The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 508 508. Night Cruise on Black Lake The Birth of the Tower of Babel

This afternoon, Scott and his delegation, which went to France to participate in the Triwizard Tournament, finally returned to Hogwarts.

The pointed tower broke through the clouds and slowly landed on the lawn near the Hogwarts Quidditch pitch.

Soon, many windows in Hogwarts Castle were opened.

The students who were in class no longer paid attention to classroom discipline, crowded together and stuck their heads out of the windows.

"They're back!"

"The champion is back!"


"howare you guys?"

Many people are waving in this direction.

When Scott and the others followed Dumbledore out of the tower door, cheers rang through the castle.

It seemed that the professors simply stopped teaching, and not long after, all the students ran out of the castle.

"Go ahead, Scott."

Dumbledore patted Scott on the shoulder.

"Welcome the applause that belongs to you."

"Don't forget this!"

Roger stuffed the Triwizard Tournament trophy into Scott's arms.

Everyone around the lawn began to applaud enthusiastically.

Scott's eyes swept over the familiar faces.


He held the trophy in his hand and bowed slightly.

Amid constant applause, he straightened up and raised the trophy in his hand.

"Victory belongs to Hogwarts!"

he shouted.

"Victory belongs to Hogwarts!"

Everyone shouted after him.


Eddie moved his fat body and quickly ran to Scott.


He opened his hands enthusiastically and took away the trophy from Scott's hand. He jumped with excitement and raised the trophy with both hands.

"Oh! Let me see!"

"Don't grab it!"

The trophy was quickly snatched from his hands.

The students gathered together and seemed to want to hold the trophy and have fun for a while.

Eddie couldn't squeeze through the crowd, so he whispered to Scott.

"I have good news for you, Scott."

Scott gave him a questioning look.

Eddie lowered his voice, "The Triwizard Tournament peripheral products have been sold like crazy."

He stretched out his hand and made a money gesture.

"We made a lot of money, and thanks to you winning the championship, we can make more in the future!"

"Can not believe it!"

Milton came over and said happily.

"We all saw the 'live broadcast' of your game. We all can't believe how powerful you have become, Scott!"

"I know the champion will be you, Scott."

Luna also ran up to Scott.

"Thank you." Scott winked at her, "The gift you gave me before helped me a lot, especially the little alpaca skull."


Luna understood.

"So your adventure went well?"

"Yeah, overall a near miss," Scott said.

"That's good." Luna was very happy.

Then, other students came over, and it seemed that everyone was willing to chat with Scott.

For the rest of the Hogwarts delegation, they've been gone for the better part of a year.

It is always a joy to meet again after a long absence. Everyone was chatting eagerly and there was laughter and joy on the lawn.

At this time, Dumbledore waved his wand and caused the tower to fly up and land on the roof of the Great Hall again.

He announced in public that a celebration banquet would be held in the evening, which once again triggered a burst of cheers.

After Scott talked to his classmates for a while, he turned around and walked to Professor Flitwick, who was looking at him with a smile.

"As a Ravenclaw, my performance should be qualified, Professor." He said to Professor Flitwick with a smile.

"Oh, of course, you are an outstanding student of Ravenclaw House!" Professor Flitwick said excitedly, "You did a great job, Scott!"

That night, Hogwarts was decorated with lights and everyone was as happy as if they were celebrating a holiday.

After the dinner, Scott and his roommates went back to Ravenclaw Tower, but the Weasley twins suddenly ran over and blocked their way.

"Oh, Scott."

Fred was leaning against the hallway pillar like a bully.

"Don't forget, you still have some things you haven't explained."

George also looked at him curiously, "I heard from Fred that you disappeared for a few days and became much stronger after you came back."

Scott smiled helplessly.

"You two brothers haven't seen each other for a long time. Why don't you seize the time to catch up on old times and have a good time making out?"

Fred and George looked at each other and made vomiting expressions at the same time.

Roger suddenly put his arms around Scott's neck.

"Fred and George were right, Scott, you said you would tell us."

"Alright alright."

Scott could only raise his hands in surrender.

In the past, he was afraid of hurting his friends, so he had to hide many things.

But now there is no need to hide those things.

