The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 425 425. Voldemort vs. Medea

As Medea walked out from behind the reef and stood still, all the members of the Witch Coven flying in the sky also landed one after another, getting off the Thestrals and flying brooms.

Scott saw many familiar faces among them.

Including Milton's father, Mr. Graves, Caitlin Rowe's father, and William Brown, who he hadn't seen for a long time.

In front of the crowd, although Medea showed the wand she made of her own bones, she maintained a relaxed attitude.

And Voldemort on the other side was not in a hurry to launch an attack.

He held the wand in one hand, and the five slender fingers of the other hand kept flicking in the air.

The silver shield that was originally floating in front of him moved behind him.

"Medea Slytherin." While muttering this name, Voldemort suddenly laughed, "I didn't expect that I could still see you. You are worthy of being my ancestor. You have flown over death like me."

Medea raised her chin when she heard the words, with a proud look on her face.

"You didn't have this attitude the last time we met, Tom." She said in a playful tone.

Hearing this, Voldemort's expression remained unchanged, "Yes, I suffered an unprecedented failure in the past few years. I could only wander around like a lonely ghost, and was even hunted by you, so I could only flee helplessly."

He didn't seem to shy away from his downfall, and even showed a very generous look.

Such a performance surprised Medea.

"But it's nothing." Voldemort kept squinting his eyes and gently stroked the wand with his fingers. "I never doubted whether I could make a comeback, nor did I doubt my own strength."

He pointed at Medea with the tip of the wand.

"I know why you came to me, Medea."

He opened his scarlet eyes.

"So I will kill you here. Although you are the daughter of Slytherin and my ancestor, one wizard who can transcend death and stand at the top of the magic world is enough."

"Very good, Tom, you have impressed me." Medea smiled gently, "Before this, I thought you would shout and rush to me for revenge."

Voldemort shook his head, "No, I have stopped being obsessed with hatred a long time ago. It is meaningless. All I want to do is stand at the top of the magic world and promote my ideas."

The soft black robe he was wearing fluttered in the wind.

"If I killed someone in the process, it was just because they were unlucky and happened to become an obstacle for me."

Listening to Voldemort's words, Scott raised his eyebrows while looking at the scene in the mirror.

Voldemort seemed to be different from his impression. He was not crazy enough, but his rationality was a little unexpected.


I don't know whether his words were sincere or disguised.

"I actually began to admire you a little, Tom. If it weren't for the difference in ideas, if it weren't for..." Medea licked her red lips and omitted the second half of the sentence.

"I will kill you." Voldemort said in a flat tone, "This has nothing to do with your attitude towards me, nor with the blood relationship between you and me."

Medea nodded, raised a hand and waved to the people behind her.

"Stay away, so as not to be affected by the battle between Tom and me later."

Voldemort also waved his hand.

So all the witches and death eaters took action, each found their own injured and dead bodies, and then silently retreated, leaving the venue to their respective leaders.

"Does Medea have anything to rely on?" Rimbaud asked Scott, "I remember you said that her strength is weaker than Voldemort's."

Scott stared at the picture in the mirror seriously and shook his head gently, "I don't know, but her strength is indeed not as good as Voldemort's, I can be sure of that."

Even though he was not at the scene at the moment and was still separated by the [Magic Mirror], Scott could vaguely feel the sense of crisis brought to him by Medea and Voldemort through the picture.

If the competition is about hard power, Medea is undoubtedly slightly inferior.

But no one can underestimate her, not even Voldemort, because at this moment he is probably like Scott, not knowing what kind of cards Medea is hiding, and can only wait for her to reveal them in the battle.

Scott looked at the picture in the mirror expectantly, waiting for the battle between the two to break out with some excitement.

At this time, all the witches and death eaters had retreated to a far enough position, but Medea and Voldemort still stood there without moving.

They also stopped talking, as if they were waiting for something, and seemed to be conducting an invisible contest in secret.

In the end, Voldemort took the first step.

"Avada Kedavra!"

The green light lit up again, and Voldemort started with the Kedavra Curse.

