The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 555 555. Entering Avalon

The dazzling light gradually weakened, and Scott finally saw everything in front of him clearly.

At this time, the entire sacred tree turned into a golden color, and the golden light circulated throughout the space like water.

All the druids turned into wolf shapes and continued to roar to the sky.

Only Savannah remained human.

She knelt in front of the temple at the base of the sacred tree, reciting loudly in a language that Scott could not understand, as if praying.

Scott took off his sunglasses and watched this spectacular and sacred scene quietly.

When the howling of the wolves stopped, beautiful music and beautiful singing came from the sacred tree.

Countless forest fairies emerged from the lush leaves, flying in the air, playing music and singing.

The druids also turned back into human bodies, knelt on the ground, and answered Savannah's prayers.

As everyone's prayers grew louder, the entire Stonehenge suddenly started to move.

The seemingly chaotic boulders began to move and slowly formed several regular circles.

The light flowing in the air condenses into lines, and the lines intersect to form a network, outlining extremely complex patterns in mid-air.


The air began to vibrate again.

At the entrance of the stone temple, in front of Savannah, a dark spot appeared in the air.


The black dot instantly expanded and turned into a dark passage.

The trembling in the air stopped and the wind picked up.

Wind from all directions began to pour into the black channel.

"After a thousand years..."

Old Doherty stood up, raised his hands, and shouted.

"Druids have once again opened the passage to the Holy Land of Avalon!"

Then, all the druids present began to chant.

Savannah also stood up and looked back at Scott.

Scott nodded and stepped forward.

At this time, everyone present turned to look at him, but no one spoke.

Scott didn't speak either.

He walked into Stonehenge and walked straight towards Savannah.

When he came to Savannah, he thanked her.

"Thanks to the Doherty family for their help."

He bowed to everyone, then turned to look at the dark passage ahead.

"This is also a feud that lasts for thousands of years."

Savannah stood beside him, also looking at the passage.

"The bloody killings caused by Slytherin here have been passed down from generation to generation in the Doherty family."

With that said, she started walking forward.


Scott stretched out his hand to stop her.

"You want to go in?"


Savannah smiled slightly.

"Avalon is the holy land of druids, and I am your best guide."

"Too dangerous."

Scott looked at Old Doherty, wanting him to speak and stop Savannah.

But Doherty Sr. didn't get what he wanted.

He said: "Savannah is already a priest of this generation and also the leader of the druids. Entering Avalon's final thousand-year feud, this is what she should do."

Scott frowned and said disapprovingly: "Even if the enemy we need to face is Salazar Slytherin?"

This was a dangerous journey, and he didn't want to have to protect others in battle.

"Don't underestimate my granddaughter, kid."

Old Doherty smiled.

"She is already very powerful. She is the most talented druid in hundreds of years."

Scott looked at Savannah, who was still petite, with some surprise.

Savannah still just smiled slightly.

But Scott saw confidence in her eyes.

"Are you sure?" he asked. "I can't even protect myself, and I can't protect you."

"I don't need your protection, Scott." Savannah said, "I can help you."

As she spoke, she suddenly raised her right hand and recited a spell that Scott couldn't understand.

Scott looked up.

In mid-air, the huge golden pattern began to shrink.

At the same time, countless golden light points flew out from the sacred tree like fireflies.

The two come together and become a golden branch.

The branch fell slowly and was held by Savannah in her hand.

Then, the golden color wrapped on the surface of the branch faded away, turning into a long wooden staff that looked extremely ordinary.

In Scott's perception, the magic power in Savannah's body suddenly surged, increasing more than ten times in one breath.


He looked at the girl in front of him who was still smiling in shock.

Savannah said: "How about it? I can protect myself, and I can also help you. Moreover, the terrain in Avalon is complicated. Without my leadership, it will be difficult for you to enter the center."


Scott took back the hand that stopped her and did not object again.

If it was really dangerous, he could also use space magic to keep Savannah in a safe place.

