The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 460 460. Triwizard Tournament and Goblet of Fire

In the overly luxurious banquet hall of Beauxbatons, after everyone had eaten and drank, Madame Maxime, who was sitting on the main seat, stood up again.

Like a conditioned reflex, the originally bustling banquet hall suddenly became quiet.

Scott and the others also kept their mouths shut in a casual manner.

Soon, almost as soon as Madame Maxime stood up, the cutlery and leftovers on all the tables in the banquet hall disappeared, replaced by bunches of brightly colored irises.

The refreshing floral fragrance instantly fills everyone's senses, replacing the lingering smell of food.

"I think the one who gets the most attention right now is not me, but the Triwizard Tournament that is about to begin."

Madame Maxime said with a smile.

If this was Hogwarts and Dumbledore was speaking, the students would have cheered.

But at this moment, the teachers and students of Beauxbatons were still silent, and they just looked at Mrs. Maxime who was speaking seriously.

The 25 Hogwarts students who came as guests, including Scott, also refrained from speaking.

"First of all, I want to thank and introduce these two gentlemen to everyone."

Madame Maxime held out her hand to guide.

"Director of the International Magical Cooperation Department of the French Ministry of Magic, Mr. Lefebre!"

A middle-aged man in a suit and tie sitting next to Dumbledore stood up and signaled.

His brown hair was neatly combed back and neatly styled with styling lotion. He had two slightly curly beards on his upper lip. He looked very elite.

"Mr. Joly, Director of the Sports Department of the French Ministry of Magic!"

Mr. Jolly, who was sitting next to Mr. Lefebre, also stood up and waved.

He looked younger and dressed more casually. He had short hair close to his scalp, a strong body, a bright smile, and a very energetic look.

"In the past period of time, Beauxbatons' preparations for the Triwizard Tournament were inseparable from the leadership and help of Mr. Lefebre and Mr. Jolly."

With Madame Maxime taking the lead, polite but not enthusiastic applause erupted in the banquet hall.

After the applause stopped, the two officials took their seats again.

Mrs. Maxim continued: "During the upcoming competition, the two of them will also form a referee team with me, Professor Dumbledore, and Professor Hartman to score the performance of the warriors."

When she mentioned "warriors," the students listened more carefully.

"What I want to tell you is that the specific events for this year's Warriors competition have been carefully reviewed repeatedly. Our preparations have been successfully completed."

"We make a lot of necessary arrangements for each project."

"The Triwizard Tournament has a total of three events, which are held at different times throughout the school year. They will give the warriors an all-round test."

"These tests include magical talent, courage, reasoning ability, and the ability to overcome danger."

At this Madame Maxime drew her wand.

"Everyone knows that we will select a total of three warriors, and they will represent their respective schools to compete for honors."

"The referees will rate the performance of the warriors in each round, and the warrior with the highest total score will win the championship."

She tapped the wand in her hand.

"Now, let us invite the [Goblet of Fire] who is responsible for selecting warriors for us!"

While everyone was looking at each other, there was a sudden noise on the ground in front of Mrs. Maxim.

The marble floor suddenly cracked, revealing a square cavity, and then, a pure white square stone platform slowly rose.

The length and width of this stone platform are about two meters, and the height is about half a meter. There are several stone steps on the left, right and front for people to walk up.

There is a gorgeous wooden box inlaid with gems placed in the center above the stone platform. Above the box is a large, rough-looking wooden goblet.

The cup itself was unremarkable, but it was filled with dancing blue-white flames.

"Note, every student who wants to run for the Warriors must write his name and school name on a piece of parchment and throw it into this goblet."

Madame Maxime said in a low voice.

"You can sign up within twenty-four hours. Tomorrow night, [The Goblet of Fire] will select the names of the three students it thinks best represent the three schools!"

"From now on, [the Goblet of Fire] will always be placed here."

At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on the rough and ugly cup.

"Of course, please don't forget our rules. Warriors need to be over seventeen years old."

Madame Maxime said again.

"We made preparations to create a difficult barrier between underage students and [the Goblet of Fire]."

Speaking of this, her face was full of pride.

"The stone platform on which [the Goblet of Fire] is placed is an alchemical artifact jointly made by many alchemists in Beauxbatons. It has only one function: to prevent little wizards under the age of seventeen from climbing the steps."

Scott looked at the white stone platform.

Alchemical products?

He began to think of ways to break through the limitations.

"Are you thinking of a way to break through?" Lucio said in an inaudible voice, "Let me tell you, I also participated in the production of that stone platform. Of course, I will not help you cheat."

