The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 545 545. Honor Ceremony Graves

After dinner that day, Scott received a message from William that he hadn't seen for a long time.

[She has woken up! ]

[Although I haven't seen her yet, I can feel it! ]

Scott quickly replied to him.

[Are there any signs? ]

William's message came again soon.

[I don't know! ]

[There are no obvious signs, but I just feel something is wrong. She must be back! ]

[Maybe everyone is too quiet. ]

Scott understood what he meant.

Many times, it doesn't take definite evidence to determine something. Some clues that would have been ignored will remind the subconscious mind.

This can also be said to be a kind of intuition.

So he sent William a few more messages.

[Please calm down. ]

[We have been looking for her traces. ]

[If you find anything over there, please tell me. ]

[I know. ]

[If there are new changes, I will tell you. ]

[Remember what you promised me. ]

After ending the message exchange with William, Scott didn't think too much.

Medea woke up from the curse, but she never showed up, and the whole witch council she led fell into silence.

He couldn't tell whether Medea was just recuperating or secretly planning something.

It was meaningless to worry about these things. All he could do was to use all the time to improve his strength.

He had already agreed with Professor Flitwick that he could go to his office from time to time to borrow the Ravenclaw crown and use the power of the crown to accelerate his understanding of the newly acquired knowledge.

Of course, Professor Flitwick himself was also fascinated by the new knowledge shared by Scott.

Time soon came to the last weekend before Christmas.

That morning, Scott, accompanied by Dumbledore, came to the rebuilt Merlin Sir Corps residence.

Scott was not the only one who received the honor ceremony on this day. When they arrived, many well-dressed male and female wizards had gathered in the courtyard.

The arrival of Dumbledore and Scott attracted a lot of attention.

"Albus, my old friend..."

Immediately, a wizard came over to greet Dumbledore and naturally led the topic to Scott.

Scott kept shaking hands with different people, and bowed his head to show humility.

Of course, he also had to deal with various verbal temptations.

Because of the spread of the "video" of the Triwizard Tournament, especially Scott's performance in the third round, everyone knew clearly that he now had superb magical attainments.

There were quite a few wizards who were interested in him. He was so young, but he had already reached such a level. People were very curious about how he did it.

Although everyone present seemed to admire him and said a lot of nice things, Scott knew very well that not everyone was kind.

This was clear to Scott, who could sense the nature and fluctuations of everyone's magic.

In the face of those euphemistic or direct temptations, Scott answered uniformly that everything was thanks to the careful teaching of the professors at Hogwarts.

Dumbledore on the side also helped, saying that it was all because Scott was too talented.

Although they couldn't find out the reason why Scott was so powerful, some wizards did not give up talking to him.

These people were generally very interested in Scott's future choices, and some even asked if he had a girlfriend.

Scott was struggling to cope with the situation, but he saw a familiar figure quietly walking into the courtyard from the corner of his eye.

The walking posture like a venomous snake, the black robe fluttering up and down, the greasy long hair, the face full of hatred and resentment...

It was Snape.

As Scott turned his head suddenly, others also looked in the direction of his sight. When they saw Snape, everyone stopped talking.

The originally lively courtyard suddenly became quiet.

But Snape didn't care about it. He walked towards the direction of Dumbledore and Scott without changing his expression.

"Oh, Severus."

Dumbledore immediately greeted him warmly.

"Long time no see."

But Snape did not respond to his same enthusiasm.

He just nodded very slightly and said coldly: "Long time no see, Albus."

Scott smiled apologetically at the wizards in front of him and walked over.

"Hello, Professor Snape."

He took the initiative and politely greeted the former potion professor.

"Hello... Mr. Trollope."

Snape turned his head and looked at him.

His black eyes were as empty as ever, and his tone was as weird as ever.

"Don't call me Professor, Champion of Ravenclaw, because I'm no longer employed at Hogwarts."


Scott didn't expect that he would be ridiculed even when he said hello.

Snape was really unpleasant.

But Snape didn't let him go easily.

"I think you should stand with those glamorous people and accept their compliments, instead of talking to a former Death Eater who is avoided by others."

Scott smiled slightly.

"Aren't you an undercover agent of justice? With the evidence provided by Professor Dumbledore, you have been acquitted in the trial."

"Heh." Snape smiled ugly, "Should I express my gratitude, Albus?"

"No, that's what I should do, Severus." Dumbledore also smiled.

Scott added, "The Daily Prophet has also reported your deeds, Mr. Snape. I remember the title was... Oh, 'He is a great Slytherin, a lone hero of justice'..."

"Shut up."

Snape showed a disgusted expression.

"Don't be embarrassed, Severus." Dumbledore said with a smile, "You are really brave."

Snape's face darkened, and he gritted his teeth and said, "You know that everything I did was not for some damn justice!"

Dumbledore said seriously, "Everything is over, Severus, you should learn to reconcile with the past..."

"Don't preach to me!" Snape was inexplicably irritated, "This is none of your business!"

Dumbledore shook his head and sighed, and said nothing more.

With the arrival of the Minister of Magic, Ms. Bones, the medal ceremony began.

The whole ceremony was a bit unremarkable.

The representative of the Merlin Group presided over the ceremony, expounding on the deeds of wizards who had made contributions in past wars and awarded medals, while others applauded with smiles.

Scott always felt that the hypocrisy of this scene could be compared to the award ceremony in the entertainment industry.

But he still cooperated very well and completed the process, received a shining first-class medal, and then stepped down with applause and smiles.

Not because he liked this kind of honor judged and awarded by others.

