The Winged Guardian

18 Mum Returns

I was pushing Dylan out of the door when the car pulled in the drive. He was holding on hard to the frame.

"I don't wanna go!" he said.

"But my mum's coming and it doesn't look good to stay alone with a guy, shoot!"

The engine stopped and mum got down followed by Galvin. "Leigh!" she boomed with a big smile. "How's every…oops. Hello."

"Hello mum!" I lost control of my voice and it faltered. "Hi Galvin."

"Good morning, Mrs. Camden." Dylan made a sunshine smile. He didn't greet Galvin, however; merely goggled at him. Nice doing!

I was obliged to introduce this guy. "This is Dylan."

Mum and Dylan had a handshake and some chat while I looked at the fence gate in horror. Nate was walking through it. What is he doing here? Right now?!

"Morning Leigh!" He called out livelily. "Hmm?"

"This is Nate." Boringly, I told mum and Galvin again.

Mum said hi to Nate and came whispering to my ears. "It's nice you have more friends. Especially that good-looking black hair one." She winked and went into the house.

Nate's noticeably exaggerating voice snatched me back to the scene. "Nice To Meet You, Galvin!"

Galvin smiled at Nate. "You have a very bright face. Slept well last night?"

Nate's face was indeed bright and shine. His skin radiated as if it had just received a diamond-head laser plus gold-mask plus snail massage treatments. Maybe he even had a bath milk or a spa.

"Yeaaaaaa." Nate said teasingly rude. "Two nights of good sleep and good news." Then, he swept his yellow eyes at me and Dylan. I wondered what would Galvin think about them. Contact lens?

"What?" Galvin was very patient. He still talked to the yellow eyes demon. "What do you mean?"

"My brother here," and he draped his arm over Dylan's shoulder. "got a very interesting con-"

I lost their conversation when mum came out again with her newly pack baggage. I looked with confusion. "Sorry about the laundry Leigh." She said.

"You are going out again?" I asked.

Mum nodded. "Possibly a month this time."

"A month!" I almost shouted.

"I have to be on the spot." Mum said. "People are dying like plague. Haven't you listened to the news?"

I haven't. I haven't got time. I was too busy staying alive.

"You take care not to get dehydrated too." Mum pressed on. "Wear light clothes. Turn on the air-con if you want. It's a very strange summer." She walked in and out of the house fetching needed stuff into the car. "And you know, I heard from Ruth just now," Ruth was her colleague. "We found another two dead in their apartment in this town. They are young healthy men. And to think that even they would be killed by the heat too!"

Galvin walked to me. He left Nate and Dylan talking to each other. It must have been a pain talking with that yellow eyes demon. I understood. He was very rude!

Galvin coughed a signal to begin an awkward conversation between about-to-be stepfather and daughter. I stirred a little bit but pretended I didn't hear. What is this? It doesn't feel right at all.

"We are going away for a month to work on the heat attacks hearts cases." He tried to begin with the simplest topic.

"I know." I answered without turning to him.

"Umm. Ahem." Galvin coughed again. "Are you gonna be okay living alone?"

And he hit right at my wound. Of course, I won't be totally okay with those demons looming around! But what can I do? Mum has to go and I cannot change her mind. She's the only person that can make me feel normal. Even though I have admitted a new life, some normality wouldn't hurt! But it's going to be super weird telling him the truth. I mean, telling your real dad the truth is already weird enough, not mentioning he's not even my stepdad yet.

"I'll be fine." I said voice slightly high as I tried to hide the fact.

"You have to look after yourself. Lock the door. Don't forget to eat every meal. Keep the house tidy-"

And now he's acting like my dad! "I know." I said without even really listen. He's not my dad. Why should I?

"And don't go out with a guy alone." He glanced at both teenage demons.

"I know."

"You know," continued Galvin. Oh! He really isn't going to end it, is he? "You're a girl. And you're still very young for…love stuff."

Now I looked at him. What's his point? Why is he talking something like this to me? He's actually a pretty brave man. Not scare to talk to a teenage girl about romance.

"I know." I said again after a long staring. Most of the reason was I didn't really know what to respond.

"Good." Galvin seemed satisfy. "You're too young for love. You don't understand them. You're not in love. What you teenagers call love right now is actually just lust, which means it isn't love, it's just a wrong decision you're making and you're going to regret it, and it will be a scar in your life when you grow up. You should wait till you're a bit older."

A whole lot of logic flowed non-stop from Galvin. I tried to digest what he was talking. Seems like there is a lot of 'do not love' thing. But my head was still full with clouds. So my mouth responded with its muscle memory. "I know." And it followed with what my instinct told me to say. 'Don't worry Galvin. I'm not with anyone."

"I'm ready." Mom called out while she was making a noise walking down the stairs. I was grateful she was finally done. "Galvin can you lend me a hand with this?"

"Gladly." He was obviously pleased as he spoke, beaming at me, before getting to her. "Take care Leigh."

I followed them with muddy head. I couldn't concentrate on mom's goodbye and whatever happened before they left. I had a vague memory of a tight hug and kisses and something mom said about 'care'. When I knew again, the car was long gone.

"I like your mum." Nate said but he barely talked to her. He was obviously faking it.

"She's very friendly." Dylan added. Yea, she really likes you Mr. Prince. I secretly sighed after the chance of having mum, my only reality, dissolved into air. Encouraging myself again, thinking of time with Dylan, I was then back to my pace.

"Hey, Leigh." Nate said. "You know, I got it out of them last night. I come especially to give you this good news."

I raised my brows. "Who?"

"The guys who kidnapped you, remember?" Dylan said. Who would forget that? "I sought them out that night you got buried, or I wouldn't have left you with Stix and pals after such incident."

"And you actually found them?" I listened to both demons with interest and disbelief.

Dylan nodded. "It wasn't hard. And I saw their faces. I want to know who make them do such things."

"And who would that be?" I wanted to know too.

Dylan turned to Nate for an answer. The yellow eyes demon put his arms around our shoulders and said with a twinkle in his eyes. "Let me deal with that. Both of you don't have to worry."


"What are you going to do by the way?" Nate interrupted me. "I'm so free. Can I hang out with you today?"

The horror! My brain was running at full speed finding a reason to chase this demon away. It was, nevertheless; still too slow for Dylan. He accepted the request and talked about my hobby. Dylan said that he thought we were going to draw more today. Nate demanded a look at my collections and both demons raced off to my room. I felt like this house, this life, had become less and less mine. And when I was half way at the stairs, they came racing back down with all of my supplies.

"Let's go draw something fun Leigh!"

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