The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 553 553. Time Converter

"Perhaps my grandfather had already thought of it, and he deliberately cooperated with Mrs. Zabini to close the door."

Milton said in a choked voice.

"He just didn't want to involve us."

Scott didn't dispute his words.

Although he didn't know whether old Mr. Graves really thought so, since Milton was willing to regard everything as his grandfather's good intentions, he would not question it without a look.

"it's here."

Scott stopped and looked up at the ceiling.

He stood up on a chair, then enlarged the chair until it was close to the ceiling above his head.

Then, he raised his hand and touched the ceiling.

As the magic power collides, several layers of complex magic text circuits emerge.

Obviously, there is Dong XZ in the middle of the ceiling, and these magic text circuits function to conceal the magic power fluctuations, which isolates Scott's magic perception to a certain extent.

Scott broke open the ceiling and took out an inconspicuous stone.

Then, he shrank the chair again, returned to the ground, and carefully examined the stone in his hand.

"There's an alchemical item in there," he said to Milton.

As he spoke, he destroyed the stone and took out a round metal sheet.

He observed the magic circuit engraved on the metal sheet, and then forcibly activated the constant spell on it through magic power.

"It is a magic item used to break through space restrictions and positioning."

He handed the sheet of metal to Dumbledore.

Dumbledore looked down for a moment and nodded.

"It should be a matching alchemy item. Ms. Slytherin also has an item similar to a portkey in her hand. Only by working together can we break through the restrictions on space magic in this room."

"It's similar to the feathers I used to orient myself and jump through space," Scott said.

"It seems that Ms. Slytherin also has an amazing mastery of space magic."

Dumbledore said, handing the metal sheet in his hand to Mr. Graves.

"It must have been Zabini's doing!"

Mr. Graves said angrily.

"This house was open to her some time ago, and she hid this thing in the ceiling while we were not paying attention."

"We have no evidence to prove all this." Milton said, "Although she has been taken away by the Aurors, it is difficult for the Ministry of Magic to convict her of what happened today."

Mr. Graves's voice was a little trembling, "I know that she is a pureblood after all. With the methods she has always used, the power of speech she holds in her hands cannot be underestimated."

Scott was a little annoyed, "Sorry, if I had been as careful as I am now..."

Milton shook his head.

"This is none of your business. At that time, we were all attracted by the movement outside, and you didn't have time to perceive it carefully."

"Yes, it's none of your business." Mr. Graves also said, "You have done your best."

Although they all said so, Scott was still a little dissatisfied with himself.

He believed that perhaps his strength had improved too quickly and he was not as cautious as before. This incident was both a lesson and a warning.

He did not speak, but secretly warned himself that he should not be so careless in the future, but should not miss any details.

At this time, Dumbledore patted him on the shoulder.

"I'm fine, Professor," Scott said. "I just reflected."

Dumbledore didn't say much. He comforted Mr. Graves and Milton a few more words, and then returned to Hogwarts with Scott.

Milton, of course, stayed at home, and he and Mr. Graves had to deal with the aftermath of his grandfather's death.

After returning to Hogwarts, Scott found that every student was looking at him curiously.

It seems that the sudden departure in class has spread throughout the campus.

"Scott, what happened before?"

"Professor Snape is so dead that his nose is crooked!"

"Twenty points were deducted from Ravenclaw!"

Scott didn't say much to the classmates who approached him to inquire. He only told Roger and Eddie roughly what happened.

But he completely concealed the lie about old Mr. Graves.

Roger and Eddie were very angry after hearing Scott's story.

They believe that Medea is just better at pretending than Voldemort, and is essentially a Dark Lord who has no bottom line in doing things like Voldemort.

While they were denouncing Medea, Scott was thinking about something else.

When he met Medea twice in a row, she only possessed a ceramic doll and did not reveal her true identity, which made Scott unable to catch her.

This was a conundrum that Scott hadn't considered before.

After mastering the inescapable "Gangnir", he thought that his attack magic was enough, but in the face of such a situation, he had no good solution.

Although "Gangnir" is called a super magic that cannot be avoided, it is only limited to targets within sight. It does not ignore spatial distance like Odin's artifact in myths and legends.

If he wanted to achieve that effect, he would have to combine the magic systems represented by "Gangnir" and "Yectrasil" into one.

After having this idea, he thought about it carefully.

But it is a pity that these two kinds of super magic belong to the category of magic spells. Although Scott is still quite talented in learning magic spells, he is not as good as learning transfiguration. There is no good idea.

Both "Gangnir" and "Yectrasil" are very complex super magics, and it is very difficult to learn just one of them, let alone the combination of the two.

The separate learning of these two kinds of super magic can be traced. Scott can learn step by step based on the knowledge left by his predecessors, but if he wants to combine them, the difficulty is self-evident.

But if it can really be done...

Scott began to imagine.

As long as the opponent's soul breath is captured when casting the spell, "Gangnir" can break through the space and pursue it no matter where the opponent flees to the ends of the earth.

That's the real inescapability!

Thinking of this, Scott couldn't sit still at all.

He stood up suddenly and walked out of the bedroom.


"What are you going for?"

Eddie and Roger asked.

"I have some new ideas."

Scott said nothing, ran to the common room and spoke to Helena, and then came to the Room of Requirement.

After the study door opened, Helena also came here through the wall.

After seeing the portrait of Ravenclaw, Scott quickly told her his thoughts and asked her for help.

"Combined? I once had such an idea, but it was too difficult, so I didn't remind you."

