The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 440 440. Entering the Final Stadium

"What do you think? Professor Black."

Scott turned to look at Sirius who was walking over.

He had long sensed that Sirius was coming over with Harry, Ron, and Hermione, and because he confirmed their identities, he didn't stop talking.

"I already said, just call me Sirius."

Sirius grinned.

Harry's eyes widened and he asked, "You just said that an accident might happen in today's game? Is there any basis for it?"

Scott shook his head, "No, I'm not sure about anything, so I just want to remind everyone to be careful."

"Seriously, I hope you're not a crow's mouth." Ron's whole face wrinkled.

Scott shrugged.

"It's right to be careful." Sirius patted Harry on the shoulder, "No one can predict the actions of those madmen."

Hermione said with an unhappy look: "I also want to know, since what happened, why didn't the Ministry of Magic cancel this game? This is irresponsible!"

"Because nothing is more important than Quidditch!" Fred and George said in unison.

Everyone else looked at Hermione with disapproval, as if she had just said something treasonous.

"Oh!" Hermione was a little annoyed, "Do you only have Quidditch in your mind? Shouldn't safety be a more important thing?"

"This is the World Cup! The final!" Ron's expression was very exaggerated. "Wizards all over the world are watching this game!"

"And you're here too, aren't you?" Harry said with a smile.

"I...I just don't want to miss the date." Hermione said with a blush.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine." Ron said carelessly, "Even if something happens, my dad and Bill can take us away with Apparition."

"I still can't understand." Hermione looked at Scott, "The relevant news has been published in the newspapers, but those foreigners still came. There is also the British Ministry of Magic. If something happens, they may be unable to leave. It’s the fault.”

Scott spread his hands.

Maybe this is the wizard.

Many times, wizards appear to Muggles as chaotic and crazy, like the men in the camp dressed in women's clothing.

If it were a Muggle government, it would never dare to gather countless people like this and take risks when threatened by terrorists.

But wizards' enthusiasm for Quidditch is unreasonable.

At this time, Sirius smiled mysteriously, "The decision made by the Ministry of Magic goes beyond that."

His words aroused everyone's curiosity, but no matter how they asked him, he shook his head and said nothing. He only told them that they would know when the time comes.

Scott looked at him in surprise.

In this situation, could the Triwizard Tournament really be held?

Why does he feel so unreliable?

The day passed quickly.

As the evening approached, people in the camp began to get excited and the atmosphere became more and more lively.

When night falls, the wizards have completely thrown away their poor disguises and use magic freely.

The Ministry of Magic seemed to be succumbing to the inevitable and instead of fighting people, they chose to let it happen.

A group of vendors apparate from the sky.

They hold trays in their hands, push carts, and attract people's attention with a variety of dazzling products.

There are glowing rosettes, green for Ireland and red for Bulgaria, that even scream out the players' names.

There are green tall hats decorated with clovers dancing in the wind.

There is a Bulgarian ribbon, and the lion printed on it can really roar.

There are two national flags, and their respective national anthems are played when waved.

There are statues of famous players for collection. Those small statues can walk around in the palm of your hand, looking triumphant.

There is also a small model of the Firebolt that actually flies.

Scott and the others also walked around the vendors and bought a few badges.

Eddie said with great regret, "We made a mistake. We should have prepared early, joined their ranks, and made a lot of money!"

As he spoke, he raised his hands to cover his chest, showing a painful expression, as if he had really missed 100 million.

Scott laughed.

"It's not like we won't make any money in the future." He looked at the twins.

Fred and George smiled and said to Eddie: "Sorry, Eddie, I'm afraid you won't be part of this money-making plan."

"No!" Eddie's eyes widened, "We are partners, no matter what you do, don't think about leaving me!"

The twins looked at each other and then at Scott, "What do you think, Scott?"

Scott couldn't help laughing, "It's up to you to decide."

Eddie jumped up and down for a long time before Fred and George "reluctantly" let him join their plan.

It wasn't until he heard the correct words that Eddie finally stopped with satisfaction.

Roger said sarcastically, "You don't know what their plan is and whether it will make any money, so you are so eager to join?"

"Hmph, you didn't know that." Eddie raised his head proudly, "We have never failed to make money when we take action!"

Fred and George immediately walked over to Eddie, each putting a hand on his left and right shoulders.

"Thank you for your trust, Eddie!"

"In this case, the most important task in this plan is left to you!"

"What?" The fat on Eddie's face trembled, "Why do I have a bad feeling?"

"You think too much." Fred patted his left shoulder, "This is the most critical step of this plan."

George patted his right shoulder, "We all think that it is safest to leave it to you!"

"Okay, what do you want me to do, please tell me directly!" Eddie asked with a bitter face.

"Very good."

Fred smiled with satisfaction.

He took out the [Magic Camera] from his pocket and stuffed it into Eddie's hand.

