The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 428 428. Melee, Escape, Meeting

Medea and the entire witch council completely withdrew, and in front of the towering black fortress of Azkaban, only two groups led by Dumbledore and Voldemort were left to confront each other.

Scott tapped his fingers, and the surveillance screen on the [Magic Mirror] was divided into several parts, broadcasting the upcoming war in real time from all directions.

Rumple tried to analyze and said, "I think Dumbledore has the advantage. Voldemort has consumed a lot of magic power in the previous battle."

Scott shook his head.

"You can't just look at Dumbledore and Voldemort." He said, "Don't forget that those Dementors are also unstable factors. They should have stood on Voldemort's side."

"Oh..." Rumple tilted his head, "Are those Aurors so useless?"

Perhaps because he had never felt the threat of Dementors, Rumple didn't think those disgusting creatures were scary.

Scott noticed a detail at this time.

"Ms. Burns is really dedicated." He suddenly sighed.

The lady held a feather pen in her hand, and from time to time she glanced at the Death Eaters standing behind Voldemort, and then wrote something in her notebook.

This posture did not look like a battlefield on the verge of breaking out.

Rumple stretched his neck to observe carefully for a while, and asked in surprise: "She... is she recording the names of those Death Eaters?"


Perhaps because Voldemort has been resurrected, those Death Eaters have become arrogant after being backed by the Dark Lord, and none of them wear masks anymore.

Ms. Burns probably didn't want to miss this opportunity.

Scott once again sighed at the professionalism of the Director of the Law Enforcement Department.

No one spoke.

Scott was still wondering when these people would start, and the battle started directly.

Perhaps Ms. Burns's actions angered the Death Eaters, and someone attacked her first, but Moody took the initiative to stand up and resist.

The two sides fought without saying a word.

Scott saw Sirius rushing up with a howl, and his target was very clear to attack Snape.

Then he was besieged because he was too aggressive, and it was Mr. Weasley and Shacklebolt who worked together to cover him to escape.

The lights of various spells crossed each other in the air, and people were injured and fell from time to time.

But both sides of the melee tacitly cleared a battlefield for Dumbledore and Voldemort.

The battle between Dumbledore and Voldemort was huge, and the melee between others was also extremely dangerous. For a while, Scott's eyes were not enough.

Of course, he still chose to focus on observing the battle between Dumbledore and Voldemort.

Compared with Medea, Dumbledore was much more calm when he took action.

He hardly moved at all, but every move he made was so light, and every spell he used was so just right. Voldemort's fierce and mysterious offensive was like a storm, but he easily resolved them one by one.

From the scene, Dumbledore undoubtedly seemed to have a little advantage.

But Scott could also see that if he wanted to completely defeat Voldemort, Dumbledore would have to pay a corresponding price.

At first, Scott had time to think, but gradually, he no longer cared about the outcome of the battle, but was fascinated by Dumbledore's superb application of Transfiguration in the battle.

Unlike Scott who always needed to find specific objects to perform Transfiguration, and often needed to specially prepare ebony that was more suitable for his magic for the effect, Dumbledore's Transfiguration was more at hand.

He just waved his wand, and the rocks under his feet cracked directly. Several tall armored stone statues like those in Hogwarts Castle rose from the cracks, waving shields and spears to fight side by side with him.

Even the entire land of the battlefield could be used by him, and he could change the terrain to his advantage at will.

After a while, Voldemort gradually showed some difficulty, probably because he consumed a lot of magic power in the battle with Medea.

"Join in!" he shouted loudly, "Dementors, only under my rule can you be free!"

As he shouted, the Dementors that had been flying in the air in the distance moved.

They flew over in groups, swooped down, and rushed towards the wizards who were in battle.

Many Aurors were caught off guard and had all their positive emotions sucked away by the Dementors at close range, and their bodies fell limply.

The Death Eaters immediately gained the upper hand.

When the Dementors attacked, they began to retreat actively, letting the Dementors act as the vanguard, and they only needed to attack the Aurors affected by the Dementors to achieve results.

