The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 465 465. Scott starts brewing

The celebration banquet began. Scott ate half full before telling others about the general situation of the second competition.

"Aerial competition?"

"Becoming a racing partner with a flying horse?"


Everyone was surprised by the format of the competition.

Especially Fred, his eyes were widened with envy.

"Oh, that was definitely a wonderful game." He said, "Why didn't I think of this kind of gameplay before?"

Roger's attention was on something else, "But they banned Scott's Animagus, that's not fair."

Scott shrugged, "They banned broomsticks, too."

"Beauxbatons are scared. They are afraid that you and Krum will use your strengths to easily defeat Fleur!" Angelina said loudly.

Caccini also said: "This is their trick! After all, Furong's points are already behind!"

Their statement was agreed by everyone, and everyone was not happy about it.

Ethan said calmly: "But Dumbledore has already agreed to these conditions, and we can't change them."

Cedric reminded everyone, "What we have to do now is help Scott with the brewing thing."

"Single malt whiskey." Fred looked at everyone, "Has anyone ever drank that kind of wine? Do you know how to brew it?"

Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads.

"I've only ever had butterbeer."

"Me too."

"Single malt whiskey, my dad drinks it all the time, but I don't really understand it."

“I never thought about trying winemaking.”

Obviously, everyone present was very unfamiliar with brewing.

Angelina said anxiously: "What should I do? No one seems to be able to help with this matter."

"In this case, the only option is to ask for help."

Fred took out the [Magic Mirror] and tried to connect to George's [Magic Phone] via communication.

When George's face appeared in the mirror, Fred quickly explained the situation.

"Oh, leave this to me." George immediately took over the task, "We will definitely get the best brewing recipe."

"Then leave it to you, George." Scott leaned over and said.

"Do not worry."

George made an "OK" gesture.

"By the way, Scott, you performed very well today. This morning, Professor McGonagall allowed us to skip class, and everyone watched your game..."

"Is it Scott?"

As he spoke, a bunch of heads came into the camera.

"Scott, you're awesome!"

"Your game..."

Everyone talked to Scott with bright smiles.

Scott chatted with everyone.

Finally, George said with a smile: "Oh Scott, you can start designing your own signature style. Now you have become the most popular person in Hogwarts, and the girls are fascinated by you."

Scott decisively hung up the communication.

"Oh, are you shy, Scott."

Roger, who was sitting next to him, patted his shoulder and teased.

"You are about to turn 17 and become an adult. A sweet love is what you need most right now."

"This is not something you should care about." Scott said angrily, "Just mind yourself."

Roger said shamelessly: "Oh, of course I can take care of myself. The beautiful girls in Beauxbatons all chatted happily with me."

Caccini gave Roger a disgusted look and said to Scott: "Oh Scott, before you know it, this guy already had two French girlfriends who broke up and are now looking for a third one." ”

Scott looked at Roger in surprise.

"If I remember correctly, we have only been in Beauxbatons for more than twenty days."

"I can't help it, girls can't resist my charm."

Roger spread his hands and showed what he thought was a charming smile on his face.

Several girls present looked like they were vomiting.

Caccini turned to Angelina and said, "Look, that's my ex-boyfriend. I suspect I was blind before."

Angelina laughed, "Maybe you're under the influence of love, Caccini."

Caccini said helplessly: "It must be a particularly powerful intoxicant to make me dizzy."

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

Scott couldn't help but sigh that Caccini has changed a lot.

With her changed image, she is much more free and easy than before, and can even joke about her and Roger's past relationship without any scruples.

Roger couldn't help but say: "Oh, Caccini, I have to say that you are much more attractive now than before."

"Thank you." Caccini rolled his eyes, "But you have no chance."

Roger winked at her, "Who knows, of course, you'd better grow your hair long first, otherwise no matter who is with you, they will look gay..."

"Don't worry! Get out!"

Caccini picked up a long, hard baguette and threw it at Roger.

Roger quickly turned around and ran away. Caccini raised his baguette and chased after him.

"Oh..." Angelina looked at the two of them quarreling meaningfully, "could it be..."

"An old relationship rekindled?" another girl continued.

"It's better...don't want it..."

Angelina looked like she had eaten a booger-flavored Bibi Bean.

