The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 477 477. Hogwarts Partner

After handing over the task of exploring Edin Castle to Rimbaud, Scott returned to the tower with confidence.

He didn't tell Rimbaud much.

Rimbaud has carried out many reconnaissance missions and has accumulated considerable experience in the past.

And he also made some preparations in advance before leaving Hogwarts.

Rimbaud only needs to lead the crows and place the "monitor" he prepared at the destination.

When Scott arrived at the common room on the second floor, the [Magic Mirror] in his hand was immediately snatched away by Fred.

He connected with George, and the two of them muttered something.

Although there are many secrets hidden in Scott's [Magic Mirror], he is not worried about others seeing it.

Because the [Magic Mirror] can only reveal those secrets in his hands and activated by his own magic power.

Walking straight to the window and sitting down, Scott took out his notebook and pen and started sketching.

The object is Beauxbatons Castle at night.

Painting is Scott's chosen spiritual anchor, and it is also a hobby that he has never given up.

Recently, however, most of his energy has been devoted to learning alchemy. In order to save time, he changed his painting exercises into more convenient pen sketches.

After he started drawing, Scott automatically "blocked" the surrounding sounds, and it seemed that only the "swish" sound of the pen tip scratching across the paper was left in his ears.

The others in the common room were so accustomed to his drawing habit that no one bothered him.

Scott found a brief moment of peace.

A sketch was completed quickly.

He came out of his immersion, wrote the date on the paper, and turned over the ones he had drawn before.

Seeing that he stopped drawing, Fred came to him holding the [Magic Mirror].

"Hey Scott, we need to talk to you."

Scott raised his head and saw George and Eddie appearing in the [Magic Mirror], and he roughly guessed what they wanted to say.

The four of them are partners, and what they discuss together must be about making money.

"I know." Scott closed the sketchbook and asked with interest, "What are your plans?"

It just so happened that he had spent almost all his savings on his alchemy experiments, and now he was also very interested in making money.

"Of course, the "Complete Record of the Triwizard Tournament 1994-1995" commemorative video will be released!"

Eddie in [Magic Mirror] said excitedly.

"I believe many people will buy it. We can even publicize it among students at Beauxbatons and Durmstrang and let them order it by mail!"

"Yes, we can also take the opportunity to sell another batch of [Magic Crystal Players]." George added.

Eddie said: "I will order mirrors and crystals as raw materials, and customize protective cases with the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang school emblems!"

Fred, who was sitting next to Scott, patted him on the shoulder.

"Scott, you can start editing the footage from the previous two rounds now."

"I've already placed an order with Milton," Eddie continued, "and he'll do the soundtrack for us!"


Scott was speechless for a while.

"Let me think about it...I am the editor and post-producer of the video, and I am also the producer of [Magic Crystal Player]. How much do I have to do?"

There are four people in a company, one of him does research and development, and the other three are all sales.

Is this reasonable?

Of course this won’t work!

So he said decisively: "Let's do this. I will license the production method of [Magic Crystal Player] to Fred and George, and you will make it. Of course, you can make more by adjusting the share ratio."

Fred and George looked at each other through the [Magic Mirror] and nodded decisively.

George winked at Fred.

Fred understood and said to Scott: "We have no problem! If you authorize it to us, no matter how long it takes, we will give you 40% of the profit share for every player we sell."

"Too much." Scott refused, "Excluding the cost and your manual fees, 10% of the net profit is enough."

"Too little, maybe 30%."

"10% is fine."

"20%, no more!"

"No, I said, it's just 10%."

"It can't be less than 15%!"

"Don't be nagging..."

"Okay, stop arguing." Eddie said, "Scott, 15% is more reasonable. After all, the market in the wizarding world is much smaller than the Muggle world."

"Okay, just 15%." Scott didn't care.

"Thanks then." Fred said with a smile, "Just wait, we will sell the player to every wizard in the future."

"No matter what, I only need to be responsible for the post-production of the video." Scott was relieved.

Although he is short of money now, he doesn't want to make money with this kind of duplication of work.

Speaking of which, he wasn't really short of money.

Even though Muggle currency cannot be exchanged for gold galleons without limit, gold can be exchanged, but it's just more troublesome.

