The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 560 560. The lake island in the forest

"Clean it up."

The wand in Scott's hand moved from the tip of the knight's lance to the tail.

The stains and algae on the lance fell off inch by inch, revealing its original color.

This is a bright silver knight's lance, with no rust on the surface, only some notches and knife marks on the tip of the lance, which seem to be traces left from past battles.

"Did you say the smell of blood just now?"

Scott sniffed and turned to ask Savanna.

"Is it still there now?"

He didn't smell the smell of blood just now, and he couldn't smell it after cleaning it.

"It's still there, but it's hidden."

Savana frowned, her expression solemn, and there was obvious disgust in her eyes when she looked at the knight's lance.

"Its existence is like the source of the plague, which will pollute the natural environment."

"Is this lance a magical item?"

Scott used his magic perception to explore it, but found nothing unusual.

He reached out again and gestured in the air with his wand, writing a few shining runes out of thin air, and then shook the wand, letting the runes fly to the knight's lance on the ground.


Like ice cubes meeting fire, several connected runes melted instantly.

At the same time, a trace of blood spread from the spear tip to the spear body.

"Back off!"

Sawanna suddenly stood up and pulled Scott back a few steps.


She raised her long wooden staff, and the vibrant green light instantly enveloped the knight's spear.


Under the green light, blood-colored smoke also emerged from the knight's spear. The smoke drifted, and the flowers and plants that had just grown under Savanna's spell withered again.

"Armor protection!"

Scott once again wrapped himself and Savanna with a magic barrier to prevent contact with the blood-colored smoke.

With a thought, his translucent silver spear flew into the air, and then turned the spear head and stabbed at the scarlet knight's spear on the ground.


In the blood-colored smoke, the scarlet knight's spear seemed to be picked up by someone, blocking the attack of Scott's silver spear.

A figure appeared in the blood-red smoke.

This figure did not have a giant body like the "Red Knight", but it was more burly than an ordinary person.

Scott narrowed his eyes, and the silver spear flew into the air again. Under Scott's control, it stabbed at the figure in the blood-red smoke like a stream of light.


The figure was obviously very agile and highly skilled in martial arts. Even though the silver spear had a speed that ordinary people could not see clearly, he still blocked the stab with the scarlet knight's spear in his hand.


A creepy laugh came from the smoke, which seemed to be mixed with the howling of wronged souls, very harsh.


The rolling blood-red smoke gradually gathered, and the figure under the smoke gradually became clear.

This was a man wearing a full body of ancient knight armor.

The armor was covered with sword marks and old bloodstains, and there was a hole in the chest.

He also wore a helmet that covered his face, so his face could not be seen clearly. Only a pair of scarlet glowing eyes could be seen.

Not only that, he was wrapped up tightly from head to toe, without any skin exposed.

The blood-colored smoke seemed to be absorbed by him and was constantly drilling in through the gaps in the armor.

"Who are you?"

Scott waved his hand and let the silver spear fly back in front of him.

"Who am I...?"

The other party repeated Scott's question. It seemed that because he was not used to speaking, his voice was hoarse and unpleasant, accompanied by harsh noises, like a stuck tape.

He looked at the armored man with some curiosity and said to Savannah, "He is not a ghost or a zombie. I have never seen such a situation, nor have I read about it in books."

Savannah also shook her head, "There is no such record in the druid's heritage."

"Who am I...?"

The armored man spoke again, and this time he seemed to be roaring.

"I... am..."

The harsh voice made Scott and Savannah frown.

"I am..."

The armored man howled to the sky.



Sawanna was obviously very surprised.

"Mordred? How is it possible!"

"I am Mordred!"

The armored man roared again.

His scarlet eyes turned, as if he was looking for something.

But obviously, he ignored Scott and Savanna who were standing in front of him.


Mordred roared again like a beast, and suddenly moved.


He held the knight's lance stained with blood, and ran past Scott like a gust of wind, rushing into the forest behind him.

"Let's follow him!"

Sawanna turned around, and a green halo burst out.

She pulled Scott's wrist and started running, following Mordred.

Mordred ran very fast, and wherever he stepped, the surrounding flowers and plants would immediately wither and die, and even the towering trees he passed by would drop leaves for no reason.

With the blessing of Savanna's spell, Scott and the others barely did not fall behind, and always followed him far behind.

This time the running journey seemed particularly long.

Until Scott was exhausted and Savannah began to pant, they still did not leave the forest, and Mordred still ran tirelessly ahead.

"That does not work……"

Scott paused.

"We...must save our energy."

He waved his wand, and the land in front of him suddenly bulged and transformed, turning into a two-seater sleigh.

As he chanted the incantation again, the sled lost weight and floated.

Then, he used the transformation technique to transform into two huge cheetahs.


He pulled Savannah onto the sled and fastened the safety belt.


The two cheetahs roared and pulled the suspended sled across the forest.

Scott took out the [Magic Barrier Ball] and created a magic barrier to cover the sled, blocking the oncoming wind.

"I never thought..."

Savannah was a little embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you had this kind of lazy magic, I just pulled you and ran wildly."

Scott waved his hand.

He was so tired that he didn't want to talk, so he took out the potion to replenish his physical strength and gave one to Savannah.

Savanna shook her head and refused, and dots of green light flew out of her hand holding the long wooden staff, replenishing the physical strength of Scott and herself, and speeding up the recovery of magic power.

Scott felt the degree of recovery and put away the potion.

Cheetahs pulling sleds run extremely fast and tirelessly.

Following the footprints left by Mordred, they soon saw his running back again.

"You feel……"

"Do you think……"

Scott and Savannah spoke at the same time.

