The Winged Guardian

10 Worse than demon.

The pain dispersed and melded with fear. Such revolting mixture froze my body but stimulated my heartbeats in which its loud and jerky noises cloaked my eardrums. Holding my breath, I was able to move less. There must be some anesthetic in that dirty cloth like in movies so I had better not breathe it in. But my best record at breath-holding was only thirty seconds and that was with lung packed with oxygen and staying still. Fright and panic had already reduced my limit to only five seconds and I began to sniff.

The bearded guy tied my ankles and wrists keenly while the other put a big cloth bag over my head. Gnashing my teeth with the sting, the agony, the fear, and the grudge, I could merely watch unable to do anything. Everything felt so numb. I couldn't manage to think of a single joke to make me feel better. Finally, they tied the knot and carried me up. I stayed as still as I could. Partly, because it was really hurt and I was so scared.

This is serious, right? Not just a film-shooting or reality TV show?

I half entered into a trance. The drug must have already taken its effect. My eyelids seemed to gain weight while I tried my hardest to resist. I couldn't fall asleep now. Or I wouldn't get to wake up again!

I have to call now. Call Dylan. Before everything's too late. Isn't the contract with demon for a moment like this? I have to use him at last. I wanted to sigh but I couldn't. Shit!

Eyes were almost fully shut when I tried to raise my hand and realized they were tied. Ow, shit!

It was too late as darkness devoured on me.

A thudding sound waked me up. But I wasn't sure if it was just a dream because it was pitch black.

The clattering noise continued as I scanned through the curtain of darkness. Slowly, I could feel my hands in a weird angle…and there…legs. Ok. Let's see if this really is a dream or not.

Two fingers pinched on my thigh.

Ouch. So this isn't a dream! Then where am I? Why is everything so dark?

I got up and earned in return another big OUCH!!!!

My head bumped into something solid right above. So I'm lying--but in what? Why does it seem so narrow?!

I swept my hand all over the place and found that both of my wrists were still tied and jammed up against my body. Wedged in a tiny space, I started to feel pins and needles rushing up from the feet. I tried to get my hands out of the rope, succeeded with more pain and blood. At least, they were free now.

One more thing I knew was, I was still in a cloth bag. I grabbed part of the fabric as much as the space allowed my hand to move, flinched at my chafed wrist, and used all my power to tear it out. Putting the cloth away from my sight, I tried to get up again and got another bump with the confining wall. I squinted at the pain on my forehead and reached out. This place was so small and the walls were closed in in every direction. It's like…like…I'm lying in a very small box of my size. Like…like…don't tell me this is a coffin!?!?

And that constant irritating noise…don't tell me they're burying me alive!?!?!?

No, no, think on the bright side…I CAN'T THINK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE! IT'S SO DARK HERE!

I began to get really scared.

Panic-stickened, I screamed as hard as I could, heaving breath in and out, banging and kicking this deadly box at the firmly nailed lid. I groped for whatever I could but only emptiness and splinters answered. Why do they have to do this to me? What have I done wrong?

"Hey! Let me out! Don't do this please!!!" I shouted in vain, voice rasping, hoping that the person who's burying me would hear and had a little mercy. I'm just sixteen, have never done bad things. Why do I have to die so young?!

"Please…" Tears trickled down from fear. Despair wore on my face. I didn't know what to do but kept on banging the lid with faltering hope. My hands went from hurt to numb. Splinters got into my fingers. I couldn't move. I couldn't get out. And it was getting harder to breathe. Seconds ticked by as I felt the coffin size's decreased. Does it shrink? Yes, it must be shrinking! Why else would I feel so cramped in here if it isn't getting smaller? And the scraping sound was drawing further away. I must be very deep under the earth by now.

I thought of mum. What would she think if she doesn't see me at home? What would my friends think when I suddenly disappear. Dale must be mad that I haven't even said goodbye to him. I'm sorry. Why can't I just have one last chance to bid farewell to all my loved ones?

Despair swallowed me down. I couldn't even summon Dylan here. There wasn't enough space to draw the symbol. But I sincerely hope that I could call him, could ask for his help now. Either way I would die, but calling Dylan would give me a chance to say goodbye to mum and Dale.


As if that would help I thought glumly. But whispering Dylan's name, in some way, made me feel better.


A deafening noise echoed from above and my heart skipped a beat.

What's happening?


Are they exploding this place?! No! Burying me alive is bad enough!! Don't kill me with bombs!! I don't want any more pain!

I snapped my eyes shut wanted to see no more while the succession of crashes went on. No matter what's going to happen. I'm just gonna let it end while I'm imagining about my loved ones.

An unexpected crack blared in front of me. My eyes automatically opened wide with fright and terror. I saw the coffin lid wrenched off and was ripped away with great force. Light poured in, briefly blinded me. A familiar pretty face showed up amongst dusts and soils that flew all over the place, and a black hand reached in and pulled me up into its owner warm embrace. A musical note echoed beside my ear. "Leigh!"

"Dylan!" I cried the demon's name out with warm-hearted feeling for the first time. An explosion of relief made me burst into tears. I'm still alive! I couldn't stop trembling, couldn't control the outpouring emotions.

"It's ok. You're safe now." Dylan's voice was calm and composed.

I let it all out. Both hands gripped the dangerous monster firmly. Never once in my life that I thought us humans were scarier than this creature. Yet we truly are. We mercilessly kill our own kind, kill each other. We are even worse than demons.

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