, and there was nothing unusual in Malfoy Manor.

The young wizard who looked like Barty Crouch Jr. did appear, allowing Scott to finally confirm his identity and the fact that Voldemort was in Malfoy Manor.

It was a video taken some time before dinner.

First, Malfoy Jr. was walking alone in the garden, and then Barty Crouch Jr. appeared on the other side of the garden.

Out of setting, the lizard quickly followed and hid in the flowers near little Malfoy.

"You've been lingering here for a while, Draco." Barty Crouch Jr. walked up to Malfoy Jr. and said with a half-smile.

"I...I just came out for a walk." Little Malfoy said in a panic, "I have learned how to make polyjuice potion."

"Really, that's really amazing." Barty Crouch Jr. said the words of praise, but with a sinister smile on his face, "Why, you wandered here deliberately because you want to praise your progress so that the master can Do you like it?"

" didn't come here on purpose, Mr. Barty." Little Malfoy became even more flustered.


Barty Crouch Jr. reached out and pinched Malfoy Jr.'s face.

Little Malfoy's eyes widened, but he didn't dare to move while standing.

"Compared to your father, you are too young, boy." Barty Crouch Jr. grinned and said in a mocking tone, "Don't act clever in front of me, the master doesn't like you either. Mortal wisdom."

"Yes..." Little Malfoy was so frightened that he almost cried.

" careful, Draco."

Barty Crouch Jr. pulled Malfoy's face with two fingers and lowered his head closer.

"Your father was disliked by the master because of those things he did in the past. He finally got some appreciation for his contribution to the manor. If he is punished by the master again because of your interference... that would be terrible."

"I...I know..."

Little Malfoy was trembling, tears welling up in his eyes.


Barty Crouch Jr. let go of his hand, walked through the garden with a chuckle, and walked into the manor building through the back door.

Little Malfoy stood alone, covering his red and swollen cheeks with his hands, crying silently.

He looked around furtively and slipped towards the gate of the manor building.

The lizard crawled among the plants in the garden, following behind him.

At the door, Snape walked out.

"I remember I warned you, Mr. Malfoy."

He stared down at little Malfoy, his tone full of anger.

"I remember I said that the achievements you have achieved so far are not worthy of praise! Why are you like a silly peacock who has only grown a few feathers and can't wait to show your ugly butt to others! "

Little Malfoy lowered his head and said nothing.


Scott couldn't help laughing when he looked back at this paragraph.

"Professor Snape is always so good at the art of language." He sighed.

Rimbaud on the side also laughed.

After reading this paragraph, Scott turned off the screen and put down the [Magic Mirror] in his hand.

"That's right." Rimbaud suddenly said, "You killed someone with your own hands."

"Yeah." Scott responded.

"You would never do this before." Rimbaud said in confusion. "You said that killing people with your own hands will change your magic power."

"Of course it's because I can control this change now."

Scott, smiled.

He sensed his own magic power, and well, it was still the same as before.

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