Ravenclaw was not surprised.

"I think as time goes by, when your mastery of those two kinds of super magic reaches a certain level, you should be able to go in this direction."

Helena asked, "Do you think this is something Scott can do in the future?"

"This is just my expectation of him." Ravenclaw said, "I'm not sure he can do it."

Scott asked, “If I want to do this, where do I start?”

"Initial runes." Ravenclaw said, "You have only mastered part of it so far."

"I think so." Scott nodded clearly.

"But it may be too late," Helena said.

"Time-turner," Scott said.

"It's also a way." Ravenclaw said. "Although the time turner is overdrawing the future, for you, this is the best way to strengthen your chips."

"I have always been against students using time turners. If it's you, you can apply for one."

Helena frowned.

"Time turners are dangerous. Remember, you can't go back more than five hours, and don't meet your past self."

Scott nodded.

He decided to go all out.

In addition to applying for a time-turner, he was also preparing to apply for the privilege of not attending classes, as well as the right to use the crown.

With the help of Crown, you can also save more time.

In the experimental stage, with the assistance of arithmetic divination, he can also avoid many detours.

Without wasting any time, Scott left the Room of Requirement, explained his ideas to Dumbledore and Professor Flitwick respectively, and made an application.

Both Dumbledore and Professor Flitwick knew the prophecy and the difficulties Scott would face, and they readily agreed to Scott's application.

Back in the dormitory, Scott told Roger and Eddie about his decision not to go to class in the future.

"I'll support you logistically."

Eddie said, patting his chest.

"To use the time turner, you need magic potions to replenish your physical strength and energy. By the way, if you have the help of the elixir of blessing at the critical moment, you will be more likely to succeed. In short, you can leave the procurement of magic potions to me!"

Roger also said: "If you don't have time to have a meal, I can deliver it to you."

Scott was not polite, "Then leave it to you."

The application for a time turner needs to be approved by the Ministry of Magic. Before that, Scott, Roger and Eddie took leave to attend the funeral of Mr. Graves Sr.

The funeral was held on the top of the hill where old Mr. Graves' house stood.

In addition to their three roommates, Dumbledore, Professor Flitwick, and the first few members of the "Tower of Babel" organization came.

Of course, Milton's mother also came out of the [Eye of Odin] space.

At the funeral, Scott also saw Milton's uncle's family.

Compared to Milton's father, his uncle was more similar to the old Mr. Graves, even his unsmiling and cold character was similar.

The relationship between the two families does not seem to be close, and they are even somewhat alienated from each other.

No one who attended the funeral saw the body of old Mr. Graves. From the beginning, the coffin placed among the flowers was tightly closed.

Others were not too surprised by this, they just thought that the body of old Mr. Graves had been damaged by Medea.

But Milton secretly told Scott that the coffin contained not the real body, but stones of the same weight as the body.

"Father never made up his mind," he whispered, "but my uncle immediately carried out my grandfather's order when he came back."

Scott did not comment on this, but only comforted, "This is the choice of old Mr. Graves. He wants to protect you descendants."

Milton added: "My father and my uncle had a big fight, and the relationship between our two families will become even more estranged in the future."

Scott patted him on the shoulder.

"Don't forget, you have a unique musical magic. This is also a unique inheritance. When you get married and have children, you may be able to develop a special family."

Milton shook his head.

"You know, I will never fall in love with anyone, and of course I have no plans to get married."

Only then did Scott remember that his friend seemed to be asexual.

He could only say: "You can adopt a child in the future, or teach a few apprentices, or even develop a school of music magic."

Milton finally smiled, "That's too far away."

After the funeral, Milton's uncle and his family left in a hurry again, reportedly because they were worried about Medea's revenge.

Scott was also a little worried that Medea, who was fooled by the lie, really had a vengeful heart, so he let Milton's parents live in the [Eye of Odin] space together.

Milton returned to Hogwarts with Scott and the others.

On the second day after returning to Hogwarts, Scott received the time converter from Dumbledore.

Dumbledore told him that because of the help of Ms. Bones, Scott's application, which was already in the seventh grade this year, was successfully approved.

Scott patiently listened to Dumbledore's description of the use of the time converter before thanking him and leaving.

After that, he took the crown from Professor Flitwick.

From that day on, Scott stopped going to class.

He strictly set his hourly route according to the frequency of using the time converter, and arranged several studios through the Room of Requirement that would not disturb each other, and then plunged into the ocean of learning.

The first thing he needed to conquer was the mastery of the runes.

Although the runes were in the same vein as the ancient magic runes he had learned before, that is, runes, it was undoubtedly much more difficult to learn.

Compared with runes, each of these runes represents more and more complex meanings and contains more powerful magical power.

Not to mention the connection and combination between different runes, which are even more profound and complex.

Even with the help of the crown, Scott spent a lot of effort.

In order to save time, he didn't even go back to the dormitory, but directly arranged a bedroom in the Room of Requirement.

For a period of time, he almost disappeared in Hogwarts Castle.

In terms of logistics, Eddie and Roger took turns to deliver meals to him according to Scott's schedule.

And because their schedules were not equal, the frequency of their meal delivery was not consistent with the three meals at Hogwarts. Scott needed more than three meals a day, which required them to go to the kitchen frequently to order meals.

Eddie and Roger had to attend classes, and later, Fred, George, Luna and several other friends also joined in the meal delivery rotation.

With the help of everyone, Scott made the most of the time converter and mastered the initial rune in just one month.

Of course, one month was for others.

For Scott, it took him a full six months.

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