"Your task is to record the entire process of today's game with the [Magic Camera]!"

George said, "We can sell the images of the finals after school starts!"

Eddie looked at the cylindrical [Magic Camera] in his hand, and his fat face completely collapsed.

"You want me to be a photographer?" He said dissatisfiedly, "Won't I be unable to watch the game with full concentration?"

Fred and George immediately changed their faces.

"Eddie, we trust you to give you this task."

"If you can't do anything, why should we let you join our money-making plan?"

"What about you?" Eddie was not convinced, "What are you going to do?"

Fred said with a smile: "We, we provide [magic cameras], and of course, there are sales afterwards."

"I'm responsible for editing and post-production." Scott said.

Eddie was dumbfounded at first, then his eyes rolled and he showed a cunning expression.

"It's not enough for me alone." He said.

"What's not enough?" George asked.

"The camera position is not enough." Eddie explained, "I can only shoot the picture from one angle by myself. In that case, even with post-editing, it will look very monotonous, so..."

He also looked at the twins with a smile.

"You have to be responsible for shooting too. It's just right that our seats are not together, so we can record pictures from different angles!"

"Let's not use it." Fred refused immediately.

"Yes, you are enough." George nodded in agreement.

"Our videos look more exciting, so they will sell better!" Eddie stared at them closely and asked with great pain, "Tell me, don't you want to make more money?"


When Eddie mentioned money, the twins hesitated.

Eddie quickly took advantage of the victory, "Fred, George, don't forget your joke shop, it's just sacrificing some emotions when watching the game, what does it count for the ideal?"


Fred and George's expressions relaxed.

Eddie continued, "What's more, you have two people, you can take turns to shoot, and everyone can enjoy half the fun!"


"We will shoot one too."

For the sake of money, Fred and George completely compromised.

"That's right." Eddie smiled triumphantly, "It's all for making money, what can't be done?"

Scott looked at this scene with amusement.

There were times when Fred and George were persuaded by others, and Eddie really went all out to drag the two into the water.

At this moment, a deep and deep gong sounded from somewhere in the distance of the woods. The next moment, thousands of red, green and yellow lanterns shone on the trees, illuminating the road leading to the stadium.

"It's time!" Mr. Weasley said excitedly to everyone, "Hurry up, let's go!"

He took the initiative to lead the way in front, and the group of people talked and laughed, and walked quickly into the woods along the road illuminated by lanterns.

Everyone in the camp had already taken action, as if there were hundreds of people walking around them.

The fanatical excitement was very contagious, and everyone's face was filled with joy wherever they looked.

Shouting, laughter, and noisy singing were endless, and Scott and the others had to speak loudly to each other.

Rumple had been standing obediently on Scott's shoulder, and Scott turned his head to look at it from time to time, worried that the black-winged lord would be squeezed.

Twenty minutes later, they walked out from the other side of the woods.

At this time, they were already in the shadow of a huge stadium.

Scott looked up and could only see part of the magnificent golden wall surrounding the stadium.

This stadium was obviously very tall, and it seemed that it could easily accommodate ten cathedrals.

"It can accommodate 100,000 spectators." Mr. Weasley introduced to everyone enthusiastically, "Five hundred staff members of the Ministry of Magic have been busy for a whole year. Every inch of this place has been cast with a Muggle-repelling spell. During this year, whenever Muggles approached here, they would suddenly remember something urgent and hurried away... May God bless them."

As he spoke, he led everyone to the nearest entrance, which was already surrounded by many shouting wizards.

"First-class tickets." The female wizard of the Ministry of Magic at the entrance looked at the ticket in Mr. Weasley's hand, "Top box! Go upstairs, Arthur, to the top."

The stairs leading to the stadium were covered with purple-red carpets. They passed the ticket gate and climbed up the stairs with the crowd.

At this point, Roger and Eddie had to separate from them and enter different stands.

"My dad is waiting for us, see you later!"

Roger waved to Scott and squeezed into the crowd with Eddie.

Scott followed Mr. Weasley's footsteps up the stairs, finally reaching the top of the stairs.

They came to a small box located at the highest point of the stadium.

The view here is the best, facing the golden goalposts.

There are about twenty purple and gold-plated chairs in the box, divided into two rows.

They sat directly in the front row and stretched their necks to look down.

A total of 100,000 wizards are taking their seats one after another. Those seats are arranged in a ladder shape around the oval gymnasium.

Everything here is shrouded in a mysterious golden light, which seems to come from the stadium itself.

Looking down from their seats, the entire stadium was as flat and smooth as velvet.

There are three pitching goals on each side of the field, fifty feet high.

To the right of the goal, almost at eye level with them, was a huge blackboard.

At this time, golden words kept flashing on the blackboard, as if an invisible giant hand was writing on the blackboard and then erasing them.

Those are all advertisements for the spectators in the stadium.

[Cornflower: A broomstick for the whole family - safe, reliable, with built-in anti-theft buzzer...]

