The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 438 438. The War of Xuan Er Crazy Demon

Professor Flitwick gave Scott a definite answer the next day.

A potion master agreed to the deal proposed by Scott.

It was Damocles Belby that Professor Flitwick had specifically mentioned.

The wizard who won the Order of Merlin for inventing the Wolfsbane Potion.

Professor Flitwick had already handed the formula to the other party.

"You don't have to worry about Belby's credibility, nor do you have to worry about not being able to gather all the materials."

Professor Flitwick said to Scott.

"Unlike Snape, Belby is a potion master who likes to use expensive materials. The Wolfsbane Potion he invented cannot be fully promoted because of its high cost."

Scott certainly had no objection.

Although he had never met Damocles Belby, the potion master, and had no way to trust him, he trusted Professor Flitwick.

Since the professor said it was okay, Scott was relieved.

In the next few days, Scott entered the illusion in the Sailor's Star Plate many times while studying, and finally recorded the star map that recorded the arrangement of the stars in the illusion.

The verification of astronomical knowledge and complex calculations took another two days, and he got a detailed coordinate.

Then, he found the location revealed by the coordinates on the globe -

It was the Norwegian Sea, north of Britain, even norther than Iceland, in a sea area within the Arctic Circle.

After finding a more detailed map to check, Scott found that there was no island at the location revealed by the coordinates, but it was on the vast ocean.

Of course, because he could only find Muggle maps, he could not be sure that there was really no island there.

In short, after recording the coordinates, Scott temporarily put the matter aside.

He was indeed very curious about the hidden coordinates of the Sailor Astrolabe, but he was hesitant about whether to explore it.

There was only one coordinate, no other information, and even if he went, he might not get anything, but might fall into danger.

After all, the guy who made the Sailor Astrolabe might have malicious intentions.

But Scott did not gain nothing.

As the number of times he entered the illusion increased, his control over the Sailor Astrolabe also increased.

Unless he took the initiative, he would no longer passively enter the illusion during the communication process of the Sailor Astrolabe.

This meant that he could start to analyze this magic item.

He was very interested in the principle of illusion formation. If he could get the corresponding magic circuit, it would undoubtedly greatly enrich his own tactical system.

Time passed quickly in such a busy time, and August soon passed.

On August 19, the morning before the Quidditch World Cup final, Scott said goodbye to his parents and returned to the Oak Cottage in the forest of the Scottish Highlands through the portkey.

What greeted him was Lambo's endless complaints.

Because after the battle with Strillner, he "abandoned" Lambo in Hastings.

"Before this, you have complained to me many times through the [magic phone]." Scott said helplessly.

Lambo was even more angry.

"You don't answer my calls at all!" It said loudly, "Are you bullying me because it's inconvenient to send messages!"

That's why I don't want to talk to you!

Scott complained in his heart.

"Sorry, I'm just too busy."

He surrendered repeatedly, and it took a while to coax the angry Raven King and Black Wing Lord.

Without staying in Oak Cottage for long, he just tidied up a bit. After talking to Fred through the [Magic Mirror], Scott turned into a peregrine falcon and flew to Ottery St. Catchpole Village in southern England with Rumble.

They arrived over the Burrow at noon, Rumble flew directly to Stoat Hill, and Scott landed outside the garden and turned back into human form.

In the dilapidated garden, Ron and Harry were catching goblins.

"Oh... Scott?" Harry was startled, and then the goblin in his hand bit him, "Oh damn!"

He raised his hand and threw the goblin out of the garden.

"Long time no see, Harry."

Scott walked into the garden.

"Oh, long time no see." Harry was a little embarrassed, "By the way, thank you for your birthday present, and congratulations on learning Animagus."

"Hey, Scott!"

"Come up!"

Fred and George poked their heads out of the window of the room on the third floor.

Scott gestured to them.

"Mom said you have to help deal with these damn goblins!" Ron complained loudly.

