Medea and Aaron drew back their wands.

The black mist that stopped over the tombstone was now heading toward the collapsed tombstone and quickly disappeared.

A period of silence followed.

Savannah murmured to herself, "Is King Arthur's body really here, and what secrets does it hide?"

"You'll find out next time," Scott said.

Savanna asked, "If you don't stop it now, aren't you afraid that you won't be able to fight it later?"

"It's just a gamble." Scott said calmly, "Even if we lose in the end, I can always save our lives."

At this time, Savannah was already a little anxious.

"If you lose too much, what if you save your life?"

Scott smiled and stood up.

"What's wrong?" Savanna looked up at him.

Scott said: "Since you are worried, let's go and take a look."

"That's fine."

Savanna nodded, stood up, and reached out to hold the long wooden staff.

The two left the table and chairs in the sea of ​​flowers and walked slowly towards the tombstone.

On the other side, Medea and Aaron watched them from a distance until they walked in.

Medea raised her wand, and a ray of red light flew over and hit Scott's feet, turning a bunch of gorgeous flowers into flying dust.

"Stop it, Scott."

Medea pointed her wand at Scott.

"I warned you just now, but you didn't stop me. It's too late to come here now."

Aaron also said with a smile: "We will do our best to stop you."

Scott looked at the broken tombstone and the deep hole exposed under the tombstone.

He took a deep breath and seemed to be sniffing something.

"What a strong magic power," he said. "It's amazing."

He could sense that a particularly huge amount of magic was brewing in the cave under the tombstone.

Even if the magic power hasn't exploded yet, it's just leaking some magic power fluctuations, which is enough to make people tremble.

"We were just curious and wanted to take a closer look," he said.

Medea always pointed at him with the bone wand, "Just right there."

Scott stretched out a hand to stop Savannah.


He agreed simply.


Savannah frowned.

"it does not matter."

Scott smiled reassuringly at her.

Savannah looked into his eyes, and although hesitant, she nodded.

Scott took back the hand that stopped her.

"You are so obedient, my dear sister."

Aaron mocked at the right time.

Savannah's hand holding the long wooden staff shook, and she lowered her eyes and ignored him.

Scott didn't look at him, but said to Medea: "What about you, why don't you do it, madam?"

The smile on Medea's face was perfect, "I don't know what you are talking about."

"Because you want to be recognized by your father?"

In order to disgust her, Scott acted like a close brother.

"Actually, I don't quite understand. Judging from your achievements, if a wizard like you can't be called a genius, then how can he be called a genius?"

Medea's perfect expression finally changed slightly.

Although she quickly concealed her anger, Scott, who had been watching her, still noticed it.

"Of course it's a young man like you, Scott, you're the real genius."

She seemed to praise Scott without any grudge.

"What I have achieved is not worth mentioning, because it took me a lifetime, and when I was your age, I was far inferior to what you are now."

"You are being humble."

Scott had a comforting smile on his face, and it looked a little deliberate and fake.

"I just got lucky."

Having said this, he saw Medea's finger holding the wand move, apparently with increased strength.

But she was still praising Scott, "No, you are a real genius, there is no doubt about it."

Scott exchanged business words with her in a serious manner, "Even a genius cannot compare with you. Coming back after a thousand years of time is not something that just any wizard can accomplish."

"Stop talking, you are all geniuses."

Aaron's expression was exaggerated, and he reached out to touch the non-existent tears at the corners of his eyes.

"I am an ordinary person. After all, I can't even compare to my sister who is ten years younger."

"As long as you know."

Savannah spoke in a cold voice.

"Stop talking, I know I'm just a waste, wuwuwu..."

Aaron started to fake cry.

"You're right."

Savannah frowned tightly, with a clear look of disgust on her face.

"Mr. Slytherin will be out soon."

Scott suddenly spoke.

He looked at Medea with smiling eyes.

Medea looked at him for a few seconds and then looked away, turning to look at the hole under the tombstone.

At this time, Scott had already sensed that the magic power fluctuations in the cave could no longer be suppressed and were about to explode completely.

But at the critical point of the outbreak, the extremely large magic wave suddenly became calmer.

Wisps of black mist drifted out from the cave entrance.

At first, the fog was very thin, like a translucent veil.

Then, the black mist became more and more numerous, thicker and darker.

Soon, like wolf smoke, it rose into the air, higher than the white tower beside it.

Woo hoo...

A strong wind poured out from the cave, making a whimpering sound.

The strong wind blew away the ink-like black mist and blew up the hem of Medea's dark green skirt.

The black mist became translucent again, and a figure rose from the entrance of the cave.

The figure moved, seeming to raise his hand and make a fist.

In an instant, all the black fog quickly dissipated at an extremely fast speed.

A young man wearing a crown and a gorgeous dress is standing on top of the fragments of the tombstone.

This is a young man with blond hair and blue eyes. He has extremely strong and handsome features, a tall and strong body, and a calm and majestic aura.

The only fly in the ointment is that this young man's skin has no blood color, is pale and transparent, and you can even see the dark blood vessels under the skin, which adds a strange feeling.

"Father?" Medea tried to speak.

"Yeah." The blond and blue-eyed young man nodded.

Scott and Savannah looked at each other.

"He took King Arthur's body? Was the Eternal King so young when he died?" Savannah whispered softly.

Scott shook his head.

The blond young man looked at them keenly.

Although Savannah's voice was soft, Slytherin still heard it.

"He certainly wasn't that young when he died."

Slytherin walked forward leisurely.

He walked very slowly, very slowly, as if he was adapting to his new body.

"But after more than a thousand years of magical nourishment, this body has become young again."

