The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 454 454. Studying to realize your imagination

After saying goodbye to Cedric, Scott went to the Room of Requirement alone.

Entering the study, he heard the regretful voice of Helena, the girl in the painting.

"What a shame, Scott!"

Scott walked to the painting where Helena was, "Why is it such a pity?"

In the painting, Helena is sitting lazily on a large, soft-looking chair, resting her chin on her hands.

"I mean the Triwizard Tournament." She curled her lips, "You are not 17 years old yet, so you cannot become a Hogwarts warrior."

Scott smiled, "That's not easy to say."

"Oh?" Helena sat up straight and stared at Scott outside the screen. "Is there any way you can bypass the 17-year-old age limit? Use age-enhancing drugs?"

Scott shook his head, "Aging agent? Of course not."

"Then what can you do?" Helena asked very curiously.

"I don't know." Scott said confidently.

Helena was a little angry when she heard this, "Are you kidding me?"

"Of course not," Scott said. "If the organizers plan to directly exclude the students who are not old enough based on their information, then I have no chance at all. But I guess they won't do that."

"You know about the Goblet of Fire?"

Another voice sounded similar to the girl in the painting but more mature.

The ghost Helena suddenly appears in the study.

Scott turned around, "Although centuries have passed since the last Triwizard Tournament, if you look carefully, you can still find some written records."

"What Goblet of Fire?" asked Helena, the girl in the painting.

Before Ghost Helena opened the study, the magical portrait in the room had been in an "inactive" state, so she didn't know about the Goblet of Fire.

"The Goblet of Fire is..."

The ghost Helena explains the existence of the Goblet of Fire to a portrait of herself as a girl.

After finishing speaking, she looked at Scott again, "The Goblet of Fire will choose the most suitable students to become warriors, but the first thing you have to do is to successfully put your name in. That is not something that can be done easily."

Scott just said: "Whether it is a magic or alchemical item, there will definitely be a way to crack it. Although I don't know how to put my name in it yet, there will always be a way."

"Humph, you are really confident." Helena, the girl in the painting, said, "I hope you won't mess it up then."

Ghost Helena just smiled, "It's a pity that this Triwizard Tournament will not be held at Hogwarts. I am looking forward to your performance Scott."

The girl in the painting asked her, "Do you think so highly of him?"

Ghost Helena smiled slightly, "Of course, Scott is one of the best students in Ravenclaw Academy now. Not only that, he is also my mother's apprentice."

"Well, for mother's sake." The girl in the painting glanced at Scott, "I hope you won't embarrass mother and Ravenclaw Academy."

"hope so."

Scott smiled and then entered the inner room.

"Do you want to participate in the Triwizard Tournament as a warrior?" the Ravenclaw mentor in the painting asked.

"Yes." Scott replied.

Ravenclaw nodded slightly, "Are you ready?"

"Already have some ideas." Scott replied again, "Originally, I wanted to wait until the magic enhancement potion was made before trying it."

However, the production of the magic-enhancing potion takes half a year, and it seems that it will not be able to catch up with the start of the Triwizard Tournament.

So Scott is going to try the low-end version first.

In other words, there is no need to do it in one step.

Anyway, with his current level of transformation, even the low-end version will have simple intelligence and independent combat capabilities, but it will not be able to become a regular partner like Rambo.

He told Ravenclaw, "In terms of transformation, in addition to the fire type that I have already tried, I am also planning to make three commonly used 'summoned beasts' of water, earth, and wind to help me fight."

"Four elements?" Ravenclaw nodded, "I have taught you the relevant magic circuits, and I believe you can complete your ideas."

Scott said respectfully: "But I still have an idea, I'm not too sure about it, and I want your guidance, mentor."

Ravenclaw suddenly became a little interested, "Tell me about it."

"I named this set of magic circuits [Illusion of the Ice Ocean Starry Sky]." Scott took out the sailor's astrolabe with one hand, "The magic circuits obtained from the sailor's astrolabe seem a bit too complicated."