Scott turned his head and looked at him in surprise.

Lucio smiled slightly, "I know what you are thinking. Yes, I will not sign up. This is not only for the sake of fairness, but also because I am only good at alchemy and cannot guarantee my combat effectiveness."

Scott nodded in understanding.

At this time, Madame Maxime was still talking.

“Finally, I would like to solemnly remind every student who is running for office.”

"Please note that once chosen [by the Goblet of Fire], you must persevere in the game to the end."

"Throwing your name into the cup actually forms a magical contract that must be abided by. Once you become a warrior, you are not allowed to change your mind."

"Therefore, please think carefully before deciding whether to throw your name into the [Goblet of Fire]."

"Okay, this concludes all the explanations about the Triwizard Tournament."

"Good night everyone."

After Madame Maxime's speech, others could finally begin to speak freely.

"Oh, Lucio." Fred put his arm around Lucio's shoulders very familiarly, "I just heard that you were involved..."

"Don't even think about it, I won't say anything." Lucio shook his head repeatedly.

"Even just a little hint?"

Fred used two fingers to indicate the distance of "a little bit."

Lucio still shook his head.

Fred rolled his eyes and said, "In exchange, I can secretly take you to visit our flying tower."

"Really?" Lucio was happy at first, then gritted his teeth and shook his head, "No, if I say anything, the professors will expel me."

Fred could only curl his lips in boredom and let go of his hand.

At this time, Dumbledore walked towards them.

"I think you should go back to the tower and go to bed, kids."

"I want to work on throwing my name into the cup, Professor," Fred said. "Scott, too."

Scott smiled helplessly.

Dumbledore smiled and said: "Oh, you two are not old enough, but it seems that you are not giving up."

Scott said: "Mrs. Maxim has told us that if you are not old enough, you can sign up to compete as long as you break through the barriers they set."

Everyone looked at him.

"'It sets up an insurmountable barrier between underage students and [the Goblet of Fire]' and 'prevents little wizards under the age of seventeen from climbing the steps', these are Madame Maxime's exact words."

Scott explained.

"Pay attention to the wording she used. It is 'difficult to break through' rather than 'impossible to break through', and 'block' rather than 'forbidden'. Also, if it were not for our convenience, there is no need to set the registration time for 24 hours."

Madame Maxime walked over at this moment, casting a large shadow over everyone's heads.

She glanced at Scott in surprise.

"It seems that your students have deciphered the unspoken rules for selecting warriors, Dumbledore."

Dumbledore looked at Scott happily.

Mrs. Maxim said to Scott: "Smart boy, we think that if a student can break through that barrier on his own within 24 hours, he is qualified to become a warrior even if he is not young enough."

After speaking, she smiled slightly.

"Lucio, follow me, everyone, good night."

Lucio quickly stood up and walked to her side.

His expression looked a little panicked, completely lacking the toughness he had shown just now in front of Fleur.

As Mrs. Maxim turned and left with Lucio, the bright light of the crystal lamp illuminated Scott and the others again.

Next, Dumbledore did not stop Scott and the others, but returned to the tower on his own.

Because Scott wanted to try to study the platform, no students at Hogwarts left, including several students from Slytherin House.

Although their relationship within Hogwarts was average, here everyone was still subconsciously united.

Everyone walked to the stone platform together and looked up at the goblet with blue and white flames.

At this time, the Durmstrang delegation had returned to their ship, and the Beauxbatons students looked at this group of wizards from Hogwarts curiously.

Scott's words just now have been heard by many people, and they all seem to want to know whether he can successfully overcome the obstacle.

"Are you starting now?" asked a boy who had just chatted with them. "I thought everyone would start tomorrow morning."

"We want to give it a try," Scott said politely.

"Let me go up and give it a try first." Cedric stood up and said, "Let's see what registration looks like under normal circumstances."

"Okay, then it's up to you." Scott said gratefully.

He took two steps forward and placed his hand against the stone platform, extending his magic sense.

Cedric found a pen and paper, wrote down his name, and then climbed up the stairs.

"I didn't feel anything," he said.

Then, he climbed the steps continuously, went up to the platform, and threw the parchment in his hand into the [Goblet of Fire].


The blue-white flame in the cup instantly turned red, and sparks burst out.

"It seems I've succeeded." Cedric said happily.

At this time, the red flame turned blue-white again.

Cedric quickly walked down from the platform, came to Scott and asked him, "How is it, have you figured it out?"

"It's not that easy." Scott shook his head, "This thing is very complicated... It's worthy of being the work of several alchemists... In short, it's not that easy to bypass its limitations..."

