The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 434 434. Scott Riding the Black Dragon

Before noon, Scott checked out of the hotel. Just as he was about to find a deserted place to use the door key to return to the forest, he received a call from Michael.


"The agency called and said that our house in Hastings was damaged by unknown people three days ago. They have called the police, but the police have not found the reason."

After hearing Michael's story, Scott immediately understood, "It seems that it was done by a wizard."

"Millie wants to hide it from you, but I'm worried that you will go back rashly without knowing it." Michael said, "I hope you know it in your mind."

No, I don't know it in my mind.

Scott felt very strange. He thought about it for a long time, but couldn't think of who would do such a boring thing.

"I will go back and take a look." He said to Michael.

Michael on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, and then asked, "Do you think there will be no danger?"

Scott thought about it and felt that the danger was not great.

Medea was already asleep, and Voldemort didn't know him. As for other people, he didn't think that other people could pose much threat to him.

At worst, he could always escape.

He explained his thoughts to his father, and Michael didn't say much.

"Then go ahead." He did not stop Scott. "You have always been very smart. I believe you can judge for yourself."

After the call ended, Scott did not rush to act.

He first found a restaurant and enjoyed a hearty lunch.

After lunch, Scott came to the shopping mall near the park, repeated the same trick to the empty rooftop, transformed into a peregrine falcon, and flew south with Rambo.

A few hours later, they arrived above the town of Hastings.

Scott lowered his altitude, looked down with sharp eyes, and found his house.

Looking down from the sky, the house did not seem to have suffered much damage, but the garden became a mess.

He continued to lower his altitude and landed on the roof of the neighbor's house, only to find that the situation was worse than he had imagined-

All the glass was broken, most of the doors and windows were missing, and the wall on the left collapsed by more than half.

This was just the exterior, the interior of the house was also greatly damaged, the snow-white walls were covered with burn marks, and all the furniture had been damaged beyond recognition.

Scott couldn't help but get angry when he saw his miserable house up close.

Although he had to leave the town, this house contained his childhood and the beautiful memories of his family of three.


Rimbaud, who landed beside him, also screamed.

Scott called out, spread his wings and flew to the deserted seaside, turned back into human form, and then walked towards his home again.

Along the way, he met many acquaintances, who couldn't help but enthusiastically surround him when they saw him, discussing the destruction of his house.

Because the incident was so bad, everyone was indignant and said they would help him catch the criminals.

In the past, the town of Hastings, which was full of fishermen and smugglers, had a tough folk style, and no one was afraid of criminals.

Scott didn't dare to let them really get involved, so he could only keep thanking them and saying that the matter had been handed over to the police and the real estate agency, and the insurance company would also pay the claim.

The neighbors were particularly enthusiastic and insisted on inviting him to stay at their homes. Scott could only say that he had booked a hotel room.

After finally getting rid of these kind neighbors, Scott walked to the gate of his yard and looked inside through the cordon set up by the police.

In the garden, the soil was turned upside down, and there were several large holes blown out, and all the plants were uprooted.

With the spread of magic perception, Scott quickly sensed some remaining magic.

"So that's it."

He already knew who did it.

Idris Strillner.

"This is the third time." He said to himself.

Since the feud in the duel club, this is the third time Strillner has offended him.

The first time, he attacked him on the viaduct of Hogwarts with Elijah Carrow.

The second time, he provided Elijah Carrow with his information when he sneaked into Hogwarts.

The third time, he destroyed his former home.

At this moment, Scott keenly sensed a wave of magic.

It was on the second floor, in his room.

Scott raised his head and looked at Strillner who suddenly appeared through the broken window.

Strillner looked down at him, his mouth curled up with a proud arc.

Then, two more figures in black robes appeared behind him.

"Welcome home."

Strillner mouthed to Scott.

"Very good." Scott whispered, "No fourth time."

He reached into his trouser pocket, activated the [broken arm bone] in his trouser pocket with one hand, and took out the wand with the other hand.

Rimbaud fell from the air and landed on his shoulder.

"Are you going to do it here?" it asked in a low voice.

"This is not something I can decide." Scott said.

When have those arrogant pure bloods ever cared about the reaction of Muggles?

Soon, the three figures in the room on the second floor disappeared, and suddenly appeared on the first floor, standing in the dilapidated living room of his house.

Strillner, who looked at Scott again, was full of pride, as if he was showing off his Apparition magic.

"Long time no see, Trollope."

Strielner walked out of the empty door and stepped carelessly on the fresh soil in the garden.

