The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 521 521. The Found Vanishing Cabinet

After Scott finished speaking, everyone dispersed and searched for the hidden vanishing cabinet in various places in the castle.

Scott communicated with Dumbledore and explained the situation to him.


Dumbledore thought about it first.

"The vanishing cabinet, I remember that Hogwarts does have a vanishing cabinet."

Then, he praised Scott's vigilance.

"This is a defense loophole, but it is not suitable to be publicized. I will notify the professors and the house elves to search together."

After the communication, Scott went to the basement alone.

After walking around in several dim corridors, he came to the dilapidated dungeon near the classical music club.

Walking in front of a row of dungeons, he did not find the target he wanted to find.

These abandoned dungeons were empty, with only rusty iron bars and iron chains hanging from the ceiling.

Finally, he looked at the wall on the other side of the dungeon.

Once, when he entered Medea's underground secret room, he finally came out from here.

Scott approached the wall, reached out and knocked on the thick stone wall, used magic perception to carefully identify, and found some clues.

There is indeed an entrance and exit hidden in this wall.

But without the correct secret order, the only way to force the door to appear is through violence.

Of course, violence is also impossible.

Because the magic circulating in the castle is a whole, destroying this place will also affect other places.

Scott did not try.

The only ones who master this secret passage are Medea, him, and Dumbledore, who he has sensed.

Medea's secret will obviously not be known by the Death Eaters.

Turning to leave the dungeon, Scott met a house elf that suddenly appeared in a corridor.

It screamed first, and then bowed to Scott quickly.

"Oh, respected Mr. Trollope, Lulu greets you."

"Hello, Lulu."

Scott looked at the familiar house elf.

"Have you received the task from Professor Dumbledore?"

"Yes, Lulu and other companions are looking for the Vanishing Cabinet."

Lulu answered respectfully.

"The cabinet was once placed outside Mr. Filch's office door, and later we moved it to the entrance room."

"So you have handled it before?" Scott said happily, "When it comes to finding things, you are better. I hope you can find it as soon as possible."

"Oh! Thank you for your compliment!"

Lulu stared with big eyes, his face full of emotion.

"We will definitely find it!"

After parting with Lulu, Scott left the underground floor.

He did not continue to search in the castle, but prepared to search some places outside the castle.

For example, the atrium, garden, dock, owl shed and other places.

It is easier for Scott to find a magic item outside the castle. Without the abundant magic interference like in the castle, his magic perception can play a greater role.

But unfortunately, Scott walked around the castle and still found nothing.

At this time, Helena also floated over and told him that he did not find the target in the Room of Requirement or even the entire eighth floor.

Scott took out the [Magic Mirror] and contacted other people in the "Tower of Babel" at the same time.

The communication was connected, and the heads of other people soon appeared on the mirror.

"How is it?" Scott asked.

Fred, "I'm on the seventh floor, and I haven't found the target yet."

George, "I'm on the sixth floor, and I haven't found it either."

Eddie, "Fifth floor, no."

Roger, "Fourth floor, no."

Milton, "Third floor, no."

Luna, "I'm on the second floor, and I haven't checked half of the place yet."

"Keep looking." Scott said, "By the way, Dumbledore has notified other professors, and the house elves are also looking for it."

Hearing this news, everyone else was very happy.

"Oh, it should be found soon!"

Scott and Helena began to search on the first floor of the castle.

An afternoon passed, and before dinner that day, the Vanishing Cabinet was finally found.

As expected by Scott, it was finally found by the house elves.

Coincidentally, it was Lulu who found it.

The location was not unusual, it was in a Slytherin dormitory.

That dormitory was not where little Malfoy had lived, but a female student dormitory.

It was the dormitory where Jasmine Travers once lived.

Ever since Travers "died in an unfortunate splitting accident", no one else was willing to move in, leaving the dormitory empty, and no one would go in normally.

Anyway, the vanishing cabinet hidden under the bed was found by the house elf, and it was quietly moved to Professor McGonagall's office.

Now, as a representative of his companions, Scott and several professors gathered here to watch Dumbledore inspect the vanishing cabinet.

"It has been repaired a little, but the other party does not know alchemy, but only used the repair spell, so it has not been completely repaired." Dumbledore said.

Professor Moody asked, "In other words, it cannot be used normally yet?"

Dumbledore nodded.

"So it seems to be just a false alarm?" Professor Sgraughorn breathed a sigh of relief.

Professor Moody said, "It must have been done by those expelled Slytherin bastards, but they were expelled before they could repair it."

Hearing his words, Slughorn's face turned ugly, but he couldn't say anything to refute.

"Things are not that simple."

Dumbledore stood up.

"The traces of the repair spell seem to be very new." He turned his head and waved to Scott, "Come and take a look, Scott, your perception will be more accurate."

Scott immediately walked forward and squatted down, and carefully sensed it.

He soon came to a conclusion.

"Professor Dumbledore is right." He told others, "The most recent repair spell was last night."


"Last night? The first day of school?"

Professor Moody poked the floor hard with the cane in his hand.

His magic eye kept turning, looking at Professor Slughorn obliquely.

"That is to say, there is still a little venomous snake hidden in Slytherin College."

"Impossible!" Professor Slughorn immediately refuted angrily, "Alastor, you can't doubt my students without any basis!"

Professor Moody snorted coldly.

"Voldemort was once your student!"


Professor Sgraughorn opened his mouth, his face was livid, and he was so angry that he couldn't speak.

His thick chin kept squirming, and his throat made a "huo, huo" sound.

"Oh, are you okay?"

Professor Sprout held his arm.