"What are you going to do?" Fred asked.

"I need time." Scott said, "Please, students who are old enough, go up and vote again."

He needs to try many times to figure out how the stone platform works.

The others agreed to his request.

"Let me go first, I just turned 17 last week."

Angelina took the lead.

Next, all the people in the Hogwarts delegation who were over 17 years old went up and voted for the slips with their names on them.

"I roughly understand." Scott said.

"Oh! Is there a way?" Fred was a little excited.

Scott didn't say anything, just turned his head and looked at him.

"What?" Fred asked.

"Go and try it, Fred." Scott said with a smile, "I want to know how it will stop you."

"I suspect you are deliberately trying to see me make a fool of myself."

Fred looked at the Beauxbatons students who were watching around.

"This is not Hogwarts."

"How could that be?" Scott smiled brightly, "This is the necessary process for research breakthroughs."

"Okay, let's give it a try."

Fred stood up, quickly wrote the note, and pretended to straighten his collar.

"Well, I'm going."

Before taking a step, he said to Angelina.

"Go ahead."

Angelina looked at him with a smile.

"I'm really going."

Fred raised one foot and stepped onto a stone step.

"Huh?" He widened his eyes in surprise, "No obstruction?"

As he said that, he tried to lift the other foot.


He remained motionless.

"When I wanted to lift my second foot, it was like a pair of hands desperately pressing my shoulders!"

But when he tried to take back the foot that stepped onto the stone step, he did it easily.

"I'll try again."

He crumpled the note in his hand into a ball and threw it towards the [Goblet of Fire].

But when the paper ball flew over the stone step, it fell straight down as if it was pulled by a string.

"It seems that there is no such easy loophole." Roger commented on the side.

At this moment, Scott reached out from the deformed lizard skin bag on his waist and took out the [Magic Mirror] and handed it to Fred, "Oh, it should be a communication from George and others."

Fred quickly took the [Magic Mirror] and clicked it. George's face and countless other people's faces behind him immediately appeared in the mirror.

"Hi, are you all okay? How is Beauxbatons?" George asked impatiently on the other end.

"Oh, we are fine, Beauxbatons is like a king's palace..."

Fred raised the [Magic Mirror] and turned around to show the people on the other end where they were.

"What are you doing?"

"Why are you gathered together?"

"What is Scott doing?"

There were many inquiries in the [Magic Mirror].

"Oh, that's the [Goblet of Fire], we have already put our names in it."

"Scott is studying..."

The people here also gathered around Fred, and also answered questions in a flurry of words.

Across thousands of mountains and rivers, the people of Hogwarts chatted enthusiastically.

Scott also withdrew his hand at this time.

"Let's go, we can go back." He said, "The next research can be carried out in the tower."

"Then let's go." Fred still held up the [Magic Mirror], "When we go back, we can show them the scenery here."

A group of people walked out of the banquet hall around the [Magic Mirror].

Although they had been away for most of the day, everyone felt very cordial to be able to chat with their classmates at Hogwarts at this moment.

After returning to the tower, Scott took out a large mirror that had been prepared long ago and hung it in the common room.

This mirror, the size of a dressing mirror, can synchronously project the sound and picture in the [Magic Mirror].

"We also hung the large mirror that Scott prepared in the hall." George in the mirror said, "Unfortunately, everyone waited for a whole night, but didn't wait for your live broadcast."

Then, Eddie's fat face moved next to George.

"You guys must have forgotten!" He complained loudly, "Don't forget this next time!"

"Okay, we will remember it next time." Scott promised.

After this communication ended, Scott returned to the dormitory and began to try to restore the magic circuit inside the stone platform.

Roger came over to look at it for a while, and was defeated by the dense magic runes. Fred could also help Scott sort out the structure between the magic runes.

"Oh, are there so many ancient magic runes that are not commonly used?" Fred scratched his hair in difficulty, "Many of us have never seen them, and we don't need so many of them in our daily inventions."

Scott said: "There is no need to interpret them all. There must be many that are just confusing."

"Even if all are interpreted, there may not be a way to counter it." Fred said, "Maybe I should try the aging agent tomorrow, just one drop is enough."

"Of course, you can try it." Scott said with a smile.

Although it is highly unlikely to succeed, it can also be an extra sample.

"Maybe we should change our thinking."

Scott put down the pen in his hand and fell into deep thought.

The next morning, Scott and Fred left Roger, who was still dressing up, and ran to the banquet hall where the [Goblet of Fire] was located.