The two wizards wearing black robes and hoods did not reveal their true faces. They followed Strelna silently and never made a sound.

"How's it going? Are you satisfied with what you see?"

Strelna had a gentle smile on his face, with a kind of artificial politeness, as if he was talking to a friend.

Facing this kind of guy, Scott was unwilling to suffer any loss.

"Long time no see, you really impress me, Strelna." He said word by word, "Have you fallen so low that you can only use my house to vent your anger?"

When Strelna heard this, the smiling expression on his face was slightly distorted, but it quickly recovered.

"Whatever you say, Trollope." He looked at the completely destroyed garden. "Who told you to hide too thoroughly? This is just a means to attract you to appear."

Scott chuckled.

"Now you finally have the courage to face me?"

He looked specifically at the two men in black robes behind Strelna.

"With two helpers?"

"I promise, you won't be able to laugh anymore soon!" Strelner's hypocritical expression was completely torn apart, and he glared at Scott fiercely, "You dirty mudblood."

Scott also put away the smile on his face.

"I warned you not to say that word to my face."

Strelner sneered, "Even if I don't say anything, you can't change the dirty blood in your body!"

Scott was not irritated by him, but said calmly: "No matter how much you yell, it can't change the fact that you were stepped on by me and wrote trash on your forehead."

"you this……"

Strelner raised his wand.

But at this moment, a hand from the man in black robe behind him put on his shoulder, stopping his actions.

Strelna did not insist. He put down his hand and said through gritted teeth: "I'll wait for you on the cliff facing the sea in the east. If you escape, we will kill all the Muggles in the entire town!"

After he said the harsh words, three figures disappeared in front of Scott's eyes at the same time.

"Are you going?" Rimbaud asked softly.


Scott turned and walked east.

"Maybe there are other ambush there." Rimbaud reminded.

"It doesn't matter." Scott smiled, "I haven't tried to use my full strength yet. Even the duel training with Professor Flitwick has venue restrictions."

"Is there too much noise?" Rimbaud said, "Or I can go move reinforcements."

"Too much trouble."

As Scott walked, he took out the Scholars Alliance's identity gold card, input the magic power and let it turn into the [Book of Prometheus], ​​found Bill's name, and sent him a message.

Bill responded quickly.

Scott laughed. Sure enough, Bill had the means to quickly contact Mr. Weasley.

After writing down the situation here and asking Bill to deliver the news, Scott turned the [Book of Prometheus] into a gold card and put it back in his pocket.

"This will be much simpler, and the news will be passed to the Ministry of Magic quickly." He said to Rimbaud, "But I hope the aftermath guys will come later."

He quickened his pace and soon left the residential area and stepped onto the deserted seaside cliff.

Although he has not reached the top of the cliff yet, he has already detected the situation on the cliff through magic perception.

"Only those three people," he said to Rimbaud, "it seems that Strelner can only find those two helpers."

"It seems not as dangerous as I thought." Rimbaud became happy.

"Luckily, there is no sea breeze now."

Scott smiled and waved his wand.

"It's full of smoke."

Thick smoke rose, quickly blocking his sight.

He walked upward step by step, and the area covered by the smoke became wider and wider.

"Careful! That mudblood can sense magic!"

Scott heard Strelna's voice in the distance.

Immediately, the three opponents used magic spells to create wind at the same time.

But Scott did not continue to output the smoke screen spell. He just took advantage of the smoke to kneel down on one knee, inserted his wand into the gap in the rock with his backhand, and deployed an anti-disapparation spell that covered the cliff.

"That's fair."

He drew his wand and stood up, letting the smoke blow away.

"I didn't expect you to come, Trollope!"

Strelner laughed.

"To die here in order to save the lives of those Muggles is a fitting ending to your status as a Mudblood!"

He raised the wand in his hand, his hands shaking a little with excitement.

"I have been waiting for this day. I have been waiting for a long time. Don't worry, I won't kill you right away. That would be too much. I will torture you slowly and make you kneel at my feet and beg for mercy! I will Everything you give me will be given back to you doubled, doubled, and doubled again!”

"Do you think you're going to win?" Scott asked in surprise.

Strelna laughed again.

"You don't think you still have a chance to struggle, do you?" He raised his chin proudly, "Of course, it's not your fault, because you don't know who I asked for help."

Seeing his crazy look, Scott was a little too lazy to pay attention to him.

"It doesn't matter who it is."

He waved his wand decisively.

"Birds flock."