Although Scott didn't know exactly how much money his family had in the Muggle world, he was sure that if he really wanted to get some gold to exchange for gold galleons, there would actually be no problem.

It's just not necessary.

Since entering Hogwarts, except for the share of gold galleons that can be exchanged at Gringotts every year, Scott has not asked his parents for any additional money.

It's been so long, and I'm used to it.

Unless absolutely necessary, of course he would still choose to make money on his own.

"...You can promote it now."

Eddie was still chattering.

"It would be best if the guys at Beauxbatons and Durmstrang are interested in our products. It would be great to get orders..."

Upon hearing this, Scott said to Fred, "I'll leave the publicity to you, man."

Fred asked, "What about you?"

"Me?" Scott shrugged, "Didn't I agree to edit the video?"

"That's not fair!" Fred shouted.

“Our distribution of benefits will be absolutely fair,” Scott said. “Whoever contributes more will get a larger share.”

At this time, Eddie on the other end suddenly said, "By the way, Scott, can you accept your photo being printed on the product?"

"Of course not!" Scott replied without thinking.

"This is a shortcut to making money!"

Eddie said in a bewitching tone.

"The Triwizard Tournament has had a great impact. As warriors, you have received a lot of attention!"

"You, Delacour, and Krum, you are all already the biggest stars in the wizarding world!"

"I thought I had only been in French newspapers." Scott was a little surprised. "No British reporter has ever come to interview us."

Eddie said proudly: "In addition to the photos published in the French newspaper, the Daily Prophet also wrote many commentaries on the Triwizard Tournament."

"It's you..."

Scott was speechless.

Isn't Hollingworth the pen name of this guy Eddie?

"I can watch the live broadcast of the game and get first-hand information from you. In short, my articles are very true. The editors of the Daily Prophet thought I was following the report in France."

Eddie said funny.

"The UK has been very lively recently, and they are running out of reporters. In short, with my opinion piece, they no longer send their own reporters to France."

George added: "Eddie also wrote a few interviews that looked decent, but in fact he was asking and answering questions."

As he said this, he suddenly laughed.

"In his writing, Delacour is too arrogant, and Klum is very gloomy. In short, the two people he describes are a bit annoying."

"Many people took those fake interviews seriously, and you became the most popular warrior!"

George gave a thumbs up to the "camera".

Scott found it difficult to express anything in response.

"I'm not going to say 'thank you' to you, Eddie," he said grimly.

“I just amplified some of the qualities they already had!”

Eddie quickly pushed George's face away and spoke righteously.

He also tried to continue to bewitch Scott——

"Listen to me, Scott, you can make a quick buck by taking advantage of the star power during this period."

"The most important thing is, you don't have to do anything!"

"I guarantee that even a few badges printed with your photos will sell well!"

"I plan to produce various products including Triwizard Tournament-themed badges, limited edition player cases, commemorative postcards, photo books, etc."

"Just think, the boys and girls who adore you, especially the girls, will want to collect the whole set!"

Eddie's tone was filled with urgency.

"We must seize the time. After the Triwizard Tournament is over, your popularity will drop, and by then such good things will no longer happen!"

Listening to his fluent words, he must have thought about it for a long time and even made detailed plans.

"I reject."

Scott still refused firmly.

Eddie's confident face immediately fell.

"What did you say?" He asked unwillingly, "Don't you think about it anymore?"

Scott shook his head.

"You're crazy! That's a golden galleon!"

Eddie's face was filled with pain and he looked like he had lost a hundred million.

"I know, but I still firmly refuse."

Scott crossed his arms.

“It’s so weird to use my photo as a selling point!”

He felt ashamed just thinking about it.

"So, can I print your name on the badge?" Eddie asked persistently.

Scott was about to continue refusing, but George had already exposed Eddie.

"Didn't you already sell the badge with Scott's name on it?"

"Oh, that's a badge specially made to cheer for Scott." Eddie quibbled, "Most of them were given away for free. I didn't make any money."

"Lying, I asked, they bought it from you for the price of three silver coins!"

After hearing George's revelation, Scott stared at Eddie in the mirror with calm eyes.

Eddie took out a round badge and pinned it on his lapel, and said with a smile: "This thing doesn't make any money. Really, look, this is just to express support for you."