At this time, the stone platform was already full of people, and everyone was watching the beautiful silver-haired figure step by step up the stairs.

"Oh, what a pity, Roger, who was busy dressing up, missed this scene perfectly." Fred said gloatingly.

"Good morning, Scott, Fred."

Lucio waved and greeted them.

"The students of Durmstrang have all signed up." He said, "How about you, how is your research going, Scott?"

He looked normal, and it seemed that Madame Maxime did not punish him for his "disobedience".

"Not sure yet." Scott said, "I'll try again later."

"Then I'll wait and see your performance." Lucio said with a smile.

While the two were talking, Fleur on the stone platform had successfully signed up.

The students of Beauxbatons all cheered.

It seems that they are still very lively without Madame Maxime.

Next, several more students from Beauxbatons came on stage and successfully signed up.

Of course, there were also some students who were not old enough and made failed attempts.

Soon, more students like Scott gathered around the stone platform to study.

Looking at this scene, Scott sighed, "The alchemy atmosphere here is very strong."

"This is also a feature of Beauxbatons." Lucio said with a smile.

"You should be the best among all the students?" Scott looked at him, "After all, you are already an 'examiner'."

Moreover, students who can get invitations from the Scholars' Union will not be ordinary people.

"You are right." Lucio was not modest, "Now it depends on whether you can solve this difficult test question."

"Then try it."

Scott raised his foot and walked forward.

Fred and Lucio followed behind him.

His actions attracted the attention of many people.

"Lucio, is he the one you said?" Fleur asked coldly on the side.

"Yes, this is a good friend I met during the summer vacation, Scott Trollope." Lucio said.

"Hello, Miss Delacour."

Scott nodded politely.

"Hello, Mr. Trollope."

Perhaps because Scott acted too calm and was not fascinated by her beauty at all, Fleur looked at him with some surprise.

At the same time, she retracted her steps that were about to turn around and leave, and stood still.

Scott also looked up at the stone platform in front of him.

He stood in front of the stone steps for a long time without moving.

People around him began to talk, but Scott always turned a deaf ear.

In a channel that no one except him could perceive, he was gradually restraining the magic fluctuations around him.

This is also a talent brought by the innate magic perception. As he continued to exercise and enhance his perception ability, his magic became more and more obedient.

Since wizards with magic perception are very rare, this ability to hide their own magic fluctuations has never been used.

But Scott has always guessed that this may help him break through some early warning, detection magic, or magic items like the stone platform.

Because there has been no movement, as time passed, more and more people questioned Scott.

Scott even heard Fleur's disdainful snort.

But it was not until all the magic power in his body was completely silent that Scott finally raised one foot.

"It moved, he finally moved!"

At this moment, someone was more excited than him.

Scott's left foot stepped steadily on the first stone step, and then raised the other foot.

Soon, his right foot also stepped on that stone step.

Then, he raised his left foot again and stepped on the second stone step.

"He succeeded!"

"Oh my God, how did he do it!"

For a while, exclamations came one after another.

"Scott is challenging the magic stone platform that sets an age barrier, and it seems that he has succeeded..."

Fred was holding the [Magic Mirror] to do a live commentary.

But Scott was far from as relaxed as everyone saw.

Converging the magic power fluctuations did work, allowing him to break through the first stone step, but it seemed that was all.

When he tried to climb the second stone step, he immediately felt the obstacle that Fred said, like two hands pressing hard on his shoulders, preventing him from going up.

Scott tried several times, sweat oozing from his forehead, but his body remained motionless.

There was no way.

He shook his head and stepped down from the stone steps.

The crowd was in an uproar.

"What's wrong?"

"Why did you give up?"

"Oh, he failed! What's the reason?" Fred's voice was full of annoyance.

Scott turned to look at Lucio who was smiling.

"It seems that this stone platform can detect more than just my magic power."

"That's right." Lucio said with a smile: "It's not that simple. Although I am surprised that you can completely restrain your magic power, the second stone step detects your body. In short, it will detect your age in all aspects."

"I understand."

Scott nodded and fell into deep thought again.

"Now let me try it."

Fred stuffed the [Magic Mirror] into Scott's hand, took out the prepared potion and drank it all.

He walked to the stone steps with a swagger and walked up.

"Oh, he succeeded? Aging potion? Sure enough, the method I thought of is useful!"

George's excited voice came from the [Magic Mirror].

At this time, Fred had successfully climbed the second step.

But when he stepped on the third step, he became stiff again.

Then, as if someone pushed him hard from the front, he staggered back and sat on the ground.

George's cheers stopped abruptly.