With his other hand he drew his wand and waved it in the air.

The magic sparkled in the air, turning into golden filaments, forming a set of extremely complex magic circuits.

Scott looked with some fascination at the complicated patterns he displayed with his magic.

"I can only reproduce it, but I still don't understand it."

"What do you want from this?" Ravenclaw asked.

Scott said: "I think if I can gain some ability to manipulate illusions by analyzing this set of magic text circuits, then my combat will become much more flexible."

"I see."

In the painting, Ravenclaw stared at the set of magic circuits with great interest.

After a while, she spoke again, "I have understood it. I have to say that this set of magic text circuits is very exquisite, and it is a type that even I have never tried."

Scott looked at her expectantly.

Ravenclaw shook his head, "Your idea is good, but it is too difficult to implement."

"Please explain."

"This set of magic text circuits is to realize the specific illusion you saw. Most of the magic texts exist to express those things in the illusion."

Scott was a little disappointed when he heard this.

He already understood.

He must learn most of the ancient magic texts to an extremely profound level, and randomly combine them with the part of the magic text that realizes the illusion in this set of magic text circuits, so that he can create different illusions at will.

But this is too complicated.

As long as one magic text is wrong, the illusion will become fake.

Not unless his brain becomes a supercomputer.

But the disappointment was short-lived, and Scott quickly put aside this mentality and regained his composure.

He said: "Despite this, my ideas are still of great research value. Even if I just store a few simple illusions, it will be a big gain."

For example, the pure black illusion can be used as a blinding method, and it will definitely achieve good results in battle.

For example, you can create a fantasy world of crows and combine it with real crows to create some tricks.

Of course, there are many other interesting uses.

Scott's mind was wide open for a moment.

"It seems that your brain has not stopped functioning." Ravenclaw smiled slightly, "Then, let's start targeted teaching now. Once you have thoroughly understood this set of magic text circuits, you can try to create a simpler illusion on your own. "

Scott sat down energetically and took out a pen and notebook.

No matter how many interesting ideas pop up in his head, they must first study honestly before they can be realized.

It wasn't until dinner time that Scott, who was a little dizzy from learning, left the Room of Requirement.

Scott, who hadn't eaten lunch, had a big meal to fill his stomach.

After dinner, he came to Professor Flitwick's office again.

"Please take a seat."

Professor Flitwick is grading students' homework.

Scott sat down on the sofa next to his desk.

Professor Flitwick placed the quill in his hand in the inkpot.

Then, the wooden office chair under his butt moved.

The four legs of the chair moved flexibly so that he faced Scott.

At the same time, the teapot and teacups on the table began to move on their own, pouring hot tea for Scott and himself.

Professor Flitwick picked up the tea cup and said, "I called you here because I wanted to talk about the Triwizard Tournament."

"I already know some information about the Goblet of Fire," Scott said.

"Oh! Sure enough! You have ideas about becoming a warrior! Don't you?" Professor Flitwick was a little excited, "Yes! Of course I want to see a warrior from Ravenclaw House playing on behalf of Hogwarts. !”

Scott laughed, "Since you said so, it seems that even if I don't reach the required age, I still have a chance, so I will work hard."

Professor Flitwick said, "Well, to be fair, I can't tell you too much. But I will tell you that the age rule is not a no-brainer."

"Thank you for telling me this."

"Of course, of course, I can't say any more. The rest can only depend on your own performance."

In this way, Scott said goodbye to Professor Flitwick happily.


After walking through several corridors, a red light flashed around the corner.

A wand flew over and Scott reached out to catch it.

Scott casually felt the wand in his hand and walked around the corner.

"Hawthorn wood, usually paired with unicorn hair, is suitable for wizards with complex natures. It seems that this is your wand, Malfoy."

He smiled slightly and waved the wand in his hand at little Malfoy, who was confronting Harry and the others.

The three Harrys were pointing their wands at Malfoy and his followers. Even Hermione, who had always been calmer than Harry and Ron, looked like an angry lioness at this moment.