A large black shadow flew out from the tip of his wand.


The rough cries of crows rang out one after another, and countless black feathers fell lightly. The dense crows seemed like a black cloud, circling and dancing around Scott.

The three people on the opposite side also took action.

But Scott ignored them for the time being. No matter what spells they used, the crows used their flesh and blood to cover Scott tightly.

Scott stood in the center of the crows, constantly taking out iron blocks and throwing them on the ground.

As he waved his wand continuously, those iron blocks turned into crows covered with flames, flying towards the three people on the opposite side at a high speed, spewing out hot lines of fire from their mouths.

The offensive of Strillner and the two black-robed wizards was temporarily suspended.

They cooperated to use the Iron Armor Spell to resist the impact of the fire crows and summoned water to extinguish the flames.

Scott moved his feet and waved his wand again to awaken a huge rock on the edge of the cliff.

In the blink of an eye, the huge rock turned into a rough human figure, with patterns of flames all over its body, like a fantasy fire demon, roaring and rushing up.

"Thunder Explosion!"

One of the black-robed wizards raised his wand and blew the Balrog into pieces in an instant.

Watching this scene, Scott's face became a little more solemn.

Fortunately, the fire crows were much more flexible than the Balrog, temporarily restraining Strillner and another black-robed wizard.

"I've never seen a transfiguration before, interesting, too interesting." The black-robed wizard who blew up the Balrog had a hoarse voice, "It seems that you are stronger than Idrick said."

He laughed nervously a few times.

"However, the more potential a mudblood like you has, the better it should be eliminated as soon as possible."

As he spoke, he moved quickly and dodged the fire lines ejected from the mouths of two fire crows.

"Oh, you also set up an anti-apparition spell!" He discovered Scott's arrangement and his voice became more excited, "Great! You are becoming more and more worthy of being killed by me!"

Scott ignored his crazy talk and waved the wand in his hand, cooperating with the fire line attack of the fire crow.

But the opponent's posture was extremely flexible. Not only did he dodge the attack of the fire crows, he also narrowly avoided several spells that Scott attacked him.

As Strillner and another black-robed wizard exerted their strength, the number of fire crows was also decreasing.

Scott observed the surroundings and, with his familiarity with the environment, slowly moved towards the edge of the cliff.

With the help of the crows led by Rambo, he hardly had to consider defense issues.

Soon, all the stones in the path were transformed by him into various fantasy creatures bathed in flames, and they continued to launch endless attacks on the three opponents.

"I didn't expect that this kid could do this. It's really eye-opening! Hahahaha..."

The black-robed man who had already spoken seemed to be a chatterbox, and he kept making various exclamations from time to time.

Scott moved his feet, his hands kept moving, and he observed calmly at the same time.

At this time, Strillner was obviously very frustrated.

He brought people to cause trouble with great momentum, but was suppressed by Scott on the scene, which made him so angry that his facial features were distorted.

But he was busy chanting spells to resist Scott's attack and couldn't speak for a while.

But this was just his performance. The two black-robed men he brought with him remained calm.

And Scott also knew that his suppression of the opponent was only on the surface.

Although his transformed creatures could spit out hot lines of fire that burned the human body to ashes, they could not pose a fatal threat to the enemy in a short time.

The two black-robed men were obviously experienced wizards who could always use just the right means to resist wave after wave of attacks without any tendency to panic.

With their help, even Strillner was not injured.

"Do you like fire? It seems that you like it very much!"

The black-robed wizard who kept talking became more and more excited.

"Then let's see how my fire is?"

He found a gap and waved his wand to cast a fierce fire spell.

The red fierce fire was much darker than the fire spit out by those transformed creatures, with a hellish evil breath.

Soon, the Fiery Flames spewed out from the black-robed wizard's wand formed a line of fire, burning fiercely and sweeping forward.

Scott's transformed creature was caught in the Fiery Flames that surged like waves, and was instantly burned to pieces.

Only a few fire crows cried in panic and escaped the range of the Fiery Flames.

Scott's steps retreated again and again, approaching the edge of the cliff.


Seeing the Fiery Flames getting closer and closer to Scott, Rimbaud led the crows to fly away, and Strillner began to laugh up to the sky.

"You're dead!"

He pointed his wand at Scott from a distance.

"What a pity! I heard that being burned by the Fiery Flames will hurt your soul. Let me help you get used to the pain in advance!"

He cast a Cruciatus Curse on Scott.

The blood-red spell reached Scott before the Fiery Flames.