Facing the Killing Curse, Medea did not use a spell to fight back, but raised her hand and threw a shiny gem.

The gem touched the light of the Kedavra Curse, turning into powder while forming an invisible shield to block the Killing Curse.

At the same time, Medea also used the Kedavra Curse to return the favor to Voldemort.

"Avada Kedavra!"

The green light reflected on Voldemort's smooth face, and he suddenly turned into a ball of black mist and rolled away, avoiding the spell.

The black mist floated in the air from the ground, and Voldemort appeared again, waving his wand from above.

A large piece of hot flames rose up, and these flames were tinged with evil red, turning into a giant python and swooping down.

Voldemort, whose body was falling, turned into black mist again and floated away.

The giant flaming python opened its mouth and roared, as if it wanted to swallow Medea in one gulp.

Medea retreated at a high speed.

Although the ground was not flat and she was wearing high heels under her skirt, she seemed to be sliding on ice and slipped out of the attack range of the giant flaming python in an instant.

The giant flaming python collided violently with the ground, almost turning into a sea of ​​fire.

These red flames also burned the rocks on the ground red. For a moment, this scene seemed like the hell in people's impression.

Medea had just stood still when Voldemort, who turned into black mist, suddenly fell behind her.

"Be careful!"

Someone in the whole witch association shouted a warning.

But Voldemort had waved his wand again.

As the green light of the killing curse attacked Medea's back, the sea of ​​fire in front of her moved again, turning into several fire snakes, twisting their bodies and crawling at a high speed.

In the crisis, Medea raised her hand and pulled off the necklace hanging on her neck.

White light radiated from between her fingers, turning into a translucent ball that tightly wrapped her.

Almost at the same time, the red fire snake and the green killing curse hit the translucent sphere.


A shrill howl sounded.

The translucent sphere quickly deformed and turned into the soul of a giant monster with a painful face, dissipating with the green light.

Medea turned around and slid quickly on the ground again. While avoiding the pursuit of the fire snake, she waved her hand to counterattack Voldemort.

Scott looked at the battle scene in the mirror motionlessly.

Perhaps because they had not yet gone all out, the rhythm of Medea and Voldemort's fighting was not fast, and the scene looked evenly matched.

Although Medea's hard power was a little worse, she used endless magic items to offset the gap in strength.

At least for now.

Especially the necklace she held in her hand, which seemed to imprison the souls of many magical creatures. Medea could turn these poor souls into defensive power.

Even a soul could be sacrificed to defend against the extremely dangerous killing curse.

Of course, Medea was also a little worse than Voldemort in terms of offense.

Since the silver shield summoned by Voldemort could withstand most of the magic attacks, Medea simply chose to attack with the Killing Curse after trying some tricks.

Under her threat, Voldemort gradually gave up other means.

In other words, as time went on, their fighting methods became more and more monotonous.

Voldemort turned into black mist from time to time, and Medea slid around like she was wearing skates. In addition, both of them kept using the Killing Curse to kill with one blow.

Such a battle made Rimbaud couldn't help but complain, "Now it's become two people throwing green lights at each other."

Scott didn't expect the battle between the two to turn out like this.

"It seems that no one can do anything to anyone for the time being."

Although he said so, Scott knew very well that although the battle scene between the two was not visually grand and even a little monotonous, it was extremely thrilling.

These two people were like dancing on the edge of a knife and could die at any time.

Moreover, the repeated use of the Killing Curse consumed a terrible amount of magic power, physical strength, and mental strength. Scott didn't think the two could persist for a long time.

Scott had been staring at the mirror seriously, but after a while, he stopped looking at it seriously.

He even stood up to stretch his body and took out his pocket watch to check the time.

An hour had passed, and the battle between Voldemort and Medea was still not over.

Scott sat back in his chair.

Rimbaud said: "Medea and Voldemort's men can't wait any longer and are ready to move."

Suddenly, his eyes focused.

Medea's hand holding the wand suddenly emitted a dazzling red light.

"This..." He suddenly had an idea, "It's a one-time Philosopher's Stone!"

"Avada Kedavra!"

