The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 497 497. Sudden change

The sun is rising.

Scott stood on the perimeter of the Stenness Standing Stone, outside the circular trench.

He frowned slightly and looked at the dense fog that lingered in the circular space enclosed by the ditch.

At this time, all the standing stones were shrouded in mist.

Scott couldn't see them or feel them.

The previous arrangements seemed to have no effect.

The "eye" placed on the standing stone was obscured by thick fog, and the crows had disappeared.

Scott turned his head and glanced at Rimbaud who was resting on his shoulder.

Since the sound cannot be transmitted at this time, the "Black Wing Lord" cannot give orders to the crows.

But Scott didn't have any other options.

He took off the backpack on his back, took out the wand and [severed arm bone] from the bag, and then placed the backpack at his feet.

As he waved his wand, several crows emerged from the tip of the wand.

They seemed to be frightened, flapping their wings and flying in front of Rimbaud, opening their mouths and calling.

But unfortunately, neither Scott nor Rimbaud could hear their cries at this time.


Scott muttered the incantation and waved his wand again.

Then, he vaguely perceived the message the crow wanted to convey.

After being submerged in the white mist, it felt like it had lost its strength and had no way of escaping until Scott used the contract to summon them out.

After receiving this information, Scott's eyes became more solemn when he looked at the thick fog.

Although the fog was always limited by the trench and did not spread outward, in order to ensure safety, Scott still picked up his backpack and took several steps back.

However, at a certain moment, something strange seemed to appear in the white mist in his eyes.

Scott immediately stopped and wandered within a few steps, looking for the same angle as when he had just caught a glimpse.

Soon, he found it.

He stood there, and what he saw in his eyes was a completely different scene from before.

The warm morning sunlight shines from one side, dyeing the white fog with a layer of orange.

Sunlight, fog, angle, refraction...

Scott didn't know why. In short, he saw the long-lost "Odin Stone."

It was a boulder much larger than all the surrounding standing stones, and its lower half was hollowed out.

It was exactly the same picture that Scott had seen in the literature.

Soon, in Scott's eyes, a purple shadow suddenly extended from the hollow area under the "Odin Stone" and slowly turned like a second hand until it stopped.


Scott squatted down and suddenly heard himself muttering.

"What did you say?" Rimbaud's voice also sounded immediately, "Oh! I heard you talking again!"

Immediately afterwards, the sound of the sea breeze, the sound of waves hitting the rocks, the crows of crows, and more sounds alternately sounded...

Scott couldn't help but feel happy, as if he was enjoying a cheerful and vivid piece of music.

But the opportunity may be fleeting. Scott quickly came to his senses, took out the small wooden box from his backpack, and opened the lid.

"Let you take the lead."

He put his entire arm into the small wooden box.


Squatting down, Scott placed the Golzan he took out of the wooden box on the ground.

"Get bigger quickly!"

The light of the expansion spell flashed, and Gorzan quickly transformed into a qualified Komodo dragon.

"Go, Golzan, follow my instructions and go there to explore the road."

Golzan nodded, used all four legs together, and crawled forward quickly.

Soon, it crossed the ditch and plunged into the thick fog.

Scott clearly felt that the connection between himself and Golzan was suddenly weakened.

But thanks to advance preparation, this connection has not been broken.

This is good news.

Scott secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Scott could no longer see Golzan, he could still determine its general location based on the connection between them and some speculations.

There is no doubt that Golzan has reached [the place where the shadow of the standing stone points].

Under Scott's remote control, Golzan crawled back and forth in that area several times and even drilled into the ground, but still found nothing.

At this moment, Scott heard the sound of breaking wind.

He turned back and watched a sea eagle fall from the sky and turned into a red-haired girl when it landed.


Scott stood up and looked at the girl who suddenly appeared here in surprise.

"How did you come."

"Good morning, Scott."

Savannah smiled and ran to Scott in a few steps.

"I knew you'd be here today!"