Malfoy's two bulky followers were pointing their wands at Harry and the others, but they turned around immediately after hearing Scott speak.

But the moment they saw the person clearly, their expressions changed and they quickly put down their hands holding the wand.

Young Malfoy's female companion Parkinson was not as scared as they were.

"Give the wand back to Draco, Trollope," she said.

"Don't give it to him, Scott." Ron said immediately, "This bastard, he must be punished!"

Scott stood still.

"What happened?" he asked.

"We heard him ranting," said Hermione.

Harry gritted his teeth, "They are insulting Dumbledore! Everyone knows that those in the newspapers are damn rumors!"

"Who knows?"

Little Malfoy suddenly sneered.

He looked a little haggard and thin, but his eyes were very bright.

Originally he was a little afraid of Scott's arrival, but suddenly he showed no concern.

He raised his chin with his usual arrogant look on his face, "Do you know Dumbledore very well?"

"Of course!" Ron replied without thinking, "Everyone admits that Dumbledore is the greatest wizard of this century!"

Little Malfoy smiled disdainfully, "Of course, I know. Weasley, your whole family wants to kneel down and lick Dumbledore's toes."

Ron's cheeks were red with anger and his nostrils were flaring and shrinking.

Harry suddenly laughed, "You describe it very vividly, Draco, it seems that your whole family has knelt down to lick Voldemort's dirty toes! Oh, I remember that he didn't wear shoes!"

Now, Malfoy's pale face turned red with anger.

"Oh, and you too!" Ron was proud, "Goyle, Crabbe, Parkinson, you should have licked them all!"

"Okay, stop it."

Before both sides could not help but fight, Scott stopped them.

"As long as I'm here, you can't fight." He took the initiative to throw Malfoy's wand to him, "Although I won't take the initiative, I can stop you. You know, I can do it."

The gloomy little Malfoy reached out to take the wand, turned around and left without saying a word.

Goyle, Crabbe, Parkinson quickly followed him.

Looking at the backs of the four people, Ron deliberately said loudly: "Oh! Scott! You should teach them a lesson!"

Scott shrugged his shoulders, "No, I still want to go to Beauxbatons."

"Okay." Ron lowered his shoulders, "If Professor McGonagall knows, you can't go."

"What about you?" Scott didn't mention the conflict just now, "Have you collected all the recommendation books?"

The three shook their heads at the same time in disappointment.

"Professor McGonagall said that opportunities will still tend to be given to senior students." Hermione said a little unconvinced.

"It's okay if I don't go." Harry said, "I don't really want to meet many strangers who are curious about me. They will be curious about the scar on my head and look at me like visiting a zoo."

"Oh, sorry, I was..." Ron touched his nose awkwardly.

"It's okay, if it's just you, I can accept it." Harry laughed, "But there are always too many curious people."

Scott could see that Harry was a little insincere.

After all, who in the whole Hogwarts doesn't want to go to Beauxbatons to watch the fun?

But Scott didn't expose his self-consolation.

"You don't have to feel too bad." He announced a piece of news. "I will be responsible for the live broadcast of the Triwizard Tournament, and Fred and George will be responsible for the Hogwarts part."

"Live broadcast?" Harry's eyes widened.

Hermione was also surprised and said, "How is it possible? Hogwarts cannot use televisions!"

Only Ron was confused, "What is live broadcast?"

"Anyway, I made a device that can broadcast remotely. If you want to know more, you can ask Fred and George."

Scott didn't explain much, waved his hand and left.

Maybe I should contact new friends.

Back in the dormitory, he took out the [Book of Prometheus] and sent a letter to his new friend Lucio in Beauxbatons, telling him that he would follow the Hogwarts delegation to Beauxbatons as a guest on the last day of October.

Lucio replied quickly.

[Oh, welcome to Beauxbatons, Scott! I have new alchemical works to share with you! You will be surprised by then, I promise! ]

Lucio doesn’t seem to care much about the Triwizard Tournament, and his mind is still full of alchemy.

Happy New Year, everyone!

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