On the one hand, it is because he has become stronger after being promoted to a super demon.

On the other hand, it was because Medea was interrupted from her sleep by him and Dumbledore.

Medea must be busy dealing with the curse given to her by Voldemort now, and she will probably not come out to cause trouble again in a short time.

"Come on, let's find a quiet place."

Scott turned around and motioned for them to follow.

The group came to the Black Lake Pier located under the cliff next to the auditorium.

Scott waved his wand, directly enlarged a small boat parked at the dock, and stepped onto it.

After everyone got on board, he waved his wand again.

Soon, several oars grew on the side of the boat and rowed automatically.

"Where should I start..."

Facing the curious eyes of several people, Scott organized his words.

"Sure enough, it still has to start with a prophecy from Professor Trelawney..."

In this way, the boat drifted on the Black Lake for a long time until Scott finished the story.

After that, the other five people did not speak for a while, and the atmosphere was a little heavy.

"What's wrong with you?" Scott said with a smile, "I have finished everything, you should be satisfied!"

"Sorry, Scott, I never knew."

Milton cried as soon as he opened his mouth.

"This kind of thing... you must be under a lot of pressure..."

"Compared to that, the things I encountered are nothing... but I keep asking you for help..."

"Oh, don't say that, I'll feel guilty if you do that." Scott said, "Besides, your matter is not unimportant, I always think family is the most important."

Although he said that, Milton still looked very guilty.

Roger followed him and said, "Man, I'm sorry, although I don't want to admit it, but I can't seem to help you with this kind of thing..."

His tone was a bit depressed.

"Of course, if you need it, just ask, I will try my best to do what I can."

"For me, helping you make money counts." Eddie said, "By the way, I think your share ratio can be increased a little bit."

As he said that, he looked at the Weasley twins.

"What do you think?"

"We have no objection."

Fred and George said in unison.

"Don't be like that." Scott waved his hand, "I'm not short of money, don't forget, I still have a bonus of 1,000 gold galleons."

Fred sighed rarely.

"Oh, I have to say, you are much better than Harry, Scott."

"That's right!" George said, "Harry's enemy is You-Know-Who, but your enemy is You-Know-Who's ancestor!"

"We may not be the opponent of that old monkey in Slytherin."

"We may not be able to beat Slytherin's daughter either."

Both looked at Scott very seriously.

"But we are not incapable of doing anything."

"Anyway, a group of people is better than one person."

"Even Dumbledore, the greatest wizard of this century, established the Order of the Phoenix to deal with You-Know-Who."

"This is a secret we learned by eavesdropping on our parents' conversation."

"I believe you are not the kind of fool who insists on fighting alone!"

Hearing what they said, Scott's three roommates also agreed.

"That's right."

"They are right."

"I...I think so too."

"Then..." Fred raised his arm, "I declare that the Black Lake Society is established to defeat Slytherin and save our friend Scott!"

George first raised his arm, then looked at Fred with disdain.

"Black Lake Society? Are you serious? It's too ugly. I think it's better to call it Black Ship Society!"

"Huh? How is Black Ship Society better than Black Lake Society?"

"Then call it Monkey Killer!"

"That's even uglier!"

The two argued endlessly and started to wrestle.

On the shaking boat, no one else participated in the naming war between the twins.

But Roger and Eddie also began to give suggestions.

"Eagle Society?"

"Raven Group?"

Even Milton said in a crying voice: "I... I prefer the name of Death Movement..."


Scott crossed his hands.

"There is no society, no meeting, and no group!"

Putting down his hands, he continued: "Of course I am happy that you are willing to help me, but forget about setting up an organization."

Fred and George immediately stopped fighting and protested.

"No, having an organization name will make us look cooler!"

"Yes, we should do something cooler!"

"I have a feeling that our organization will surpass the Order of the Phoenix!"

"Yes, our organization will be 10,000 times better than the Death Eaters!"

The three roommates also looked at Scott with expectant eyes.

How come I didn't know that there were a bunch of Chuunibyou around me!

Scott put his hand over his forehead.

As he bent over, the [Eye of Odin] hanging around his neck swayed.