He walked to the bright silver knight's spear, reached out and pulled out the spear, weighed it in his hand, and then nodded with satisfaction.

"Magical nourishment?"

Scott was a little curious, so he asked him directly.

"Someone made some arrangements when King Arthur was buried and wanted to resurrect him?"

"It's Morgan, and the other fairies who rule Avalon."

Slytherin put his knight's spear on the ground, and his long cloak with fur edges flew up behind him.

He smiled and asked, "Have you all heard of the legend of the Eternal King?"

Savannah said: "People believe that King Arthur is not dead and that he will come back again to save the world."

Scott asked again, "No matter how well-maintained the body is, what's the use without a soul? Can anyone take back the soul from the God of Death?"

"They kept his soul." Slytherin said, "It's just that that soul dissipated thousands of years ago."

"Did you do it?" Savannah asked.

"It's me." Slytherin admitted simply, "I took away their achievements."

"But you can't really call it a successful resurrection right now," Scott said.


Slytherin raised his hand again and made a fist.

"Although I can use this body, I am not a living person now, because if I leave the magic ritual, if time goes by, this body will still rot like a corpse."

"So my father has prepared another magic ritual a long time ago." Medea said, "As long as the magic ritual goes well, he will be able to completely regain his life and gain true immortality."

Scott nodded, "That's it. I didn't expect that the great Slytherin was also a person pursuing immortality."

"The pursuit of eternal life is not an unspeakable desire."

Slytherin said calmly.

"I have been pursuing more time and have thought of many ways to do this, but whether it is making Horcruxes or using magic stones to make elixirs of immortality, the results cannot satisfy me."

"What I seek is perfect immortality."

"It's understandable." Scott agreed, "Whether it's a Horcrux or an elixir, even I don't like it."

Slytherin laughed.

"Why, do you also want to pursue eternal life?"

"Not yet." Scott said honestly, "Maybe it's because I'm still young. Maybe I will start pursuing it when I get older."

"What a pity," said Slytherin.

Scott gave him a confused look.

"For a genius like you, if possible, I would also like to see if you can obtain eternal life. Over a long period of time, it would be good if you have someone to accompany you."

Slytherin said extremely sincerely.

"It's a pity, because I want to gain eternal life, so you have no choice but to die."

Scott asked directly, "I, this 'non-existent person', am a material in the magic ritual you prepared?"

Slytherin nodded, "An unexpected and valuable material is an accident and a surprise."

"That's really an honor." Scott curled his lips.

"The magic ritual prepared by my father requires many precious materials." Medea said, "The most important one is enough power to deflect fate."

"I see."

Scott clapped his hands.

"Mr. Slytherin discovered the 'Thousand-Clear Eye' that Merlin left here. He saw his destiny a thousand years later and recorded it in the 'History Scroll'."

"You asked Medea to wake up after a thousand years in a planned way. Her mission is to destroy the established destiny recorded in the 'Scroll of History' and accumulate enough power to deflect fate."

"And I am not recorded in the 'History Volume'. It can be said that my appearance is just an accident."

Having said this, he clapped his palms hard again.

"It can even be said to be a miracle!"

He had a "how am I so awesome" look on his face.

"Exactly right."

Slytherin even let go of the hand holding the knight's lance and applauded him.

"I didn't expect that you knew so much, but you took the initiative to come here and come to me. I have to praise your courage."

He looked at Scott with admiration.

"Sure enough, it's a pity."

"It's not a pity, it's not a pity."

Scott said in a humble tone.

"Although your plan has been planned for a thousand years, it is really not easy, and although your father-daughter love is touching, I don't mean to sacrifice myself to fulfill you. I am not a selfless good person."

"It doesn't matter, you don't have to sacrifice yourself, that would be too difficult for you."

Slytherin also showed that he cared about Scott very much.

"Whatever I want, I will take the initiative to get it myself."

As he said, he reached out again to hold the knight's lance and pulled the gun out of the ground.

Scott looked at his actions with curiosity.

"If I remember correctly, you are a wizard."

"Of course I am."

Slytherin raised his hand to untie the cloak that was dragging on the ground behind him.

Scott asked, "So this knight's lance can be used as a wand?"

Slytherin said, "King Arthur can certainly use magic."

Scott said, "Is Merlin his teacher?"

Slytherin took two steps forward.

"That was an era when wizards and Muggles lived together, and even most of the ruling class were wizards who could use magic."

As he spoke, he raised the knight's lance in his hand.

It was obviously a heavy weapon, but in his hand it seemed light and weightless.

The sharp tip of the lance was slightly shiny.

Scott sensed a wave of magic power gathering at the tip of the lance.

He reached out and grabbed Savannah, and disappeared instantly.

When they disappeared, they were just a little bit slower, and Slytherin rushed to the position where they were standing with his lance.

If Scott didn't leave in time, he would be pierced through the chest by the knight's lance.

"Too dangerous."

Scott, who appeared on the other side, looked frightened.

"You were just a little bit away from being killed."

"No." Slytherin said, "I will ensure that you stay alive. Only if you stay alive can you help me complete the magic ritual better."

He looked at Scott's feet sharply and seemed to find the black feather under the flowers.

"No wonder Medea admires your talent so much."

He said with emotion.

"Your attainments in space magic are enough to shame many wizards who have studied this for a lifetime."

Scott was very humble, "It's just some tricks. Medea herself is a genius that ordinary people can hardly match."

"Medea is not a genius."

Slytherin's tone was full of indifference.

"Even if she spent her whole life, she couldn't break through that barrier. Of course, this was not unexpected. What really surprised me was that you have done it at such a young age, younger than when I did it."

Hearing this, Scott couldn't help but cast a sympathetic glance at Medea.

The expression on Medea's face changed again.

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