"Oh, don't mind them, Angelina." Fred walked up to her, bent down and stretched out his hands, "Christmas is coming soon, maybe we can practice dancing in advance."

Angelina looked up at him, "You..."

She smiled brightly and put her hand on Fred's.

"Okay, not a bad idea."

The two people just held hands and left the table.

"Why are they upstairs? Where are they dancing?"

Someone asked blankly.

Roger, who was avoiding Caccini's pursuit, took the time to answer, "I think they just need a corner where no one can find them to complete their dance practice."

Everyone suddenly showed a tacit understanding and laughed.

In a burst of laughter, the celebration party ended.

Early the next morning, Scott received another "paper" from George.

is their collection of single malt whiskey making methods.

After the "paper" came, George sent another communication.

"That's all we collected," he said. "The rest is up to you."

Scott said: "Thank you for your hard work, this should be enough."

He didn’t have much confidence in the brewing, but he had confidence in the game.

Even if his partner is not very cooperative, he feels he can win the game.

George on the other end had already begun to give him some weird ideas, "Maybe you can trick the other two warriors and make their wine worse than yours."

Scott said amusedly: "Great idea, but it's a pity that it can't be done."

The brewing cabin is independent, and only he can enter it. Even if he wants to cause trouble, he can't.

After ending the communication, Scott looked through the single malt whiskey brewing guides that George and the others had collected.

Brewing single malt whiskey requires four major steps: malting, saccharification, fermentation, and distillation. Each step is very cumbersome.

“First there’s the malting.”

Fred and Roger also came over to look at it and muttered at the same time.

"This step is divided into five processes: selection, wheat soaking, germination, drying, and root removal."

"The wheat is first selected to remove impurities, and then soaked in hot water to germinate. This process takes one to two weeks."

“The wheat is sprouted and then dried, or smoked with peat.”

"After they cool down and are stored for another month, the germination process is complete."

"The last step is to remove the roots."

Scott nodded, "Let's complete this step first, but it takes a lot of time."

"Think about it," said Roger, "what spells are needed to complete these processes."

Fred thought for a moment, "Hmm... hurricane spell, water control spell, fire spell, drying spell, cutting spell?"

"I think it's going to take some hands-on testing to be sure," Scott said.

"But the amount of wheat you have is fixed." Roger reminded, "If you waste too much, you won't be able to brew enough finished product."

"That's also a difficult point," Scott said.

But no matter what, you have to give it a try first.

"Let's go, I'll try."

Since he couldn't carry anything else into the woods, Scott could only memorize the steps in his mind, then put his deformed lizard skin bag in the dormitory and went out with only his wand.

After leaving the tower, Fred and Roger accompanied him to the woods.

"Then I'll go in first."

Scott waved and walked toward the woods.

"I'll try."

Fred followed him.

Then, Scott watched helplessly as he walked around in circles like a headless fly and walked out of the woods.

"I `m coming out?"

Fred, who returned outside the woods, looked at where he was in surprise.

"Scott!" He bent down and picked up a branch, "Come and hold me!"

Scott shook his head, "Forget it, according to Mr. Jolly, the magic they set will record our foul behavior."

"They're so boring."

Fred threw away the branch in his hand with a look of regret.

Scott waved again, turned and walked deeper into the woods.

When he came to the cabin, he found that the other two warriors, Fleur and Krum, were already here.

Both of them were doing the same thing in front of the wooden house at the moment - trying to perform deformation spells on the cut trees to make tools for making wine.

"Good morning." Scott greeted, "Have you all learned how to brew?"

Fleur waved her wand and turned a piece of wood into a large barrel.

"Brew-making, I really don't know who came up with it. God knows how picky those horses are about the taste of single malt whiskey!"

She complained dissatisfiedly.

"I have a hunch that what we will get is not three tacit understanding of playing partners, but three troublemakers!"

"You're not good at brewing either?" Scott said. "It seems that the setting of this competition is really fair."

"I told you already!" Fleur glared at him unhappily.

Scott smiled and turned to look at Krum.

The world-class rising Quidditch star was cutting a wooden board with a cutting spell.

"And you, Viktor."

Krum turned to look at him and shook his head, "I'm not sure."

"I thought you would do some research on whiskey." Scott joked, "After all, it is said that Durmstrang is located in cold Northern Europe, and people living in cold areas like to drink whiskey."