Seeing that Scott didn't object anymore, the smile on Savannah's face became much more genuine.

"Then let's go!"

She walked forward again.

"I can't leave for now."

Scott turned around helplessly and looked at the forest outside Stonehenge.


Everyone heard Scott's words and turned around at the same time to watch Medea leading a group of wizards in green robes out of the oak forest.

"Very good, I have been thinking about how to enter Avalon, but to my surprise you opened the passage directly."

Medea looked at the passage behind Scott and seemed very satisfied.

"Well done, Scott, you certainly didn't disappoint me."

She didn't forget to praise Scott.


The druids were on alert.

Many people even started to look at Scott with suspicion because of the compliment.

"How did you find it here?" asked old Mr. Doherty.

"Of course someone told me."

Medea reached out and waved, and a figure shorter than her came out and lifted the hood on her head.


Savannah exclaimed.

"why you?"

"it's me."

The other person had the same red hair as Savannah and looked a few years older than Savannah.

"Long time no see, Savannah."

"It's my cousin Maeve."

Savannah whispered to Scott.

"Before that, because she was unwilling to stay and face Slytherin, she had left with some druids who had the same idea."

She seemed confused.

"It's just that they signed a magic contract when they left, and they couldn't tell anyone about the Holy Tree and Avalon. How could..."

Scott thought for a while and asked her, "Is Maeve the one who helped Aaron send the door key to me as a gift?"

"That's her."

Savanna suddenly frowned and looked at Aaron in the crowd.


There was anger in her eyes.

"It's you?"

As she asked, everyone looked at Aaron.

"It's me, my dear sister."

Aaron shrugged his shoulders, smiling playfully.

"Why do you do this?"

Savannah asked him, her tone was quite calm.


The smile on Aaron's face was very sunny, without any gloom at all.

“I just did it if I wanted to.”

His behavior obviously angered the druids.


"You brat!"

"How dare you betray the family!"

The three druids closest to him turned into wolves and rushed towards him with their teeth and claws bared.

"Aaron, be careful!" Maeve exclaimed.

Aaron laughed, turned into an eagle, spread its wings, flew into the sky, and landed next to Maeve.


Maeve rushed forward and wanted to hug Aaron.

But Aaron took a step back and avoided her hug.


Maeve was stunned and looked at him in disbelief.

At this moment, Savannah sneered.

"Maeve, my stupid cousin," she said loudly, "you have done too many stupid things for Aaron, and he never said he liked you."

"You're talking nonsense!"

Maeve screamed at Savannah and looked at Aaron pitifully.

"Tell her, Aaron," she said in a pleading tone, "tell her that you love me."

Aaron still smiled brightly.

Without looking at Maeve, he said to Savannah, "Don't say that, Savannah."

A smile broke out on Maeve's face, and she looked at Savannah proudly.

Aaron continued: "Maeve is my cousin, how could I not like her?"

He winked mischievously.

"Of course, don't worry, I still prefer you as my biological sister to my cousin."

The smile on Maeve's face stiffened.

"Sister?" She turned to Aaron and shouted, "I told you, I don't want to be your sister!"

"Okay, be good and stop yelling, Maeve."

Aaron raised his hand and patted Maeve's head gently.

"We're not the main characters in this drama right now."

"I...I know."

Maeve immediately responded obediently and closed her mouth.

"Sorry, Ms. Slytherin."

Aaron turned to Medea and bowed.

"Maeve is ignorant, sorry to disturb you."

"Yes...I'm sorry."

Maeve quickly followed suit and bowed to apologize.

"It doesn't matter."

Medea seems to be very talkative and has a friendly tone.

"It didn't bother me."

After comforting the two of them, she looked at Scott again.

She said, "I will enter Avalon with you, Scott."

Scott raised his eyebrows and asked curiously, "What do you want to do in there, Medea?"

"You'll know."

Medea smiled mysteriously.

