The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 524 524. Temporary changes to the plan

In the principal's office, everyone waited for a while, but there was no new movement in the surveillance screen.

"Anthracene, it's already very late." Sirius said, "Those children should not dare to disturb the mysterious man."

Moody said: "Let's break up now and talk about it tomorrow."

Everyone else stood up.

"I'll keep an eye on it," said Dumbledore.

"Let me keep an eye on it," Professor Moody said. "At least I'm younger than you."

"Oh, thank you, Alastor, but no, old people don't need much sleep."

"Then I'll go back to the dormitory first, Professor Dumbledore. The [Magic Mirror] will be left here with you."

Scott said something, said goodbye to the others, and then left the principal's office.

Back in the dormitory, all the roommates were already asleep. Scott finished washing lightly, went to bed, and soon fell asleep.

The whole next day passed peacefully, and Scott received no new information.

On the contrary, the members of "Tower of Babel" asked him about the development of the matter, and Scott told them what he saw last night, satisfying their curiosity.

"You're going to be involved."

Luna looked at Scott.

"I'll help," Scott said, "but I'm not sure if I'll be involved personally."

Luna's voice was erratic, "Maybe the result will be a little unexpected."

"Oh? Did you see anything?" Scott asked curiously.

"It's a little blurry." Luna shook her head, "I didn't see it clearly."

Her abilities still seem to be unstable.

"It doesn't matter."

Scott wasn't worried about his safety.

Even if there is any accident, he is confident that he will escape unscathed.

That night, Scott was still invited to the principal's office.

The same people gathered here as last night.

"Voldemort has sent someone to verify it."

Dumbledore said to everyone.

"In other words, the other end of the disappearing cabinet is where the mysterious man is now?"

Sirius asked excitedly.

"What are we waiting for?"

Dumbledore and Professor Moody turned their heads at the same time and looked at Shacklebolt.

Shacklebolt nodded, "I have informed Minister Bones that the other side is also ready."

"Then take action."

Dumbledore snapped his fingers, and two house elves appeared in the office carrying the vanishing cabinet.

"Dear Mr. Principal!"

"We brought the cabinet over!"

Dumbledore nodded to them, "Thank you for your hard work. I will need your help next."

The words brought tears to the house elf's eyes.

"Dear Mr. Principal, we will resolutely implement your orders!"

"Resolutely implement!"

Dumbledore stood up and walked to the fireplace and said to the others, "We will go there through the Floo Network. Remember, the address over there is the Mirror Room."

He let the others go first.

The most active Sirius immediately stepped forward to grab a handful of Floo powder, shouted the address and disappeared into the rising flames.

"Come on, you go first, Scott."

Dumbledore waved to Scott.

"Don't call the wrong address."

Scott nodded and walked to the fireplace.

"Wait a minute," Professor Moody said suddenly, "How about, Albus, let a student get involved."

Dumbledore smiled and said: "Alastor, Scott's abilities and intelligence are outstanding. You cannot treat him as a child."

"But he is just a child." Mr. Weasley also looked at Scott with some disapproval.

Scott reminded, "I am an adult, Professor Moody, Mr. Weasley."

Professor Moody turned to stare at him, "I don't deny that you are excellent, Mr. Trollope, but this operation is very dangerous, and the wizards involved may even sacrifice their lives."

Scott said confidently: "At least I have the ability to escape unscathed."

"I hope you don't regret it."

Professor Moody did not stop him.

Scott reached out, grabbed a handful of Floo powder and threw it into the fireplace.

"House of Mirrors!"

With his eyes blurred, Scott walked out of another fireplace and came to a room that looked a little old.

"Oh, Scott."

Sirius was standing in the doorway.

"Come and see, this place is really scary."

He waved.

Scott walked up to him and saw the scene outside the door, and immediately understood why he said it was a bit scary here.

The living room outside the door is filled with all kinds of mirrors, coupled with the unrestrained use of pink, lace and other dreamy girly colors, it does look a bit scary for men.

"Whose home is this?" Scott asked.

He thought it must be terrible for people to live in such a place.

Sirius shook his head.

At this time, others also came out of the fireplace, including the house elf carrying the vanishing cabinet.

After seeing the room outside, everyone showed the same shocked expression.

"Oh! You are here."

At this moment, a sharp, thin, and somewhat sweet voice sounded.

The door on the other side of the living room was opened, and a short and fat pink figure came out.


The visitor had a broad, saggy face and was dressed very strangely.

There was a small black velvet bow on her short curly hair, she was wearing a fluffy pink cardigan, and she had an uncomfortable artificial smile on her face.

"I am Dolores Umbridge, Senior Under-Minister of Magic, and I welcome you to my secret base."

She said mindlessly.

"This is my favorite place to live, but Secretary Bones said this operation needed a secluded location, so I volunteered it."

"Oh, thank you, Dolores."

Dumbledore walked up to shake her hand without changing his expression.

"You're welcome." Umbridge said with a smile, "I always actively support the minister's work."

On the other side, Sirius lowered his voice and said unhappily: "She is actually still the deputy minister?"

He clearly disliked Umbridge.

Shakur also whispered: "She has always been the deputy minister, and it was Minister Fudge who promoted her in the past."

"Does Bones also trust her?" Sirius frowned, "I don't trust him. I think we should move to another place to execute the plan."

As he spoke, he turned to look at Professor Moody, as if trying to win his support.

Professor Moody's magic eye was spinning, constantly observing everything around him.

"You don't have to trust her, Sirius," he said. "She just wants to curry favor with the Minister of Magic, whoever he is."

Shakur added, "In short, she will support the minister's decision-making, of course, no matter who the minister is, whatever the difference in the decision-making, she will do that."

By this time, Dumbledore and Umbridge's conversation had ended.

