The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 557 557. War in the Swamp

The boat was speeding, and more and more Green Knights were gathering on the water.

Because Edgar controlled the flames, the Green Knights did not dare to approach.

They just maintained their riding posture, forming a huge encirclement from a distance, and followed the boat forward.

Although they were far away, these Green Knights did not stop attacking.

After continuing to attack the bottom of the ship to no avail, they chose to manipulate the water flow on the water to attack remotely.

The water flow in their hands either turned into flying spears, or turned into whips.

Although these attacks were frequent, they could not completely trouble the passengers on the boat. They were either evaporated by Edgar's flames or blocked by Siraine's manipulation of the water flow.

The speed of the boat did not slow down, and Scott and Savannah never took action.

Seeing that the attack was still ineffective, after a while, the Green Knights' attack slowed down and finally stopped.

But they never left, still maintaining the encirclement, controlling the horses formed by the convergence of water to run.

"This is a rare scene."

Scott sat on the boat, holding the [Magic Mirror] to view the video he had just taken——

The green swamp stretches as far as the eye can see, and the mirror-like water surface reflects the blue sky and white clouds.

Dozens of knights on horses galloped across the water, causing splashes and ripples.

Their bodies and the horses underneath them are made of transparent water, shining in the sunlight.

Surrounded by these knights, a small wooden boat surrounded by fire flew across the water like an arrow.

The wave left by the stern is like a long smudge mark left by a paintbrush.

"Be careful," Savannah said. "They won't let us go like this."

Scott put away the [Magic Mirror] and observed the Green Knights who were far away.

"Are they preparing to charge without fear of death?" He had some doubts. "Since they have wisdom, they will not give up their lives easily..."

Before he finished speaking, he noticed that the galloping Green Knights were reorganizing their formation.

The Green Knights surrounding the front and left of the boat slowed down and became parallel to the Green Knights behind the boat.

Soon, they formed a very wide cavalry square.

"What do they want to do?" Scott became alert.

"They're going to start charging faster," Savannah said.

At this moment, Scott seemed to hear the neighing of a horse.

Then, the cavalry phalanx in the rear began to accelerate and charge, getting faster and faster.

Edgar, who was originally standing on the bow of the boat, flapped his wings and jumped up, leaping over the heads of Scott and Savannah, and landed lightly on the stern of the boat.

When it folded its wings, the cavalry phalanx behind it was getting closer and closer.

As the Green Knights continued to run, the originally calm water of the swamp became choppy.

Soon, the water waves rising in front of the knights' phalanx became higher and higher, and the boat began to rock.

"Are they trying to create a wave and capsize our boat?" Scott laughed.

At this time, the waves chasing the boat were already several stories high, and the entire cavalry phalanx seemed to have been integrated into the waves.

Edgar spread his wings and was about to strike, but Scott stopped him.

"Let Siraine deal with them," he said.

When water and fire meet, they will turn into fog, which will not only obscure their vision, but the fog will also be exploited by the Green Knight.

Edgar folded his wings obediently, and the ring of fire that was constantly rotating around the boat disappeared.

Xirein nodded, jumped off the boat, and stood firmly on the water.

At this time, the boat also stopped.

"Armor protection!"

Scott waved his wand, and a huge spherical magic barrier instantly formed, wrapping the entire ship.

Outside the magic barrier, Xirein stood on the water with his back to the stern of the boat, looking up at the surging waves.

It threw back its head and roared, raising its hands.

The aqua blue magic power visible to the naked eye instantly erupted from it and spread rapidly.

When the surging wave came into contact with the magic power, it seemed as if the pause button had been pressed, motionless.

As Xirein pressed down with his hands, the wave that was several stories high began to fall down inch by inch.

Until the water surface returned to calm, Scott removed the magic barrier.

After Xirein jumped on the boat again, the boat cut through the water again and moved forward rapidly.

"They didn't give up," Savannah said.

Yes, the Green Knight has not given up.

Soon, human figures formed by the converging water flow resurfaced one after another.

First the human body, then the horse body, the neatly arranged phalanx of knights took shape again, still galloping behind the boat.

It seems that they have learned their lesson. They no longer manipulate the water flow to form waves, but just follow them from a distance.

"Do they have any other tricks?" Scott asked.

Savannah shook her head, "I don't know. The description of the Green Knight in the records I have read is not too detailed."

"Maybe they've given up?"

Scott first said it in a relaxed tone, then frowned and denied his guess.

"No, they want to gather more power."

As the boat passed by, more Green Knights emerged from the water and joined the cavalry phalanx.

Before long, the phalanx that originally had only a few dozen riders had turned into an army of hundreds of riders, and it was still growing.

"Are you sure it will continue like this?"

Savannah stood up with a long wooden staff and looked behind her.

"Maybe we should eliminate some of them first."

"It doesn't matter."

Scott still sat quietly.

"Let me see how many of them can gather."

Sawanna sat down again after hearing this.

"It seems that you haven't shown your true ability yet?"

She looked at Scott curiously.

"After all, they can only manipulate water." Scott said with a smile, "As long as the water turns into ice, they will be powerless."

Sawanna nodded, "Indeed, if you can freeze this swamp instantly, we can even walk through it safely."

At this point, she smiled at Scott.

"Can you do it?"

"I can't do it." Scott said, "But Ymir can do it."

"Ymir?" Sawanna looked at Edgar and Xilaiyin, "Is it the same as them?"

Scott shook his head, "No, it's a giant alchemical doll I got from the secret realm, made by an ancient wizard."

Sawanna didn't ask any more questions, "In that case, I'm relieved."

Next, the two didn't talk anymore, and they all looked quietly at the increasingly exaggerated cavalry phalanx behind them.

At this time, Scott had no way to count the number of green knights on the water.