"Expecto Patronus!"

Only a limited number of wizards successfully cast the Patronus Charm.

The gorgeous silver-white Patronus ran in the air, driving away the Dementors that suddenly attacked.

But the number of Dementors was too large, and the few Patronuses could not drive them all away.

Some Dementors even flew in front of Dumbledore and took the initiative to cooperate with Voldemort in the battle.

Dumbledore also noticed the situation on the other side, and stepped back again and again, letting the armored stone statue temporarily resist Voldemort's attack, and waved the wand in his hand vigorously.

"Expecto Patronus!"

A huge phoenix flew out from his magic wand.

Covered in silver-white light, the Phoenix Patronus spread its wings and flew far in the air with its long tail feathers, like a rising moon, illuminating the entire battlefield.

Under the bright moonlight, the Dementors let out sharp wails, and black mist surged around them, as if they were about to melt in the light.

They fled from the light at the fastest speed and entered the black fortress in the distance.

The Phoenix Patronus chased them directly and guarded outside the fortress.

Voldemort's attack became more crazy, but perhaps because of the lack of magic power, his spells did not seem to have as great power as before.

While dealing with Voldemort's attack, Dumbledore used Transfiguration to create more armored stone statues, allowing the stone statues to replace him to help the wizards fighting the Death Eaters.

With the help of Dumbledore, the wizards, mainly Aurors, stabilized their positions and began to rescue their companions affected by the Dementors.

This scene made Scott, who was observing through the [Magic Mirror], couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.


Seeing that things were hopeless, Voldemort finally gave the order to retreat.

The Death Eaters began to fight and retreat, evacuating towards the pier.

The wizards, mainly Aurors, chased them closely, as if they wanted to keep a few more of them so that they could be directly imprisoned in Azkaban.

But in the end, at least half of the Death Eaters escaped.

When they escaped to the dock with difficulty, Voldemort immediately turned into black mist and chased them.

Because Voldemort could fly, Dumbledore could not catch up with him.

But Scott thought he just chose not to chase.

If he really wanted to chase, Dumbledore only needed to send his phoenix out, and he could use the power of the phoenix to break through the space and teleport anywhere.

In short, under the deterrence of Voldemort, he and the remaining Death Eaters successfully boarded the ship and left the island where Azkaban was located.

"Voldemort's first action after his resurrection failed." Scott said with a smile, "Not only did the prison break fail, but it also led to more people being imprisoned."

Seriously speaking, no one got the upper hand that night.

Whether it was the Death Eaters, the All Witches' Coven, or the Aurors, some were injured or even died in the battle.

In the real-time picture presented by the [magic mirror], wizards have already started to clean up the battlefield.

Except for those who died, the Death Eaters who were injured and could not escape have been caught.

"What will happen to the magic world next?" Rumple asked.

"After this melee, everything has surfaced. The Ministry of Magic will also face reorganization, and the election of the Minister of Magic may become a new battlefield for the three forces."

Scott said.

"The superficial peace has completely left us."

It is conceivable that the Ministry of Magic will face many troubles next.

It is not just about re-electing the Minister and power struggles.

Because the Dementors have already surrendered to Voldemort, how to adjust the management of Azkaban is a big problem.

However, these things have nothing to do with Scott, and he will not care too much. He thinks more about how to take advantage of the opportunity of Medea's strength being greatly reduced after being cursed by Voldemort.

He thought that he had to plan it well.

Maybe he should take the initiative to go to the Sea of ​​Oaks and talk to Savannah in person.

Of course, more importantly, there is a passage leading to Avalon hidden in the Sea of ​​Oaks.

Thinking about these questions, Scott climbed into bed and fell asleep.

The next morning, Scott received a letter from Luna.

Luna said in the letter that if possible, she wanted to meet him as soon as possible.

"Maybe she predicted something again." Scott muttered.

He decided to meet her.

Since Luna and the Weasley family lived in the same village, Scott knew their address - the village of Ottery St. Catchpole in Devon.