Umbridge walked towards Scott and the others with a graceful gesture.

Seriously, even though Beauxbatons' Madame Maxime is several times taller than Umbridge, Madame Maxime's elegance is much more natural.

"Oh, how are you, Arthur..."

Umbridge said hello to everyone, in a way that she thought was approachable.

When she had a "cordial conversation" with Sirius, Sirius looked like he had swallowed a fly.

Umbridge quickly walked up to Scott again.

"Are you... the Trollope who participated in the Triwizard Tournament?"

She turned to look at Dumbledore.

"Oh, Dumbledore, why did you bring our little warrior here?"

Dumbledore said: "Scott is the best student at Hogwarts, and his magic can provide us with some help."


Umbridge looked at Scott up and down.

Seeing the suspicion flickering in her eyes, Scott suddenly regretted participating in this operation.

He really didn't want to deal with such weird things.

At the same time, he was also thinking about whether the accident Luna mentioned was caused by Umbridge.

Fortunately, at this moment, Minister Bones came out of the fireplace one after another with a group of Aurors.

Umbridge's eyes lit up and she immediately ran up to Minister Bones.

She bent down slightly and said in a voice that was many times sweeter than before: "Minister, you are here. Welcome to the Mirror Room. If you need anything, please tell me directly."

Ms. Bones looked at this strange house and frowned slightly.

Everyone could tell that she didn't like this place very much.

But Umbridge didn't seem to be aware of it and was still entertaining her warmly, inviting her to sit down and have a cup of tea before working.

"No, Dolores."

Ms. Bones put a stop to Umbridge's advances.

"Let's get out of here first and then take action immediately."

With that said, she found the direction of the door and walked straight there.

"Minister, what do you mean?"

Umbridge quickly moved her legs, which were shorter than Ms. Bones's, and followed her step by step.

"We're about to face a brutal war," Ms. Bones said. "To avoid your home being affected, it's better to go outside."

"It doesn't matter... Minister..."

Perhaps because the rapid movement of her legs made her a little out of breath, Umbridge almost failed to maintain the sweetness in her voice.

"Although this is my favorite place to live...but if work requires it, I can give up this place."

"No need."

Ms. Bones was adamant.

The group of people quickly walked out of the house and came outside.

Although it is already late at night, the moonlight is bright tonight, allowing people to see their surroundings clearly.

Scott discovered that this was a very small island, not much larger than the house behind him.

He also sensed that there were traces of magic everywhere, hiding the entire island.

Scott couldn't help but ask Dumbledore, "Professor, what is the plan? Is there any significance in choosing this place?"

Dumbledore told him that the plan was to attack Voldemort and the Death Eaters through the Vanishing Cabinet and catch them off guard while they were sleeping late at night.

Of course, if Scott can use super magic to widen the space, their chances of winning will be greater.

As for choosing this place, it is because it is very remote and secretive.

Even if Voldemort and the Death Eaters gain the upper hand in the war and pursue them through the disappearing cabinet, they can retreat calmly with the advance arrangements here.

remote? secret?

Aren't there places like this everywhere?

Perhaps Dumbledore could see Scott's doubts, and smiled, "After all, Ms. Umbridge is the Senior Undersecretary of the Ministry of Magic."

So Minister Bones also has to give her a face?

Scott was a little disappointed.

He always felt that this was an unstable factor in an important operation.

Thinking about the mirrors he had just seen, he suddenly had an idea.

"Professor, I have come up with a better way."

He said to Dumbledore.


Dumbledore was a little surprised.

Scott signaled with his eyes, and the two walked aside.

He said: "I think it might be better to wait and see than to take the initiative."

Dumbledore shook his head, "Waiting and seeing? Unless we still put the Vanishing Cabinet in the dormitory of Slytherin College, we can only catch one person at most."

Scott certainly knew that he couldn't do this, the risk was too great.

But everyone had fallen into a misunderstanding before.

"We can copy a Slytherin dormitory somewhere else, or even the entire Slytherin College common room."

For wizards like him and Dumbledore who are proficient in Transfiguration, it is not difficult to do this.

"Of course, to make it more realistic, we may be able to set up the battlefield near Hogwarts, on the other side of the Black Lake."

"Oh... you are right."

Dumbledore understood everything without Scott saying anything more.

Copying a fake dormitory, plus carefully arranged means of fighting the enemy in advance, plus the anti-Apparition spell, can greatly ensure the chances of winning.

When Voldemort and the Death Eaters take the bait, Scott can even use "Uktrasil" to temporarily open up a space and completely trap them.

He has a disposable Philosopher's Stone and a [Magic Crystal] in his hand, which can completely do this.

If the Vanishing Cabinet could not cross multiple spaces, they could even directly set up the battlefield in the [Eye of Odin] space.

"It seems we have to change our plan."

Dumbledore immediately adopted Scott's suggestion.

He found Ms. Bones who was preparing and had a few words with her quietly.

Ms. Bones immediately announced the change of plan in public.

Everyone was shocked to hear her words.

But when she asked Dumbledore to tell the new plan, everyone thought about it and changed their minds, thinking that the new plan was better.

So Scott and his party returned to Hogwarts through the fireplace.

They did not stay in the principal's office, but went out of the castle directly, took a boat across the Black Lake, and came to the other side of the Black Lake.

Ms. Bones and Shacklebolt had arrived here with a large group of Aurors through Apparition.

Next, Dumbledore and Scott worked together to cast a spell and conjured another Slytherin College territory under the lake.

Including the dormitory and the common room, everything was exactly the same as the Slytherin College territory inside Hogwarts.

Of course, since Scott was not so familiar with the Slytherin territory, Dumbledore still contributed more to the transformation part, and Scott was more of an output of magic to help stabilize the effect of the transformation.

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