All I saw were the same figures. The army of the Green Knights had the momentum of a galloping horse.

"It's started." Savanna reminded.

The surging waves took shape again, and the Green Knights merged into the waves again.

This time, the waves were no longer just one layer, but one layer after another, and one layer was higher than the other.

The originally clear water surface had become turbid.

The waves rolled forward one after another, easily affecting the sailing of the boat.

At this time, the boat had begun to bump up and down very exaggeratedly, like a helpless leaf.

Scott also stretched out his left hand.

On the [Hvergelmir Ring] worn on the index finger of his left hand, the water drop-shaped ice blue gemstone shone.

The light, like flowing ice crystals, outlined a tall and majestic figure in the air.

The temperature around dropped rapidly.

The illusory figure turned from virtual to real, and Ymir, wearing a full set of ice armor, appeared.

When its feet touched the water surface, the water surface instantly condensed into ice.

The ice condensed very quickly, from the water surface to the bottom of the water, almost instantly.

Ymir's huge body stood steadily on the ice surface.

Without seeing any movement, the ice surface began to spread rapidly.


Scott exhaled a breath of white air.

The waves coming one after another from the back had stopped moving and completely turned into glaciers.

At this time, the boat was also frozen on the ice surface.

"Next, let Ymir take us over."

Scott stood up and directly cancelled the summons to Edgar and Sirein, watching their figures gradually fade away.

Then, he jumped off the boat again, stood on the ice, rescued the frozen battle alchemy doll, and also cancelled the summons.

Ymir turned around, knelt on one knee, and slowly stretched out his right hand.

Scott called Savannah and jumped onto Ymir's palm.

After Savannah also jumped up, Ymir sent them to his shoulders.

Then, Ymir took a big step and walked in the direction indicated by Savannah.

As it moved forward, the entire swamp gradually turned into a glacier.

No more green knights appeared.

"Originally, I was going to keep a hand."

Scott said to Savannah on Ymir's shoulder.

He was not prepared to summon Ymir so early, but wanted to use it as a trump card to catch her off guard.

"But those green knights are too annoying."

He didn't want to consume too much magic and physical strength. If he only relied on Edgar and Sirein, although they could also deal with those green knights, the speed would be much slower.

Savannah looked at Scott, then turned her head and looked forward, "Your heart is not calm."

"Thanks for the reminder."

Scott took a deep breath.

The cold air entered his lungs through his respiratory tract, and his emotions gradually cooled down.

"I really should stay calm."

He turned his head to look at Savannah.

"You are much calmer and more composed than before."

Even when they met on Melan Island, Savannah had not changed like this now.

Savannah said softly, "Druid practice requires me to blend into nature."

Scott nodded.

This time, Savannah's magic power has indeed changed a lot in his perception.

The nature of her magic power is undoubtedly closer to nature. If it is in an environment like a forest with magic power, even Scott's magic perception is not easy to capture her magic fluctuations.

Out of curiosity, Scott said, "I heard that because druids often need to transform into beasts, you still need to retain your wildness."

"Are you curious?"

Savanah turned to look at him.

Suddenly, her eyes changed significantly.

Her eyes were no longer as clear and ethereal as before, but like a beast, full of the wild breath of a predator.

At the same time, her magic power nature also underwent some subtle changes, becoming more difficult to distinguish.


Scott uttered a meaningless sigh.

"That's it."

Savanah blinked and restored her original eyes.

Scott looked again at the endless swamp ahead.

Seeing that there was still a long way to go, he turned to talk about the "Tower of Babel" he had formed.

"Regarding the ideals of the new world, are you druids interested in participating?"

Savannah didn't answer.

She just looked at Scott strangely again.

"I never thought that you would one day work hard for such a grand ideal."

Scott said: "It seems that you have seen clearly what kind of person I am very early on."

Savannah nodded slightly.

"Smart, cunning, cold, selfish, confused."

Scott smiled nonchalantly.

"There seems to be more bad than good."

"To ordinary people, you are like this." Savannah affirmed, "Of course, when facing friends, your behavior is different."

All Scott cared about was the last word she said.


He thought about it.

"I used to just want to be the freest wizard, not to be hindered by anyone or anything. That might be a sign of confusion."

Savannah smiled, "There will always be things that tie you down in this world, and there will even be more and more."

"you're right."

Scott's tone became much more relaxed.

"Parents, relatives, friends, teachers... all along, the more I get, the more ties I have, and I can't give up these."

"I also wanted to be free."

Savannah said softly.

"I even want to throw away my identity as a druid and become a real wizard."

"But you still chose to take responsibility," Scott said.

"I once hated my grandfather who forced me to become a priest, and I also hated my relatives who had high hopes for me. The pressure made me breathless."

At this point, Savannah laughed in relief.

"But when I truly became a priest and knew all the history of druids, I didn't need anyone to urge me, and I understood what I should do."

She raised her hand to stop Scott from speaking, and continued: "Do you know why I fell in love with you crazily at that time?"

Scott was a little embarrassed, "That's an exaggeration, you're not crazy."

Savannah smiled again, "That's because I won't go crazy in front of you."


Scott didn't know how to respond.

But Savannah had already continued speaking on her own.

"Because you are like a gust of wind, you look so free."

"You are different from the other little wizards at Hogwarts. You are unwilling to be more restricted and can always find ways to easily do what you want."

"You make me admire you so much."

Scott said softly: "But you know, it's because of confusion."

"This is something I figured out later," Savannah said. "I couldn't see this clearly at the time."

"It seems like we've all grown up," Scott said.

"I will no longer like you that way, but I want to thank you. For me, those likes are a sweet dream."

Savannah held out her hand.

"Now, I want to cooperate with you on behalf of the Druid to create a new world with only magic."

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