"Alastor, it's not Horace's fault."

Dumbledore stopped Professor Moody who was about to say something.

"After all, Voldemort was once my student."

Hearing him say this, Professor Sgraughorn seemed to feel better, but he still sat on the sofa with a bad face, looking a little decadent.

Professor McGonagall said: "Anyway, someone is trying to repair this cabinet, we must find him first."

"It's easy, let the house elf put it back in place." Professor Flitwick said, "Then we just have to wait."

As he said, he looked at Scott.

Scott understood, took out the "eye" for monitoring and gave it to the house elf Lulu who was waiting on the side, and told it to install it in that dormitory.

Lulu took the "eyes" with trepidation and disappeared in front of everyone with the vanishing cabinet.

"There is no need to disturb or stop them next, just let them fix the vanishing cabinet."

Professor Moody obviously had the same idea as Scott.

"When everything is ready, we can take the initiative to attack before they are ready and catch them off guard."


Except for Dumbledore, the other professors were a little hesitant.

"Of course, I'm not talking about you." Professor Moody waved his hand, "You are just professors, not Aurors, nor members of the Order of the Phoenix."

"It has nothing to do with who we are, I just think your plan is too risky, Alastor."

Professor Sgraughorn clearly expressed his opposition to the plan.

"Moreover, even if a student did such a thing, he might be controlled by a spell, and what we should do is to rescue him."

Professor Moody had no objection to this.

"Of course." He said, "If it is a student controlled by a spell, we will repair the vanishing cabinet for him after rescuing him."

Professor Sgraughorn nodded and said nothing more.

Professor Moody turned to Scott and said, "Mr. Trollope, lend me your magic items for surveillance, I will keep an eye on it myself."

"No problem."

Scott did not refuse, and handed him the [magic mirror] directly, and taught him how to use it.

There are no secrets in this [magic mirror] now.

Because the [magic mirror] is often used by others, during the summer vacation at home, Scott has made a new one and transferred all the secrets stored in the old [magic mirror].

After that, Scott said goodbye directly.

Leaving Professor McGonagall's office, Scott saw his companions waiting at the other end of the corridor.

"How is it?"

"Did you find the person who hid in the cabinet?"

"I am not surprised at the result. It was done by Slytherin again."

When Scott walked among them, everyone spoke at the same time.

Scott briefly explained the situation and told them to keep it confidential.

Everyone nodded in response.

Fred and George still couldn't help but feel a little gloating.

"Just wait, there will be an answer soon."

"Oh, I don't know which unlucky guy it is, he will definitely be caught by Professor Moody!"

"I don't know if he will be scared to death."

"Ha, if he did it on purpose, then he will be expelled from school like Malfoy, but that's all because he deserves it!"

"Let's go, it's dinner time."

"Oh, I feel good, I will definitely eat more tonight."

After dinner, Scott came to Professor Flitwick's office alone, bringing the research materials of "Yggdrasil" and "Gungnir".

In addition to applying for the use of the crown, the purpose is to share these materials with the professor.

Professor Flitwick has taught him a lot selflessly all along, and now he will not be stingy in sharing these precious knowledge.

When Scott explained his purpose, the always sentimental Professor Flitwick was deeply moved and almost jumped up with joy.

But he still suppressed his excitement and did not immediately accept Scott's sharing.

"Oh, Scott."

Professor Flitwick's hands were tangled together, obviously very entangled.

"This knowledge is too precious, and you risked your life to get it back. I shouldn't just accept it."

"You are too polite."

Scott was a little helpless.

He knew very well that ancient super magic was tempting to a spell master, but Professor Flitwick could resist this temptation and was afraid that his students would suffer. How could people not respect him with such virtue.

"Don't forget, your help to me over the years is also unparalleled."

Scott persuaded him to accept the gift.

"The help and teaching you gave, as well as the respect for you, are not things that can be measured by value."


Professor Flitwick wiped his tears.

"I have never been so relieved and moved as I am at this moment."

"Of course, I also have my own selfishness."

Scott said with a smile.

"Because of the two adventures, I got this knowledge and established an organization called "Tower of Babel" with the purpose of..."

He began to tell Professor Flitwick in detail about his experience and future ideals.

Scott cannot open up a new world by himself.

In the future, many wizards must work together to study and study, so that they can get a more perfect new world.

Scott's so-called selfishness is to pull Professor Flitwick onto his ship.

Dumbledore has clearly refused to participate in future events, and he has no energy to study ancient super magic, so Scott did not mention it.

As for the companions of "Babel Tower", because none of them have reached the magic standard, they have no conditions to learn to cast super magic.

Although Professor Flitwick has not yet crossed the threshold of "super magic", he has profound theoretical knowledge, a smart mind, and rich practical experience.

Whether it is theoretical research or improving super magic and lowering the threshold for use, Scott believes that he can give full play to the value of this knowledge.

"I am very happy to hear you say this."

Professor Flitwick is not very interested in war, and will not take the initiative to participate in the war against Voldemort, but he is very interested in the ideals of "Babel Tower".

He even began to look forward to it -

"If wizards all over the world unite completely, build a pure magic world, and gather everyone's wisdom, magic will surely shine with new brilliance!"

In short, after a conversation, Professor Flitwick accepted the research materials sent by Scott and also joined "Tower of Babel".

Scott was of course very happy about this.

If Professor Flitwick can research results and lower the threshold for the use of these two super magics, it will undoubtedly make the development and expansion of "Tower of Babel" smoother.

Afterwards, Scott put on the crown and began to use the role of the crown to consolidate his learning results during this period.

Professor Flitwick was completely immersed in those materials.

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