Krum said seriously: "I don't drink. Alcohol will affect my Quidditch career."

"That's a shame, we're all newbies."

Scott sighed and took action.

He took a few steps away, took out his wand, and used a cutting spell to cut down a large tree, and then removed the branches and leaves on the tree.

Then, with a wave of his wand, the entire trunk turned into a giant barrel.

"I'll go in first."

Letting the barrel float behind him, Scott pushed open the door of the cabin.

"Your barrel is too big, there is no way to get in." Furong commented from behind him, "Besides, the wheat cannot be taken out of the house."

"Shrink quickly."

Scott waved his wand.

"Use magic spells on objects transformed by transformation?" Fleur added, "It will explode..."

Under her surprised gaze, the barrel shrank smoothly and was led into the door by Scott.

"Thanks for reminding."

Scott smiled friendly and walked into the house.

The door of the cabin closed automatically.

Then, Scott heard Fleur snorting coldly.

Scott didn't pay attention, restored the size of the barrel, turned around and looked at the pile of wheat on the floor.

"The first selection is to remove impurities..."

he muttered.

After thinking for a while, he pushed open the window at the back of the wooden house.

"Try this first." He waved his wand at the pile of wheat and cast a hurricane spell.

A small whirlwind appeared at the tip of the wand.

Scott controlled his magic power and let the whirlwind amplify and move bit by bit, picking up some wheat grains.


He controlled the whirlwind to fly and spin, throwing the lighter impurities in the wheat out the window.

After a while, when no more impurities flew out, he controlled the whirlwind to roll the remaining wheat into the large wooden barrel.


Stopping the spell, Scott walked to the big wooden barrel, bent down and grabbed a handful of wheat and looked at it in his hand.

The treatment was reasonably clean, but not entirely clean.

There are still some grains in the wheat that don’t look very good.

If you want to make whiskey that is delicious enough, you must carefully select the most plump wheat.

Let’s do this as the first step.

Scott sprinkled the wheat in his hand into the barrel and continued to use the hurricane spell to clean up the remaining wheat.

But it is not easy. It requires very fine manipulation of magic power, which is quite energy-consuming.

Halfway through the chores, Scott came up with another idea.

He walked to another corner of the cabin and waved his wand again.

"Armor protection."

He first arranged a magic barrier in front of himself.


"The wheat is flying!"

After the flying spell was successfully cast, all the wheat, including the kind in the barrel, flew towards him.

The wheat first hit the transparent magic barrier, and then fell to the wooden floor.

Scott removed the magic barrier in front of him and looked around.

Sure enough, the debris had been flown out.

He nodded with satisfaction and used the hurricane spell to roll up the pile of impurities left in place and fly them out of the window.

The next step is to select the wheat with full grains.

Scott thought about it again and again, but couldn't think of any way to use the magic spell to be lazy.

The only way is to use Muggle methods.

In this case, a sieve is a useful tool.

He carefully checked the size of the plump grains of wheat, then opened the door and walked out of the house.

At this time, Fleur and Klum had also entered the room, and Scott could not find out how well their work was done.

The wooden house was obviously enchanted. Even if the windows were opened, there was no way to see what was going on inside.

Scott walked into the woods, used a large branch to conjure a sieve, and then conjured a chair, and then carried the sieve and chair back into the house.

What follows is boring mechanical labor.

Scott sat on a chair and used his wand to direct the wheat to fly into the sieve, and to make the sieve swing automatically.


When the wheat was sifted twice, Scott yawned and stood up to check the finished product.

"That's almost it."

He grabbed a few handfuls with his hands to confirm that the selection work was completed.

The next step is soaking.

But first the wheat must be washed.

Scott rolled up the sleeves of his robe and began waving his wand to create a stream of water.

At noon, Scott leaned out of the window and looked at the sun in the sky to determine the time. He then looked at the wheat soaked in the barrel, closed the lid and walked out of the wooden house.

After stretching, he looked at the other two rooms, but Fleur and Krum still hadn't come out.

Scott yawned again and left the woods.

"How about it?"

Scott, who returned to the tower, received everyone's concerned inquiries.

"What step have you taken?" Fred asked him, holding the [Magic Mirror], "Did you strictly follow the steps above?"

He handed the [Magic Mirror] to Scott's hand.