The Kedavra curse shot out of the wand in Medea's hand had a qualitative leap. The green lightning was thicker and faster than any previous time, and it reached Voldemort's eyes at lightning speed.

Voldemort blocked it with a silver shield for a moment, and then turned into black mist again to avoid it.

The silver shield instantly broke into pieces, but the green lightning suddenly began to extend and turn, chasing the black fog incarnated by Voldemort.

The black fog accelerated at full speed, flying up and down in the air at a high speed.

The green lightning seemed to have no end, tightly behind him, pulling out a complex three-dimensional line, and soon occupied a large area of ​​space.

Faced with such a situation, the black fog did not hesitate to fly directly to the place where all the members of the witches were.


"Get out of the way!"

"Get out of the way!"

All the members of the witches were frightened and fled in all directions.

But the black fog incarnated by Voldemort was too fast, and it was close to the crowd in a blink of an eye.

The green lightning chased relentlessly. At this time, this killing curse, under the power of the Philosopher's Stone, had far exceeded the attack range of normal spells.

Scott took the opportunity to change the monitoring angle.

He clearly saw that the person closest to Voldemort raised his wand to fight back, trying to force him away.

Scott blinked and saw that the man was Caitlin Rowle's father.

With a wave of his wand, a fierce fire ignited in front of Mr. Rawl.

Faced with the Fiendfyre blocking the way in front and the Death Curse chasing him from behind, Voldemort appeared instantly, shaking his wand before the green lightning hit his back, and taking a step forward at the same time.

The next second, Mr. Rowle's somewhat fat body flew up involuntarily, landed behind Voldemort, and collided with the green lightning.

He died.

"What kind of luck is the Rowle family?" Rumple said, "The old wizard who was killed by Voldemort at the beginning was also Rowle. I heard Voldemort call him that."

Scott nodded, "Azkaban was originally transformed into a prison by a Minister of Magic named Rowle."

At this time, the real-time picture presented in the mirror suddenly changed.

What everyone, including Voldemort, did not expect was that the green lightning did not dissipate after killing Mr. Rowle, but continued to chase Voldemort relentlessly.

Voldemort turned into black mist again, and set the goal of being a scapegoat on other members of the All Witches' Coven.

And facing Voldemort, these wizards had almost no power to resist.

At the cost of the lives of three members of the entire witch coven, Voldemort, who temporarily blocked the green lightning, extended his claws to Mr. Graves.

Mr. Graves, who was easily suppressed by Voldemort, looked like a dead ash under the reflection of the green light.

But the green lightning suddenly dissipated before it touched his body.

Switching the perspective, Scott just saw that the red light in Medea's hand had gone out, and she casually sprinkled some shiny powder.

It seems that this lady is not reluctant to kill Mr. Graves, but the power of the one-time Philosopher's Stone has been exhausted.

Scott switched the perspective again.

Mr. Graves seemed to be scared just now, and only then did he show an expression of relief after surviving the disaster.

But he seemed to have forgotten that Voldemort was still by his side.

In other words, this gentleman's life was still hanging by a thread.

Fortunately, Voldemort had no time to care about these minions. He turned into a black mist dragon again, almost blending into the night.

"Avada Kedavra!"

He quickly returned it.

Above Medea's head, green light fell from the sky.

She did not hide, and the hand holding the necklace emitted a white light again.

But the light flickered and went out like a light bulb with poor contact. Medea failed to defend herself, and her body was bathed in green light.


Scott widened his eyes in disbelief.

He slid his fingers across the mirror, magnifying the image in the mirror.

Medea, bathed in green light, had gradually become stiff.

Scott looked carefully and found that her skin was reflecting light, just like her hard and smooth ceramic body when he first saw her.

The green light went out, and Medea's body fell on the rocks on the ground, making a crisp collision sound.

Then, her body shattered like an ordinary fragile porcelain.

A gust of wind blew away the empty dress, leaving porcelain pieces all over the ground.

Voldemort landed and appeared, glanced at the porcelain pieces, and his face was ugly.

"Hide again, Medea? Or have you escaped?" He said loudly, "Don't forget, your followers are still here!"

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