The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 547 547. Broken Doll

In the shabby red telephone booth on the street, Scott stretched out his finger and dialed a number.


"Hello, this is the Ministry of Magic."

A witch's voice sounded out of nowhere.

"Please state your identity and the reason for your visit."

"Scott Trollope." Scott said.

Before he could tell the reason for his visit, the witch changed her tone to a more polite one.

"Is it you? Yes, Mr. Trollope, the minister has told you that you have an appointment with her."

"Please accept the visitor's badge."

A silver badge fell out of thin air and was caught by Scott.

"Please go to the front desk in the lobby for consultation."

The telephone booth began to descend like an elevator.

"Should I not come with you?" Milton was a little nervous.

Scott asked for his opinion, "Then you go to the other space and stay with your mother for a while?"

Milton hesitated for two seconds and nodded.

Scott casually opened an illusory light door and let Milton walk in.

The moment the light door disappeared, the telephone booth stopped, and he walked out of it and came to the familiar magic department hall.

Scott walked around the "magic brothers" fountain and walked to the front desk.

A young witch with a perfect smile was waiting for him here.

"Please follow me, Mr. Trollope."

"Thank you."

Scott followed her in the elevator and came to the minister's office on the first floor below ground.

The door of the office was open. At this time, the minister, Ms. Bones, was sitting alone in the office writing furiously.

"Minister, Mr. Trollope is here."

Ms. Bones looked up and gave Scott a kind smile.

"Good morning, Ms. Bones."

"Good morning, come in, Scott."

She extended her hand to signal.

"Please sit down."

"Thank you."

Scott walked to the desk and sat down.

"Wait a moment."

Ms. Bones knocked on the desk lightly, and a wave of magic power instantly spread, covering the entire office.

She explained, "You should have thought of it, this is to prevent someone from eavesdropping."

Scott nodded.

"Before going to the Prophecy Hall, I want to talk to you."

Ms. Bones looked at Scott.

"It's my pleasure." Scott said with a smile.

Twenty minutes later, Ms. Bones knocked on the desk again, and then took Scott out of the office.

"This is the secretariat, this is the deputy minister's office..."

In the corridor, Ms. Bones introduced Scott in detail like a tour guide.

They did not take the elevator, but walked all the way from the underground floor to the ninth floor where the Department of Mysteries was located by stairs.

Led by the minister, Scott visited various departments of the Ministry of Magic and met with countless wizards working in the Ministry of Magic.

Of course, since it was Christmas Eve, the Ministry of Magic only worked half a day, and Scott also saw many wizards who were slacking off at work and their panicked postures after seeing the minister.

Finally, they walked into the empty Prophecy Hall.

This is a huge and dark room, with countless wooden shelves close to the ceiling neatly arranged in the room.

There are countless crystal balls on each wooden shelf.

"How is it, did you get anything?" Ms. Bones asked.

Scott said softly, "You know, I can only sense who has bad intentions towards me, but I am not sure that the wizards who have bad intentions towards me are all members of the entire witch coven."

After all, the prophecy has not been exposed yet, and he and the entire witch coven are not enemies for the time being.

In his opinion, the wizards who have bad intentions towards him may be related to the Death Eaters.

"I know." Ms. Bones nodded, "Investigation is my headache, and all you need to do is give me the list."

Scott had no objection.

He took out a piece of parchment from the shapeshifting lizard skin bag, used magic to show a series of names on the paper, and then handed the parchment to Ms. Bones.

Ms. Bones took the parchment and smiled, "Very good, you can go find your prophecy crystal ball."

Scott walked forward according to his feelings, and soon found the crystal ball under a strange guidance.

He reached out and picked up the crystal ball, and stuffed it into the shapeshifting lizard skin bag before it lit up.

But when he returned to Ms. Bones, the Minister of Magic asked to hear the prophecy in person.

"…Although I have heard from Dumbledore, this is a matter of great importance after all. I hope you can understand."

So they returned to the Minister's office.

After Ms. Bones knocked on the table again, Scott took out the crystal ball.

The crystal ball emitted a hazy halo in his hand, and Professor Trelawney's strange voice sounded-

"The volume of history is opened, the revived witch rolls up a storm, and distorts the vision of the clairvoyant eye!"

"The sleeping great man will wake up and seize the legacy of the Eternal King!"

"He wants to devour the non-existent people to escape the shackles of fate!"

"He will eventually fail, and be defeated by the non-existent people!"

The prophecy "replay" ended, and the crystal ball fell silent.

"I know."

Ms. Bones took a deep breath.

"Sure enough, it's not time to relax yet."

A resolute expression appeared on her face.

"You'd better not face these things alone, Scott, it's very dangerous."

She said to Scott.

"I hope you will cooperate with the Ministry of Magic."

Scott agreed and took out a [Magic Phone] and gave it to Ms. Bones.

"If I find anything, I'll let you know."

After that, he disapparated directly from the Ministry of Magic and came directly to Milton's apartment.

Come face to face with a wizard who wears a hood to hide his face.

The moment he appeared, the other party was obviously stunned.

The two faced each other, and no one spoke for a while.

After a while, the other party said his name.

"Scott Trollope."

His speaking voice was very vague, and it was not his original voice.

And his magic power fluctuations are also unfamiliar.

Scott didn't ask the unanswered question who the other person was.

"It's a pity that you came at an unlucky time," he said. "Milton and his mother are already in a perfectly safe place."

"An absolutely safe place? Hogwarts? No, no, it should be your magic, the extra-dimensional magic that once trapped Voldemort and Death Eaters."

Scott laughed, "The first thing you thought was Hogwarts? It seems you must be a British wizard."

"There are many wizards in Britain." The other party didn't take it seriously.

Scott did it without drawing his wand.

As he raised his hand, a red beam shot out from his fingertips and hit the opponent's chest, making a "buzz" sound.

The sound isn't right.

Scott frowned.

"You're a doll." He said in an affirmative tone.

"You know a lot." The other party laughed twice.

Scott was a little surprised, "I thought this was Medea's exclusive magic."

"Ms. Slytherin has always been generous."

The other party said something, then threw his head up and fell to the ground.

With the sound of broken porcelain, his body directly turned into fragments on the ground.

Sorry, there are few updates today because I deleted a chapter after I finished it.

I will try to write more tomorrow, and at the same time, I will try to make the foreshadowing part as short as possible.

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