The badge is blue and will cycle through [Scott Trollope] and [Hogwarts Warriors, come on! ] in curly font.

This guy is killing first and showing off later.

Scott narrowed his eyes.

"Oh, Eddie, my friend, I can let that go."

He said slowly.

"But do I get a share of the money you make from this thing?"

When he heard that Scott wanted a piece of the pie, Eddie was like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, almost baring his teeth.

"No! This is the magical world, and the rules are different from the Muggle world, Scott!"

he shouted back.

"As far as I know, the Chocolate Frog Factory has never paid even one Copper Nut to wizards who appear on their Wizard Cards!"

"there has never been!"

He used the famous chocolate frog as an example to try to prove that his income was legitimate and inviolable.

At the same time, he also wanted to prove his noble character.

"And I am obviously much nobler than them!"

"I didn't put your photo on the product without your permission! I even asked for your opinion!"

"Really? But I didn't agree." Scott looked at him suspiciously, "It's hard for me to believe, will you really give up?"

He's not at Hogwarts, so who knows if Eddie will try to hide the truth again.

Sure enough, facing Scott's suspicion, Eddie smiled sarcastically.

"If I use your photos, I will definitely give you a huge profit."

He stretched out his right hand and rubbed his thumb and index finger together.

Very good, as expected of Eddie, dare to make money from the frying pan.

Sure enough, when capital comes to the world, blood and filth are dripping from every pore from beginning to end.

"Let's do it another way."

Scott immediately changed his mind.

Since there was no way to stop Eddie, who had been completely corrupted by money, he decided to take the initiative to participate, avoiding his own embarrassment and not letting his friends be too corrupted.

"What do you say?" Eddie's eyes lit up.

Obviously, although he would take risks for money, he was still afraid that Scott would settle the score with him when he returned.

"No photos."

Scott drew his line.

Eddie looked disappointed, "What?"

"Use a portrait," Scott said. "Cartoon style, of course."

He was thinking of a painting style that was very different from real people, so that it would not be embarrassing.

"Disney?" Eddie asked.

Scott nodded casually.

Whether it’s Disney or Japanese Q version, in short, stay away from real people.

"I will provide you with portraits of all three warriors," he said to Eddie, "but there are conditions."

"What conditions?" Eddie became interested.

"It's forbidden to use photos of real people and tell people that I drew them," Scott said.

Eddie thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

But he also made a request, "Draw more, with different angles and different movements."

"No problem, I will be responsible for the image drawing, and you will be responsible for the cost, production and sales. I want 75% of the net profit."

"What? I can only give you 50% at most!"

"I sold my fame, image, and talent. It must be 70%!"

"Impossible, I spent time and money, as well as mental and physical energy. I will give you 55% at most!"

"65%, no more!"

"60%, no more!"

"make a deal!"

Scott made the final decision.

"...Hey, deal!"

Eddie was still a little reluctant.

Scott already smiled with satisfaction, "Very good, then it's decided."

Eddie nodded and seemed to think of something again as he rolled his eyes.

"By the way, Scott, the birthday gift you gave Luna was a singing forest fairy. Everyone is envious of it."

"Then let them be envious."

Scott did not follow his words.


He was ready to hang up the communication.

"Wait a minute!" Eddie said quickly, "The toys you make using the transformation technique can also be sold as merchandise!"

"Of course I know, but I don't want to sell."

Scott hung up the communication directly.


Fred drawled.

"Don't want to sell? Sure enough, Luna is special to you?"

"It's not a good idea to sell the products of transfiguration, especially making toys like the woodland nymph," Scott said.

"How to say?"

"If I use ordinary materials to make it, its existence time will be very short. If I use special materials, the cost will be very expensive and the price will be even more expensive. Who will buy it?"

"There are many rich people in the wizarding world. Old Malfoy even bought broomsticks for all the Slytherin members!"

"That was in the past. If you still remember, old Malfoy is now on the wanted list in the wizarding world because of the Azkaban prison break."

Many Death Eaters from pure-blood families were named by Ms. Burns because of that incident, and many of them were even imprisoned in Azkaban.

Although Voldemort later rescued them, their situation now is not good.

Since Voldemort has not appeared since last summer vacation, the current Death Eaters can only hide in hiding under the pursuit of the Ministry of Magic.