"You ran away secretly, Savannah." Scott stared at her and said, "And you hid it from your grandfather."

Savannah smiled at him.

"Are you going to kick me out, Scott?"

She took out a notebook with leaves stuck together as a cover from her pocket, showing a small expression of pride.

"I deliberately obtained precious clues..."

Having said this, she looked back at the sun that had fully risen and suddenly exclaimed.

"Oh, come on, time is running out!"

Her tone became anxious.

"If I remember correctly, the entrance to that tower can only be found one hour after sunrise on the longest day!"

Having said this, she stretched out her hand and wanted to put the notebook in Scott's hand.

"Anyway, I spent a lot of time and found some clues from the ancient notes preserved by the family, and I have excerpted them all in this book."


Scott reached out and took the book, opened it, and read quickly.


While he was flipping through it, Savannah did not shut up.

"In short, to open the entrance, you need to walk into the fog, and the fog seems to be very dangerous..."

"I see."

At this time, Scott had closed the notebook and returned it to Savannah.

He stared at the mysterious fog in front of him.

"After all, some things cannot be solved with transformation. Only if I go there in person can I open the entrance."

"But those fogs are dangerous." Savannah reminded him. "Contact with the fog will make people lose their strength."

"Don't worry."

Scott is quite confident about this.


"Come back, Golzan."


"Sirene, Horus, Edgar."

When Golzan retreated from the standing stone, Scott had already increased the size of the other three "summoned beasts".

Then, he took out four more small metal balls.

This was the booty taken from Valdo Girard.


Scott also increased the size of Rimbaud.

Next, he found a deformed lizard skin bag from his backpack and tied it tightly around his waist, then cast a head soaking spell on himself and got into Siraine's water ball.

Subsequently, the other four "summoned beasts" each carried a small metal ball.

Soon, the cubic magic barrier covering the water ball was activated.

This gives you two layers of protection.

Set off!

Scott, who was swimming in the center of the water balloon, waved.

"Be careful!" Savanna looked worried.

Without looking back, under the dual protection of the water ball and the magic barrier, Scott crossed the trench and entered the fog.

Soon, in Scott's eyes, everything outside the magic barrier turned into white.

Following his memories and feelings, he headed towards [the place pointed by the shadow].

Unlike what he saw from the outside, he could not see the "Odin Stone" reappearing inside the standing stone.

But when he arrived at the spot, a dark shadow spread on the grass beneath his feet.

Scott felt his feet go empty, and he instantly began to fall freely.


He couldn't help but curse loudly.

This time it was too fast.

Although Dumbledore said he would take him away at a critical moment, the old headmaster seemed unable to do so?

This thought just flashed past, and Scott had no time to think about anything else at this time. He had to think more about his current situation.

But to be honest, it doesn't matter to him, since the water polo controlled by Xirein can float anyway.

Likewise, it doesn’t matter if Rimbaud, Edgar, or Horus can fly.

But the same cannot be said for Golzan.

Lacking the means to deal with this situation, it could only fall straight down.

In order not to destroy the formation, others could only follow it and fall down together.

Meanwhile, Scott cast a lighting spell with his wand.

But he soon discovered that he didn't need the light.

Light has come from below.

Directly below them was rolling, hot magma.

There was no time to think about questions like "This is not a volcano, where did the magma come from?" Scott decisively asked Siraine to take him to the edge of the water polo.

With quick eyesight and quick hands, he reached out and transformed Golzan back to his normal size, and then used a movement spell to make it and the metal ball fly back to his hand.

Losing a corner, the magic barrier collapsed directly.

before the collapse. Scott retracted his outstretched hand into the water ball, and manipulated Siraine to change his position so that he came to the center of the water ball.

After not being dragged down by Golzan, they finally stopped falling and began to move parallel, trying to leave the range of the magma.

But the magma below was as vast as the sea. They moved for a long time, but still couldn't find its edge.

