The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 481 481. Death and Immortality

Dumbledore pondered for a moment.

"We can't let Voldemort's power continue to grow."

He stood up, looked at the screen projected on the wall, and frowned slightly.

"Even if it's just weakened, it's necessary."

"But their power is now scattered."

Scott told him the information that Rimbaud told him.

"The crows told me that the Death Eaters usually leave the castle quickly."

"There are also crows that have seen them in other places, but they often don't stay in one place."

Dumbledore nodded after hearing it.

"Maybe as Ms. Slytherin guessed, Voldemort is still trying to study Harry's blood."

He said in a gentle tone.

"He will continue to hide until he succeeds."

"He was probably affected by the failure more than ten years ago."

Scott guessed.

"After confirming the cause, in order to avoid failure again, he will act again after being fully prepared."

Dumbledore laughed, "You are right, although Voldemort is extremely powerful, he is more afraid of death than anyone else."

"I think everyone is afraid of death." Scott said, "but he is indeed a little crazy."

Calling his own name Voldemort, splitting his soul to make Horcruxes, and trying to kill a baby alone after hearing half a prophecy.

Such behavior is indeed a bit abnormal.

Dumbledore sat on the sofa again and talked to Scott about death and immortality with interest.

"...Death is just another great adventure."

After speaking, he looked at Scott.

"You are right." Scott laughed.

Another great adventure.

This statement coincides with his experience of traveling through the world and being reborn with memories.

Dumbledore asked with interest, "Oh, have you never thought about immortality?"

"I have." Scott said bluntly, "But if the price of escaping death is to become like Voldemort, I think it is better to grow old naturally."

That way, at least you will still be like a human being.

Dumbledore said: "From ancient times to the present, the secrets of wizards' longevity are nothing more than those few. In addition to some wizards who have the blood of other magical creatures and naturally have a longer lifespan, only Horcruxes and the Philosopher's Stone can make people live forever."

"But both methods require a corresponding price." Scott said, "I guess the Philosopher's Stone is the same, otherwise Nicolas Flamel would not choose to die on his own initiative."

Dumbledore laughed again, "You are really smart, Scott. The elixir made by the Philosopher's Stone can keep people alive forever, but it can't stop the body from decaying under the erosion of time."

"So..." Scott shrugged.

He didn't want to drag his old and decaying body to live for so many years, that would be too painful.

Sometimes he would have a sudden thought, why can't magic increase life like the legendary immortal cultivation?

Of course, this is just a fantasy.

In the final analysis, cultivating immortals is just a fantasy of people, without any actual basis.

At least this is the case in this world.

For this reason, Scott also specially looked for information to learn about the Eastern magic world, but the result disappointed him.

Although the spell inheritance and casting mode are very different, the power essence of Eastern wizards and Western wizards is actually the same.

Cultivating immortals does not exist.

So Scott's answers are all sincere.

He has a certain fantasy about immortality, but he does not have too much obsession.

Dumbledore can certainly see it.

He said with appreciation: "It's rare that you can have such an open-minded attitude towards such a problem at such an age."

Scott smiled and said: "You can't say that. If you can find a better way, I don't mind living a few more years."

Dumbledore also laughed.

"If life is happy and happy, it is of course a good thing to live a few more years, but you don't need to worry about these things now."

"What about you?" Scott asked him instead.

Dumbledore replied in a relaxed tone, "For me, death is actually like finally going to bed after a long day."

Scott thought he was truly open-minded.

"Oh, there's movement."

Dumbledore looked at the projection on the wall again.

Scott turned his head and looked over.

In the projection screen, the castle gate was opened again, and the four Death Eaters who had just entered the castle walked out of the gate again.

After the gate closed, they walked forward for a distance.

After leaving the range of the anti-Apparition spell, they immediately disappeared with Apparition.

"It seems that they really won't stay there." Scott was a little regretful.

If you want to weaken Voldemort's power, of course you have to let him gather all his forces first to make it most convenient to strike.

Dumbledore withdrew his eyes from the projection screen and hesitated to speak, as if he was weighing the pros and cons.

Scott knew that Voldemort's integration of Harry's blood into himself was definitely what Dumbledore wanted to see.

Because that would mean that Harry and Voldemort would have an extremely close connection.

Because of Lily Potter's magic, Harry could not die as long as Voldemort was alive.

"For the time being, we can only wait and see." Dumbledore raised his head.

Scott nodded. Of course, he had no objection.

And the method of defeating them one by one would not work.

Britain is so small. The crows may indeed encounter a Death Eater, but by the time the crows report back to Rimbaud, Rimbaud tells Scott, Scott tells Dumbledore, and Dumbledore informs the Ministry of Magic, it will be too late.

Dumbledore added: "We will investigate the community of dark creatures and we will definitely gain something."

"That's the only way." Scott said.

After saying goodbye to Dumbledore, he walked down the spire and returned to the common room.

When the others saw him appear, they couldn't help asking, "Scott, is Dumbledore training you as a warrior?"

"You've been in and out of the top floor quite often recently."

"What special training is that?"

I'm afraid I'll scare you to death if I tell you.

Scott thought.

It's special training for Voldemort.

But he nodded and admitted it on the surface.

Fred couldn't wait to ask, "So, what's the content of the third round?"

Scott shook his head, "Of course I don't know."

"Even Dumbledore doesn't know?" Roger asked.

Scott nodded again.

"I'm afraid only the wizards of the Triwizard Tournament Organizing Committee know the content of the competition."

"So what are you training for?"

"Various kinds." Scott was vague, "Things that can strengthen your strength."

There are fewer updates today, so I'll take it as a leave. _

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