"Thank you for your hard work, little Ronnie."

"We will pay you one silver Sickle."

But Ron was not satisfied with the twins' offer, "One silver Sickle is too little!"

"Then one copper knut!"

Fred and George closed the window directly.

"Those two bastards!" Ron gritted his teeth.

"It's okay, the two of us can finish it." Harry advised him kindly.

Scott smiled apologetically at the two working boys and walked into the house.

After greeting Mrs. Weasley who was busy in the kitchen, he went straight to the third floor.

As soon as he entered the door, he heard Fred ask, "Genius Scott, have you received your O.W.L.s report card?"

George also asked, "How did you do in the exam?"

"Unbelievable." Scott pretended to be surprised, "You actually took the initiative to talk about your grades."

"Because our grades made Mom a little angry."

"She thinks we won't be able to find a job in the future and can't support ourselves."

"In mom's imagination, we will have a miserable future."

"So we want to tell you."

"Don't talk about your good grades."

"Otherwise she will be so angry that she will spank us!"

Scott smiled and said, "Because I blocked my name most of the time, the owl couldn't find me, and I asked Professor Flitwick to collect my transcript."

Fred and George's eyes lit up at the same time.


"So you don't know your grades yet?"

"Of course I know." Scott shattered their fantasy, "Professor Flitwick also has a [magic phone]. By the way, I got 10 certificates."

"Oh, you should pretend you don't know."

"Mom almost refused to let us watch the World Cup final."

"Okay." Scott laughed a little, "How bad were your two grades?"

"Oh, it's actually okay."

"We are very satisfied with ourselves."

Fred and George both laughed.

"Each of us got three certificates."

"If you ask me, we are willing to take the exam, which is beyond expectations."


Scott didn't expect the grades of these two guys to be so bad.

In his impression, these two guys are actually very smart, and their magic level is not bad, even better than many people. The reason for their poor grades is that they are unwilling to do their homework seriously and are too lazy to deal with exams.

He really didn't expect that they would not take O.W.L.s seriously even if they were careless in the usual exams.

But Fred and George really didn't care about it.

"We don't think it's useful."

"A few small certificates can't represent our talents at all!"

"But mom doesn't think so."

"After all, she wants us to work in the Ministry of Magic like dad in the future."

"She doesn't understand us at all."

"For us, such a future is too terrible."

Scott shrugged his shoulders, "She's just worried that you can't support yourself, you have to prove that you can live well without those certificates."

Fred and George shook their heads.

"Unless you show her the money we earned in school in the past two years."

"But the only result of doing that is that it will be confiscated."

"Then you can only prove it through time." Scott said with a smile.

"Only Percy would want to work in the Ministry of Magic." Fred curled his lips, "After all, he is obsessed with officials."

George said with some gloating, "It's a pity that he can only stay at home and can't find a way out. Of course, Dad doesn't agree with him entering the Ministry of Magic now."

"The current situation is indeed not suitable." Scott said.

It is not a good choice to enter the Ministry of Magic before the situation stabilizes. If a new graduate like Percy is accidentally involved in the struggle between various parties, he may lose his life in a muddle.

"We all understand what Dad means, only Percy doesn't understand."

"His temper is getting worse and worse now."

Fred and George complained dissatisfiedly.

Scott was a little embarrassed to hear this, and quickly changed the subject. Then they began to speculate what kind of wizards would serve as the Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor and Potions Professor in the new semester.

They didn't go downstairs until Mrs. Weasley called everyone for lunch.

Scott then realized that Hermione was there.

Because of the previous dispute over the treatment of house elves, their relationship was a bit stiff, so they just greeted each other.

At the table, Mrs. Weasley asked about Scott's O.W.L.s results as the twins worried.

Under the twins' constant eye contact, Scott followed their instructions and used the reason that Professor Flitwick collected the report cards on his behalf.

Mrs. Weasley obviously didn't believe his reason.