After looking at each other, Scott made a gesture to signal Savannah to speak first.

"Is he really Mordred?" Savannah's tone was full of uncertainty.

"Who knows."

Of course Scott couldn't tell.

"It seems consistent with the records."

Savannah recalled the records of that period of history.

"At the end of the Battle of Camlann, King Arthur's spear thrust hard into Mordred behind the shield, penetrating his body."

Scott said: "People only recorded the whereabouts of King Arthur, but there seems to be no record of Mordred's body."

Savannah said in a speculative tone: "Maybe that gun... was the gun that killed Mordred. It belonged to King Arthur."

Scott guessed what she meant, "King Arthur's body was sent here for burial by the fairies who managed Avalon. They abandoned the spear that killed Mordred in the stream. In the end, because of Mordred The blood and resentment formed a monster?"

Savannah smiled and said, "This is a common way of writing in stories."

"Follow him." Scott also smiled, "Follow him, and we will see the real answer."

Savannah nodded.

Scott estimated the time all the way, until another dusk fell, and they finally saw Mordred rushing out of the dark forest and running into the sunset.

Beyond the forest is another meadow, and behind the meadow is a lake.

It's just that this lake is much smaller than the swamps outside Apple Island, and you can even see the other side at a glance.

Mordred ran to the lake and stopped, looking at the lake reflecting the sky like a mirror and the small island in the center of the lake.

Scott also asked the cheetah to stop and watch from a distance.

"That an apple tree?"

"Yes," Savannah said, "King Arthur's tomb is there."


Mordred roared again and jumped into the lake.

Although wearing heavy armor, he did not sink.

His feet were shrouded in blood-colored smoke, and he ran on the water as if walking on flat ground, rushing towards the island in the lake.




As he ran, he didn't stop roaring, and his voice became more and more shrill.

There was no Green Knight in the lake to stop him, and Mordred quickly set foot on the island covered with apple trees.

"Let's go there too."

Scott jumped off the suspended sled, and after Savannah jumped off too, turned around and turned it into a boat.

Moving the boat to the water, Scott did not call Siren for help, but paddled with Savannah and slowly headed towards the island in the lake.

"It's so quiet."

Savanna looked at the island in the lake strangely.

After Mordred went up, there was no movement.

Because the apple trees blocked their view, they couldn't see what was happening on the island.

"Medea has arrived too."

Scott suddenly turned his head and looked at the lake shore on the other side, just in time to see Medea and Aaron walking out of the woods.

"Just the two of them?" Savanna was a little surprised.

"Are you guys OK?"

Aaron waved to the two people on the boat with a warm and bright smile on his face.

Scott didn't answer, just nodded.

"How cold."

Aaron complained truthfully.

"My dear sister, why don't you row your boat to pick me up?"

Savanna said coldly: "Our boat can't fit you, you can make your own boat, my dear brother."

"good idea!"

Aaron clapped his hands, took off the short wooden staff hanging from his belt and waved it.

Several green vines emerged from the soil, twisted and tied together, and soon formed the shape of a boat and fell into the lake.

When the boat was completely formed, the vines growing in the soil quietly broke away from the boat.

"Please, dear lady."

Aaron bent down and made a please gesture to Medea.

After Medea got on the boat, he also jumped on and held the oar.

"Let's have a competition."

He laughed happily.

"See who can row the boat to the island in the middle of the lake first."

Scott and Savanna ignored him and continued to paddle forward at the original speed.

Aaron didn't care. Without Medea's action, he paddled hard alone and soon caught up with Scott and Savanna, and drove side by side with their boat.

Scott didn't stop them either.

"It seems that you have had a smooth journey."

Aaron looked at Scott and Savanna.

"Unlike us, several people died along the way."

Talking about the topic of death, his face always had a sunny smile.

"Even my other sister, Maeve, was killed by the Green Knight when she was crossing the swamp. It's so pitiful, isn't it?"

Hearing this news, Savannah turned her head and looked at him coldly.

"Don't you feel guilty at all?" she asked.


Aaron tilted his head, and the smile on his face became even brighter.

Scott could even see the pure joy in his eyes.

"Why should I feel guilty?"

He seemed very puzzled.

"Maeve is too stupid. She won't live long in this dangerous world."

Savannah closed her eyes and quickly looked away.

"You're right, she is indeed a fool."

She gritted her teeth and said in a very stiff tone.

"Are you reluctant to part with her?"

Aaron still asked Savannah in a cheerful tone.

"I remember that your relationship was not very good."

Savannah was silent and ignored him.

Scott was observing Medea.

Medea was not wearing a veil at this time, nor even a gorgeous hat.

The afterglow of the setting sun shone on her flawless face, making her skin glow.

"Did you see anything?"

Medea smiled at his gaze.

"I can't see it." Scott's face was normal, "Of course, your real body and fake body are the same, it's normal that I can't see it."

Hearing him say this, Medea's expression did not change.

"You are right."

She smiled and nodded.

"Because I couldn't get Tom's soul, I couldn't fully recover. Later, I was cursed by Tom. Not only did my body fail to completely transform into a physical body, but it changed back a little."

Scott asked, "Is there a way to fully recover you here?"

"Who knows?"

Medea smiled mysteriously and turned to look at the island in the middle of the lake that was getting closer and closer.

She asked, "Have you encountered anything in the forest?"

"A group of out-of-control unicorns."

Scott answered very straightforwardly.

"They seem to have been contaminated by some existence and have completely lost their minds."


Medea nodded, not knowing whether she believed it or not.

“It’s a shame we didn’t encounter anything,” she said.

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