Scott fell backwards and fell towards the cliff.

Through the unextinguishable fierce fire, Strillner and the two black-robed wizards could not see the smiling expression on Scott's face at this moment.

Scott's body fell rapidly, transformed into a peregrine falcon in mid-air, landed on a huge reef under the cliff, and turned into a human form again.

He knelt on one knee on the reef, turned the wand in his hand upside down, the tip of the wand touched the reef, and chanted a spell.

Complex ancient magic runes emerged from the tip of the wand, moving on the surface of the reef as if alive, covering an increasingly larger area.

Suddenly, the reef under Scott's feet shook slightly.

Scott's eyes were always fixed on the front of the cliff.

It was already late at night, and he could see that the edge of the cliff was still burning with a raging fire.

In other words, Strillner and the two black-robed wizards had not been able to approach the edge of the cliff for the time being.

The reef under his feet shook more and more violently, and slowly deformed.

A low dragon roar came from underwater.

The black reef gradually rose from the sea surface, rising higher and higher.

The entire reef had turned into a black giant beast, which was escaping from the sea.

This giant beast had black rough scales, a ferocious face, purple eyes, staggered fangs, and a row of shallow but razor-sharp ridges on its back.


Like huge wings like bats, it broke free from the sea surface, raised high, and hit high waves.


The deep dragon roar was like thunder, resounding through the sky.

The wings that almost covered the entire sea surface under the cliff flapped and gradually left the sea surface.

The long neck, the agile limbs, and finally, a pointed tail.


This behemoth, which is several times larger than a normal adult Hebrides black dragon, roared to the sky, and instantly took off on the hurricane and came to the top of the cliff.

Scott stood on the head of the black dragon, looking down at the three people below who were blown unsteadily by the hurricane.

Strielner looked up at the black dragon under his feet, trembling all over.

"Now it's the second round." He said with a smile.


The black dragon opened its mouth and spewed out a thick column of fire.

The column of fire seemed like a meteorite falling from the sky, almost covering the entire cliff.

At this time, Strillner seemed to have been scared silly and stood motionless.

The two black-robed wizards reacted very quickly. They summoned the fierce fire together to resist the dragon breath spewed by the black dragon.

The impact of the dragon's breath from above was extremely strong, but the characteristics of the fierce fire were even more bizarre, and the two sides were deadlocked for a while.

But the black dragon under Scott's feet was not a dead thing.

"Kill them."

Scott gave an order, and the black dragon immediately flapped its wings and flew up.

Its huge body moved sideways, and the pillar of fire spewed from its mouth moved with it.

The two black-robed wizards turned around and ran decisively, and Strillner, who was left behind, was bathed in the flames.

When the black dragon closed its mouth, the pillar of fire went out, and only charred marks were left on the cliff.

The dragon roared, and the black dragon flew forward with force, while falling at a high speed. The two strong claws of the hind legs opened and fiercely grabbed the two fleeing black-robed wizards.

Unable to use Apparition, the wizards running on two legs could not escape the pursuit of the black dragon anyway.

The two black-robed wizards had to stop and use magic spells to attack the claws of the black dragon.

If it was a real black dragon, the dragon skin that was immune to most magic would not be afraid of magic attacks.

But the black dragon under Scott's feet was just a pile of reefs in the final analysis. It used the magic circuit to achieve the effect of flying and spewing dragon breath, and it did not have the magic immunity of real dragons.

So the black dragon looked particularly terrifying. Its claws were shattered by the spell and turned into stones and fell.

The two black-robed wizards were obviously excited.

However, just as they were about to continue attacking, the two fire crows that had escaped before flew behind them like lightning.

Then, two hot lines of fire shot through their hearts.

The two black-robed wizards could not make a sound and fell directly.

Scott stomped his feet, and the black dragon with two claws missing flew back to the sea surface. After he waved his magic wand, it turned into large pieces of reefs and fell.

Loud noises came.

Before the waves rose, Scott had transformed into a peregrine falcon and flew back to the cliff.


Rimbaud flew over with a flock of crows and flew around Scott several times.

"Of course, I think you can use those stones to turn into a huge crow."

Rimbaud broke away from the crows and landed on Scott's shoulder.

"Next time." Scott twitched his lips.

Rambo looked at the corpse in the distance and asked worriedly, "Is this okay? Will you be imprisoned in Azkaban? Now it seems that you shouldn't tell others."

"It doesn't matter." Scott sat down cross-legged, "I was just defending myself."

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