After breakfast, he turned into a peregrine falcon and flew south with Rimbaud.

At noon, they landed on the White Stoat Hill outside the village of Ottery St. Catchpole.

Scott asked Rimbaud to deliver a letter to Luna. Half an hour later, Rimbaud brought Luna to the hillside where Scott was.

The weather was a little hot, and Luna wore a wide straw hat on her head, with a bunch of wild grass and flowers as decoration.

She was wearing a long dress that was washed white, with several strange necklaces hanging on her chest, a pair of slippers made of plant vines on her feet, and a straw basket in her hand.

"Long time no see, Scott."

After seeing Scott, Luna ran over with a straw hat in one hand and a basket in the other.

But she didn't pay attention to her feet and stepped into a rabbit hole, almost falling down.

Scott reached out to help her and said with a smile, "Luckily you didn't fall in, otherwise you might be like Alice in Wonderland."

"Oh, I like Alice in Wonderland very much." Luna also laughed, "When I was a child, I tried to deliberately chase the rabbits on the White Stoat Mountain and wanted to fall into the rabbit hole, but obviously, those rabbit holes couldn't accommodate me."

She stroked her skirt, put the basket aside, and sat directly on the grass with her knees hugged.

"My father played the role of the Mad Hatter at home to comfort me."

"You have a good father."

Scott sat down beside her and looked at the village under the mountain.

Luna nodded, put her chin on her knees, and stared at the scenery in the distance.

After a long while, Scott asked, "You asked me to meet you, do you have something to tell me?"

"Oh..." Luna blinked, looking a little confused, "I don't know... but I know something must have happened... it has a significant impact on you... I'm a little worried..."

She raised her hand to push the brim of her hat and turned to look at Scott.

"Maybe I can only know something by seeing you."

Although Luna's expression was vague, Scott understood what she meant, so he turned his head and looked at her.

Luna's silver-gray eyes changed immediately.

Scott did not see his reflection in it, only a hazy mist was rolling.

Although he was very curious, he did not urge her, but just waited quietly.

After a long while, Luna spoke, and her tone was floating, "It seems that a lot of things have happened again, and the prophecy has come true."

Because of the magic contract he had signed, Scott did not try to hide anything.

He simply recounted his summer vacation experience slowly.

During the narration, the two shared the lunch that Luna brought, beef patties and sandwiches, as well as two bottles of Luna's special herbal tea.

"Did so many things happen?"

After listening to Scott's story, Luna held the glass bottle in her hand and turned her head to look into the distance.

"So, you killed two wizards with your own hands."

She said in a declarative tone, without accusation, judgment, or other emotions.

"Yeah." Scott responded.

Luna stopped talking.

Scott glanced at her and didn't speak.

He looked down the mountain again, trying to find the Weasley family's burrow, wanting to see if the shape was as weird as the setting in the movie. seemed to be even weirder than in the movie.

Because the crooked shape of the burrow, which seemed to be built with rotten building blocks, was too conspicuous, he quickly found the target.

"That's the Weasley family's house." Luna said softly, "Have you heard Fred and George talk about it?"

"Yeah." Scott smiled, "I can only say that it's very imaginative."

"There are too many children in their family, and each floor is temporarily built."

Luna also smiled softly.

"You can go and play with your friends."

"No." Scott shook his head. "I came here temporarily. I won't bother you."

So as not to make people busy for the sudden visitor.

Luna said "hmm", and the two fell into silence again.

Although they didn't speak, they didn't feel awkward. Scott felt quite comfortable.

The two spent the afternoon like this.

Most of the time they didn't speak, but occasionally they chatted a few words, but it was just a casual chat.

In comparison, Luna and Rambo said more "childish talk".

Scott stood up again until the sunset.

"I'm leaving." He said to Luna.

Luna nodded, "Be careful, I think you can do what you want to do, you can do a lot of things."

"Thank you." Scott laughed.

He waved his hand, let Rambo stand on his left hand, and activated the silver snake necklace at the same time, leaving the girl with a gold border in the light of the sunset.

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