[Skoll's brand universal magic stain remover: remove stains easily...]

[Fengya brand wizard uniform - London, Paris, Hogsmeade...]

In the next half hour, people entered the box where they were from time to time.

Mr. Weasley kept shaking hands with people, who were generally well-dressed and seemed to be of high status.

Whenever Mr. Weasley shook hands with someone and exchanged greetings, Percy would stand up and bow in a hurry, causing his brothers to look at him strangely.

Although he is also an adult, Sirius is much more unique than Mr. Weasley.

He seemed unwilling to deal with those people, and even opened a section of his robe to reveal some tattoos on his chest. He even sat like a ruffian, chatting and laughing in a low voice with Harry sitting next to him.

It wasn't until Ms. Burns, the Director of the Legal Enforcement Department, and Bagman, the Director of the Sports Department, accompanied the Bulgarian Minister of Magic to the box that Sirius casually adjusted his robes and said hello to Ms. Burns.

Bagman took advantage of Ms. Burns' conversation with the Bulgarian Minister of Magic and moved to the front row to complain to Mr. Weasley.

"Oh, Arthur, you must not know how tired I am." He lowered his voice, "We have no minister now, Barty Crouch has been suspended, and Amelia Burns is too busy. No one could help me, and the Bulgarian wizard couldn't understand English..."

At this time, Ms. Burns called him, and he quickly turned around and ran back.

"Okay, we can finally start!"

After a few seconds, he quickly ran back.

Bagman puffed out his round belly, pulled out his wand, and pointed it at his throat.

"The sound is loud!"

His voice resounded like thunder throughout the stadium, clearly reaching every corner of the stands.

"Ladies and gentlemen...welcome! Welcome to watch the 422nd Quidditch World Cup Finals!"

The stadium immediately erupted into deafening cheers and applause.

The audience waved colorful flags and sang random national anthems. Everyone's enthusiasm had reached its highest point, and the atmosphere was almost explosive.

The advertisement for Bibi's Multi-Flavour Beans on the blackboard opposite has disappeared, and what is now displayed is——

Bulgaria: 0, Ireland: 0.

"Okay, without further ado, please allow me to introduce... the mascot of the Bulgarian national team!"

A neat bright red square formation on the right side of the stands erupted into loud cheers.

"Wonder what they brought," said Mr. Weasley, leaning out of his seat.

"Ah!" He suddenly took off his glasses and wiped them hastily on his robe, "Veela!"

At this time, one hundred Veela were gliding neatly towards the arena.

It was also the first time for Scott to see a Veela with his own eyes.

Their appearance looks like human women, but they are much more beautiful than humans.

Their skin was as bright and soft as the moon, and although there was no wind, their golden hair was flowing smoothly behind their heads like silk.

Just then, the music started and the Veela started dancing.

Seeing the charming figures of those beauties who did not look like real people dancing, Scott suddenly felt a joyful emotion in his mind.

This joyful emotion was very light, not enough to make him react violently and uncontrollably like several other boys, but it also made him smile unconsciously.

Scott blinked, running Occlumency just in time to suppress the false joy.

At this time, one of Harry's legs was already on the railing, and Ron made a gesture as if he was about to dive from the springboard.

Although Fred and George were not so embarrassed, their eyes were wide and unblinking.

Neither Mr. Weasley nor Sirius lost their composure, but they did not stop Harry and Ron. Instead, they looked at the two boys and laughed.

It wasn't until the Veelas finished dancing and left that Harry and Ron finally came back to their senses.

The gym was filled with angry roars from men, many of whom were unwilling to let the Veela leave.

"Now, please raise your wand in the air!" Bagman's sonorous voice sounded again, "Welcome the mascot of the Irish national team!"


A huge golden and green comet flew into the stadium.

It flew around the stadium and then split into two smaller comets, each heading for a set of goal posts.

A rainbow suddenly appeared across the stadium, connecting the two large glittering balls.

The crowd exclaimed as if they were watching a fireworks display.

Then the rainbow disappeared, and the large glittering balls merged into a huge clover, rising high into the air and hovering above the stands.


Golden raindrops fell.


The clover hovered over their heads, constantly scattering huge gold coins, landing on their heads and seats.

Scott looked up and found that the clover was actually made up of countless little people wearing red vests and mustaches, each holding a small gold or green lamp.

"It's a leprechaun!"

Everyone happily picked up the gold coins.


Another loud noise attracted everyone's attention.

A huge skull appeared in the sky above the stadium.

The skeleton was made up of countless green star-like things, and a large python emerged from the skeleton's mouth like a tongue.

Along with the skeleton's dazzling green light, a dark smoke slowly descended from the sky above the gymnasium like a thick black cloud.

At this moment, everyone stared at this scene in a daze.


The dwarves who were scattering gold coins fled in all directions, and then screams rang out one after another.

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