But because with this medal, he would be much more convenient to do many things in the future.

Snape also received a second-class medal to commend his "just and brave" undercover journey.

But this gentleman was not so cooperative, and almost walked through the process with a long face.

Of course, the applause he received in the end was also sparse.

After he stepped down, Scott applauded and asked softly, "You don't seem very happy?"

Snape said: "Unlike you, Trollope, this is not something to be happy about for me."

Scott asked again, "Then why did you come to the ceremony?"

"It's deserved, and a Slytherin will not refuse honor." Snape said as a matter of course.

After the ceremony, it was time for dinner.

In order to avoid endless temptation and solicitation from others, Scott stood with Snape throughout the whole process.

Snape, who always had a dark face, really scared away many people who tried to talk to him.

At this time, Scott only needed to give the other party an apologetic smile.

Snape certainly knew that Scott was "using" him, but for some reason, he did not make sarcastic remarks about this point, but instead chatted with Scott in a casual manner.

Maybe because he was no longer a professor, Scott felt that Snape could still talk well at this moment.

Until the end of the dinner, Snape said a long paragraph to him.

"Mr. Trollope, if you have a potion formula that you can't brew in the future, remember to find your former potion professor."

"If you haven't forgotten everything I taught you, you should see it clearly..."

He stared at Scott's eyes tightly.

"I, Severus Snape, am a better potion master than Damocles Bell."

After saying that, he turned around and left without waiting for Scott to react.

Looking at his back with his black robe fluttering, Scott finally understood why the former potion professor's attitude had improved at the dinner just now.

Apparently, it was because he knew that Scott had traded the formula of the magic enhancement potion with Damocles Belby.

"Scott, my father wants to meet you."

The day before the Christmas holiday, Milton suddenly said to Scott.

"No problem." Scott agreed, "Where is the location?"

Milton said, "My apartment in London."

Scott nodded, "I'll go back with you."

After the Christmas holiday, Scott and his friends took the Hogwarts Express to King's Cross Station in London.

After that, he said goodbye to the others and returned to his apartment in London with Milton.

This is an old-fashioned apartment with a red exterior. Although it looks a bit old, it is clean and beautiful.

They walked into the hall under the gaze of the apartment manager.

There is no elevator in the apartment, so they climbed the stairs to the fifth floor.

"It's... here."

Milton stood outside the room numbered "502" and took out the key from his pocket.

Scott noticed that his tone was a little excited, and the hand holding the key was shaking slightly.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"I'm fine."

Milton shook his head, took a deep breath, inserted the key into the lock, and turned the door.

"Please come in..."

He said halfway, and then stood still, and the key in his hand fell to the floor with a "click".

Scott leaned over and took a look.

When he saw Mr. Graves sitting on the sofa and a lady wearing a black robe and a hood, he understood something.

"Go in first."

He gently pushed Milton's back, walked into the house, closed the door casually, and took out his wand and quickly arranged a few spells.

At this time, Mr. Graves and the lady with her face covered beside him also stood up from the sofa.

The lady trembled all over, took a step forward, and then stopped hesitantly.

Milton stared at her, biting his lower lip tightly, without speaking or taking any action.

"You are here."

Mr. Graves took the initiative to break the silence.

The moment he spoke, the lady raised her hand and lifted her hood, revealing a haggard face.

She had the same long brown hair and brown eyes as Milton.

At this moment, her eyes were just staring straight at Milton, and she could no longer see anyone else. Her bloodless lips trembled, but she couldn't speak.

"Father, mother."

Milton's voice was so low that it was hard to hear.

"Long time no see."

Scott could hear that he was trying his best to suppress his emotions.

His expression was a little numb, as if he didn't know what expression to use to face it.


Milton's mother finally rushed up and hugged him tightly with open arms.

"I'm sorry."

Tears kept falling from the corners of her eyes.

"I'm sorry..."

She kept apologizing, as if she didn't know what else to say besides "I'm sorry".

Milton's expression was still a little numb, as if he was still out of the situation.

He blinked and his eyes were red.

"No need to say sorry." He whispered, "I'm fine."


Milton's mother kept shaking her head when she heard this, choking up and unable to speak.

Scott looked at Mr. Graves who was still standing there.

Mr. Graves stretched out his hand and motioned him to leave first.

Scott nodded, followed him out of the living room and into the study.

"Please sit down."

Mr. Graves' voice was a little hoarse.

Scott glanced at the deep crease between his eyebrows and sat down on the single sofa in front of the window.

Mr. Graves rubbed his eyebrows and sat down on another sofa across the small round table.

"Sorry, let you come here at this time." He apologized.

Scott shook his head to show that he didn't care.

Mr. Graves was silent for a while before speaking, "In the eyes of you Milton friends, I must not be a good father."

Scott smiled awkwardly and did not deny it.

Mr. Graves said again: "I am indeed an incompetent man. Because of my incompetence, my wife and children have been hurt."

Scott was even more embarrassed.

He didn't understand why this gentleman wanted to talk to him about the failure of middle-aged men.

Fortunately, Mr. Graves's loss of composure was only temporary, and he quickly sorted out his emotions.

"Sorry, I shouldn't tell you this."

He smiled bitterly.

"You are still a child."

Scott continued to remain awkwardly silent.


Mr. Graves coughed lightly.

"I called you here this time because some things can only be explained in person."

"I originally wanted to contact Dumbledore, but he said that this matter could be handed over to you."

"I also know your deeds, Scott, so I have no objection to this."

Hearing this, Scott perked up.

"If it is news about Medea, please tell me, it is closely related to me."

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