Although she didn't ask any more questions, she glared at the twins several times.

The whole lunch process was not pleasant.

It was not because Mrs. Weasley was worried about the twins' grades, but because Percy kept a gloomy face and didn't say a word.

When the others were only halfway through eating, he put down the table and left the table silently and went upstairs.

This made the remaining brothers and sisters of the Weasley family complain.

"Mom, look at him!" Ginny took the lead.

Ron complained immediately, "He must make everyone unhappy, right?"

"Oh, poor Percy baby."

"Maybe he needs mom to feed him by hand so that he can eat more,"

The twins spoke in a sarcastic tone.

"It seems that even with 12 O.W.L.s, you still can't find a good job."

"And in the eyes of baby Percy, only the Ministry of Magic is a good job."

But Mrs. Weasley obviously felt sorry for Percy and suppressed their dissatisfaction.

"Shut up!" She glared and growled, "Percy is just in a bad mood, you should understand him."

Hearing her words, the four siblings all showed unhappy expressions.

At the table, Scott, Harry and Hermione, who were not members of the Weasley family, were a little embarrassed.

Scott was okay, but Harry and Hermione even became cautious in their eating movements.

Mrs. Weasley noticed this, so she stuffed food into them desperately, and Harry and Hermione, who were a little overwhelmed by the enthusiasm, became even more embarrassed.

In the afternoon, Scott was in Fred and George's room, helping them make the goods they ordered.

In the evening, Sirius and Mr. Weasley came to the Burrow together.

Early the next morning, the group headed to Stoat Mountain, where they would search for the key to the finals.

On the way, they met Cedric and his father Mr. Diggory, who had the same purpose.

After exchanging a few words, they climbed to the top of the mountain together.

Along the way, Mr. Diggory, the dazzling maniac, couldn't stop boasting about Cedric, and he kept saying all kinds of things.

But he soon met his match.

Because under his influence, Sirius turned into another dazzling maniac, and took Harry out to fight with Cedric.

Compared with his academic performance, Harry was no match for Cedric, who was a model student. Mr. Diggory easily won the first round.

Sirius went on to brag about Harry's "amazing" Quidditch talent, which he "inherited from his father."

Mr. Diggory showed no sign of weakness, implying that Harry had not become captain of a Quidditch team like Cedric.

Cedric interrupted many times and changed the topic, but failed to stop his father. He could only smile apologetically at the others with a red face.

Of course, Harry also seemed to be shrouded in shame.

His face was even redder than Cedric's, and he could only hide it by lowering his head.

Mr. Weasley, who has a lot of children and no lack of bragging rights, did not participate in the previous war between the two crazy children. He just listened happily.

Scott feels that this is the boss who hides his merit and fame.

In the midst of the noise, they reached the top of the mountain and found the key to the target door - an old boot.

"Everyone, put your hands on it!"

At Mr. Weasley's direction, they stood in a circle and put their fingers on their boots.

And Rimbaud, for once Scott didn't forget it.

The door key was activated, and after a while of spinning, Scott landed smoothly in an open space.

Apart from him, Cedric and three adults were the only ones who landed standing. Everyone else rolled into a ball on the ground.

"Five and seven, from Stoat Mountain," said a voice.

As the others struggled to stand up, Scott turned his head and observed his surroundings.

The place they came to resembled a vast, desolate, misty swamp.

In front of them stood two tired, sullen wizards.

One held a large gold watch, the other a thick roll of parchment and a quill.

Both of them were dressed like Muggles, but they were very nondescript.

The man holding the gold watch wore a tweed suit and a pair of thigh-high rubber galoshes.

His colleague wore a pleated kilt and a South American cloak.

Mr. Weasley greeted them and handed the old boot to one of the men.

The man told them the location of the camp, "Weasley... walk about a quarter of a mile, and there is the first camp ahead. The groundskeeper is Mr. Roberts. Diggory... you are at the second camp... find Pain." gentlemen."

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