He reached out and held the eye-shaped pendant, and he was stunned.

Suddenly, he remembered the [Asgard] school and their ultimate ideal.

"I want to ask you a question."

He looked at his friends seriously.

"I have just told you about my experience in that adventure and the story of the [Asgard] school."

"What do you think about their ultimate ideal?"

"You mean..." Fred widened his eyes, "create a new world with only wizards and magic?"

Scott nodded.

"Cool!" Fred raised his hands excitedly in agreement, "Is this the goal of our organization?"

George touched his chin, "If so, it is indeed much cooler than goals like killing old monkeys."

Scott looked at the two helplessly.

"Okay." Fred said more seriously, "I don't know how to put it, but I hope there will be a new world like that."

George nodded, "I'm looking forward to it too. If that's the case, we won't be bound by the Statute of Secrecy."

"I see, you two agree."

Scott looked at his three roommates.

"What about you?"

Roger thought for a moment and said, "Not to mention whether it can be done, I think there will be both good and bad even if it is done."

"What do you think?" Scott was curious about his opinion.

"There are many benefits."

Eddie suddenly interrupted.

"The biggest benefit is that wizards don't have to hide like they do now, and they can avoid large-scale conflicts between wizards and Muggles."

Roger added, "Also, wizards get rid of the influence of Muggles, let go of their hands and feet, and they will definitely be able to develop a magical civilization that belongs only to wizards."

"As for the disadvantages..."

Milton had stopped crying and was also thinking seriously.

"If wizards and Muggles are completely separated, wizards will understand Muggles less."

"Without the buffer of Muggles, wizards from all over the world with different customs and different magical concepts will get together, and conflicts are likely to break out."

"Oh, and how do young wizards of Muggle origin go to school? And what about the Muggle families of all Muggle-born wizards?"

"That's all I can think of for now."

After listening to Milton's words, Fred said, "But I think the benefits outweigh the disadvantages."

George also said optimistically, "If wizards from all over the world can integrate and work closely together, our magical world will definitely become better."

"You are right." Milton was a little embarrassed, "Maybe I am too pessimistic."

"No, you are not wrong, Milton." Scott said, "Of course, what Fred and George said is also correct."

Fred and George rolled their eyes together.

Scott continued indifferently: "Of course, everything has its pros and cons. What we have to do is to try to magnify the good and eliminate the bad."

"We can find solutions to many problems."

"Compared to creating the world itself, these difficulties are not worth mentioning."

Fred and George became excited again.


"Have you decided?"

Scott nodded.

He had actually thought about it before...

"Life is still long, and you must always find a great goal and then work hard to achieve it."

As he said, he stretched out his hand and looked at his friends with a smile.

"How about it, do you want to join?"

"Such a fun thing, of course I will be one of you!"

Fred immediately stretched out his hand and put it on Scott's hand.

"And me."

George followed.

"I'll join."

Roger stretched out his hand.

"How can you do it without me!"

Eddie stretched out his hand.


Milton hesitated.

Scott looked at him and smiled and said: "Milton, I know you have made plans for the future before this, to go to Vienna to study music."

Milton nodded gently.

"But this does not conflict with our goals."

Scott continued.

"Creating a new world is an ideal and a long-term goal. Even if we spend our entire lives, it may not be enough."

"In short, don't be embarrassed, do what you want."

"I... I'll join!"

Milton also stretched out his hand.

"My magic is not strong, and I may not be able to help much, but I am willing to work hard to achieve that beautiful ultimate ideal."


Scott smiled.

Six boys, six hands put together.

At this moment, in Scott's eyes, everyone was smiling and serious.

After letting go of his hand, Fred couldn't wait to ask, "So what is the name of the organization?"

Scott thought about it.

"The Bible, Old Testament, Genesis records that humans once united to build a tower that could reach heaven."

"In order to stop the human plan, God made humans speak different languages ​​so that they could not communicate with each other. The plan failed and humans have since scattered."

"Of course, this is just a story."

"But the goal of our organization is to create a new world for wizards and magic."

"To do this, we need to unite all wizards in the world."

"So, let's name it after the Tower of Babel in that story."

"Its name is-"

"The Tower of Babel."

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