"How about it, do you decide to let me in or stop me?"

"It's like a gamble for me to let you in," Scott said.

Medea asked, "So, do you want to take a gamble?"

"I have to think about it," Scott said.

Medea added: "Whether you want it or not, I will definitely go in."

"That's not certain."

Scott also smiled mysteriously.

"Oh?" Medea looked at him with interest, "It seems that you already have the leverage to threaten me."

"It's really sharp." Scott did not deny it.

"What is it?" Medea asked.

"You'll know," Scott said.

Medea laughed, "I really don't want to suffer at all."

Scott didn't respond.

"You want her to go in?" Savannah asked her quietly.

"Huh?" Scott looked at her, "Why do you ask that?"

"Because you hesitated," Savannah said.

Scott laughed, "Then let's take a gamble."

With that said, he turned and walked towards the passage.

"Wait for me."

Savannah followed closely behind him.

After stepping into the passage, Scott's vision went dark and he found that he was still standing in an oak forest, with Savannah behind him, and the passage had disappeared without a trace.

"This is the perimeter."

Savannah explained while looking around.

"The passage teleported us here, but we can't go back until we reach the center of Avalon."

Scott asked, "What if Medea comes in?"

Savannah said: "It will be teleported to a random place, of course, it is also the periphery."

Scott nodded, "In other words, we may not be able to meet when we arrive at the central location?"

"That's it...this way."

Savannah quickly chose a direction and took the lead to walk forward.

Scott followed her.

Next, they kept walking in the oak forest.

Scott looked at the repetitive scenery around him and had lost his judgment on the route forward.

If Savannah hadn't led the way, he might have lost his way long ago.

Scott looked at his watch and found that the hands on the dial were rotating extremely fast. He had undoubtedly lost his accurate grasp of time.

Fortunately, there seemed to be no other dangers in the oak forest. As they walked forward, they saw nothing but oak trees.

The watch failed, and Scott could only estimate the time.

About half an hour later, Savannah stopped.

"What's wrong?" Scott asked.

"Didn't you feel it?" Savannah asked.

Scott shook his head.

"It seems like this place is not very friendly to you."

Savannah laughed, and at the same time raised the long wooden staff in her hand and slammed it hard on the ground.

In an instant, several thick vines rushed out of the ground, twisting and scurrying towards the surroundings.


The wolf howled.


Scott frowned and pulled out his wand.

At this time, a group of gray wolves silently walked out from behind the trees in all directions.

It turned out that before they knew it, they had been surrounded from a distance.

This pack of gray wolves is huge, almost as big as a bull.

And when they actually appeared, Scott felt the majestic magic power in their bodies.

"How is this going?"

Why does my own magic perception lose its function?

"This is Avalon, the holy land of druids." Savannah said, "Here, the enemy can only be sensed with the help of the power of nature."

"I see."

Scott didn't struggle anymore, but looked at the wolves slowly surrounding him.

"So, kill them?"

he asked Savannah about the druid.


Savannah raised her long wooden staff again.

As she recited a brief spell, more thick vines broke out of the ground and wrapped around the wolves like flexible pythons.

The wolves roared ferociously.

Some wolves were entangled in the vines and lost their freedom, while others used their huge bodies to flexibly avoid the entanglement of the vines and rushed toward the two of them at high speed.

Scott was about to take action when he sensed the fluctuation of Savannah's magic power.

Then he lowered his wand hand.

The next second, the long wooden staff in Savanna's hand slammed hard.

Suddenly, more vines grew on those vines, and they were densely packed and intertwined into a network, catching all the gray wolves in one fell swoop.

Then, spikes sprouted from the vines surrounding the gray wolf.

For a moment, the howling of wolves in this oak forest turned into howling.

"I thought they were magical."

Scott looked at the gray wolves who clearly had magic in their bodies, but did not show any magic throughout the process.

"Their magic just makes them stronger and their claws sharper," Savannah said.

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