[One person died in the fire, one person died in the deep water, one person died in the top of a tree, one person died in the bottom of the tower, one person died in the falling rocks, and one person died in the subsidence of the ground. ]

Scott remembered this passage.

Does the so-called raging fire refer to these magma?

Looking at the seemingly endless dark red magma below, Scott felt something was wrong, so he asked Rimbaud and Edgar, the fastest flying people, to explore the way.

After receiving the order, the raven and the fire crow immediately flew away like two illusory shadows.

After a while, they flew back and shook their heads at him.

Scott raised his head and looked at the boundless darkness above, and then looked at the magma below.

At this time, he had an idea that he was very unwilling to face.

[Like a tower extending from the center of the earth].

The so-called tower should be layer by layer.


You have to go through the lava to reach the next level.

But it certainly takes a lot of courage to try this possibility.

Moreover, Scott also wanted to pray to Merlin——

He hoped that Doherty, who had died here and lost the Heart of the Sacred Tree, had not died in the magma.

Otherwise, even if the [Holy Tree Heart] is not a mortal object, it would have been turned into dregs along with the bones that died in the magma.

Next, Scott asked Rimbaud and Edgar to explore the road several times.

Even the way back up.

But he had to decide to wade through the magma in the end.

But before that, he made some more preparations.

He used the wooden blocks he carried with him to transform into four small fish, and used the metal balls to build a small cube-shaped magic barrier in the center of the water ball.

He restored Rimbaud and Horus to their original shapes, and let Horus and Golzan return to the box, with Rimbaud still standing on his shoulders.

The water-attributed Xirein was responsible for taking him through the magma, while the fire-attributed Edgar was left outside the water ball by Scott because he was not afraid of the magma, in case of emergency.

After everything was ready, they began to fall.

As they got closer and closer to the magma, the water at the edge of the water ball was quickly evaporated by the high temperature.

Xirein had to replenish the water in the water ball as quickly as possible to ensure that the volume of the water ball would not shrink.

Scott sat cross-legged in the magic barrier, and his right hand kept touching the silver snake-shaped necklace on his left wrist.

This was his last guarantee.

If he was unable to do it, he could only escape.

Finally, the water ball came into contact with the magma below.

Unexpectedly, at the moment of contact, the rolling red magma calmed down.

The unbearable high temperature just now seemed to disappear.

There was some kind of attraction coming from below.

Scott felt a flash in front of his eyes, and they appeared in the dark deep water.

The water ball had disappeared, or rather, it had merged with the surrounding water, and the boundaries between them could not be seen.

But Scott did not let Xileiyin stop making water.

He did not want other water to come into contact with his magic barrier.

Under his control, Xileiyin still used the water it made to wrap him and Edgar forward.

Poor Edgar, he completely wilted after entering the deep water.

Fortunately, it was not a real flying bird, so there was no need to worry about not being able to breathe underwater.

In order to find the [Heart of the Holy Tree], Scott asked Xileiyin to continue diving until he was close to the bottom of the water.

In the following time, he held up the magic wand with the illumination spell and searched the bottom of the water.

I don’t know if someone really died under the water, but Scott did not see any bones, and of course, he did not find the [Heart of the Holy Tree. ]

Fortunately, this deep water is not as boundless as the first layer of magma.

Scott pointed, "Next, it's upward."

His intuition told him that the way to get out of this layer was to go up and leave this water.

Facts proved that Scott was right.

The next moment when the huge water ball floated out of the water, they changed to another world -

a world that looked like it was upside down.

Below was the bottomless darkness where no light could penetrate, and above was the black trees that grew upside down but grew extremely densely.

Those trees grew very strangely.

The trunks were straight, and the branches were also straight. Although there were many branches, there was no distortion.

Moreover, there was no leaf on any of the trees.

Scott asked Xirein to stop and did not rashly approach the trees above that looked like metal.

At this time, Edgar could not wait to leave the "protection" of the water ball, and a blazing flame ignited around his body, turning into a small sun.

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