Some have been captured again and imprisoned in Azkaban.

"Oh they deserve it."

Fred also thought of the current situation.

Just then, Cedric walked over and joined in their conversation.

"Do you know that the dementors that gathered in Azkaban in the past have been expelled. Because they betrayed the Ministry of Magic and took refuge in the mysterious man."

he told Scott and Fred.

"My dad got a letter and said that Secretary Burns is planning to change the way Azkaban is run."

"Who's guarding that place now?" Scott asked.

The "eyes" he had left in Azkaban last summer had long since expired and could no longer monitor the situation there.

"Now it's the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic." Cedric said, "But the Ministry of Magic is short of manpower, and Minister Burns is actively seeking changes."

Scott frowned, "Do you want to expand the Auror team? This is not a good idea. Every Auror must undergo the most rigorous training and assessment before taking office."

Cedric shook his head.

"As you know, my father works for the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures at the Ministry of Magic."

"At the suggestion of Minister Burns, they have made contact with a mermaid tribe living in the North Sea."

"They are negotiating and the Ministry of Magic plans to hire a tribe of merfolk to serve as guardians of the waters around Azkaban."

"Merman? I think this is a bad choice!" Fred opened his eyes wide. "Everyone knows that those guys can only live in water and cannot fly like dementors!"

Cedric explained, "In Minister Burns' plan, the mermaid only needs to be responsible for guarding the waters. In addition, she also plans to hire two fire dragons and several experts in taming fire dragons."


Fred opened his mouth.

"I don't want to hear the news that Charlie becomes the warden of Azkaban, then we will have three civil servants in our family! That would make me feel suffocated!"

"Three?" Scott asked in surprise.

Fred pouted.

"It's Percy. He has entered the Ministry of Magic and works in the Department of International Magical Cooperation. Mom is already very happy. Oh, I can imagine Percy's proud look now..."

Scott wasn't surprised.

Entering the Ministry of Magic has been Percy's goal all along, and his results at Hogwarts are good enough.

The previous failure to succeed was also due to the turbulent current situation.

Scott ignored Fred's complaints and began to think about Ms. Burns' plan to transform Azkaban.


Fire dragon?

Scott thinks Ms. Burns’ idea is a good idea, but will it really work?

That kind of configuration should be barely enough to deal with ordinary wizards, but Voldemort is an exception.

Azkaban was like a back garden to Voldemort, unless Dumbledore was always there.


"Do you know where all the dementors went?" he asked Cedric.

Cedric shook his head, "I don't know, my dad didn't mention it in the letter."

"Hopefully they can handle it," Scott said.

Otherwise, a large group of unruly dementors would wander around like a moving natural disaster, and it was unknown how many wizards and Muggles would be killed.

Two days later, Scott received mission feedback from Rimbaud.

It took two nights to set up Scott's "eyes" all over Edinburgh Castle with a flock of crows.

In addition, it also saw several wizards belonging to the witch guild haunting the castle, including Milton's father, Mr. Graves.

Scott had mixed feelings when he heard that Mr. Graves was there.

He didn't know what his friend's father was now.

Mr. Graves's attitude has always been vague, and it is not clear how credible the words he said to Milton before were.

In short, Scott decided to observe him for a while before deciding whether to contact him.

He thought about asking Milton, but after thinking about it again, he decided not to talk to Milton about these things yet.

"I know. Thank you for your hard work. Well done."

After praising Rimbaud, Scott gave it another task.

"Send the crow to keep an eye on Mr. Graves. You don't have to go there yourself."

Rimbaud immediately agreed.

After ending the communication, Scott tapped the [Magic Mirror] with his finger.

Soon, he successfully connected with those "eyes" as far away as Edinburgh, Scotland.

Rimbaud led the crows to plant a total of 50 "eyes" in the castle, covering almost all places inside and outside the castle.

Scott kept switching the perspectives of different "eyes" and soon had a general understanding of the structure of the castle.

It was already night, and he didn't see anyone else except the Muggle administrators.

After observing for a while, Scott turned off the surveillance screen.

He cannot monitor in real time all the time, and can only quickly play back the stored surveillance video after a period of time.

Soon, he gained something on the second day after monitoring started.

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