"Hahaha..." Lucio laughed, "Aging potion, we have long thought of guarding against you using this kind of potion!"

Fred stood up and patted his butt, and spread his hands to Scott.

"Fred, everyone has seen your swollen butt!"

George on the other side of the [Magic Mirror] had sorted out his mood and began to laugh loudly.

Fred snatched the [Magic Mirror] and quarreled with George.

"Oh, it's all your bad idea!"

"You are too stupid!"

Scott didn't care about the quarrel between the two people in the air, put his hand on the stone platform again, closed his eyes and sensed for a while.

At this point, many people began to murmur loudly whether he was pretending.

It was not until the other people from Hogwarts arrived that those people stopped mocking.

"It seems that you are not doing well, Scott." Cedric walked to Scott's side.

Scott laughed, "This is fun, isn't it?"

"I knew you wouldn't give up so easily."

Scott said, "I need your help next, Cedric."

"No problem." Cedric agreed.

"No problem?" Scott raised his eyebrows, "I am competing with you for the title of the champion of Hogwarts."

Cedric just smiled and shook his head.

"Then I'll leave it to you." Scott took out his wand.

Cedric nodded again, "What should I do?"

"Stand still."

Scott put his wand against his heart.

Although Cedric looked at him in confusion, he really didn't move.

Scott closed his eyes.

After a long time, he opened his eyes, turned the wand in his hand towards himself, and began to recite the spell of the Transfiguration Spell.

"What are you doing?" Cedric looked at him in shock.

A burst of white light enveloped Scott's body and disappeared in an instant.

Discussions began again.

"What is he doing?"

"Using human body deformation to adjust age? How is it possible?"

"Isn't this completely unchanged?"

"I think too complicated." Scott smiled and said, "No matter what kind of problem I face, I should use my strengths to solve it."

He once again put his wand against Cedric's chest, letting his magic fluctuations simulate Cedric's magic fluctuations until the magic fluctuations of the two people became the same in his perception.

After doing all this, he retracted his wand, turned around, stepped up the stone steps in a few steps, and successfully came to the stone platform.

Then, he took out the parchment with his name and school name written on it from his pocket and threw it into the [Goblet of Fire] at close range.


Sparks burst out, and as the blue-white flames turned red, Scott raised his hands.

"He did it!"

"He really did it!"

At this moment, cheers and applause rang out together.

No matter which school the students came from, they all cheered for Scott's performance.

Scott turned around, bowed, and walked down the stone platform steadily.

"Congratulations, Scott."

Cedric said very generously.

"Thank you for your help."

Scott also thanked him sincerely.

Cedric patted his shoulder, "Although you successfully signed up, I don't think I will definitely lose."

Scott turned his head and looked at the jumping blue and white flames, "Then let the [Goblet of Fire] decide."

At this time, Lucio squeezed over with some excitement, "Can you tell me, Scott? How did you do it?"

His question made the surroundings quiet down, and everyone stared at Scott curiously.

Even the proud Fleur was no exception, stretching her neck to look at him.

"The answer is Transfiguration."

Scott pointed the wand at himself again and chanted the spell to remove the human body deformation imposed on him.

Lucio's face wrinkled when he heard this, "How is it possible! Your appearance has not changed at all!"

Scott smiled and said, "The stone platform will test our age, but it refers to magic and bone age, right? I just changed my own bones based on Cedric's bones, of course, I didn't change the bone structure."

"You can actually do this?" Lucio was shocked, "Although I have always known that you are good at Transfiguration, I never knew that your Transfiguration can reach this level."

Scott shrugged his shoulders, "Because I just tried it, so I also know that I can do it."

"Incredible, so wonderful!"

Lucio looked at Scott with admiration in his eyes.

Fred and Roger came up at this time.

"Quick, Scott, change my bones too!"

"And I want to try it too."

Not only the two of them, but also many young wizards who were not old enough in the crowd stared at Scott with eager eyes.

But Scott shook his head, "I just said that it is not enough to just change the bone age, but also the magic power needs to be changed."

Of course, Scott could manually adjust the frequency of magic fluctuations for them, but that would require him to accompany them on stage.

"Unfortunately, the stone platform does not allow two people to go up together." Scott spread his hands.

"That's right." Lucio nodded, "Two people are prohibited from going up together."

"Oh, it seems that I have no chance of winning the prize of one thousand gold galleons."

"Then forget it."

Fred and Roger were just having fun, so they quickly accepted this reality.

Fred handed the [Magic Mirror] to Scott, letting him receive the congratulations and blessings from his friends on the other side.

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