"Have a look and see if you remember correctly."

Scott took the [Magic Mirror] and glanced at it, then nodded.

"That's right, they have been soaked, just waiting for them to germinate."

"What about them? How are Fleur and Krum doing?"

"Has Fleur practiced in advance?"

Others asked about the other two warriors.

"They... I don't know," Scott said. "According to them, they don't know how to make wine at all."

He sighed. Although the brewing work had just begun, he was already tired of it.

Fortunately, he didn't have to do anything in the next one to two weeks. He only needed to check the germination status of the wheat after class.

Others are still more concerned than himself, asking about the growth status of the malt every day.

Fred even reported to George and the others who stayed at Hogwarts every day.

Ten days later, Scott judged that the malt was growing well and began drying it.

He originally wanted to use a drying spell to complete this step, but the constant repetition of the drying spell made him feel like a ruthless hairdryer.

After thinking about it, he finally decided to use the transformation technique to create several fire crows to complete the work on his behalf.

As long as you pay attention to the distance and don't let the flame directly burn the malt, it should be feasible...

Although he was not 100% sure, Scott still decisively chose this lazy method.

In short, after creating several fire crows that kept glowing and glowing, Scott successfully liberated himself.

As for the final result...

"It can only be said that it is not bad." Scott reported to his companions, "At least they are not roasted."

"Oh, I want to remind you, Scott." Cedric, who has memorized the brewing process, said, "Drying is not completely dry, but to reduce the moisture content of the malt from about 42% to 4 to 5%."

"There should be nothing wrong."

Scott thought for a moment, then nodded decisively.

"It's no problem, don't worry!"

In fact, he does not know what is 42% and what is 5%.

There was no instrument for him to measure.

It's just to keep others from worrying.

Others actually didn't understand either, but they were temporarily relieved when they heard what he said.

The next month was the rest step. Scott completely forgot about winemaking and began to follow the alchemy courses in Tulan Alchemy Classroom.

Unlike the Ravenclaw tutor who talks about alchemy from a high-level perspective, Professor Duran is obviously better at explaining basic knowledge and teaching new students.

After some systematic study, Scott, Fred, and Cedric all gained a lot.

“I can’t wait to try and invent new things.”

Fred said excitedly that he found many mistakes that he had made in the process of invention and creation.

"George is very envious that I can take this course. I have to say that the gap between me and him has widened."

He always proudly shows off to George through the Magic Mirror, and declares that from now on, he is the "real master of invention" among the Weasley twins.

Cedric also became interested in alchemy.

He always said regretfully: "It's a pity that Hogwarts doesn't have this course. Although we can learn the basics at Beauxbatons, we can't go into depth."

Scott advised him, "If you want to study in depth, you can study on your own, or you can ask Dumbledore for advice."

"Oh, it's better not to disturb Professor Dumbledore, after all, he is busy enough." Cedric said.

What he said was also true.

Although they students have remained in Beauxbatons, it is obvious that Dumbledore has not.

He was always elusive and appeared in front of them irregularly.

As for the rest of the time, no one knows what he is busy with.

Of course, the students assumed he was busy fighting the Dark Lord.

Because according to reliable information - from Eddie, Dumbledore appeared in England more than once.

He was involved in several activities launched by the Ministry of Magic to hunt down Death Eaters.

Although he did not show up, some people swore that the reason why the Minister of Magic, Ms. Burns, was able to issue the arrest warrant quickly was because Dumbledore was behind it.

Speaking of the situation in the UK, a lot has happened during this time.

Under the strong leadership of Ms. Burns, the Ministry of Magic had several conflicts with the Death Eaters. They successfully arrested some dark wizards and caused some sacrifices.

As far as the results are concerned, we can only say that it is not good or bad.

I don't know why, but after his public appearance at the World Cup final, Voldemort, the leader of the dark wizards, continued to hide and did not appear anywhere.

Even when his Death Eaters clashed with the Ministry of Magic and were arrested, he did not show up.

"I think he must be brewing a bigger conspiracy." Eddie said to Scott during the call. "Dumbledore had to run back and forth precisely because he was worried about this."

Scott felt there was some truth to his guess.

But since he has left the UK, he can only judge the situation through the news passed by his friends, and there is no way to further confirm or find out more real news.

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